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Surrender to Me (I Surrender Trilogy Book 2)

Page 23

by James, Monica

  I pull away quickly and watch Jasper frown.

  I can't win!

  Harper looks at Jasper hatefully, and the feeling is more than mutual, judging by the serious stink eye Jasper is throwing Harper’s way. Clearing my throat thankfully seems to snap them out of their testosterone filled stare off.

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was coming to find you to say goodbye,” Harper explains.

  “Oh, you're leaving?” I ask surprised, and also a little worried as to how long I was MIA.

  As usual I’ve lost all track of time, because there is no other place I would rather be, than in Jasper’s arms.

  Harper nods and I notice him peering at my neck, raising his eyebrows.

  My hand flies up to my throat, and I can feel a blush heat my cheeks.

  Jasper notices my timid response and snaps at Harper, “Don't let the door hit you on the way out.”

  I shoot a scolding look his way because he is being unnecessarily rude. But of course he only smirks at me, highly amused at this whole situation.

  Harper ignores Jasper, and continues on like he didn't just insult him. “Yes, I'm not feeling well. Did you want me to take you home?”

  That wipes the amused look off of Jasper’s face.

  He quickly grabs my hand, and pulls me to his side. “She's fine where she is.”

  I look up at him unimpressed.

  Harper nods. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” and he leans forward, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

  Tensing under his kiss as I feel Jasper stiffen up near me, Harper thankfully walks away before Jasper has a chance to rip off his lips.

  When Harper is out the door, I turn to Jasper, eyes wide. “You don't have to be so rude.”

  I understand why he is behaving the way he is, but it still doesn’t excuse his bad manners.

  Jasper merely shrugs. “Yes I do. He’s a jackass and he’s lucky he’s leaving in one piece. And what does he mean exactly by, he’ll see you tomorrow?”

  I cringe. “Oh, about that,” I reply, biting my lip.

  “Why do I have the feeling I'm not going to like what you're gonna tell me?” he says while tapping the tip of my nose.

  I smile sweetly. “I just won’t tell you then,” I reply, giving him a chaste kiss.

  I love that I am able to openly do this again.

  As I pull away, he raises his perfect eyebrow. “He’ll be fine, as long as he keeps his eyes, lips and hands to himself.”

  I chuckle, slightly turned on by his possessiveness and smile.

  “I heard Tarzan wants his loin cloth back.” And I turn my back on him, walking into the direction of the dining room.

  Jasper smacks me on the butt as he catches up to me, letting out the infamous Tarzan call.

  I roll my eyes, but secretly, I would give my right arm to see him in a loin cloth.


  “Goodbye papa bear, I'm going to miss you,” coos V, kissing Lucas on the lips candidly.

  Jasper and I are standing near my car, rolling our eyes at the disgusting PDA before us.

  “Seriously guys, you're seeing each other in like twelve hours. Not twelve years,” Jasper jokes, poking Lucas in the ribs. “Let’s go man. We gotta hit the stripclubs before you become all domesticated and boring.” Jasper mock shudders and I bite back my laugh.

  V narrows her eyes at Jasper. “You will not be taking my fiancée to any place where naked ladies and their jiggly bits are on display for all to beat off to.”

  Jasper grins, his dimples taunting me with their cuteness. “What if we went to a place that had beer and naked ladies?”

  V takes a step towards him, poking her finger into his chest. “You remember that promise I made you?”

  Jasper blanches while holding onto his privates.

  “I wasn't joking.”

  The look on Jasper’s face is priceless and I burst out laughing. I have tears in my eyes and am holding my sides, cackling uncontrollably. This goes on for about a minute, and when I catch my breath, Jasper tickles my sides.

  “I dunno why you're laughing. We both suffer if she makes good on her word.”

  And that cracks me up even more.

  Suddenly, all four of us are in hysterics like the good old days. It is so nice to laugh again, and I hope this happy moment is just the start of many more to come.

  I have laughed so hard I have given myself a stitch.

  Wiping the tears out of my eyes, I pull V into a hug.

