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Big Fat Liar 2 (Big Fat Liar #2)

Page 7

by Cookie Moretti

  Cursing under his breath, Chris released her hand and ran his fingers through his hair. Pausing, he peered at her face under the light of the street lamps. "Cal...are you wearing makeup?"

  Callie swallowed. "'s lip gloss."

  He stared at her.

  "Justin Bieber wears it," she blurted out.

  Chris blinked and stared at her for several seconds before shaking his head. "Get in the car." He unlocked the doors and opened the driver's door and slid inside. Callie walked around the car and opened the passenger door. She slipped inside and timidly closed the door shut whereas Chris slammed his.

  "Put on your seat belt," he barked.

  Callie complied without argument, sensing that she was walking on eggshells around Chris. He looked furious. Was he still mad about what happened in the morning?

  The drive back to their apartment was a silent one. Callie was starting to doze, feeling tired and sleepy. All that alcohol she consumed was starting to get to her again. She really wasn't used to drinking. Whenever Chris would come to her apartment and drink Budweisers she would stick with her diet soda and tea.

  When they reached their apartment, Chris had to shake her awake. "You're more trouble than you're worth," Chris grumbled as he helped her walk up the stairs leading to their apartment doors.

  "Sorry," Callie mumbled. "Sorry."

  "Where's your house key?"

  Callie shrugged. "Abel has it."

  "Perfect," Chris sighed. "Alright, guess you'll just have to stay at my place until Abel comes by with your keys."

  Chris unlocked his door and guided her inside. He scowled at her when she nearly tripped over nothing and had to steady her. "Jesus, Cal. Be careful."


  Chris supported her until they reached his room. Callie sat on the edge of his bed and dazeley stared up at him. "You're mad at me."

  "Hell ya, I'm mad at you." He glared at her. "You were being reckless. If you would have went home with some guy you don't even know...he could have been a killer, Cal."

  "So what?" She muttered, "why do you care? You hate me anyway."

  "I don't hate you."

  "Yes you do." Callie sniffed. "Admit it. You hate me cause I like you."

  Chris stared at her and sighed. "I...I don't hate you."

  "Liar." Feeling dizzy, Callie crawled up his bed and laid down. "Liar. I'm a liar too."

  "You're drunk," she heard Chris say, "that's what you are."

  "Don't hate me," Callie heard herself saying through the haziness of her mind. "Please don't hate me."

  Chris's face came into view as he knelt in front of her. "Cal, I said I don't hate you."

  "You swear?"

  His features softened. "I swear."

  "Is it okay if I love you?"

  Chris stared at her and didn't speak for a minute before he shrugged. "Do what you want."

  Callie smiled, drifting off to sleep. "Okay."

  Chris stood and stared down at Cal who had finally fallen asleep. "What a mess," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He had wanted to put a little distance between them and now here Cal his room.

  Sighing, Chris placed his hands on his hips and rolled his neck, his muscles feeling stiff and tired. He stared up at the ceiling with a frown before looking back down at Cal. "You're going to be the death of me, you know that?"

  He leaned forward and brushed the strand of hair away from Cal's eyes. Straightening, he stared at him a few seconds longer before shaking his head. "Night, buddy."

  Chris walked out the room and flipped off the light.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Callie woke up with the beam of light streaming from the parted curtains hitting her eyes. Moaning, she flipped to her side, her back facing the window to block the light from her face. Sighing, she snuggled her cheek deeper into the pillow, inhaling a familiar scent that was not her own. It was a strong, manlier scent.

  Blinking, Callie forced her eyes open again and lifted her head up to stare at the white pillow. White? Her pillows weren't white, they were purple. It matched her favorite purple pajamas. Callie rubbed her eyes and yawned, pushing herself up and looking around her surroundings.

  Through her throbbing head, she realized that while the room looked wasn't her own. Callie sat up all the way and stared at the opened room door. She could smell the scent of strong coffee drifting in from the kitchen.

  Chris's kitchen, Callie thought with sleepy wonder. What am I doing in his room? Her eyes widened when she realized exactly where she was. On his bed!?

