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Princess For Them

Page 20

by Kelsey Blaine

  “It is as I have told you. The only solution I saw to the problem of policing my kind, of a sizeable population now, was to bring in more guards. Would you deny that this was not needed?” Kohl ground the words through his teeth and the quiet that ensued in the room was heavy. “That is what I thought. Either way, it would be ridiculous for me simply to import fifty men if I had in mind to invade Earth and take it over. That is nor my intention. I am here to foster an alliance.

  “To further allay any insecurities I am perfectly willing to divert the extra Ve’dran force to your own officers. So that in the areas where my kind reside there is always a Ve’dran guard or two present to deal with any disturbance of our kind. Otherwise, they will simply be bystanders,” he suggested.

  There was a collective murmur throughout the room. Eventually the Executive spoke.

  “That is a good suggestion, we’d like to draft an agreement and lay out punishment should the terms be overreached in any way,” he said.

  “Of course, until we can finally come to an agreement on the alliance terms,” Kohl said pointedly. The humans were being incredibly slow in deciding upon Kohl’s terms or any revision suggestions. In the grand scheme of things, it was highly frustrating. The only reason he tolerated the wait was because of his Maya Lu. Just picturing her face calmed him.

  He urged the humans to hurry in their quick draft of the new provisions for his extra military personnel. Once it was signed, and things seemingly smoothed out with the humans, Kohl stood from his table and left, closely followed by his guards. Who knew what the media was saying while he had been in the meeting. All he could think about was Maya.

  Had she seen his fifty warriors fly in? Had the media said something terrible about him? Had she believed it? Kohl hadn’t had a chance to see anything on the television before he was escorted to the highly secured center to speak with the Union of Earth Nations’ Interplanetary Alliance Committee. Kohl figures Maya should be at the hotel for work by the time he left the governmental complex. He had his guards drive him to his suite straight away.

  “Prince Kohl, shall we gather the diplomats?” Kelhan said, reminding him of his duty. Of course he needed to inform his fellow Ve’drans of what had transpired at the meeting they were not invited to.

  “Yes, yes, quickly,” Kohl said. He began to pace around the living room while he waited. He did not need to make his people suspicious of him, but he also desperately wanted some privacy with Maya. He knew he would have explaining to do and he hoped she would listen to what he had to say. Within ten minutes’ time, lords Beerus, Caspin, and Marhay had gathered in his suite with their assigned guards.

  “So what of the meeting with the humans Prince Kohl?” Beerus asked. Kohl had half a mind to send the man back to Ve’dra with a request for another diplomat. Kohl felt it was largely Beerus’s doing that had caused their current predicament with the humans.

  “I’ve managed to convince the humans to let our extra forces stay,” said Kohl.

  “Those humans are such fools! We could manage a coup and take their planet right from under them if we wished it!” Beerus laughed. Kohl bit back his reaction. The anger in his chest would have led him to harm or kill Beerus for being such a fool himself. But Kohl felt he should tread lightly until the humans moved on the alliance terms. What with his coming kingship, he did not want to appear not to be following the Ve’dran way. A Ve’dran king would not act softly toward a race seen as lesser to the Ve’dra.

  “However, to forego the annoyance of their media, none of you are authorized to speak to a camera. If an interview be proposed to you, it must be approved by me first,” Kohl said. He made sure each of them understood that fact. After speaking with them Kohl dismissed his guards from the suite, apart from Kelhan.

  “Do you need my assistance in finding her my prince?” he asked without Kohl having to say anything.

  “Thank you Kelhan, your loyalty means much to me,” Kohl said, placing his hand on Kelhan’s shoulder. Such a gesture is one of the highest honors royalty can bestow on that of the warrior class in Ve’dran culture. Kelhan glanced down briefly, with a deep breath before meeting Kohl’s gaze.

  “I would rather follow no one else but you my prince,” Kelhan said sincerely. Kohl nodded. They then split up, and began searching for Maya Lu.