  “Okay Miss, let’s go home. I need all the beauty sleep I can get with your snoring.”

  V nudges me with her hip. “I do not a snore,” she pouts.

  Lucas and I look at one another, attempting to hide our smiles behind our hands, but we fail terribly.

  V has a small smirk on her lips, and I know she is going to embarrass the hell out of me.

  “Well, at least I don't order Chinese in my sleep.”

  That definitely stops my laughter as I defend my honour. “That was one time!”

  Jasper snorts and bites his lip when I evil him.

  V giggles. “I’m just letting Jasper know what he's in for, that's all,” she says, raising her palms innocently.

  Jasper is chuckling deeply. “Oh, I'm well aware of her sleep talking. It has kept me entertained on many sleepless nights. Last I remember, she was a Girl Scout selling me cookies.”

  Beyond mortified, I smack him playfully on the chest.

  “Hey, I'm not complaining. I had great dreams of you in uniform that night.”

  I smack him harder this time. “You perv!”

  He pulls me to his chest, hugging me. “When it comes to you, always.”

  His comment does crazy things to my insides, and being this close to him, reminds me of what we did tonight. I shiver at the memory and Jasper tightens his hold around me.

  “Oh God seriously, get a room,” V jokes. “However judging by that hickie, a room is not a prerequisite for you two.”

  I automatically cover my neck, totally embarrassed.

  “Oh Ava please, it’s about time,” V says casually.

  Hiding my face into Jasper’s taunt chest, I snuggle into him and am surrounded by everything that is Jasper White. And I never want to leave this happy place. I am so comfortable being wrapped up in his arms, and as I feel Jasper’s chest rising in steady, deep breaths, I sigh happily. I could stay like this forever, because I belong in these warm familiar arms of the man I will love with my last breath.


  I am towel drying my hair in front of the bathroom mirror, and Bruno Mars,’ Marry You is blaring through my iPod earphones. I don't know how I got here, because I never thought I would be sitting here with this ridiculously huge smile, plastered all over my face. I smile at my reflection, and for once, it smiles back, and I promise myself, I will never allow that smile to fade. And I also promise myself, to never let the reason behind my smile leave me ever again.

  I still can’t believe tonight happened, but the pinkish mark on my neck is a reminder that I didn’t dream it. But what does this mean for Jasper and I? Yes, we had sex, and yes, it was amazing, but we never discussed what happens now. In three days time, I will be on a plane, heading back to Singapore for six months to finish my scholarship, but the thought of leaving Jasper actually makes me feel nauseous, which is ridiculous, as we haven’t even spoken about us. Or even if there is an us. I want there to be, but ultimately the decision is Jasper’s. I know that once tomorrow ends, it’ll bring about a new chapter in my life- with or without Jasper

  I really hope it’s with.

  Piling my hair into a high bun, and brushing my teeth while bopping around the bathroom to Bruno Mars, I realize I am happy again, and the feeling is one I have sorely missed.

  Slam dunking my wet towel into the hamper as I make my way into my bedroom, sleep cannot come quick enough, and I know I need all I can get, considering the day I am in for tomorrow. I slip on my light blue cotton boxers with rubber duckies
on them, and blue tank top. My eyes begin to droop as soon I pull back the quilt, welcoming the idea of losing myself in sleepy land.

  However, before I can welcome sleep, I hear a light tapping at my window. Turning my head and listening intently with my ear poised in the direction of the noise, I don't hear it again, so I disregard it as the wind. But when it starts again, louder this time, I drop low to my knees and creep over to the window, like a ninja in rubber duckie pj’s would.

  I am holding my breath as I start envisioning who is outside my window. And those visions are ones made up of monsters, clowns and perverts! I reach up hesitantly, and push aside the curtain an inch. Peering out the pane, I gasp when I see someone standing under my window, wearing a black hood, covering his face. I let out a yelp and close the curtain, while crouching down out of sight from the intruder. I am not high up as V’s apartment is not far above the ground, so my phantom could climb the railing, and creep onto the balcony easily enough.

