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Princess For Them

Page 67

by Kelsey Blaine

  “Wait,” I panted just as I sensed that she was about to get too close to me. “Wait, just a moment.” Her head snapped up in shock, she seemed surprised to have me rejecting her again…which definitely wasn’t what I was doing. Nor was I second guessing anything. I just needed to see her. “I want you to strip for me.”

  “You do?” Amy replied, raising her eyebrows at me. “Well that I can do.”

  Almost in an instant she slipped into the role of sexy stripper. She danced as if there was some sexy music playing in the background and a pole right behind her. I propped myself up onto my elbows as I tried to get a better look, and as I did she pulled her dress slowly up over her head.

  My breath hitched in my throat as I got a glimpse of that phenomenal body of hers. I knew that she had to look good because of how she looked in her clothes, but wow…actually seeing her was something else. Her breasts were round and perky, her waist was tight and very sexy, and her legs seemed to go on forever.

  She was truly a vision.

  Seeing my pleasure, Amy took things one step further and she tugged off her bra. As I saw her hardened nipples standing to attention, an involuntary groan fell out of my mouth. I wasn’t expecting it, it just came from nowhere. I was so turned on that I couldn’t seem to control myself.

  Then Amy slid down her panties and the sight of her naked was too much to handle.

  “Come here,” she rasped, while grabbing onto my thighs. She pulled me down to the end of the bed so my legs were hanging on the floor. Amy nudged my legs further apart with her nose and she breathed me in deeply. “So sexy for me.”

  This wasn’t her first time, so to hear those words coming from her mouth made me feel amazing.

  At first Amy ran kisses up and down my slit, giving me a glimpse of the main show, and it felt wonderful. Words couldn’t describe how jittery and excited my body felt.

  “Stop teasing me,” I groaned. “Please, stop I need you.”

  I thought Amy was going to continue, just to wind me up, but thankfully she didn’t. She plunged her tongue so deeply into me I felt certain that she could taste everything of me. I screamed, I lost all the ability to be quiet and I yelled top volume.

  Then she pulled out of me and she moved over to my hypersensitive clit. The way that made me feel had my body flipping off the bed. I shot up into a sitting position, which actually worked even better because I could see her face buried into my flesh and it was the sexiest damn thing that I’d ever seen in my life. Her hair cascading over my thighs, her sparkling eyes gazing up at me to see if I was enjoying myself.

  Fuck, Amy was incredible. I wanted to hold on to her forever, I wanted to remember how good it felt.

  And then the orgasm hit me in a powerful wave. It built up so fast that I wasn’t expecting it at all. It blew through me and turned my whole world upside down. It made my head swim, it made my body shudder and buckle violently, I felt myself crumble and in that moment my heart opened wider than it had ever gone before. I liked this girl, I really adored her, she was wonderful.

  I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to know what could happen between us. If anything at all…


  I stirred slowly, waking up much more calmly than I did the morning before which was good. I also liked the fact that I didn’t have any stress on my shoulders today, Jamie and Jessie had already gone on their honeymoon, the only thing I had to do was go back home.

  Home. Where everything would go back to normal, where I would return to work and the mundane every day that I’d been living over the last few years. Now that Amy had crashed through my existence and she’d turned all the lights on, I wasn’t sure that I could go back to things just being ‘normal’.

  How could I be ‘normal’ after what had happened with Amy?


  I patted the bed next to me, recalling how things had gone the night before. After giving me the most phenomenal bliss of my entire life, Amy helped me to do the same to her. She didn’t mind that I was totally inexperienced, she simply guided my hand towards her and she showed me best how she liked to be touched. She helped me to give her the same pleasure that she gave me.

  Despite the fact that she was guiding me, I felt like I had complete control over her body. It made me feel powerful and sexy, and as she writhed in bliss I felt turned on all over again. Amy’s face as she came was the sexiest thing in the whole entire world. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it made me smile so brightly it was as if I had a coat hanger between my lips.