  He wished he had some way to get in contact with her. The lack of such a simple practicality fell heavy on Kohl’s shoulders, especially as he could not find her.

  “Prince, Kohl, can I help you?” one of the hotel’s human security called Kohl’s attention as he made to walk into a hallway labeled, ‘Staff Only.’

  “I am looking for Maya Lu,” he informed the man.

  “Oh Miss Lu? She and most of the hotel staff had been moved to a different facility to work, due to your incoming military personnel. However once the fleet was cleared as nonthreatening, our staff were all given the choice to remain working at this particular location. Miss Lu decided to continue working at the other location unfortunately. Much of the cleaning staff followed her. It’s a shame, as Maya is quite loved around here.”

  Kohl was perplexed at how candidly the guard spoke with him. It was no secret that he was very nearly hated among much of the human public. Yet…this guard of all people, was polite and kindheartedly so.

  “Well…thank you,” Kohl inclined his head towards the guard and turned around to return to his suite. He sent a message to Kelhan directing him to bring a vehicle around. Kohl would simply go to her home. Surely she hadn’t moved away from there in the time it took for the threat to be deemed all clear and the Alliance Committee to be brought together for that meeting.

  Kohl couldn’t wait for Kelhan to alert him that he’d brought the vehicle around. After changing his clothes to more easily blend with the humans and keep out of the media’s eye, he went to await the black sedan out in front of the hotel. Kohl could scarcely recall a time when he’s been so anxious to be with a woman.

  Chapter 2


  Maya sat down with a heavy sigh. She felt like rolling underneath the couch rather than sitting on it. She’d been in that kind of mood four days in a row. She was scared to even turn on the TV. She didn’t want to see Kohl’s face, and he was constantly on the news. The news was the last channel she’d left it on before turning off the television, so off it was staying.

  Maya’s eyes drifted to the door right before a heavy knocking startled her to her feet. Cautiously she tiptoed forward to look through the peephole. Kohl was on the other side of the door, standing there alone. He was wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. When she didn’t open the door he knocked again.

  “Maya Lu…I know you’re here, I see your vehicle outside,” he said then knocked again. She took a deep breath, then reluctantly opened the door. She felt that if she didn’t he wouldn’t leave. “Maya…” he breathed her name in relief. She stared at him, almost dumbfounded.

  “Are you seriously here right now?” she asked, blocking his entrance into the house. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for whatever it was he had showed up to say. She was having a hard time even looking at him, did he have to be so attractive? He looked like he just walked out of some GQ shoot for casual wear.

  “I was hoping to explain things to you, about what—”

  “I already know what happened. I was there in the confusion you caused when you had your warriors flying right into D.C. I didn’t know what to think! I couldn’t believe the same Kohl that I was starting to see as different had done such a thing!” Maya let out her frustration, unable to keep it in anymore. Kohl simply stood there and stared at her. “Well?” she said, prompting him.

  “Maya, I find myself in the very precarious position of satisfying not only my race but also yours. This is a delicate and stressful negotiation. There was an incident where my people were in the wrong, I know that. I recognized it and saw the only solution acceptable to both races, which was to have my own people work with your authoritie
s to police the non-military Ve’drans here. I went about it in a Ve’dran way I suppose. We are not accustomed to…having constantly to explain how we govern, nor such panicked reactions.”

  Kohl was obviously frustrated; it was in his voice. Even though the way he stood was almost pleading, his hands opened in front of him as if imploring Maya to understand. For that reason alone, she didn’t slam the door in his face.

  “Yes, I guess it’s a human trait to be methodical and talk things out before acting. We freak out, we can’t help it. As a leader Kohl, especially one trying to strike out an alliance with another race, you should be willing to understand us and compromise,” Maya spoke adamantly and hoped like hell he was listening.

  “The Ve’dra are very…it’s seen as weak to put the ideals of others above your own. I am in the position of becoming king very soon, so I cannot appear weak to my kind. A weak king would be bad for my people. Especially now, when we are striving to have a presence and stake with the UAP.”