  Taking a courageous breath, I peek through the edge of the curtain, hoping my phantom has gone, because I cannot just sit up here, waiting for him to murder me. But as the moon slips out from under the clouds, I see my phantom and his cerulean eyes watching me closely from under his hood. Now my heart is racing for another reason.

  What is he doing here at, I look over at the clock, at 1:08 am?

  Only one way to find out.

  Prying open the window, I give him a small wave. “What are you doing here?” I whisper, cupping one hand to my mouth, not wanting to wake up V.

  He pulls down his hood and I sigh at how handsome he looks, illuminated under the moonlight.

  “Coming to tuck you in,” he replies, giving me a big dimpled smile.

  I look down at his hand and notice he has a fistful of stones. That explains the tapping. Is it totally lame I find him throwing stones at my window in the middle of the night kinda cute?

  Juvenile, but totally cute.

  My knees buckle, and I lean over the edge of the windowpane.

  “I thought you and Lucas had plans.” I emphasis the word plans, of course referring to his comment earlier about attending a stripclub.

  He runs a hand through his hair, fisting it up into a messy mohawk. “I’m scared of V,” he replies.

  I let out a giggle, but silence it quickly with my hand.

  He rewards me with a big smile. “And anyways, there is only one girl I am interested in seeing naked,” he adds, while I nearly forget to swallow.

  Me! Me! Me! I all but jump up and down like a cheerleader on crack.

  “Let me in so I can see that girl in all her naked glory. Although, you are totally rockin’ those rubber duckies,” he smirks, stepping on his tippy toes to get a better look at my pj’s.

  As usual I have Jasper brain, and forgot I was standing in my childish prints. I try and cover myself and Jasper laughs huskily.

  “Can I come in?” he asks, hopeful I will say yes.

  Is he kidding? The problem will be getting him to leave after I have tied him to my bed and made him my prisoner, Kathy Bates style.

  “Okay, let me unlock the door,” I reply, beaming as I close the window quietly.

  I bounce down the stairs impatiently, and open the front door for him. He is standing on the porch with his hands in his pockets, biting his lip. And I can’t help myself, as I throw myself into him, burying my nose into his neck.

  Luckily he catches me.

  He chuckles. “Miss me?”

  I pull back, kissing his cheek. “Always.”

  We creep up the stairs as silently as possible, which is not very silent at all, as Jasper has his hands all over my ass as I am climbing the stairs in front of him.

  “Quit it,” I giggle, smacking his hands away, but secretly relishing in his touches.

  As we enter my bedroom, I close the door softly, but spin around when Jasper surprises me by pushing me up against the wall, trapping me with his arms on either side of my head.

  He searches my face and I suddenly feel uneasy.

  “I came here to tell you something,” he confesses.

  Instantly my face drops. Oh God, what is he going to tell me?

  He chuckles, running his thumb across my lower lip which has fallen into a frown.

  “Something good,” he says when he witnesses me having an internal panic attack.

  I look at him, gesturing with my eyes for him to continue.

  “I love you.”

  I bang my head against the plaster as his words have just propelled me backwards. He loves me?

  Oh my God! Jasper White... loves me.

  Me, Ava Thompson.

  I swear I can hear fireworks, but as I feel my heart pounding wildly against my chest, I know the pounding is coming from within.

  Opening my mouth to tell him I love him too, he places his finger over my lips, shaking his head.

  “You tell me when he's gone,” he says, his soft breath caressing my cheeks.

  I look at him confused, and am searching his face for answers.

  He places his warm palm on my cheek. “If you tell me you love me while he's here, and he so much as looks at you the wrong way, I will kill him.”

  Oh, I get it now.

  Placing my palm over his and nodding, I look deeply into his eyes. I will respect his wishes because I understand why he is asking this of me. I have told him hundreds of times before that I love him, but when I tell him this time around, it'll be the first and final I love you. Once I express my love for him, there will be no turning back, and no second chances. And that suits me just fine.