  “Amy?” I muttered quietly. “Are you there?”

  When no one answered me I forced myself upright into a sitting position. If she wasn’t in the bed next to me, then she had to be in the bathroom, maybe taking a shower. Maybe I could jump in there with her and we could pick up where things had left off…

  But the whole room was silent. I jumped up and I padded across the room and into the bathroom just to find myself completely alone. As I glanced around the room I could see that all her clothes were gone. She must have skipped out early on me, to save any awkward conversation. There was no need for my heart to sink, it didn’t make any difference.

  Maybe this was for the best. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to happen.

  Knock, knock.

  I couldn’t help it, I felt excited by the prospect that Amy might come back. Maybe she had just gone out to get breakfast or something equally sweet, but as I swung the door open wearing only my skimpy PJ’s I was utterly disappointed to see my mother staring back at me.

  “Are you ready?” she asked disapprovingly. “You don’t look ready.” Her eyes ran up and down my body as she drank in my near nakedness.

  “Erm, just give me a moment.” I stared desperately behind me looking at the mess. She wouldn’t like that as much as she didn’t like me right now. “Maybe five minutes and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Well I’ll be going soon, if you want a ride you’ll have to be quick.”

  “Yep, I will be.” If only she’d go, then I could actually get myself dressed. This was the problem with my mother, she hovered rather than just telling me what the issue was. “I just need to…”

  I tried to push the door closed, but mom put her hand in the way to stop me. “Where did you go last night? You weren’t at the party for very long?”

  Uh oh. I wasn’t anywhere near ready for her to find out about Amy just yet. Not only would she jump down my throat for details, she’d also turn it into a bigger deal than it was. Especially now that Amy had gone. There was nothing for her to know.

  “Erm, I felt sick, Mom. I wasn’t doing too good. It was a long day, and I went to all the important bits of the day.”

  “Hmm, Jessie missed you.”

  I rolled my eyes. I knew that wasn’t true because she would’ve let me know. My cell phone was on all night long and I didn’t get any messages from her at all. Mom was just trying to make me feel bad.

  “Mom, she was so wrapped up in Jamie that she didn’t even notice me again.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She pursed her lips disapprovingly. “I think it was noticeable that the maid of honor wasn’t there.”

  “Okay well I’m sorry that I went to bed, okay?” My cheeks flamed as I sensed the accusation. “I’ll apologize to Jessie as soon as she gets home from Bali and I’ll straighten things out then.”

  “Hmm, well I think you better,” mom continued as if I hadn’t just agreed with her. “Now will you just get yourself dressed so we can go already?”

  “I’m trying to, why don’t you wait in the lobby and I’ll see you there?”

  “Don’t be long, okay?” This was why I avoided her as much as I did yesterday, I loved the woman but she drove me crazy. She was desperately hard work. “We really do have to go soon. I have a lot to get back for.”

  Sure she did! “Yes, Mom, like I said, five minutes.”

  I ended up closing the door on her and I raced around the room like a mad woman. I pretended that I was tr
ying my best to get dressed on time to keep my mother happy, but really I wanted to erase the memories that had been created in this room. For now, what had happened between me and Amy needed to be pushed to the back of my mind. Just so I could keep it together.

  I did so well. I didn’t stop to look at anything until the moment I was about to slam the door behind me. Then there was something in me that forced me to pause, just to inhale everything that was once amazing.

  It doesn’t matter, I tried to convince myself as sadness flooded me. At least it was fun, at least it made the wedding weekend awesome. It would have been awful otherwise.

  If I focused on the experience rather than what happened afterwards then it wasn’t so bad. If I remembered the fun I had rather than the fact that Amy left, then I could see it as a good thing.

  And hey! Maybe I’d learned what I actually needed in my life. At least now I knew what it felt like to have that spark. I wouldn’t waste any more of my life with men who didn’t give me that satisfaction. Maybe now I would have the confidence to chase after women if that was what I wanted.