  Maya could see where he came from and reluctantly understood how difficult it must all be for him.

  “Please Maya…I do not want what is happening out there to affect…this,” he said, gesturing between them, unable to define whatever it was they had. Maya wasn’t even sure herself, the only thing she was certain of was her continuing attraction to him, unfathomable as it was. She’s been able to ignore a gorgeous idiot before, but Kohl? She couldn’t get him out of her head. With a tremendous sigh she stepped back so that he could come inside.

  He shut the door behind him and took her hands in his. “I apologize if I caused any fright with the incoming fleet that day. Even more so if I scared you or hurt your feelings,” he said sincerely. His amethyst gaze locked onto her green one.

  “Kohl it’s not my forgiveness you need. I’m not…” she took a breath and collected her thoughts. “I just want you to do the right thing in all of this,” she said. Kohl studied her face for a long moment before he bent his head and pressed his lips against hers.

  Chapter 3


  She tasted just as he remembered, sweet. Immediately he wanted more than a kiss from her, what with all the uncertainty he had been through. Kohl needed to make sure things would go back to way they were before. But Maya still seemed wary. She pulled away from him and glanced around the small room briefly before her gaze settled on the kitchen.

  “Do you want anything to drink? Eat?” she asked, walking away from him entirely.

  “Well…I do have a taste for something, but it is not in your refrigerator,” he told her with a small smirk. She glanced back at him and tried not to smile, covering it and quickly turning around again. He watched her take a bottle of wine out of a small cooler, and a couple of glasses. “Maya, what is your phone number?” Kohl asked her, pulling out the human version of a communicator, something they called ‘cell phones.’

  “I guess you don’t have my number huh?” she chuckled ironically.

  “I do not like the idea of you being out of reach when we are not together,” Kohl said honestly. Maya gave him her phone number, then poured them both wine.

  “Kohl what are we doing exactly?” Maya asked him frankly. She took a sip of the golden liquid and Kohl reached for his own glass.

  “I am not sure of anything but one, and that is how I feel about you. I’ve not ever thought about a woman so frequently before. I’ve never had such a need for anyone as much as I do you Maya Lu,” Kohl hoped she could tell the sincerity in his tone. He wanted her to be secure in him, in his feelings for her. He didn’t want to let what happened politically affect them.

  “Oh…” was all she said.

  Kohl had to laugh. It was the one instance where she appeared to be speechless. “That is all?” he teased her. She giggled and the sound felt like music to his ears.

  “I feel the same way,” she said cutely. Kohl grinned at her and leaned across the bar to kiss her once more. If all she would offer were her lips, he’d take them as often as he could. Since they were not talking about interplanetary politics and she was not annoyed with him. Kohl wondered about her background, why she lived so modestly. If she’d been a woman of Ve’dra she would have been coveted for her looks. Perhaps made to be in performance of some sort. She wouldn’t be cleaning up after galactic diplomats and hidden away in a small home at nights.

  “Tell me about yourself Maya,” said Kohl, more as a demand than a request. Her sharp gaze snapped to his and he softened it with a smile, glad when she laughed.

  “Well…what do you want to know?” she quirked a brow at him while taking a small sip of the wine.

  “Your profession, did you choose it for yourself?” Kohl did not mean to sound pretentious, he was genuinely curious.

  “Yes…well in a way I didn’t. When I was younger, I lived in a single parent household. I was my mom’s only daughter and she…um, she was diagnosed with cancer, right around the time I turned sixteen. I had to put her first in a lot of things because I was the only one that could take care of her. It was that, or be separated, and I didn’t want that to happen. So instead of stay in school keep going with my education, I dropped out and started housekeeping. Just to bring in some money, to keep food on the table. To do anything to keep her upbeat and focused on getting better.”

  “Did she?” Kohl asked quietly. He hated that she had to go through such an ordeal at such a young age. Meanwhile he’d been the height of spoiled and coddled in his formative years. Every bit the young prince.

