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Princess For Them

Page 21

by Kelsey Blaine

  Kohl barely gave Maya time to catch her breath before he was pulling her onto him once more. He sat at the edge of the bed, pulling her legs on either side of his hips to straddle him just as before. His fingers lightly rubbed her clit and her whole body flushed with heat. He teased her with his mouth too, brushing his lips along her neck and collar.

  “Kohl…” she panted, her sex clenched with need. It never seemed to take much from him to get her highly aroused. She reached between them to arrange the tip of his sex at her entrance. She was already wet and eager for him. Without any more preamble he thrust into her. Maya had to hold onto his shoulders for balance as she began to ride him. Kohl let her take her pleasure from him, his gaze hardly ever leaving hers and his hands constantly roaming her skin.

  It didn’t take long before Maya was flying into climax. But that was hardly it for them, she and Kohl spent much of the day wrapped up in each other. Honestly Maya had forgotten all about her earlier hurt with him. A full day of sex can do that for a girl.

  * * *

  “You didn’t answer my question though!” Maya laughed and kept him from taking a bite of her French toast. She’d made a savory parmesan version to go with the eggplant; she had been hungering for something with Italian flare. She was secretly super pleased that Kohl seemed to like her cooking so much. He was on his second huge helping of the eggplant parmesan.

  “When I was of fourteen years…I convinced my pilot instructor to let me take my father’s fastest flier out to the racing zones. Ahh…needless to say, among professional flight racers, I lost. Dramatically so. I steered into the edge of the racing zone, clipped one of my wings and crash landed, in front of an entire host of Ve’drans. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life,” he said in a rush. Maya had introduced him to the ‘truth or dare’ game; he’d chosen ‘truth’, and she’d asked what his most embarrassing moment had been.

  “Wow…oh my goodness, were you badly hurt from that?” she asked, a little horrified for young prince Kohl.

  “Yes, I had two broken bones and a lot of bruising, but nothing life threatening,” he smiled.

  “Okay…you’re way too nonchalant about that,” she chuckled, offering him her French toast so he could take a bite.

  “What? Would you not let a child of ours, perhaps, fly race?” he asked her as if they were talking about go kart racing.

  “Um…no,” she said with a small chuckle.

  “Well perhaps you may have to simply see for yourself that it isn’t all that dangerous,” Kohl said thoughtfully. As if they were indeed having a future ‘fly racer’ or whatever he called it. Weird thing is, anyhow, Maya got a warm feeling in the center of her chest thinking about having a little boy who looked exactly like Kohl. That scared her a little bit.

  Chapter 5


  Kohl didn’t want to leave Maya, even though he now had a way to contact her. He simply wanted to remain in their separate reality, just the two of them, for as long as possible. But he had to check in with his duties.

  “Tell me Kelhan, have you been keeping an eye on Beerus as I asked?” Kohl glanced at his guard while he drove to the hotel.

  “Yes my prince, he has been adhering to your orders. The diplomats have taken a more periphery role, overseeing the progress being made at the various academies our innovators have been dispatched to. The humans are still taking a long while as far as making a decision with the treaty. They are working with our kind in scientific exchange.”

  “But no mention of the UAP at all?” Kohl asked. Referring to one of the true goals of striking an alliance with the humans. The United Planetary Alliance was what would carry Ve’dra into the future of the galaxy. Being a member of the largest planetary union would offer his people boundless opportunities.

  “No, nothing on that front whatsoever,” Kelhan sighed.

  “I feel as if we are making progress, yet not at all.” Kohl murmured. Then an idea struck him. “Kelhan, do not take me to the hotel. Instead take me to the Union of Earth Nations building.” Kohl had a mind to go see what exactly was taking so long in the negotiations on the humans’ part. It all would have been so much simpler if Earth were under one rule. Instead he then had to visit several of the planet’s leaders to get a sense of what they were thinking as far as accepting alliance terms.

  Even though it was later in the evening, he found the tall glass building of Union of Earth Nations to be still bustling with activity. Due to his clothing Kohl blended in with the other humans at first glance. That was, until he walked up to the lobby’s main reception desk.