  Rubbing her temple, she climbed out of bed and stumbled. She straightened herself and caught her reflection in the dresser mirror. I look awful, she thought, wiping the remains of sleep off her eyes. Glancing at the door, she tiptoed out and went inside the bathroom.

  As silent as she could, she washed her face and brushed her teeth using her finger. She didn't want to face Chris with bad morning breath. Staring at herself in the mirror, she wiped her face dry, dropped the towel in the dirty clothes bin next to the toilet and combed her hair back with her fingers.

  That's a little better. Callie blinked at her reflection and sighed. Well...just a little.

  Working up the courage, she peeked out the bathroom down the short hall towards the kitchen. She didn't see Chris so she tip toed out. Huh, maybe if she was very quiet she could sneak out and-

  "Where are you going?"

  Callie froze, eyes widening when she realized that Chris was watching her with his back against the wall, a black steaming mug in his hand. He cocked his head at her, looking refreshingly handsome in snug blue jeans and a black collared shirt that buttons in the front. His dark blonde hair was slightly tousled but in an attractive boyish way. Callie had a strange urge to run her fingers through them to see if they were as soft as they looked.

  "Cal?" He lifted a brow at her.

  "Um," she straightened from her sneaky tiptoeing position and smiled weakly at him. "M-morning."

  "It's already past two," he informed her, blue eyes never wavering as he watched her.

  For some reason, the way he was looking at her unnerved her, sending her heart racing and palms sweating. "Oh," Callie said, rubbing her palms on her pants.

  "Coffee?" Chris offered, walking into the heart of the kitchen to where the coffee maker sat brewing on the black counter.

  "S-sure." Swallowing nervously, she walked into the kitchen and sat down on one of the black kitchen chairs, the glass table in front of her.

  Chris casually strolled back to her, setting another black mug with steaming coffee in front of her. Callie stared at the black liquid but didn't make any move to pick it up. She was far too nervous to drink anything. The heavy atmosphere in his apartment was weighing on her like bricks.

  "Um," she looked up at him, "what am I doing here?"

  He paused from sipping from his mug and stared at her. "You mean you don't remember?"

  "Bits and pieces," she admitted. "I remember being at the bar...drinking...singing? Then," she frowned, "then you came? After that I don't remember much else."

  "Hmm." Chris sipped his coffee. "Is that so?"

  God, Callie thought, I feel so uncomfortable. Which was strange, there was never a time when she felt uncomfortable around Chris but she felt like she had done something and he was looking at her with disapproval. If he had somehow found out she was a girl during the night, he was sure taking his time in busting her.

  "I was thinking," Chris said after several minutes of silence.

  Callie stared at him. "Thinking what?"

  "It's Sunday." He walked to the sink and placed his mug inside. "This is usually the day we jog at the golf course. Let's go."

  Callie blinked. "N-now?"

  Chris looked at her. "Yes. Now."

  What? "Um." Callie stood. "Sure, I guess. I'll go to my apartment and get something more comfortable to wear-"

  "Abel has your keys," Chris cut her off.

  "Oh." Damn. "He ha
sn't come by with them?" When Chris shook his head, she started chewing on her bottom lip and when she realized that Chris was watching her too intently, she stopped.

  Taking a deep breath, she released it. "O-okay. Well I can ask the manager down stairs-"

  "It's Sunday remember?" Chris cut her off again, leaning his hip against the counter and crossed his arms. "The office is closed."

  Oh damn it all to hell! Did that mean she was stuck with Chris until Abel decided to show up with her keys? Or until Monday? Which ever came first. Callie plopped back down on the seat and stared at Chris.

  "I have some clothes you can fit," Chris told her, "some sweats."

  "Okay," she replied numbly, then shot up. "I-I think I need some fresh air." She picked up her coffee mug and brushed past Chris to put it in the sink. When she turned back around, she found him blocking her way, his body inches from hers.

