President Carter

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by Stuart E. Eizenstat

    4.  Dr. Larry Horowitz, interview with the author, June 5, 1992.

    5.  Pad 1, December 8, 1976; and Pad 2, December 28–29, 1976.

    6.  Pad 12, March 24, 1977; Pad 25, October 4, 1977.

    7.  Pad 14, April 25, 1977.

    8.  Pad 24, September 4, 1977.

    9.  Pad 43, October 20, 1977.

  10.  Michael Bromberg, interview with the author, December 4, 2013.

  11.  Ibid.

  12.  Joseph Califano, interview with the author, February 20, 1990.

  13.  Pad 29, February 1, 2, 1978.

  14.  Pad 30, February 15, 1978.

  15.  Joseph Califano, Governing America: An Insider’s Report from the White House and the Cabinet (New York, Simon & Schuster, 1981), 149.

  16.  Michael Bromberg interview, December 4, 2013.

  17.  Martin (Marty) Russo, interview with the author, October 25, 2013.

  18.  Pad 36, July 24, 1978.

  19.  Pad 38, August 11, 15, 1978.

  20.  Dr. Larry Horowitz, interview with the author, January 20, 2014.

  21.  Joseph Califano, Governing America, 97–8.

  22.  Pad 18, June 16, 1977.

  23.  Joseph Califano, Governing America, 94.

  24.  Pad 26, November 9, 1977; Joseph Califano, Governing America, 100–1.

  25.  Pad 27, November 18, 1977.

  26.  Pad 28, December 21, 1977.

  27.  Pad 29, February 6, 1978.

  28.  Pad 31, February 28, 1978.

  29.  Pad 31, March 2, 1978.

  30.  Ibid.

  31.  Joseph Califano, Governing America, 112.

  32.  Pad 33A, May 18, 1978.

  33.  Pad 33A, June 1, 1978; Joseph Califano, Governing America, 111.

  34.  Pad 35, June 26, 1978.

  35.  Pad 35, June 27, 1978.

  36.  Pad 36, July 24, 1978.

  37.  Pad 36, July 12, 1978.

  38.  Pad 36, July 13, 1978.

  39.  Pad 37, July 26, 1978.

  40.  Pad 37, July 27, 1978.

  41.  Pad 36, July 24, 1978; Pad 37, July 27, 1978.

  42.  Pad 37, July 28, 1978.

  43.  Ibid.; Dr. Larry Horowitz interview, June 5, 1992; Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 210.

  44.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Vol. II, December 8, 1978, 2189–95.

  45.  Pad 48, December 8, 1978.

  46.  Pad 47, January 24 and February 13, 1979; Pad 48, April 12, 1979; Pad 51, March 21, 1979; Pad 52, April 11, 1979; Pad 54, May 17, 1979; Pad 55, May 23, 25, 1979; Joseph Califano, Governing America, 131; Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 305.

  47.  Pad 56, June 12, 1979; Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Vol. I, June 12, 1979, President’s Remarks, 1024–8, and President’s Message to Congress on the National Health Plan, 1028–31.

  48.  Joseph Califano interview, February 20, 1990.

  49.  Joseph Califano, Governing America, 135.

  50.  Karen Davis, interview with the author, December 11, 2015.

  Chapter 29

    1.  Jimmy Carter, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, November 29, 1992.

    2.  Hamilton Jordan, memo to President Carter, January 1979, Carter Presidential Library and Museum.

    3.  Hamilton Jordan interviews, May 11, 1992, and December 23, 1992.

    4.  Pad 49, January 28, 1979.

    5.  Pad 56, June 12, 1979.

    6.  Stephen Breyer, interview with the author, November 30, 1992.

    7.  Walter Mondale, interview with the author, September 11, 2014.

    8.  Edward Kennedy, interview with the author, September 11, 1992.

    9.  Pad 72, December 21, 1979.

  10.  Jimmy Carter interview, October 25, 1991.

  11.  James Blanchard, interview with the author, December 18, 2015.

  12.  “Filibuster Kills Labor Law ‘Reform’ Bill,” Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 1978,

  13.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, quoted in Carmon Iron and Shana Knizhik, Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (New York: Dey Books, 2015), 77.

  14.  “Women’s Rights,” from President Jimmy Carter’s Campaign Promises (Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, June 1977), reprinted from a memorandum by Stu Eizenstat and David Rubenstein to President-elect Jimmy Carter, “President Carter’s Campaign Promises,” November 30, 1976, 313–33.

  15.  Ellen Berlow, Communications Director and Press Advisor to President Carter’s Committee for Women, July 2014, comments to author.

  16.  Mary L. Clark, “Carter’s Groundbreaking Appointment of Women to the Federal Bench: His Other ‘Human Rights’ Record,” American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law, vol. 11, no. 3, 2003, 1131–63.

  17.  Rosalynn Carter, First Lady from Plains (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984), 289–90.

  18.  “Voices for Women,” 1980 Report of the President’s Advisory Committee for Women, Lynda Johnson Robb, Chair, 16–20.