  Eventually I slowly slid the door closed and with it went everything that was Amy. She didn’t know much about me, and I didn’t her. Not really. There wasn’t any way that we would cross paths so our lives could intertwine. Not unless I randomly showed up at Jamie’s work which I’d never done before. I didn’t want to do that in case she didn’t want me and she thought I was a stalker.

  No, I needed to accept that it was just a one time thing and that was the end of it. It would be fine.


  I scanned my eyes over the same pages that I’d been looking at for over an hour now, wondering what on Earth it was that I was searching for. I’d read this article thoroughly, I could probably recite it off by heart if I wanted to, but something about it didn’t feel right.

  Or maybe it was me that didn’t feel right.

  I hadn’t felt myself ever since Jessie’s wedding which had now been ten days ago. Much as I tried to carry on as normal there was something inside of me that had been shifted and wouldn’t go back to where it was. I knew it had everything to do with Amy, but that didn’t change anything. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I wanted to see her again, I wanted to know what was going on with us—even if it was pretty obviously nothing—I just wanted to ask her why. Why did she turn my world upside down just to then run out on me? It didn’t make any sense.

  Just forget about Amy, I warned myself crossly. Focus on work, get this done. I didn’t usually bring stuff home with me, I tried to make it my rule to keep work where it belonged, but right now I needed the distraction and this seemed like the best way to do it. While I was drowning in work I wasn’t thinking about red hair, wonderful sensations tearing through my body, bright green eyes looking up at me.

  I sighed deeply and dropped the papers on my dining table before grabbing a drink to take a large swig of it. This wasn’t going well, I didn’t know how the hell I was going to shake off this funk.

  Knock, knock.

  I glanced at the clock before leaping up from my chair with the first smile on my face that I’d had for days. Jessie was home from her honeymoon which meant I finally had someone to talk to. I’d been deliberating over and over in my mind since she’d gone and I knew now that if I was going to talk to anyone, it would be her. My wonderful sister would give me some sound advice.

  I just had to hope that she wasn’t with her husband. I couldn’t stand seeing their sickly love right now.

  “Coming!” I swung open the door to see a tanned, glowing version of Jessie. She had a bright smile on her face as if she’d just had the time of her life, which to be fair she probably had. “Oh wow, you look amazing.”

  I pulled her in for a hug and I held her close to me for a few moments. I guess I didn’t realize until all of this happened that I didn’t really have any friends that I felt close enough to talk about heavy issues with. Jessie was all that I had and now she was back so I could rejoice.

  “Tell me all about your honeymoon!”

  As Jessie talked about romantic walks down white sandy beaches, and candle lit dinners, I poured us both a drink. It all sounded so lovely to me, I wished that I’d just had a vacation away from real life.

  “That sounds blissful,” I replied dreamily. “Like a dream come true.”

  “Oh it was, it really was. I never wanted to come home.” Jessie hugged her arms around her chest as if she was reliving some wonderful moment. “So, how about you? How have things been back here?”

  I didn’t want to burden Jessie, but at the same time I had been holding all of this in for far too long now. I needed some advice.

  “Do you know Amy?” I asked cautiously. “Jamie’s friend, she was at the wedding?”

  “Oh yeah, I know her. The redhead. I saw you talking to her actually.”

  “Yeah, yeah, erm. She’s cool.” I felt my whole body flame with embarrassment as I tried my hardest to confess. I just needed to find the right words. “What do you know about her?” I asked lamely instead of really getting to the point.

  “She’s awesome, Jamie obviously likes her a lot since he invited her to the wedding. Why, do you wanna hang out with her or something? I have her number right here.”

  As Jessie pulled out her cell phone my heart soared. This was my chance to have a way to get in touch with Amy again. That was so exciting, so thrilling it almost lifted me from my chair. But I needed to be more honest first. Just in case there was something I needed to know.

