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Curvy Women Wanted 06 - The Biker's Desire

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not one of the women, Rock. I don’t go to the parties, and I don’t hang out.” She knelt on the bed, her hands resting on her thighs.

  He loved her curvy body. In the past couple of hours, he’d gotten to learn every inch of her, and he wasn’t done.

  Walking toward the bed, he cupped her cheeks and smiled down at her. “Then come to a party.”

  She jerked back. “What?”

  “I did try to invite you the other day.”

  “You want me to come to a club party.”

  “Yep. It’s going to be pretty scary. Lots of guys, drink, and sex. Pussy is always on offer.”

  “I know.”

  He frowned. “What do you know?”


  Her cheeks went red.

  “Out with it.”

  “Well, people talk, and I’m a cleaner. I’m like a kid. I’m always seen but not noticed. I’ve heard a lot.”

  “You did, did you?”

  “Nothing bad, I promise.”

  He chuckled. “Why don’t you take a chance and come see what we’re all about?” He stroked her cheek, needing to touch her.

  She was leaning back on her legs, and she knelt right up. Her fingers sank into his hair as she pulled him down by his head, claiming the kiss. She ran her tongue across his lip, and he met her halfway.

  This time, he held her in place as he took the kiss he wanted. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he moaned as her nails tightened their hold.

  She was everything. Pushing her to the bed, he followed her down, spreading her legs so that he could fit between her thighs. Grabbing his already swelling cock, he filled her pussy, slamming deep within her, until she moaned. He felt the tip of her cervix, letting him know he was as deep as he could go. Grabbing her hands, he pinned her to the bed, driving ever deeper.

  He loved having her beneath him, completely at his mercy. Fucking her was a dream come true.

  Rock had been dreaming about taking her from the moment he met her. She was everything to him, and then some.

  She thrust up to meet his cock, taking him hard. Her eyes fluttered closed. Rock didn’t hold anything back, fucking her so hard the bed slammed into the wall.

  Her moans turned into guttural cries that echoed around them.

  The need to possess this woman consumed him. She set him on fire. Watching her with another man, even just talking to him about her shitty car, he’d not liked. He wanted to claim every inch of her, to have his mark on her body so that everyone knew Adele Sparks was Rock’s property.

  He’d do whatever it took to make her his. Failure wasn’t an option. One day with Adele and she still fueled his body. This obsession wasn’t just about sex. It was so much more, and then some. He needed her.

  “You know, we’ve not used protection all day.” He didn’t consider himself a father, but if it helped his cause, he knew he’d get her pregnant.

  That was what he wanted. Now he just needed to make it what she wanted.

  “I’m on the pill. We’re safe, and I’m clean, I promise.”

  Rock paused. There went that plan. Even though it had only just entered his head, he’d not liked it. Knocking a woman up to keep her was not his idea of fun.

  “What if I wasn’t?” he asked, not liking that she put herself at risk like that.

  She licked her lips, frowned, and then focused on him. “Was it wrong of me to think you were a decent guy? I’ve come to know you.”

  “I’m the leader of an MC.”

  “So, it doesn’t have to make you an asshole. I’ve seen what you’re like, and I think you like me. Would you really put me at risk if you weren’t safe?” she asked.

  She’d seen him.

  She knew that he liked her.

  For now, that was enough.

  Taking her lips once again, he wrapped his arms around her, doing something he’d never done with another woman. He made love to Adele slowly, taking his time, learning every curve, every inch, and knowing there was no way in hell he was ever going to let her go.


  The soreness felt good.

  Adele had to keep reminding herself that she was a professional, and she couldn’t stand there and daydream about Rock. The party was tonight, and she was nervous. Every night this past week, he’d stopped by her house, and hadn’t left until the morning. They shared a meal together before one thing led to another, and they were having sex.

  She loved the sex, but she had found that Rock was also … funny. It seemed completely absurd to think of a Prez of an MC as funny, but he made her laugh. Sometimes he’d pull funny faces, and then his impressions of some of the townsfolk were just hilarious.

  Most of the time, laughter would turn to sex.

  Working for him, he’d always appeared to be so laid-back but also in control, like nothing or no one could get to them. The women who talked about him were always moaning that he didn’t want anything else from them, and since she’d been in the clubhouse, he’d not even used them for sex.

  They didn’t know how to capture his heart.

  “Are you okay, Adele?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m sorry, yes.”

  She finished wiping down the lawyer’s desk, smiled, and then left. It had been a long day. One week they’d been together, not even that, not really.

  With her car out of commission, she still hadn’t bought a new one. The jobs she still attended to were the ones in walking distance, that she could carry her stuff with her. She liked to keep busy.

  Her parents would tell her to stop taking so much on for herself, and to hire someone. Right now, she wasn’t ready. This business was her baby. Cleaning was something she was good at, and she loved it.

  The reputation of her company rested on her shoulders. Training someone didn’t have any appeal at all.

  She packed up her stuff and headed outside only to pause. Rock was standing next to a car. His arms were folded, and he wore a pair of sunglasses. Right in that moment, he looked freaking hot.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” he said.

