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Princess For Them

Page 66

by Kelsey Blaine

  Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

  “Jessie, I’m on the way,” I barked into the phone. “Just give me one more moment.” I was trying really hard not to be a bitch but she was winding me up now with her obsessiveness.

  “I can’t do this,” she sobbed back at me. “I can’t get married to Jamie.”

  In what probably seemed like a callous reaction I rolled my eyes at Jessie. She loved Jamie, she was obsessed with him in every possible way. I knew for a fact that she wanted to marry him, she was just nervous. These cold feet had dipped in and out ever since they first set the date. I was used to these hysterical moments by now, and I knew how quickly they passed as well.

  “I’m on the way now. When you have your dress on you’ll feel so much better about everything.” The dress was key, she adored staring at herself in the white, lacy thing that seemed to stretch out for miles. “Everything will seem so much better then.”

  I tore through the hallway rapidly, finally snapping into action. I needed to forget about everything else in my mind, I needed to get to that single-minded place where I was actually useful. I did want to be a good bridesmaid for my sister, despite all the petty thoughts racing through my brain. I did want her to have the best day ever, she deserved that much.

  As I stood outside of Jessie’s bedroom, I paused for a brief moment before I reached out and I knocked. I knew that as soon as I set foot into that room I was in for a shit storm.

  “Come in,” she yelled already sounding much happier. “Lisa, is that you? I need you to zip me up.”

  Just one day, one day and life will go back to normal. Work, friends, life. Deep breaths,

  “Okay, I’m here.” I forced a smile on my face and I shoved open the door in a dramatic fashion. “Ready to save the day as always.”


  “Jamie Banks and Jessie Wilkinson, just as two very different threads woven in opposite directions can form a beautiful tapestry, so can your two lives merge together to form a very beautiful marriage. To make your marriage work will take love. Love should be the core of your marriage, love is the reason you’re here. But it also will take trust, to know in your hearts you want the best for each other. It will take dedication, to stay open to one another; to learn and to grow together even when this isn’t always so easy to do. It will take faith, to be willing to go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring. In addition, it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey, you both now pledge to share together.”

  I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head as the minister droned on in a very boring way. I assumed that because the ceremony wasn’t going to be a traditional, religious one that it might actually be interesting, but I was wrong. I found weddings weird, they were only really fun for the couple involved but even they found it stressful.

  I vowed to myself that if I ever got married I would elope for sure.

  The hotel looked really nice, they had it decorated in a wonderfully elegant, yet romantic way, Jessie had done a truly incredible job, but it didn’t take anything from the stuffy sensation in the room. I wasn’t sure whether that came from inside of me or not, but I couldn’t seem to shake it off.

  Maybe it was the hideous orange dress. I couldn’t forget about that however hard I tried. I kept trying my best not to look down, I didn’t want to even see it but I felt acutely aware that it was swaddling me the whole time, making a true mockery of me.

  My eyes scanned over the crowd automatically, I wasn’t really focused or trying to pick anyone out, I just wanted to see what the general mood of the room was, but like a magnet I found myself fixated on the familiar red hair that lit up my damn life the night before.


  She smirked at me as if she could see the pain flooding my expression. I guess I’d spent enough time the previous night complaining, she knew that I wasn’t looking forward to the day, but the fact that she could almost read my mind made me grin.

  Again, we had an inside joke that was just for us.

  She looked beautiful in her blue summery dress too, like a vision to be admired. I could just picture her on the pages of a fashion magazine selling clothing to any sucker who wanted to look like her. She was beautiful, far too gorgeous to want to spend time with someone as plain and confused as me, but she seemed to want to be around me all the same. Even today. It was awesome.

  I couldn’t wave at her, so I lifted an eyebrow in a gesture that was just for her. I expected Amy to do the same back but she didn’t. Instead she stuck her tongue out at me. It made me heart flutter and gave me that squirming sensation deep in the pit of my chest.

  Yep, I like this girl.

  There was no denying it to myself anymore. I liked Amy a whole lot. I had an attraction to her too, stronger than I’d ever felt for anyone else. No one had ever made me feel so giddy and excitable before and I liked it. If I didn’t question too much about what it said about me then I could really enjoy it.

  Am I gay?

  Okay, so I couldn’t stop questioning what it said about me. I wanted to know if I’d always had this attraction to women which was why I hadn’t ever managed to make it work with a guy before. Maybe this was the final jigsaw piece clicking together and I could finally understand myself. I wasn’t sure why I would’ve gotten so far in life and not noticed my sexuality, but I suppose it was possible. It happened to people all the time, or so I thought. Maybe.

  Or, maybe it was just Amy. Maybe there was something about her that had me infatuated for now. Maybe once this wedding was over I would forget all about her and what she meant to me.

  I stared at her again, like I couldn’t drag my eyes away and the sensation inside of me intensified. I really wanted to be near her, it was absolute agony to be standing so far away. All I wanted to do was brush my gentle hand across her lovely cheek once more, I wanted to have her in my arms, to feel her all over.

  I shifted from foot to foot, suddenly feeling itchy and impatient. I couldn’t wait for the wedding to be over so that the reception could start. Then I could finally talk with Amy once more to see where her head was at.