  19.  Jimmy Carter, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, November 29, 1992.

  20.  Pad 42, November 22, 1978.

  21.  Pad 44, December 20, 1978.

  22.  Bella Abzug, interview with the author, April 8, 1992.

  23.  Jimmy Carter interview, October 25, 1991.

  24.  Jody Powell, interview with the author, October 16, 1989.

  25.  Hamilton Jordan interview, May 11, 1992, and December 23, 1992.

  26.  Bella Abzug interview, April 8, 1992.

  27.  Pad 32A, April 24, 1978.

  28.  Ben Wattenberg, interview with the author, July 21, 1991.

  29.  Peter Rosenblatt, interview with the author, November 3, 1992.

  30.  Pad 75, January 31, 1980.

  31.  Ibid.

  32.  Norman Podhoretz, interview with the author, July 14, 2011; Justin Vaïsse, Neoconservatism: The Biography of a Movement (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2011).

  33.  American Experience. “Jimmy Carter (Part 2).” Episode 174. Directed by Adriana Bosch. Aired on PBS, November 12, 2002; Joshua Muravchik, The Uncertain Crusade: Jimmy Carter and the Dilemmas of Human Rights Policy (Lanham, MD: Hamilton Press, 1986), 197–220, for a critical evaluation by a neoconservative of Carter’s human rights record; Jay Winik, On the Brink: The Dramatic Saga of How the Reagan Administration Changed the Course of History and Won the Cold War (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996).

  34.  Ben Wattenberg interview, July 21, 1991.

  35.  Andrew Young, interviews with the author, December 17, 1991, and September 14, 2014.

  36.  Ibid., December 17, 1991, October 5, 2012, and September 27, 2014.

  37.  Andrew Young interview, September 27, 2014.

  38.  Pad 48, February 8, 1979.

  39.  Stoney Cooks, interview with the author, April 29, 1992.

  40.  Andrew Young interview, September 27, 2014.

  41.  Stoney Cooks interview, April 29, 1992.

  42.  Hodding Carter III, interview with the author, June 10, 1992.

  43.  Stoney Cooks interview, April 29, 1992.

  44.  Yehuda Blum, interview with the author, July 15, 1991.

  45.  Cyrus Vance, interview with the author, April 28, 1992.

  46.  Jimmy Carter interview, October 30, 1991.

  47.  Pad 62, August 14, 1979.

  48.  Jimmy Carter interview, October 30, 1991.

  49.  Pad 62, August 14, 1979.

  50.  Ibid., August 15, 1979.

  51.  Ibid., August 16, 1979; Jimmy Carter interview
, October 30, 1991.

  52.  Cyrus Vance interview, April 28, 1992.

  53.  Andrew Young interview, Atlanta, Georgia, July 25, 1981, Box 140, Item 13, Side 1, Andy Young Oral History Collection, Tulane University Digital Library.

  54.  Bert Gold, interview with the author, September 19, 1991.

  55.  Vernon Jordan, interview with the author, November 11, 1991; Pranay B. Gupte, “Civil Rights Leader Backs Cause of PLO After Meeting at U.N.,” The New York Times, August 20, 1977.

  56.  Thomas Johnson, “Black Leaders Air Grievances on Jews,” The New York Times, August 23, 1979.

  57.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 406; Ephraim “Eppie” Evron, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., interview with the author, December 23, 1992.

  58.  Hamilton Jordan interviews, May 11, 1992, and December 23, 1992.

  59.  Yehuda Bloom, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, interview with the author, July 15, 1991.

  60.  Walter Mondale interviews, April 3, 1991, October 8, 1992, September 11, 2014, October 6, 2015.

  61.  Terence Smith, “President Terms Anti-Israel Vote in U.N. an Error,” The New York Times, March 3, 1980.

  62.  Pad 78, March 3, 1980.

  63.  Terence Smith, “The U.N. Vote: Snowfall, Missed Signals, Iran and the Other Problems Contributed,” The New York Times, March 18, 1980.

  64.  Robert Strauss, interview with the author, October 27, 1989.

  65.  Ephraim “Eppie” Evron, Israeli ambassador to the United States, interview with the author, December 23, 1992.

  66.  Hamilton Jordan interviews, May 11, 1992, and December 23, 1992.

  67.  William Maynes, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, interview with the author, August 26, 1992. Maynes was listening in Cyrus Vance’s office at the State Department to the Mondale-Vance telephone conversation and quoted Walter Mondale in his interview with the author.

  68.  Cyrus Vance interview, April 28, 1992.

  69.  Pad 78, March 4, 1978.

  70.  Rosalynn Carter, First Lady from Plains, 321–2; Rosalynn Carter, interviews with the author, July 13, 1993, and August 13, 2014.