  Heart thumping uncontrollably, she lifted her eyes up from the tantalizing sun-kissed skin peeking out his unbuttoned shirt and met his eyes. He was far too close for comfort and she could swear the she could feel the heat radiating from him. Lips parting softly, she continued to stare up at him, feeling trapped under his gaze.

  To her surprise and shock, he lifted a hand up and brushed the strand of hair on her forehead. She started to tremble when she felt his thumb grazing against her skin, her body starting to tingle at his closeness and touch. The very maleness of him.

  Chris drew his hand back and stared at it thoughtfully, as if he himself couldn't believe that he had touched her so intimately. As unnerved as she was by his touch, she wanted him to do it again. God help her, she wanted to feel his against her. Heart...body...soul.

  "Chris?" She said his name, her husky voice sounding breathless.

  As if snapping out from under a spell, Chris blinked and stepped back. He shook his head and turned around. "I'll go get you those clothes." He stalked off before she could say another word.

  Callie watched him disappear into his room and sagged against the counter. What the hell was that!? Her mind raced. He hadn't touched her casually like a close friend...nor had he looked at her like that. She wasn't experienced but she could swear that his touch had been those of a lovers...and his gaze. That intense gaze...

  Shaking, she picked up the mug from the sink and drank the coffee, ignoring the sting of the hotness of the liquid. Gasping for breath, she put the mug back in the sink and wiped her mouth with the back of her hands. Staring at the bedroom entranced, Callie could only hope that Abel would hurry up and bring her keys before she did something dangerous like rape his brother.

  From within the room, Chris had his back pressed against the wall, eyes fixed on the same hand that had touched Cal. He had no idea what made him do it. All he knew was that Cal had looked so vulnerable and he had felt an urge to comfort him. He had felt disgusted with himself afterwards yet it had also felt so...right.

  Cursing, he turned and placed his hand against the wall, closing his eyes and bowing his head. He tried to erase the innocent wonder in Cal's eyes when he had touched him, tried to block how Cal had softened, pink lips parting. But it was useless...the image was haunting him.

  Yeah, he had to get them out his apartment before he did something he'd regret later. He no longer trusted himself to be alone with Cal. For both their sakes...he had to get them out the confines of his apartment.

  Twenty minutes later, after a long awkward silence in Chris's car, they arrived at the golf course. Callie stepped out the car wearing maroon sweat pants and sweatshirt. From the other side, Chris also stepped out the car, wearing dark grey sweat pants and white tank top. Usually he would bring the radio with them but this time he didn't.

  Closing the door, Callie stared out at the wide golf course, the cool breeze picking up. She dragged her hair from her face and turned to look at Chris and caught him staring at her. Blushing, she looked at the ground.

  "Come on," she heard Chris say over the wind, "we'll start jogging now."

  Callie looked up. "Aren't we going to stretch first?" Chris had always enjoyed stretching first. It seemed odd that he didn't want to now.

  "No," he shook his head. "Do you want to?"

  She shrugged. "No...doesn't matter I guess."

  "All right then," he shot her a boyish grin that quickened the pace of her heart. "Let's roll."

  Smiling, she followed him down the cliff and started jogging beside him. After weeks of coming at the golf course to jog, she no longer struggled as much to keep up with Chris. She had gotten used to jogging even if it was a slower pace to what Chris was used to, he never complained. He had been proud of her.

  After fifteen minutes of jogging, they felt more comfortable with each other. Chris had even started to tease her when he noticed that she was slowing down a bit.

  "Come on slow poke," he teased, "my grandmother could run faster than that."

  "Shut up," she said with a laugh. "I'm still jogging aren't I?"

  When an old Korean couple that looked to be in their sixties passed Callie, Chris started laughing and taunting her. "You suck!" She called back after him when he was several feet ahead of her. She stopped jogging and bent down to catch her breath.

  Chuckling, Chris jogged back to her. "Come on, don't give up on me now." He reached down and took her hand. "Let's go."

  Callie looked at her hand on his and looked up. Chris smiled down at her, blue eyes twinkling. She smiled back at him and straightened. "Okay."

  Hand in hand, the started jogging again. Not even three minutes into it, the grey sky darkened more and it started raining.