  “Oh my god! You’re…you’re Prince Kohl!” the woman whom he approached was wide eyed. She looked him up and down a few times before regaining her composure. “I apologize your highness; how can I be of service?” she asked quickly.

  “How many of the Earth’s leaders are present currently?” he inquired. She did some clicking around on a hidden computer, then reported that less than a third of the delegates or representatives were present.

  “If you would, can you direct me in how to reach each of their offices?” he inquired. The woman appointed someone to take him around. He told Kelhan to remain as unimposing as possible. He did not wish to appear as unapproachable to the humans. The best way to change how they saw him was to appeal to their leaders and media. The former seemed the easiest start.

  * * *

  “Prince Kohl, Lord Beerus and the rest are requesting an audience with you.”

  Kohl looked up from his breakfast. He’d much rather be sharing a meal with Maya Lu, but she did have work. He was eager to share with her the progress he’d made the night before in speaking to the few human leaders he met with.

  “Why are they requesting audience?” Kohl asked Kelhan just as his human communicator went off in his pocket. He pulled it out and smiled as he discovered a message from Maya. She ‘ditched work’ as the message read.

  “To discuss your dealings at the Union of Earth Nations building last night,” Kelhan informed him.

  “Tell them I will meet with them this evening, have Beerus set up a dinner,” Kohl said distractedly. He dialed Maya’s number to call her.

  “Does this mean I may spend the day with you?” he asked when she answered after the first ring.

  “I think it means you’re obligated to.” She sighed in an almost yearning fashion, “I’m just lying down on the couch here…naked—”

  “I’ll be right there,” he said quickly. “Don’t move,” he ordered her, loving the sound of her giggle before he ended the call. Kohl left his food and alerted Kelhan to bring a vehicle around after speaking with Beerus.

  Kelhan was efficient, he met Kohl downstairs already set to go. Kohl wondered if he should increase Kelhan’s station. To his personal viceguard, someone to carry out any task Kohl needed. Whether it be of a military nature or not.

  Kohl arrived at Maya Lu’s in less than ten minutes. Of course she technically had to move to open the door for him. But she only wore a satin robe as clothing, and that Kohl appreciated.

  “Did you ‘ditch’ work because of me?” he asked, as he circled his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “Maybe…” she said coyly. “Either way I have a bunch of sick days to spare so…I guess I’m feeling under the weather,” she said. Maya stretched up on her toes to kiss his jaw and Kohl eagerly took her to the couch.

  “I went to the Union of Earth Nations building last night…” he said. Kohl had an urge to tell her about the meetings he had. How well things went the night before.

  “Yeah? What happened?” she asked curiously. She tilted her head to the side, her hair fanning his chest with the movement.

  “I will tell you about it after…” he said slowly.

  Maya laughed, though it was short lived as Kohl’s lips cut her off. He loosened her robe and slid his hands against her skin. Kohl marveled at the fact that the smallest touch exchanged between them could set off a hunger so deep he was starting
to realize he’d never outgrow it.

  Chapter 6


  Kohl was asleep on Maya’s bed. She didn’t want to be weird, but she couldn’t stop looking at him. For one he was adorable when asleep, he looked like a little kid, no worries or doubts. Second, she’d never seen him sleep before and it made him so much more…human. Maya had been having a hard time with him being around so much. She wanted to try and keep a sort of mental distance from him. Even though they’ve been plenty close physically.

  It’s been more than difficult though; they’ve shared a lot with each other. Kohl was a normal guy outside of his being a prince of course. What’s more is that he was someone she could definitely see herself being with. Maybe half of her was already a goner for him; any touch and she felt sparks. She just didn’t want to get hurt again. With a sigh, she got up and stretched, it was only one in the afternoon. She wished they could go out like a normal couple. But she could only imagine what controversy might arise if they were seen out together by the media.

  Maya’s phone started to ring and she saw it was Tilly calling. She froze for a second. She hadn’t spoken to Tilly in ages. Cautiously she stepped out of the bedroom to answer the phone.

