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Princess For Them

Page 24

by Kelsey Blaine

  “Is he upset about her? About the child?” Kohl asked, hoping to mask his small anxiety. Avira’s amethyst eyes narrowed on his gaze. He knew he couldn’t hide anything from her.

  “You feel deeply for this woman, don’t you? And before you make up your mind to lie, save the thought and simply tell me the truth,” she said sternly. Kohl wondered briefly if Maya would scold their child the way his own mother scolded him. He could vividly imagine a small child, a girl that appeared just as Maya. Maya would be quick to keep their child humble, that he was sure of.

  “I do mother…” he said on a sigh. “I…wish to explain some things to you and father tonight,” he said in a low voice. Avira studied him closely. But soon she gave a single nod and gestured him to continue on through to the dining area.

  “So what sort of mood is father in?” Kohl asked his mother. She simply looked up at him with a sigh and shake of her head. “Ah…I see,” he murmured.

  Omrin was already seated at the head of the dining room table, set for three. The tall window panels were all drawn back so that the breeze from the sea wafted into the room. The view was one of the main features of the room, apart from the company of course.

  “Wonderful that you could join us Kohl. I was beginning to think you’d stood up the very King and Queen of Ve’dras,” Omrin chuckled. Kohl stifled his sigh and sat only after his mother did.

  “I had a thoughtful walk here is all,” Kohl said.

  “Oh? I hope you are not distraught over the birth and care of your bastard. Your mother has many ideas as to its existence…” Omrin said, not unkindly. It was simply the way and time in which Omrin grew that led him to speak as he did. Kohl took a deep breath as he reminded himself of that.

  “Yes father, actually the birth of my child and the wellbeing of Maya does cause me some concern…” Kohl paused to gauge his father’s reaction. Omrin sat there, and leveled a hard gaze on Kohl.

  “The woman’s name is Maya?” he scoffed.

  “Yes. I care about her a great deal,” Kohl said. Omrin chuckled and shook his head.

  “She is human; how can you possibly have grown feelings for someone of an inferior race? What future could you see with her? A lower class Ve’dran you couldn’t even marry without great difficulty, let alone a human,” Omrin said.

  “Father I need you to listen to me as your son for a moment. Then consider what I have to say thinking of me as a Prince and future ruler of Ve’dras. One to usher it into the next millennia…” Kohl paused and stared his father down. Omrin huffed and adjusted in his seat. But he did not refuse.

  “I began a dalliance with Maya on Earth, but that soon changed to something with more meaning to me. I would say with certainty that I love her—” Kohl was cut off by Omrin sputtering in shock. Thankfully Kohl’s mother shushed him into resettling.

  “The child was something neither of us foresaw, nor planned on. But we will have the child. Whether you approve of it or not that child will have royal blood. That and I want as much a part in its life as I can have. This means that we must we strike favorable terms with Earth. That may lead to a close alliance, and twined rulership.” Kohl glanced at both his parents and let that sink in a bit. If his child should choose to rule Ve’dras after Kohl. Then the child being twined; half human half Ve’dran, would link the two as sister planets which is recognized under UAP policy.

  “In order to avoid a possible planetary war in the future. It is imperative that I strike a favorable and comfortable alliance with Earth. If we could do this now, then we would be in a more than favorable position to join the UAP. Which you already know. Once we’ve joined the UAP, Ve’dras’s future is bright, with excellent opportunities for trade and technology exchange,” Kohl said. He was proud of himself for remaining level-headed throughout his speech; that and for the fact that his father listened completely, from beginning to end.

  “I find utmost logic in what you have to say Kohl. And if you do truly feel love for this woman…Maya…it would do well to have a simple visitation process so that you may see both she and your child. Assuming she decides to return to Earth,” Avira said.

  “She does have desire to return. So yes it would be good to have full access to her should our planets align,” he said.

  “By ‘favorable’ and ‘comfortable’ you mean to say that you wish to draw terms more suitable to the humans?” Omrin asked gruffly.

