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Princess For Them

Page 25

by Kelsey Blaine

  “Good…but that doesn’t mean that I’ll stop,” he told her. Maya stayed quiet, she held her smile though.

  When they reached his parents’ suite, Avira and Omrin were waiting for them in the receiving parlor.

  “There you two are. We’re glad you could make dinner,” Avira greeted them brightly.

  “I wouldn’t have skipped it,” Maya said with a chuckle. “Kohl was intent on showing me every corner of the campus. That and introducing me to everyone in it,” she joked. Kohl grinned at her affectionately and would have kissed her again if it weren’t for Omrin suddenly clearing his throat.

  “Kohl,” he greeted him with a nod then turned his gaze onto Maya. “Maya it is good to see you well…I believe you are due an apology from me. I did not know how Kohl felt about you and therefore treated you as expendable. Either way it was insensitive of me to speak of disposing you and your child. For that I am sorry. You are important in my son’s life and now I do wish you the best with him and the child to come,” Omrin said sincerely.

  Kohl was shocked. Never did he expect his father to apologize to Maya. He figured Omrin was more likely to pretend those things were never said. He glanced at his mother and figured Avira had talked him into apologizing.

  “Oh…well thank you King Omrin, I accept your apology,” Maya said. She was just as surprised as Kohl was.

  “Very good, now we can eat well…” Omrin said gruffly and gestured everyone follow him into the dining room.

  “So now that you’ve seen much of the campus won’t you think about visiting here often Maya?” Avira asked, clearly hoping to persuade her to simply stay. Kohl knew his mother would much enjoy the business of looking after their child once it was born.

  “Of course, it’s beautiful here. That and everyone was really welcoming. Which I didn’t expect…” Maya said.

  “That is because you are seen as exotic. Apart from a few old frumpy statesmen, those like Beerus unfortunately. Most Ve’drans welcome intergalactic visitors. We don’t get enough, so any who do come here are received with open curiosity…” Avira said. Kohl could tell that surprised Maya.

  “But when the first few humans came here looking…”

  “They came without warning, so we reacted defensively and that colored some Ve’drans’ idea of humans. However, now our public knows that we are in alliance talks with Earth so many are curious about your people,” Omrin answered Maya’s confusion before she could finish her thought.

  “So no one knows how tense it is there? You know we humans are very sensitive,” Maya said almost sheepishly.

  “No, the larger Ve’dran public need not be riled about something unless it is fact. If a situation is ‘tense’ it can be interpreted in thousands of ways. If fighting and war breaks out that is a more definitive version of ‘tense’.” Omrin said. “And it is because your people are sensitive that we are not labelling anything ‘out of hand’ just yet. Kohl can easily smooth things over on Earth and everything will be fine. Back on track. When that happens there will certainly be no need for us having had to tell the Ve’dran public every nuance of how the alliance negotiations are going on Earth,” he said.

  “Oh…okay then,” Maya said thoughtfully. Kohl smiled at her; she’d just engaged his father in conversation. That was another rarity for Omrin. They continued to have dinner and Kohl thought it couldn’t have gone any better. Maya and his mother got along well and Omrin seemed to be growing fond of her. Maya did have a tendency to surprise. What with her willingness to speak her mind and how intelligent she actually was. Kohl could very well see her becoming his queen one day. Hopefully after he struck the alliance with Earth he could convince her to live with him on Ve’dras altogether.

  * * *

  “That was a nice dinner,” Maya said as Kohl walked her into his suite. He wouldn’t have her being so far away in the gardens. They were publicly bonded then. He figured she should be by his side always.

  “It did go well. I was surprised at my father. He turned around completely, he even seemed taken with you,” Kohl said, smiling down at her.

  “Maybe he’s embracing the future,” Maya said.