  He leans forward, crushing his lips over mine softly, and I purr in response, kissing him back willingly. However, this kiss is not filled with eagerness to consume one another, no, this kiss is filled with love. And this kiss is my favorite kiss of all.

  He pulls away all too quickly and I pout, missing the connection.

  “Get some sleep, baby. I’ll see you in the morning in my monkey suit.”

  He called me baby and I can’t stop smiling.

  “I thought you came over here to tuck me and see me naked,” I say cheekily, winking at him.

  He groans at the thought. “Don’t tempt me. I will tuck you in, but seeing you naked is probably not wise. We both know how thin these walls are.”

  I blush at the memory of when Jasper and I nearly had our first kiss, but were interrupted by V and Lucas’ sexathon.

  Our hands are entwined as he guides me to the bed, pulling the covers back for me, and I slip inside the silky sheets and instantly stifle a yawn with the back of my hand.

  Jasper lets out a soft laugh while tucking me in so tightly, it is cutting off my circulation. I now know what a butterfly feels like trapped in a cocoon, but I don’t say anything because one, I don’t want to hurt his feelings and two, I can’t breathe.

  “Goodnight Ava,” he whispers, leaning down, kissing my forehead.

  “Goodnight Jasper,” I reply sleepily, closing my eyes.

  I feel the bed dip beside me, and I groggily feel myself being wrapped in Jasper’s arms and smell.

  Surely I am dreaming, because this feels too good to be true.

  Chapter 24

  Pre-Wedding Confessions

  There are a thousand needles piercing my brain due to a loud, relentless beeping. Snapping open an eye, I am ready to kill the thing that has interrupted my sleep.

  I look over at the alarm clock. Ugh, 7:10 am, why the hell is my alarm going off?

  Sitting up, reality sets in. Today my best friend is getting married, and I am so lucky to be sharing this special day with her.

  I don’t remember setting my alarm I ponder, while hitting the off button. Slumping back down onto my pillow and wiping the sleep from my eyes, I get a waft of the most delicious scent.


  The memories of last night come floating back, and I sigh happily. He must have set the alarm for me before he left. I don’t recall him leaving, but I am quite certain I didn’t d
ream him settling in beside me, cuddling me to sleep. How have I managed to sleep without him all this time, I question myself. I haven’t, that’s why I have these huge bags under my eyes!

  Feeling rested for the first time in forever, I leap out of bed as I can hear doors banging, and cutlery clinking downstairs. The fresh smell of coffee has me running down the stairs in a matter of seconds.

  The bride to be is in her pink, flying pigs print dressing gown, dumping sugar after sugar into her coffee, and she looks nervous.

  “You okay?” I ask while pouring myself a cup of coffee, looking at her cautiously.

  V nods, but suddenly bursts into tears, covering her face with her hands.

  I am by her side within seconds.

  “What wrong?” I ask, brushing her long hair off her face.

  She continues crying and I pull her in for a hug.

  “Cold feet?”

  It's the only thing I can think why she would be crying.

  She shakes her head, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

  “I wish my parents were here, you know.”

  Of course she does.

  I feel like kicking my own butt for being a total dweeb and not realizing this sooner. Today is one of the most important days in any girl’s life.

  Rubbing her back, hoping to provide her with some comfort like she has done for me endless times in the past, I whisper, “I know honey, and I'm so sorry they aren't. But you have a whole bunch of people who love and adore you. Not to mention a fiancée who loves you more than life itself. And you have me,” I add.

  That sends V into more fits of tears as she buries her head into my neck.

  “But not for long,” she sobs. “You'll be going back to Singapore in a couple of days, and I really missed you when we were gone. I don't want you to go. I know you have to, but you belong here, not there.”

  I pull her in tighter, hoping to soothe her, but her words hit home. Everything she has said is true. I do belong here. I will be going back to Singapore in two days’ time, but the question is, do I really want to go?

  As she sobs into my shoulder, a lone tear escapes me, as reality begins to set in. I will be leaving V. My parents. Los Angeles.


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