  Adele glanced behind her and frowned. “Are you talking to me?”

  He was laughing by the time she turned to face him. “Look what I got for you.” He stepped away from a large, jeep-style car. Her logo and phone number were printed on the side, which was what she’d always wanted to have but never gotten around to.

  Rock held up the keys. “Figured we could go have a spin. New set of wheels, what do you think?”

  “Well it depends. Do I get to take it for a ride, or are you taking me for a ride, and I’ve got to enjoy that?”

  He tossed the keys toward her. “Nope, you’ve got to take me for a spin. I want to know how this baby rides.”

  She stared at the keys in her hands, touched that he’d taken the time to actually go look.

  “I also had Carl give it the once-over. Everything is perfect, and it’s insured as well. All you’ve got to do is keep on top of it. What do you think?”

  Adele was … blown away.

  Don’t cry.

  “I think it’s perfect.” She opened up the trunk of the car and placed her bag of cleaning products inside. Moving around to the driver’s side, she climbed in and ran her hands over the wheel. The scent of a new car was all over. The leather was pristine, and hadn’t been worn. This was brand new, not used.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She pulled the seatbelt on and slotted it into place. “Put your seatbelt on.”

  “Honey, I ride a bike.”

  “I don’t see a bike here, so I guess you’re a passenger in my car. Seatbelt please.” She blew him a kiss and giggled at his glare.

  “If one of the guys catches me, I’m never going to live this down.”

  As she turned the ignition key, the monster purred to life, and she sighed. Even the car sounded impressed.

  Pulling out of the curb, she took a few minutes to get used to the feel of the car, and she took them out of tow

  She headed toward that special lane that only teenagers liked to go to. The space was private, and like a giant parking lot. She’d passed it a couple of times on her way out of town. At night, a couple of cars would be there. It was a known hangout for teenagers to make out.

  Unbuckling her seatbelt, she climbed from her seat and straddled Rock.

  He grabbed her ass, moaning as she pressed her pussy against his already hardening cock.

  “I can see why they call you Rock Hard,” she said.

  “This is what you do to me, babe. Always making me hard. Are you going to help me with that?”

  She silenced him with a kiss, holding his face in place as she did. Breaking from his lips, she trailed hers down to his neck, sucking on the pulse. “Thank you for the car.”

  “It’s a pleasure, babe. I want you to be safe.”

  Another reason for her to adore him. He cared about her.

  She shuffled from his lap, moving so that she was kneeling in the space at his feet. It was a little cramped, but she didn’t mind. Opening his jeans, she took out his cock. Sliding her tongue over the tip, she heard him hiss.

  Taking the head of his cock into her mouth, she sucked down his length, and he filled her mouth. She bobbed her head, closed her eyes, and couldn’t get more than halfway down before he was hitting the back of her throat.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, that feels good. I’m going to get you treats more often.”

  They were both laughing, but he guided her mouth back to his cock, and she sucked him. This wasn’t to say thank you, or for the car. This was because she’d been dreaming about sucking his cock all day, and couldn’t … wouldn’t pass it up.

  Chapter Five

  “The sluts are not happy with you, Prez,” Nails said, taking a swig of his beer.

  Rock watched as Adele spoke with one of the old ladies. Claire was one of the few women who came to their parties, and was an old lady to one of his men. He was pleased that Adele had someone to talk to, as all the club whores were giving her glares.

  “I don’t give a fuck what they think.”

  “They all thought they were in line for a bit of Prez action time. Kind of sad when you think about it.” Nails shook his head.

  “She’s mine, Nails. Put the word out. She’s protected.”

  “You’re claiming her as your old lady?”

  “Yep. Just make sure she doesn’t know. I’ve not told her yet.”

  He walked away to the sound of Nails laughing. Several of the men nodded in his direction. Banding an arm around Adele’s waist, he pulled her close. She stood out like a sore thumb, the blue dress she wore seeming more for a cocktail party than an MC club one.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Where have you been keeping this one, Rock? I was surprised to see her here,” Claire said.

  “I have my ways of keeping her safe.”

  “You better. There are a lot of women who’d like to get her claws in her. It was nice meeting you.” Claire kissed Adele’s cheek and left him alone.

  Spinning her around in his arms, he was aware of nearly all eyes from the club staring at him.

  Adele wrapped her arms around his neck, seemingly oblivious to their current attention. This was the first time he’d brought a woman here. Adele was different. She wasn’t part of the club in any way.

  “I wish you’d told me what I should wear.”

  Most of the women were in skimpy outfits, leaving nothing to imagination. Even with the fabric molding to every curve of her body, it left people guessing to what was under it. He liked that none of the brothers had tasted this woman’s sweetness.

  “I don’t think you should change a damn thing.” He pulled her close, putting his hands on her ass. “You look sexy as fuck to me.”

  “I stick out, Rock. You don’t think I look silly to you?”

  “Nope. You look like my woman, and I’ve got no problem with that.” He pulled her onto the dance floor, not caring that others watched.