  “I hope so…” Kohl murmured. He encircled her waist and pulled her towards his bedroom. Maya went with him readily. As soon as they were clear of the door he pushed her up against the wall next to it and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and accepted his hungry kiss. He took her over to the bed to undress her and himself. They were both naked before long. Kohl stood while admiring her as she reached for him on the bed. Maya took his engorged sex in her hand and stroked it while massaging his balls. Kohl watched as she lowered her head to suck the tip of his sex and put it in her mouth. He groaned when he felt her tongue fluttering against the sensitive underside of his penis. She took more of him into her mouth and Kohl had to focus on remaining upright. His knees had weakened and his entire being was flooded with pleasure.

  Kohl gently pushed Maya’s shoulders and she pulled back as he got onto the bed with her. She lay on her side to face him and he did the same. His face was near her belly button and he blew in it, knowing it tickled her. Maya ran her fingers through his hair affectionately as he peppered kisses along her belly. His hand slid up her thigh and another along her chest. While his lips traveled lower and his tongue slid in between the seam of her sex. Maya moaned as Kohl tasted her sweetness and licked and sucked her sensitive folds. Her cries of pleasure were enough to push him to the brink of orgasm. He didn’t have it in him to wait any longer. Kohl slid up and hooked one of her legs over his waist so that he could enter her. Her sex throbbed around him and his body moved without him thinking. They moved together with a rhythm completely their own until both he and Maya were lost in the heights of pleasure.

  Chapter 8


  Maya almost didn’t want to go back to Earth. As crazy as that was, especially since she was the one who had been insisting on going back. Kohl had been perfect the last couple of days and she wanted more of that. More of him. But his attention would be on the pending alliance and doing his job as soon as they stepped foot back on Earth.

  “You seem forlorn,” he said, chuckling. She looked up at him just as he bent his head to kiss her temple.

  “I am a little. It’s all back to business when we get back,” she said. Kohl took a deep breath and sighed. He turned his head to look out of the spacecraft’s porthole. Ve’dras was shrinking into nothing but another star in space.

  “Indeed. Promise me something though?” He looked at her again and she nodded. “Whatever may happen, whatever your people might declaim about me, please don’t let it change your heart. You know me now better than all, apart from my mother perhaps. You and I are together now, don’t let anything come between us,” he said solemnly.

  “I won’t Kohl…I trust you,” she said unwaveringly. He gave her a sound kiss on the lips and rested his forehead against hers briefly.

  “Whatever we go back to, if it be bad, it can be worked out…” he murmured. Maya slid her hand into his and he held onto her tight. They were quiet for the rest of the ride to Earth. When their craft landed in D.C.’s space port Maya found it almost odd that there was only one black SUV waiting for them.

  “That would be Kelhan…” Kohl said almost fondly. As they alighted the spacecraft, Kelhan, Kohl’s guard, stepped out of the SUV. His expression was grim.

  “We must move quickly my prince. The keepers do not know of your arrival,” he said urgently.

  “Keepers?” Maya asked curiously. Kohl’s expression became serious within the fraction of a second.

  “The UAP have become involved?” Kohl asked incredulously.

  “I will explain while we are on the way…” Kelhan said while gesturing at the pilot of the spacecraft. He was sending him away.

  “On the way where?” Maya asked as they hurried into the car.

  “To a safe place. We have much to discuss,” he said in a clipped tone. The ride was silent. Mostly
because Kelhan was driving like a barely controlled maniac to get where they were going. Then partly because the pressure of whatever situation they had landed in was settling around them. Instinctively, Maya covered her belly with her hands. Kohl noticed when she did immediately. He put a hand over hers and shook his head at her. His eyes said everything. He wasn’t going to let anything hurt her or the baby.

  Kelhan drove them to a nice house on the outskirts of the city Maya could tell it was close to the Maryland border. It was surrounded by a few acres of open land and beyond that the land was surrounded by trees.

  “So what’s going on Kelhan?” Maya asked him, unable to keep quiet any longer. He parked the SUV around the back of the house, where the garage was. Then Kohl helped her out of the car and they followed Kelhan in. He was quiet. It seemed like he was lost in his thoughts. He didn’t answer her question until they were inside the old colonial house, sitting in the reading parlor.

  “It was reported that Maya was taken to Ve’dras against her will. I attempted to clean up the scene left at her home after you went after her. But human authorities were right behind me. I had only enough time to get there, take the pregnancy evidence and leave,” Kelhan told Kohl.