  Luckily the vows came out rapidly, which suggested to me that it wouldn’t be long.

  “I, Jamie Banks, take you, Jessie Wilkinson, to be my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”

  As it was my sister’s turn to speak her eyes sparkled with sheer joy which actually warmed my heart. I was glad that I’d helped her this morning, it felt very worthwhile now.

  “I, Jessie Wilkinson, take you, Jamie Banks, to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.”

  Then came the whole ‘you may kiss the bride’ part, which everyone cooed at as if they’d never seen a couple in love before. I watched Jessie and Jamie for a moment, but it wasn’t long before my head automatically twisted back to see Amy once more. It seemed that she felt the same way because she was looking at me too.

  As we were rushed outside I started to think that maybe I could sneak off to find Amy. My heart was already pounding excitedly, I couldn’t wait to be near her again. I wanted to breathe her in, to inhale her feminine scent, I wanted to know if she had the intense buzzing inside of her too. I wanted to know what she was thinking, how she felt, I needed to know if she was as mixed up in me as I was her.

  But it seemed I wasn’t about to get so lucky. Fate was not on my side today.

  “Come on, Lisa.” Jessie linked her arms through mine and she gave me a bright smile. “It’s time for the photographs. I can’t wait to see what the photographer has in mind, he’s supposed to be amazing. Do you remember when I was picking them all out…?”

  I felt desperate as I was dragged away, like I wanted to reach behind me to cling onto anything to keep me near Amy but I didn’t have a chance. I had to go and make some permane
nt damn memories in this God forsaken dress.

  But it was for Jessie. I could do it for her.


  “Hey you.” I pinched Amy’s hips as I finally spotted her standing by the bar at the reception. Instantly I felt like a dork, I regretted making such a dumb decision, but I tried my best to play it off. “Fancy seeing you here, at the bar, again.”

  “Are you trying to suggest that I have a drinking problem?” she smirked back at me. “Because if you are I won’t buy you a drink!”

  “But you must because I am a tangerine!” I needed to make the dress joke first, it was about to be the elephant in the room if I didn’t. “Look at me, I’m being tortured. The least you can do is help me to dull my pain.”

  I was happy to know that we still had that banter between us, I didn’t want things to get weird between us because of one drunken kiss. Even if nothing else did become of the weird feelings I had inside of me I didn’t want to lose Amy. Maybe she was only supposed to be in my life for a short time, maybe I wouldn’t see her again after this weekend, but I didn’t want to miss out on even a moment while we were here.

  “You looked like you needed rescuing while you were up there. I almost wanted to leap up from my seat to save you.”

  As Amy joked I felt a bubble circling around us, blocking out the rest of the world. As I struggled to keep away from her, she did me and there was no better feeling in the world than that.

  “Yeah, it was pretty rough but at least it’s done now.” I turned to where my sister had her arms wrapped around her brand new husband’s neck. She had the brightest happiest look on her face as she whispered to him. “At least the fun stuff can start.”

  “What do you have planned?” Amy leaned back on the bar which pushed her breasts out. My mouth watered as my eyes flickered downwards to perv all over her body. I couldn’t seem to help myself, all I wanted to do was stare. “How do you intend to make this evening fun?”

  “I don’t know yet,” I admitted with a coy smile. “I haven’t thought too much about it. I have just been trying to get through the day so far!”

  “Oh well, I suppose I can help you.”

  She shimmied closer to me, which sparked the fire all over again. I could feel it burning through my veins at a million miles an hour. All I wanted to do was lace my hands around her neck. I wanted to hold onto her and to kiss her all over again. But we couldn’t. Not here, not in public. My mixed-up feelings were one thing, I didn’t want the whole damn world to know about them.

  I hated myself for it, but I felt myself pulling away. All I’d wanted to do all day long was explore my new feelings for this woman, and now I couldn’t get away quick enough.

  It was still there though, the burning chemistry. There was no escaping that however hard I tried.

  “Why don’t we dance?” she asked spontaneously. “That’ll be a way to brighten up this madness, right?”

  Dancing…that was normal, we could do that. I moved my eyes over to the dance floor I noticed that there were loads of people already having a laugh out there.

  “Sure, okay. Dancing. Let’s go.”

  Before I could do anything about it, Amy grabbed hold of my hand and she dragged me towards the dance floor. There she swayed her hips and she moved her body freely in time to the music. I was intoxicated. Right away, I was transfixed by everything about her. Of course she could move in such a wonderful free way, she was a DJ, a performer, she didn’t have the same hang ups that I did.

  I tried, I really did, but I felt stiff as a board as if I was dancing the robot. The more I focused on my awkward movements the more uncomfortable I became. In the end, Amy grabbed onto my hips and she started to move me. I rolled my hips towards her, I allowed her to take control of me, and it actually made me feel good.

  As Amy approved of me by giving me that adorable, cheeky smile of hers, I fell into it even more. I almost pressed right against her until it suddenly hit me like a smack in the face that everyone was probably staring at us like we were about to get it on. I turned my head from side to side, I looked at everyone and all I could feel were eyes piercing into my skin, reminding me that this wasn’t normal for me.