  “Maya, I thought you’d gotten sucked into a black hole, what’s up with you girl?” Tilly asked.

  “Um…uh…” Maya was at a loss for words. She couldn’t not tell Tilly about Kohl. Then all of a sudden she felt faint.

  “You okay Maya?” Tilly asked, some concern in her voice. Maya sat down at the breakfast bar and figured she should have eaten breakfast or at least had some water after her morning coffee.

  “Yeah, I just…it’s lunch time is all. Um…Kohl and I are back on,” Maya admitted. Tilly gasped and about several heartbeats passed before she said anything.

  “What?” was all she said in the most dramatic voice possible. Maya got up to go grab a bottle of water and something sweet. A wave of dizziness hit her hard and she had to hold onto the counter to keep her balance. Yeah that was the last time she was having Cuban coffee without anything else in her system.

  “I don’t get it, I thought you were hurt? I thought we agreed that he’s bad news?” Tilly asked. Meanwhile Maya was trying to get the room to stop spinning. As she opened the fridge things went back to normal and she took a small breath to steady herself.

  “He showed up and explained things…you know he’s in a tough position,” Maya said, fully aware that she was defending Kohl, when a month ago she would have been bashing him as hard-to-handle, Earth-hating villain. Instead of simply getting water and a snack she pulled out some items to make lunch.

  “He’s in a…oh my goodness you’ve been completely blinded by love,” Tilly said, incredulity heavy in her tone.

  “I’m not blinded…”

  “Or is it what’s in his pants that has you all completely turned around?” Tilly said, cutting Maya off.

  “Please Tilly, I’m not…in the mood to debate about him right now. I can’t explain it; I’m just drawn to him. I can’t help it either,” Maya said with a sigh. She started to make a tuna melt when Kohl stepped out of the back hallway. Maya’s eyes widened, wondering how much he heard. “I’ve gotta go Tilly. I’ll talk to you later,” she said hastily and ended the call over Tilly’s protests.

  “I felt your absence…” Kohl said, he still had some sleep in his voice. Maya couldn’t help but melt just a little.

  “I got hungry,” she said sheepishly and gestured towards the pan. “Do you want a sandwich?” she asked him.

  “I will eat anything you make,” he said with a smile. His eyes drifted over her shoulder to the stove clock for just a moment before he focused on her.

  “Do you have to go soon?” she asked him, anticipating what he might say next. She turned towards the stove, paying attention to the sandwich in the skillet.

  “I do need to return to the Union of Earth Nations Building soon,” he said reluctantly. “I wish I could have you with me there,” he added.

  “Do you?” she quirked her eyebrow at him, glancing over her shoulder.

  “Yes, I enjoy being with you. I feel a certain calm when we are together,” he told her truthfully. Maya actually blushed a little and turned back around to focus on making the tuna melts.

  “Did you mean what you said earlier?” Kohl asked unexpectedly. Maya glanced at him curiously and he looked at her cell phone.

  “Oh so you did hear…” she murmured, he nodded and gave her a small smile. Not guilty at all.

  “Yes I meant it…” she said slowly.

  “It was reassuring to hear that we share the same affections. I can’t tell at times,” he said truthfully.

  “I’m not a robot Kohl, of course I have feelings for you. But I mean…sometimes I wonder how realistic our relationship is. What can we be more than this? We can’t even go out for a lunch date,” Maya didn’t expect to be so truthful with him, but it just all came out. Kohl didn’t have a response, but then what would it be? Their relationship, such as it was, existed only within the walls of her little bungalow.

  Maya focused on the sandwiches, quickly finishing them up and pairing them with some kettle-cooked chips. Their lunch was short, relatively quiet, she wished they hadn’t had that conversation at all. When Kohl was finished eating, he kissed her deeply and slowly walked out of the front door.

  She didn’t like how she felt when he left. Like he’d taken some part of her with him. As she cleaned up the few dishes she had to admit it to herself, she was pretty much a goner.