  He said to Maya, “What is happening now is that the humans finally have the backing of the UAP they’ve been seeking. The alliance sent its armed peace keepers and an appointed member of the UAP here. The humans explained to them that we Ve’drans have been imposing ourselves, that we’ve been conducting in brash and reckless manners, and that Prince Kohl is seen as aggressive and likely to war against Earth should the alliance terms be rejected…” Kelhan paused and they all took a deep breath.

  “So the humans bad mouthed Kohl and the rest of the Ve’drans to the UAP so that the peacekeepers could force you all out?” Maya summed up Kelhan’s words and he nodded, his expression grim.

  “Not only that, while they waited for Prince Kohl’s return, they imprisoned nearly all Ve’drans in a single facility—”

  “They’ve what!” Kohl exploded out of his seat with outrage. Kelhan simply nodded his head, his expression more than grim.

  “Erine and I have managed to hide many of our guards for now. We believed you’d want to free those who’ve been taken into custody,” Kelhan said.

  “Not yet…I will attempt to speak with them first,” Kohl said. He was visibly trying to regain his composure.

  “I’m afraid that may be fruitless Prince Kohl. Much of this has happened in due to with Maya Lu’s disappearance, and the mistrust it sowed,” Kelhan explained. Maya immediately thought of Tilly. Of course her friend would report her as missing. Then she was sure Tilly would have been forthcoming about her and Kohl’s relationship.

  “Even still, I must try to be diplomatic before resulting to violence…” Kohl murmured. “I will go to the Union of Earth Nations building—”

  “Kohl wait, don’t go without having a plan. What will you say once you’re there?” Maya asked. She stood to tug on his hand and he turned his head to study her gaze.

  “If our relationship is mentioned I will reveal that we are engaged to be married. Is that alright with you?” he asked gruffly.

  “That’s fine, but Kohl what if they gang up on you…what are the peacekeepers exactly? Can they hurt you?” Maya asked, glancing briefly at Kelhan.

  “They wouldn’t think to touch me Maya, because then there’d be a true war on their hands. I just need to find out for myself the extent of things,” he told her then looked at Kelhan. “I need you to call Erine here so we can go to the Union of Earth Nations building together. Then call a few guards as well to watch over Maya and see to her needs…” After Kohl gave Kelhan the few instructions he went to go carry them out. Kohl and Maya were alone in the house.

  “I don’t like this…I don’t have a good feeling about it,” Maya said, feeling nauseous.

  “It will all be fine Maya, I will make sure of it,” Kohl said sincerely. She searched his face. His gaze was unwavering, his expression resolute. Maya took a deep breath and then nodded. She stretched up onto her toes to give him a hard kiss.

  Kohl surprised her by quickly deepening the kiss. He licked into her mouth while he wrapped his arms securely around her waist. Maya melted against him, her body flush with his. Kohl was urgent with his movements; it was almost as if he were frantic to get under her skin. As he kissed her he made quick work of undoing her pants. He pulled away for the fraction of a second it took for him to pull them off completely.

  “Kohl…” Maya panted. She wanted him, she’d probably never not want him. But she was worried why he was being so urgent. As if maybe he wasn’t sure they’d get to be together like that a while? As soon as the thought crossed her mind she banished it. He told her that he’d make sure everything went okay.

  “I need you right now Maya,” he whispered gruffly. She tilted her head back to look at him and nodded. Kohl pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She gasped when she felt his fingers graze her cleft. Kohl gently pushed her back onto the armrest on one of the nearby sofa chairs. He rubbed her clit as he kissed and nipped along her neck and behind her ear. Maya felt as if she’d combust and melt all at once. He slid two fingers into her, curving them just so he’d hit her g-spot. Maya had to focus on holding herself up so that she didn’t collapse.