  He’d never given any of the women even a notion of belonging to him. Kissing Adele’s neck, he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her being in his arms. She teased the hairs at the back of his neck, and his cock was getting hard once again.

  One time, or even one day, or a week, were not enough to stem his arousal for her. She was in his veins, under his skin. He couldn’t get enough of her, and didn’t want to.

  “I want to take you upstairs and fuck you so hard that you’re screaming for more.”

  “Oh, my, you can’t say that kind of stuff here right now. People are watching.”

  “If you look closely enough, people are also fucking.”

  He spun her around so that her back was to him. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he refused to let her go. He didn’t mind giving her space to talk with Claire, but he wouldn’t let her on her own.

  Some of the club bitches liked to say some nasty shit, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with their drama. He just wanted Adele to get used to his world, and to, he hoped, be part of it.

  “Oh, my,” she said. “They are.”

  “It gets a little crazy at these kinds of things.”

  “I think I need some air.”

  He kept hold of her hand, and they made their way outside. Several brothers were outside, and they gave him a wave as he passed. Moving around the back of the clubhouse, he pressed her up against the wall.

  Rock was about to kiss her when he saw the tears in her eyes. “Babe, what is it?” Had he missed something? Did one of the men say shit, or the women?

  He didn’t like her crying; every protective instinct rushed forward, and all he knew he had to do was protect her. Anyone who hurt his woman would know they had suddenly started a war with him.

  “I don’t belong here.”


  “Look at me, Rock. You must be so embarrassed.” She dropped her hands, and her body seemed to slump as if she was giving up.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head up so that her lips were close. “The last thing I think about when I look at you is being embarrassed, Adele. I can’t even believe you’d think that.”

  “I’m not like those women. I can’t be like that.”

  “Then thank fuck, because I wouldn’t want you. Do you see me panting after them? Do you see me caring what’s happening with them? Or spending hours looking for a damn car just so my woman will get from A to B safely? No. I don’t want them. I don’t even want you to dress like them. You’re my woman. My lady, and that’s how I want it to be. None of the brothers have ever known what you feel like. They don’t know how tight your pussy is or how good you moan my name when you come. I like that. You’re all mine, and in this club, that means something.” He watched as she licked her lips. The tears had begun to slow down. “I don’t want you to be anything else. I like you just the way you are.”

  To finish, he took possession of her mouth and pressed his cock against her body, letting her know exactly how good she felt against him.


  Rock’s lips on her neck felt so good. Adele gripped his leather jacket as the cool air brushed along her skin. The party was more explicit than she had thought it would be. Claire had warned her to stay away from the free pussy in the club. They wouldn’t like her taking Rock.

  Was Rock hers to take?

  She didn’t want to share him with anyone. The thought of other women touching him filled her with a need to stake her claim on him.

  He was hers, no one else’s.

  His hand moved to her knee, and he began to push her dress up. Rock was breaking every single one of her rules, and she didn’t care.

  Rock made her want to be wild, to finally unleash her needs. Her pussy was so wet, so slick that she knew the moment he touched her panties, he’d feel her reaction to him.

  She wanted his cock, craved it.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she met him stroke for stroke, their teeth snapping together as the kis
s they shared deepened.

  “Fuck, baby, I need to stop,” he said, kissing down to her neck, sucking on the pulse.

  Resting her head against the wall, she gasped as he finally cupped her aching pussy.

  “Don’t stop,” she said. “Please, Rock, I need you.”

  He tore at her panties, and she watched as he placed the torn fabric into his jacket pocket. There was something so hot about that. Did he consider them a trophy? Something to be won?

  His hand returned to her pussy, and he slid a finger through her slit, teasing her clit, stroking the swollen bud.

  “You feel so good,” he said, moving that finger down to plunge inside her.

  He added a second finger, and she gripped the back of his head as he ravished her neck. He was hitting all the right spots, making her ache in all the ways she had long since thought she couldn’t.

  “I want you to come for me, and then I want to take you right here.”

  “Someone could see.”

  “No. I won’t let them see you.” He cupped her face with his free hand. “You’re all mine, Adele. I want you—no, I need you—to trust me with this. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  He was saying all the right words, and she couldn’t keep her heart out of the equation, not with Rock. For the past couple of months she’d been working for him, and secretly yearning for him at the same time.

  With two fingers within her, he rubbed his thumb back and forth across her clit. The pleasure was coming all over her body, and there was no way for her to control it.

  She gasped his name as her orgasm rushed through her, shocking her with the force. Rock kept teasing her, driving her crazy with need.

  Only when he was ready did he remove his fingers.

  Adele watched, almost mesmerized as he stepped back, unbuckling his belt and releasing his cock. Even in the darkness of night, she saw the outline of his impressive dick. It was long, thick, and belonged to her.

  He lifted her up. “I want those eyes on me.”

  She couldn’t look away. He held her attention, no one else.

  His cock moved across her slit, and she released a gasp as with one thrust, he filled her completely.


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