  “It is an alliance. There should be mutual benefits,” Kohl said.

  “That would mean there would be mutual drawback, correct?” the king shot back.

  “Perhaps, but if I could strike up rapport with the human leaders without suffering backlash, nor accusations of ‘softening’, then perhaps we could strike a deal with no drawbacks on either side,” Kohl said patiently. Both he and Avira watched as Omrin took a deep breath and steepled his fingers at his lips. He descended into deep thought just as the servants swept into the room with food.

  Chapter 5


  Kohl left his parents feeling quite victorious. His father had agreed with him! Grudgingly of course. But Omrin had admitted that Kohl was the future and he trusted him enough with the future of Ve’dras. Omrin even promised not to meddle into Kohl’s affairs unless Kohl himself expressly asked for counsel. The date was still set for Kohl to take the throne over Ve’dras and he’d soon have a little heir or heiress of his own. That and Beerus was dead. There was much for Kohl to be pleased with.

  He returned to Maya’s quarters and found her asleep on the living room chaise. She’d changed clothes and wore a simple white shirt along with cotton shorts in similar fashion. He knew that pregnant women required much rest…and food. Kohl glanced around the apartment. He wondered if she’d been fed appropriately. Did she have dinner? He couldn’t let Maya nor his child starve! He swiftly crossed the room and bent down to gently shake Maya’s shoulder. She inhaled sharply and recoiled from him as she woke.

  “I’m sorry to wake you…I was wondering if you’d eaten,” Kohl said quickly. Maya took a deep breath and scowled at him.

  “Why are you here Kohl? Am I going home?” she asked.

  “You can return to Earth whenever you wish. I will take you personally, but I wanted to speak with you first. And have you truly listen to me…please.” Kohl watched as Maya battled with herself. Eventually she sighed again and gave him a simple shrug.

  “Fine, what do you have to say?” she grumbled and looked down at her fingers.

  “I love you,” as soon as Kohl said the words Maya’s head snapped up and she stared at him blankly. “I am very sure that I’m in love with you and as for the baby, I couldn’t be happier that you’re our child’s mother. Of course we would have to discuss things such as my eventual rule of Ve’dras. And how I would get to be in the child’s life regularly, what with you wanting to live on Earth. But we have some eight or so months to discuss that, correct? Also…I should have stated this before all that. But I’ve spoken to my parents and told both of them exactly how I feel about you. Our child will not be a bastard. Its legitimacy will be recognized by the Senate and all the correct authorities. I plan on fully claiming it as my own. Boy or girl it will be heir or heiress to the throne of Ve’dras if it so chooses. I also changed my father’s mind in how I deal with the alliance negotiations with Earth. He has full trust in me and I believe that taking a friendlier approach and treating Earth as an equal to Ve’dras will do the trick.”

  “Stop Kohl…you’re babbling,” Maya eventually said.

  “Even though I babble, I still love you,” he said earnestly. That made Maya laugh and she blotted her eyes which had become misty. “I meant every word Maya. I won’t strong arm and bully your people any longer.” His tone was solemn and sincere.

  “I…I don’t know what to say Kohl,” she whispered. Kohl then knelt down in front of her and produced one of his family’s jewels. A golden ring embedded with the most brilliant of diamonds around the band. Then a large single diamond-cut amethyst gem nes
tled as the ring’s focus. It was given to him by Avira expressly as her blessing for his love for Maya.

  “My mother granted me this of the family’s jewel collection. I am presenting it to you as a token of my love Maya. Truly I would want to spend my days with no other, even if the future be uncertain as it stands. I choose you and our child, and I vow to protect and love you both forever.” Kohl made sure to keep his eyes on hers. He hoped to convey how committed he was to her. Maya stared at him, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. After a heartbeat of silence, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight, kneeling on the floor along with him. Kohl laughed and picked her up off her feet a bit.

  “I love you too you know. I can’t help it,” she laughed, some tears in her voice. Kohl set her carefully on her feet and took her left hand in his.