  Kohl watched her, his eyes glued to her face, as she moaned and rode his hand. When her sex tightened and quivered around his fingers with her nearing orgasm. Kohl growled and withdrew his fingers before roughly pulling down his pants and positioning himself at her opening. For all his urgency, he was surprisingly gentle as he slid into her. Once he was inside, his thrusts quickly escalated. Maya held onto him tight as he drove into her. It didn’t take long until they were both taken up in the heights of orgasm.

  After that, Maya didn’t register much until the room stopped spinning and she found herself nestled in Kohl’s lap.

  “I won’t let anything happen that will keep us apart, Maya Lu,” Kohl said. She looked up at him and saw in his eyes that his words were a vow.

  Chapter 9


  Kohl could clearly decipher those present from the UAP as he walked into the Union of Earth Nations grand hearing room. What commotion was going on before he stepped in quickly became hushed. He scanned the room as he stepped onto the stage where several humans and one Ramadian were seated at a forum like desk. The Ramadian must have been the UAP representative. She was taller than the average human, lanky, and her skin had a decidedly blue tint to it, along with her striking colorless irises, which were characteristic to her people. Other than that she resembled a human or Ve’dran. Her black hair was held tight at the top of her head and her expression was piercing as she regarded Kohl.

  “Very nice of you to join us Prince Kohl. Perhaps we can go about clearing all this up?” she said, effectively calling the meeting to order. Kohl glanced at her peacekeepers. They wore light grey uniform and had their weapons on full display strapped to their sides or their backs. There must have been at least twenty in the room alone. And it was only Kohl and Erine present along with two of their own Ve’dran guards. No doubt the peacekeepers were there merely as an intimidation tactic.

  “By all means. I don’t believe I’ve made your acquaintance?” Kohl said politely. The Ramadian inclined her head very slightly.

  “I am Alora, appointed representative of the United Planetary Alliance. I’ve been assigned to aide in your peaceful removal from this planet,” she said, her tone almost sharp.

  “My peaceful removal?” Kohl scoffed.

  “You’ve taken advantage of the humans’ hospitality and tolerance Prince Kohl. What had started as alliance talks has morphed into something vastly different. We at the UAP fear the true intentions of you and your planet’s ruler,” she said.

  “Our intentions—my intentions are to strike an alliance with Earth. In the courtesy of full disclosure, we also seek a seat in the UAP,” Kohl said. When Alora made to speak again Koh
l cut her off. “Now as for the true matter of my being here today. What have you done with my people?” he asked icily.

  “Funny you should ask Prince Kohl, what happened to Maya Lu?” asked one of the humans on stage, the President of the region they were all currently convened.

  “She is fine, perfectly safe here on Earth,” Kohl said, he practically ground the words out through his teeth. He was getting increasingly frustrated with everything. “Where are you keeping my people and why have you taken them?” he asked again.

  “When it was reported of your relations with Maya Lu after our discovery of her being abducted. We figured you were behaving as you have been during your entire stay. Reckless, entitled, and without regard as to the lives of our people. We had to take a stand. So we voted to cease all alliance negotiations and begin to dispel all Ve’drans from the planet,” the President said.

  “What happened with Maya Lu’s disappearance was an isolated event. A mistake. One that has been rectified, as we are now engaged to be married. But it is as if you humans have forgotten everything I’ve done to try and rectify for my earlier behaviors. I’d begun negotiating terms more to your liking before Maya was taken. I’d agreed to terms so that my people could comfortably operate on Earth in compliance with rules to your satisfaction. Now we are being ousted?” Kohl could have ranted further, but Erine had glanced at him. His expression a bit nerve wrecked. The humans all appeared to be shocked, stunned, at what Kohl had said.

  “You are engaged to be married to this Maya Lu?” Alora asked skeptically.

  “Yes, but that is a tangential matter. What I am here for is the release of my people…” Kohl said, yet again. Alora held one slim finger up to him as she turned to confer with the humans. Kohl would have liked to slice that finger off of her hand. After five excruciating minutes Alora turned back towards him.

  “If we can have a vow from you speaking and acting on behalf of Ve’dras’s government that you will take all of your kind back to Ve’dras. As well as cease all relations with Earth, then we will release those being retained to you.” Alora said.


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