  71.  Pad 79, March 24, 1980.

  72.  Paul Kirk, interview with the author, January 19, 1993.

  73.  Carl Wagner, interview with the author, August 17, 1992.

  74.  Ambassador Sam Lewis, ADST interview, August 9, 1998; and Sam Lewis, interview with the author, May 20, 1992.

  75.  Hamilton Jordan interviews, May 11, 1992, and December 23, 1992.

  76.  Jimmy Carter interview, October 25, 1991.

  77.  Tom Donilon, interview with the author, August 9, 2014.

  78.  Carl Wagner, interview with the author, August 17, 1992.

  79.  Pad 88, June 14, 1980.

  80.  Pad 88, June 17, 1980.

  81.  Pad 88, June 18, 22, 1980.

  82.  Pad 93, August 7, 1980.

  83.  Pad 88, June 18, 1980.

  84.  Pad 95, August 26, 27, 1980.

  85.  Pad 95, September 10, 1980.

  86.  Pad 93, August 12, 1980.

  87.  Paul Kirk interview, January 19, 1993.

  88.  Edward Kennedy interview, September 11, 1992.

  89.  Jimmy Carter interviews, October 25, 1991, and September 27, 2013.

  30. “Are You Better Off…?”

    1.  Hamilton Jordan, memorandum to President Carter, June 25, 1980, Carter Presidential Library and Museum.

    2.  Pad 17, May 31, 1977.

    3.  Pad 24, September 1, 1977; Griffin Bell, interview with the author, September 6, 1989.

    4.  Pad 24, September 2, 1977.

    5.  Ibid., September 12, 1977.

    6.  Ibid., September 7, 1977.

    7.  Ibid., September 10, 1977.

    8.  Drew Days, interview with the author, May 7, 1992.

    9.  Daniel K. Williams, “Jerry Falwell’s Sunbelt Politics: The Regional Origins of the Moral Majority,” Journal of Policy History, Cambridge University Press, November 2, 2010.

  10.  Denise Grady, Nellie Gray obituary, The New York Times, August 15, 2012.

  11.  Randall Balmer, “The Real Origins of the Religious Right: They’ll Tell You It Was Abortion. Sorry, the Historical Record’s Clear: It Was Segregation,” Politico, May 27, 2014.

  12.  Max Blumenthal, Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party (New York: Nation Books, 2009), 25.

  13.  WETA, “God in America: Transcripts: Hour Six—‘Of God and Caesar,’”

  14.  Ibid.

  15.  Jimmy Carter, interview with the author, June 4, 1991.

  16.  Robert Maddox exit interview, December 8, 1980, by Marie Allen, Presidential Papers; Helen Parmley, “Aide Explains Falwell Talk,” The Portal to Texas History, August 7, 1980, in which a spokesperson for Falwell tried to explain away Falwell’s allegation that Carter supported homosexuals on his White House staff.

  17.  Daniel K. Williams, “Jerry Falwell’s Sunbelt Politics: The Regional Origins of the Moral Majority,” Journal of Policy History, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

  18.  American Experience. “Biography: Billy Carter,”

  19.  American Experience. “Jimmy Carter (Part 2).” Episode 174. Directed by Adriana Bosch. Aired on PBS, November 12, 2002.

  20.  Robert Hershey, Jr., “Billy Carter Dies of Cancer at 51: Troubled Brother of a President,” The New York Times, September 26, 1988.

  21.  Ethan Trex, “6 Presidential Siblings and the Headaches They Caused,” July 29, 2008,

  22.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010), 279.

  23.  Hamilton Jordan interview, May 11, 1992.

  24.  Alfred Moses, interview with the author, August 25, 2015.


  26.  Pad 91, June 18, 1979.

  27.  Larry Sabato, “Billygate-1980,”, July 21, 1998; Robert O. Hershey, Jr. “Billy Carter Dies of Cancer at 51: Troubled Brother of a President,” The New York Times, September 26, 1988.

  28.  Robert Pastor, interview with the author, transcribed July 13, 2011.

  29.  Pad 83, April 23, 25, 1980.

  30.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1980–1981, April 27, 1980, 780.

  31.  Ibid., 834.

  32.  Pad 86, May 29, 1980.

  33.  Robert Pastor interview, July 13, 2011.

  34.  Chris Good, “The Laffer Curve: The Most Powerful and Ambiguous Idea in Tax Politics,” The Atlantic, August 9, 2010; “Laffer Curve,” Dylan Matthews in Ezra Klein’s blog, “Where Does the Laffer Curve Bend?”

  35.  G. William (Bill) Miller, interview with the author, July 28, 1989.

  36.  JEC Report, Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, April 1996.

  37.  James Baker interview, May 29, 2013.

  38.  Pad 88, June 9, 1980.

  39.  Debates, External Video, the Reagan-Carter presidential debate, October 28, 1980, on YouTube.

  40.  Pad 97, September 30, 1980.

  41.  James Baker interview, May 29, 2013; Richard Wirthlin statement to Elizabeth Drew, in Morton Kondracke, “Debategate,” The New Republic, July 18, 1993.

  42.  Jerry Rafshoon, interview with the author, August 19, 2013.


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