  Chapter 7


  “So you say they’ve responded well to this…added attention?” Beerus inquired almost suspiciously. Kohl remembered to keep his head, though he so wanted to leach the life from the insufferable nobleman.

  “Yes, I believe the process has been sped up greatly. They see that I am…approachable,” Kohl answered after a sigh. He glanced at the clock over the mantelpiece in Beerus’s suite. It was eight p.m. He wished to be with Maya, not speaking in circles with Beerus and the rest of them.

  “Perhaps we can align after your example?” Marhay suggested.

  “I do not think that is the best course of action Marhay. We should be pillars of the Ve’dran way. I understand Prince Kohl need do what he must to expedite the inevitable outcome of our alliance—”

  “What exactly are speaking about, Beerus?” Kohl stood up, quick to get into Beerus’s personal space. He wanted the short round man to realize who he spoke of. Kohl was satisfied to see his face pale and his words stutter.

  “I-I only mean that…your coddling of the humans…”

  “I coddle no one! If any, it be you! I am growing intensely weary of your comments Beerus. So do clarify exactly what you were getting at?” Kohl held his hand out to Kelhan, who placed the hilt of his sword in Kohl’s palm. Beerus’s eyes widened as Kohl turned on the voltage of the weapon. “I do hope for your sake you do not suggest that I am perhaps soft.” Kohl’s voice was deadly calm rather than filled with rage. Part of Kohl did hope Beerus gave him excuse to end the fool’s life.

  “N-nothing my prince, I was merely acknowledging your instinct in handling the humans. I am sure they will soon accept our terms of alliance…” Beerus’s beady black eyes never left Kohl’s. He didn’t like the challenge in the diplomat’s eyes. Neither did he particularly want to deal with the repercussions of killing a nobleman who was one of his father’s closest advisors.

  Kohl shoved Beerus out of his way as he turned to return Kelhan’s weapon. “I must be going,” Kohl said over his shoulder as he moved towards the doors.

  “But, my prince, we have not yet discussed all that needs addressing. You’ve already ignored one of our earlier set meetings…” It was Caspin who spoke up. Beerus knew better.

  “We’ll continue this tomorrow. I’d very well kill that one if I stay,” Kohl murmured as he stepped out into the hall with Kelhan. For the first time he saw in Beerus what Maya and the rest of the human race m
ust have seen in him before. Kohl wondered for what must have been the hundredth time how Maya could have possibly seen past such an attitude.

  “Shall we return to your woman’s house my prince?” Kelhan asked Kohl as they rode the elevator down.

  “Yes,” he said. Kohl wondered if he was obsessed with Maya Lu, certainly it was not healthy to want one person so much. When he arrived at Maya’s house he took the key from under the plant, which he remembered from the first time he had been here…but the door was unlocked. He silently stepped inside, locking the door behind him. She never left the door unlocked…Kohl’s senses were on alert as he checked the house. Thankfully, there seemed to be no intruders.

  He heard Maya’s voice in her bathroom. She was singing and it sounded as if the shower was on. Kohl tested the handle, it was unlocked. He stepped inside and leaned against the sink. Her shower stall was enclosed in clear glass; it would only take her a moment to notice him. But while she sang, unaware, Kohl did appreciate the view. She also had quite a nice voice.

  “Oh my god Kohl!” she screamed when she saw him. “How did you get in here?” she asked, clearly startled.

  “You left your front door unlocked,” he said calmly. Though he was hardly that. All he could imagine was some male other than himself, creeping in to look in on her or worse.

  “I…oh…” she said, chagrin and apology in her tone. Kohl undressed, slowly, letting her watch him as the room began to steam from the cascading water. He soon stepped into the stall with her. His size seemingly dwarfed her in the enclosed space. He braced his hands on either side of her head and bent his to kiss her soft lips. She circled her arms around his waist and curved her body to his. Kohl’s arousal was pressed in between them. He simply wished to be inside her, then he’d take his time washing her. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her into the wall. She guided him into her, seemingly reading his mind. He marveled at how tightly her sex gripped him every time he slid into her.


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