  “No, she died when I was eighteen. I needed money, and since I had the housekeeping experience, this is the field where I ended up.” She took a drink of the wine and set the glass down on the table.

  “Are you happy with your work?” Kohl asked because it was difficult to tell.

  “I love the people I work with…but I don’t know. Sometimes I toy with the idea that I could open my own little inn or bed and breakfast you know?” she mused.

  “You do seem like more of a leader than the kind to do menial work,” Kohl observed.

  “Like cleaning up food a prince with a temper tantrum threw all over the floor?” she asked.

  Kohl laughed and put his glass down to try and catch her. She slipped out of his grip with surprising ease and darted into the living room, giggling the entire time. Kohl gave chase and followed her as she ran into her bedroom. He caught her just before she could jump onto the bed. Holding her close he was glad she was willing to be playful with him. It was simply him and his Maya Lu, with nothing else from the outside bleeding in to drive them apart. Laying her down onto the mattress, he kissed her slowly. He pressed his body against hers, feeling the outline of every part of her body through her clothing.

  “You must have thought me to be a child,” he murmured against her lips and pulled back to see her amused grin.

  “Sometimes I still wonder,” she joked and stuck her tongue out at him. Kohl nibbled on her neck while circling his fingers around her wrists. He held her hands above her head and circled his hips against her.

  “I want you, Maya Lu,” he said in a deep voice.

  Chapter 4


  “Kohl…” Maya was trying not to end up naked with him, but it was damn hard to resist him. Especially as he grazed her throat with his teeth.

  “Maya…” His voice tickled her neck and she figured, what the heck. She could make time for conversation later. She had been the one to lead them into the bedroom anyhow. She sighed with a lazy sort of pleasure. Kohl hummed against her skin and she felt his smile against her skin. He was clearly happy that she was giving into him…yet again.

  Maya tangled her legs with his and leveraged her weight to turn him onto his back. Kohl laughed in surprise, the sound was chocolate-smooth, and warm.

  “I’m impressed, you’ve managed to dart away from me and overpower me in bed?” he teased, tilting his head up to kiss her briefly on the lips.

  “So I work out? I like to keep in shape,” she stuck her tongue
out at him and he made as if he would bite it. Maya untangled her legs to straddle him as he sat up, his hands holding her bottom.

  “Keep…in shape?” he asked, making her laugh.

  “Yeah, stay active. You know, exercise?” she clarified. Understanding passed over his features then and he gave her a crooked smile.

  “I am still learning some vernacular,” he explained.

  “What language do you speak on Ve’dra?” she asked him curiously.

  “Well we all grow up learning Vardic, but when schooling starts we are taught the common language of the UAP…” he said.

  “Can you speak some to me?” she asked him curiously.

  Kohl smiled and spoke a few soft sentences. It sounded like some sexy mix between Portuguese and a Baltic language.

  “What did you say?” she asked.

  “That you’re irresistible and I’d very much like to make you mine…” Maya kissed him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Also I said that I want you naked,” he grinned. Maya chuckled while she slid her hands underneath his shirt. She let herself enjoy the feel of him, sliding her hands all over his chest and stomach. When he laughed, grabbing her hands, Maya felt as if she’d just discovered the Prince Kohl’s weakness.

  “Kohl…are you ticklish?” she asked, giggling. He simply grinned at her and played coy.

  “I have no idea what that word means,” he said.

  He tilted his head and bit her neck lightly. His hands became sure as he pulled her shirt off and peppered her chest with kisses. As soon as her bra was undone, things happened very quickly. He sucked her nipple into his mouth grazing his teeth against it while pinching the other in between his fingers. Her hands tightened on his lower back as electric pleasure swept through her. She wanted to get him naked and pulled back a fraction, breaking his contact with her breasts, to pull his shirt off. Kohl groaned in frustration and quickly stood her up so they could both get out of their clothes.


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