  I could just imagine all the whispers now: no wonder she doesn’t have a husband, she’s gay. Ooh, who’d have thought it, the boring Lisa Wilkinson with a girlfriend. Look at what’s going on over there…

  “I’m sorry,” I pulled back from Amy and moved away from her. “I have to… I need to get out of here…”

  I turned and I ran without even looking back. I needed to escape the claustrophobic feeling that the room was giving me, I needed to breathe once more, I couldn’t stand the constricted feeling in my lungs. As I moved through the crowd everything was a total and utter blur. I couldn’t see anything but the exit, I needed to get away.

  Once I burst through the doors and I found myself alone in the hallway, I tried to look for an exit again. I needed to actually be outside to get enough air to keep me going, but I couldn’t seem to see anything. Here would have to do.

  “Hey,” Amy’s soft voice broke through my shock barrier and I turned to find her standing behind me. She looked shell-shocked, which was fair enough because I’d just cruelly rejected her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I erm…” I panted heavily and threw my hands onto my hips. “I just needed to get some air, it was getting a bit hot in there.”

  “Are you sure?” She moved slowly towards me. “Because to me it seemed like you freaked out and ran.” She narrowed her eyes and saw straight through me. “Is it because you don’t want anyone to know that you’re attracted to me?” She placed her hand on my hip which made me shiver. I couldn’t hide it, not when Amy seemed to know me so well. “I don’t mind, I mean it’s pretty obvious that you’ve never been with a woman before.”

  “It…it is?” I wasn’t sure if that was an insult or not.

  “Yeah, but that’s okay, because you like me, don’t you?” She was so close to me now that I could feel her breath tickling my cheek. “You enjoy being around me? You want to know more?” She leaned in and lightly brushed her lips against my cheek. “You want to know what it’ll feel like to be together?”

  Oh God, everything that she was saying was too true for words. I wanted all of those things, I’d spent all damn day thinking about them, but what did it say about me if I actually took that step?

  “We could go up to your room right now, we could find out, if you like?”

  She nibbled my earlobe which sent me into overdrive. I needed to do this, I needed it to happen right now.

  “Let’s go,” I rasped desperately. “Right now.”


  We crashed into my bedroom kissing frantically. There wasn’t any hesitation now, nothing holding me back at all. Amy had me on fire and I was all in. I wanted to feel her everywhere, all over me.

  “Let’s get this awful dress off of you,” she murmured as she worked the zip behind my back. “I’ve needed to see it on the floor all day long.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I joked as I helped to wriggle out of it. “But maybe for different reasons.”

  “Ooh, I like your underwear.” She ran her hand over my lacy black bra. “It looks really good on you.”

  I’d never had a woman’s hands touching me so freely, and with Amy there was absolutely no hesitation which was nice. If she was as unsure as me I felt certain that I’d pull back and end up not having such a crazy, wonderful experience. I hadn’t been expecting this weekend to go this way, but it was awesome that it had.

  “And I especially like this part.”

  “Oh, God,” I squeaked as her hand dipped into my panties. She brushed her fingers over my soaking slit which caused my head to fall back in desire. My hair tumbled down my back and my eyes fell closed. “Oh, Amy.”

  “You like that?” she teased while pushing a finger into me. “Does that feel good?”

  “So fucking good,” I groaned. “Oh my God, you have no idea how good.”r />
  This wasn’t like anything I’d ever experienced before. No man’s fingers had ever felt so good as they explored my insides, I couldn’t believe it. What the hell had I been missing out on all these years?

  Amy’s other hand grabbed my waist as she pulled me closer to her. Then she ran her lips up and down my neck, flickering her tongue all over me as if she needed to taste every inch of my skin. There was something slow and tender about the way her mouth brushed over me, it wasn’t desperate and needy, as if this was an experience that needed to be over quickly.

  I loved it.

  “Oof.” All of a sudden I realized that my legs had given way and that I’d fallen onto Amy’s hands. She held me upright, she clung to me with a smile on her face and she gently laid me on the bed.

  Once I was flat on my back she rested her forehead against mine for just a moment and I saw all sorts of things floating behind her eyes. Mostly though I could see a deep reflection of me, and I looked like I’d changed dramatically in only a few short hours. Amy had altered me, she’d turned me into something else, and I really liked it.

  Her fingers moved around my back and she unhooked my bra. As it flew from my body and Amy threw it to the ground she wrapped her lips around my nipples and tasted them like they were freaking ice cream or something. I fisted the sheets beneath me as she sent millions of crazy sensations flooding through my body, some were so powerful that my back actually arched off the bed.

  Wow…my nipples were such an erogenous zone. Who knew?

  Amy slowly, tantalizingly moved her mouth down my body. She kissed my hips, my waist, my belly button, my thighs…every place she touched her lips sent bolts of lightning shooting to my core. I was pulsating, desperate, needy, I was freaking insane for this woman, I needed every part of her.

  Eventually I pulled my hands off the bed and I knotted them up in her hair. The red strands fell over my fingers and covered my chest in a way that I found incredibly erotic.


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