  "Didn't you check the NEWS or something to see if it was going to rain today!?" Callie shouted over the pounding rain as they ran towards shelter.

  "Nope!" Chris shouted back.

  By the time they made it to the shelter of the small restroom roof, they were already both soaked. "Great," Callie grumbled, combing her wet hair back with her fingers. "Good job, Chris."

  He scowled at her. "Yeah, like it's my fault that it's raining." He ran a hand through his hair.

  Callie leaned against the brick wall and shivered, watching the rain come down harder. "Geez, only in Washington."

  Chris glanced at her then at the rain. "When was the last time you played in the rain, Cal?"

  "What?" She looked at him and froze at the mischievous twinkle she saw in his blue eyes. The teasing curve of his smile sent her heart fluttering. "Play in the rain? Uh, never. My mother would have killed me."

  "Really?" Chris's smile widened. "When Abel and I were kids, we used to play outside in the rain."

  "You're lucky you two didn't get sick."

  Chris glanced at the rain and back at her. "Let's go play."


  He grinned and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

  "No...wait...Chris!" Callie shrieked when he dragged her back out in the rain. Cold rain water pounded against her and she tried to make a run back towards shelter but he caught her waist and jerked her back. Fearing the he would brush against the swell of her breasts, she fought him.

  "Calm down," Chris laughed, pressing her back against him, "it's just rain!"

  "Jerk!" She cried and swirled around to push him back. Unfortunately, he had dragged her by a small steep hill and when she pushed him they both stumbled and started rolling down on the slippery grass.

  Callie's screams was drowned out by the pounding rain but Chris heard and instantly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms protectively around her as they continued to smoothly roll down the hill. When they finally reached the bottom, Callie landed on her back with Chris pinned on top of her.

  Gasping for air since she just had the wind knocked out of her, she stared up at him as he lifted himself up. She blinked at the rain dropping on her face. "Chris! This is your fault!" She pounded on his chest. "You ass! We could have been killed!"

  Chris laughed, taking her wrists and pinning them down on the grass. "Calm down! You hurt?"

  Callie w
iggled beneath him. "N-no, I don't think so." She gazed back at him and realized just how close his body was pressed against hers. Swallowing, all she could do was stare at him.

  "You know, Cal," Chris said, pushing her wet hair from her face, "anyone ever tell you that you scream like a girl?"

  "Shut up," she grumbled. "Let me up!" They were in a very dangerous position. With her wet body below his, he could realize that she was a girl.

  "Stop wiggling," he scolded at her. Callie froze at the sound of his voice. "Cal," he said slowly, "what would you do if I kissed you?"

  "W-what?" She squeaked.

  Chris wiped the water coming down on her face and over her eyes. He swallowed, telling himself that what he was about to do was stupid and crazy but now that it was stuck in his mind...he wanted to do it.

  "I said...what would you do if I kissed you?"

  Callie blinked and gaped at him. "A-are you messing with me?"

  Chris shook his head. "No."

  Oh God, Callie thought, her body burning. I'm so going to regret this later but...

  "Do it," she whispered. "Kiss me."

  "What was that?"

  "I said do it!" She said louder. "Kiss me." Please kiss me.

  Chris's hot gaze landed on her lips and she felt her poor heart fluttering like crazy against her chest, her stomach burning with butterflies.

  "Chris," she swallowed, "please...kiss me." Had he changed his mind? Had the miracle that made him want to kiss her flown away so fast?

  With the rain still pounding against then and around them, Chris lowered his head, lips hovering inches above hers. She could feel his hot breath brushing against her lips. Groaning with impatience, Callie lifted her head up and pressed her lips against his. After that she didn't know what to do. She was inexperienced in all this and she wasn't sure how to proceed, all she had wanted was to have Chris's lips against hers. Beyond that she was clueless.

  But Chris wasn't. Taking control, he pressed her soft body closer against his and devoured her mouth. The only kisses that Callie had every experienced were quick kisses on the cheek or a peck on the lips from Greg but this...this was...something else entirely different.


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