  “I know this hand has much significance in your cultures,” he murmured as he slid the ring onto her ring finger.

  “Am I agreeing to marry you?” she asked curiously.

  “I would very much like you to,” Kohl smiled. “Only if you want though,” he amended. She quickly nodded and smiled at him as if he were perhaps perfect. And he did wish to be perfect for Maya. “So…did you eat?” he asked her curiously.

  Maya burst into laughter and nodded her head. “Yes actually an entire feast was sent up here a little while ago. Baby and I are well fed,” she chuckled.

  “Good, I wish you’d want to remain here. While things are so sensitive on Earth between our peoples you’d be safer here. That and my mother quite likes you; she’d keep you ample company when I’m gone,” Kohl said.

  “I don’t know Kohl…Earth is my home, you know?” she said. He sighed and pulled her down by the hand onto the chaise next to him. She leaned against him readily and he was beyond glad that he’d seemed to have regained her trust. He was content in simply holding her. He kissed the top of her head and she gave a contended sigh.

  Chapter 6


  Maya couldn’t believe it. Kohl had admitted and demonstrated feelings for her she’d doubted he had. Yet there she was, snuggled up to him. Ten minutes before she was furious at him. And now she was wearing his family’s ring on her finger with a promise of marriage.

  “Are you tired?” he asked her softly.

  “A little bit, I had a nice nap,” she said and looked up at him.

  “Would you like to walk the garden with me?” he gestured to the view of the manicured flowerbeds.

  “Maybe tomorrow…unless we’re going home tomorrow?” she asked hopefully.

  “Can I convince you to stay just a bit longer? I would like to show you my home,” Kohl said in a pleading voice. Maya giggled and then nodded.

  “Okay you can show me around tomorrow…” she said slowly. Kohl sensed her bit of hesitation and he touched her ring.

  “I will take you back to Earth. After all I cannot stay away for too long what with the negotiations,” Kohl assured her.

  “Okay then. So um, I was wondering…do you have TV on Ve’dras?” she asked, making him laugh out loud.

  “Yes, we do have our fair share of shows, movies, and other productions,” Kohl chuckled.

  “Oh, there wasn’t one in here so I was just wondering,” Maya said sheepishly.

  “My mother firmly believes that if one is visiting the Royal Campus entertainment should be found by exploring the grounds. By finding notable company to pass time with and perhaps finding inspiration on the beach,” he said.

  “Hey how come there’s not a lot of water here?” Maya asked, as an afterthought. “The planet is very green,” she added.

  “Most of our water comes from underground, wells and natural springs. We only have two major oceans,” he explained.

  “Ahh, makes sense,” Maya said thoughtfully. Kohl looked at her with an amused expression and he leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss was soft at first. He was tentative, as if he wasn’t sure they had fully reconciled. Maya pulled back to look at him and he cupped her cheek.

  “I am sorry about all this you know. Beerus, that rat, has met his end,” Kohl said. He promptly reminded her just who he was and to what lengths he’d go for her. Of course Beerus was dead. Once Maya thought about it there was no way Kohl would let him live. Maya looked at him a bit sheepishly.

  “You really do love me huh?” she chuckled.

  “Of course I do, I love you completely,” he said sincerely. Maya climbed into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her back. He met her hungry kiss with his own and licked almost greedily into her mouth. Before she knew it, she was being stretched out onto the chaise. Kohl hovered over her as he pulled off her shorts. Her shirt went next then his lips found her nipples. Maya hissed and Kohl jerked back.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked hoarsely. She could see the lust all over his face, but he was also concerned.

  “No, it’s just that…my nipples are very sensitive,” she said with a smirk.

  “Does anything else get sensitive?” he asked adorably and Maya giggled.

  “Not that I know of yet,” she said and reached for him. Kohl pressed two soft kisses to her breasts. Maya felt way too warm and was growing restless. Kohl hardly ever took things so slowly once he got her naked. “Kohl…why are you going so slowly?” Maya reached for him, but he shook his head.

  “We have time…” he said with a smirk and started to undress.