  “Erm, actually I kind of want to do more than hang out.”

  Jessie’s eyes snapped up to me and she widened them in surprise. “You do, huh?” I could understand her shock, it wasn’t me at all.

  “Actually.” I bit down on my bottom lip and looked up at her under my eyelashes. “We might have done more than hang out at the wedding.”

  Jessie laughed appreciatively at me. Now that she didn’t have the wedding stressing her out she seemed back to her normal self. Maybe she wasn’t as much fun as she used to be, but I preferred her like this. “That’s absolutely wild, I can’t believe it.”

  “Yeah, I can’t believe it either.” Despite all the misery that had come afterwards I couldn’t help smiling at the memory. Being with Amy had been the most incredible thing to ever happen to me. “It was insane.”

  “Yeah, erm…” All of a sudden Jessie’s tone changed which instantly had my hackles raised. I knew this was going to be bad news before anything was ever said. “I don’t know how much you know about Amy, but she’s a massive player.”

  My heart sunk, I felt sick, all my worst fears had been confirmed in one sentence. That was why she left me, she didn’t want to know me in the morning. Amy had gotten what she wanted from me and that was the end of it. Done. Finito. She didn’t even hang around to say goodbye.

  “Oh, right,” I rasped back with a spinning head. I wanted to be alone, to digest this information, but I couldn’t exactly kick Jessie out. Not after she’d just saved me from making a potential idiot out of myself. “I see.”

  “Sorry, Lisa,” Jessie replied morosely. “I can tell by your expression that Amy wasn’t honest with you. That’s a shitty thing to do.”

  “It’s okay.” I forced a fake smile back on my face. “We didn’t exactly promise to get married or anything, it was just a bit of fun. It doesn’t matter, I was just interested that’s all.”

  Jessie could see right through the ruse, she could tell that I was hurt, so she rested one of her hands on mine. “Look, I’ll leave her phone number here in case you decide that you want to speak to her, to shout at her or whatever.” She took a pen and scribbled it down. “But be careful, she’s known for leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her. Jamie told me she’s constantly got jilter lovers causing her trouble.”

  Great, I’d allowed myself to fall for a player, my first sizzle, my first spark had come from someone who didn’t give a shit. Well that was just perfect. I was just an
other woman in a long list, another nobody. She meant everything to me and that wasn’t returned.



  I stared at the number for far too long, wondering what I should do with it. The logical thing would be to toss it out. Amy was a player, she left a string of broken hearts behind her. The last thing I needed to do was get involved in something like that. I was too fragile, too new to having a relationship that I actually cared about. Plus, Amy had made her feelings perfectly clear when she walked out on me, leaving me with no answers.

  So why couldn’t I simply toss the paper out? Jessie had left an hour ago and still I couldn’t seem to throw it away.

  There was just something about Amy. Even after everything that I’d learned about her, even after the way that she had treated me, I just couldn’t seem to let her go. I kept thinking about her face, her grin, the way that she made me feel… With Amy, I was better. I became a lighter, more carefree version of myself, the sort of person that I wanted to be. With her by my side I felt like I had it all…

  Maybe that was worth clinging onto.

  With my phone in my hand, I typed in the numbers with shaky fingers. I couldn’t resist, I still wanted to phone her, I still wanted to hear her voice again. Usually, with relationships I waited around for nothing to happen and I just didn’t care.

  If this was what caring felt like then it was hard, thrilling, exciting, and heart wrenching all in one go.

  I needed to call, I needed to at the very least get closure. Maybe I couldn’t have everything that I wanted, but at least I could put it to bed then. I could move on.

  I hit it, before I could second guess myself and talk myself out of it, I pressed dial and I pushed the phone up to my ear.

  Ring, ring…

  My heart rate kicked up a notch. I felt panic tearing through my body at a million miles an hour.

  Ring, ring…

  A powerful shiver tore through my spine, rattling all my bones while I waited for her to pick up.


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