  “We always had time, that never stopped you from moving with a little more pep to your step,” she said impatiently.

  “Pep? Is that supposed to mean speed?” Kohl asked curiously.

  “Yeah, or like you have life in you…” Maya said pointedly. She glanced down at the noticeable bulge in his pants then back up at him.

  “Oh that should be no question. As I’ve subsequently put life into you,” he said suggestively. Maya laughed.

  “Come…” she said, reaching for him again. He quickly kicked off his pants and rejoined her on the chaise. Maya slid her hands up over his chest and trailed kisses along his neck and jaw. He nibbled along the cusps of her breasts before he trailed his tongue around one nipple, then the other. Maya gasped and pushed her fingers into his hair. His lips slid lower to her belly and dipped his tongue into her belly button. Maya’s hips moved restlessly and he held her down gently to the bed. His lips skipped down to her thighs and she pulled his hair so that he’d be where she needed him.

  “Maya…” Kohl chuckled. His eyes were bright on hers.

  “What? You’re taking too long…” she moaned impatiently.

  “I think I like this side of you,” he murmured, still laughing. Maya groaned and sat up, she pushed him back. Kohl watched her with rapt amusement and intrigue as she straddled him. She took his erection in her hand to stroke him and watched as all amusement fled his face. It was replaced with heat and he sat up to kiss her feverishly. She positioned him at her opening and slid down onto him slowly. Kohl put his hands on her hips to thrust into her, no longer teasing.

  Kohl was slow and gentle with her at first. But it didn’t take long until they were both lost in each other. Maya had always been blown away by him. It was amazing, she finally saw Kohl as her perfect prince.

  Chapter 7


  The following day Kohl tried not to dwell on returning to Earth and what was surely awaiting them there. He knew that Maya had a close friend named Tilly. Tilly knew of their relationship and may have become concerned enough of Maya’s disappearance to go to human authorities. Kohl hastily left one of the diplomats he trusted in charge. Erine was fiercely loyal to Kohl and the royal family, but he wasn’t the most assertive type. If something were to happen he would more likely send a message for Kohl’s return than attempt to diffuse the situation on his own.

  Instead of dwelling on the delicate situation on Earth, he spent the day showing Maya around the royal campus. He didn’t care that people stared and questioned. Maya was beautiful and to them, exotic and curious. But to Kohl she was his and he was proud
to have her by his side.

  “I’m a little hungry…” Maya looked up at him with a coy smile. They’d just returned from the historic Royal Library.

  “It is nearly time to eat. I believe my mother expressed how much she wants you to join family dinner tonight,” Kohl told her.

  “I like your mom…” Maya said wistfully. She smirked up at him briefly before a faraway look entered her eye. “She reminds me of my own.”

  Kohl found pleasure in that, warmth spread through his chest as well as a swell of pride. His mother was wonderful and he was immensely glad that she took to Maya so well. “That is good to hear. Avira is very fond of you. I imagine she would want to be close to our child once it’s born,” he said suggestively.

  “Nice try, but we still have months to decide on all that stuff,” Maya sighed. “Anyway you have to fix things with Ve’dras and Earth before we can even have that talk really,” she reminded him. Kohl sighed then changed the subject.

  “Did you enjoy the tour today?” he asked her.

  “I did, it’s really beautiful here…and it’s nice to see where you grew up.” She smiled up at him and he leaned down to kiss her squarely on the lips.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Really I was just showing you off to everyone,” Kohl said, making her laugh though he was serious. He’d introduced her to nearly all of the Royal Council as well as many members of the ceremonial court. Then other officials and senators that happened to be on the Royal Campus. He’d introduced Maya expressly as his intended mate. Kohl had enjoyed seeing the surprise and pleasure in Maya’s eyes every time he claimed her as his.

  “You did show me off,” she laughed. “Practically any chance you got,” she added.

  “I want to prove to you that I’m—”

  “Kohl you’ve proved yourself. Trust me I don’t doubt you anymore,” she said, smiling.


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