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Taming Adam

Page 10

by Shirley Penick

  “Oh, it’s you.” She stepped back so he could come in the door.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “I wasn’t expecting you.” She shrugged.

  He frowned. “Oh. Sorry I thought you wanted to… um… never mind.” He turned to walk out the door.

  “No. Wait.” She grabbed his arm. He turned back to her, so she let go, even though she didn’t really want to, it was a nice strong arm. “That’s not what I meant. When you dropped off my stuff and then just left—I thought you’d changed your mind.”

  He shook his head and stepped closer. “No. I just didn’t want to scratch you all up with my beard and figured I could use a shower.”

  “Oh. Well good. I guess. Very considerate of you... Um… I didn’t shower. Or shave.”

  He looked her up and down slowly. Making her whole body tingle. “I doubt any hair you have—anywhere—will leave me with whisker burn. And you look adorable in your sleep shirt and tiny shorts.”

  She jerked back and looked down. “Oh, I forgot I was wearing them.” She was embarrassed and confused and didn’t know what to do to end this awkward encounter. Or—preferably—move it forward.

  He shifted from foot to foot. “So, are you still interested in what we talked about earlier, or do you want me to get the hell out of your room?”

  She smiled shyly. “How about you give me a little demonstration of what you have in mind.”

  His eyes heated, he stepped up to her and took her by the elbows pulling her in close. “I can do that.”

  Thank God.

  Adam lowered his head slowly, giving her time to get used to the idea, or run away if she wanted to. She didn’t run away, she lifted her face up to him, speeding up the process. He took that as a good sign, so he placed his lips on hers, softly, reverently. Brushing his mouth back and forth over hers gently, forcing himself to go slow, when what he wanted to do was plunder.

  He was still holding her by her elbows, but he felt her hands tracing a path up his back, so he let go of her elbows and wrapped his arms around her. She moved in closer, cementing her willowy body to his. Touching everywhere from knee to shoulder, they were nearly the same height, so she must be standing on her toes to bring them closer into alignment.

  She pressed her mouth more firmly to his, so he obliged her with a firmer kiss. When her mouth opened he swept his tongue into the hot wet cavern, tasting a mintyness that was probably from toothpaste. But there was a taste—hovering below the mint—that was all her, and it was delicious. She moaned into his mouth and he tangled his hands in her hair, positioning her head to take the kiss further, deeper, into the heat.

  Her hands found their way under his shirt in the back, they were strong and warm. He’d noticed her long slender fingers before, when she was taking photographs, but under his shirt they felt magnificent. His skin was on fire, sending shoots of lust south, making him harder by the second.

  She rubbed up against him making his cock leap in enthusiasm. He pulled back from her hot hungry mouth, so he could breathe for just a moment.

  Sucking in air, she looked up at him. “Yes.”

  Confused, he said, “Yes?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m very much interested in what we talked about earlier. Did you bring protection?”

  Fire shot through him, he wasn’t sure he could speak. He nodded. “Of course. I’m the rules following, always prepared, first born.” He gave her a crooked smile.

  “Excellent, because I’m the rules following, only child.”

  She slid her hands back under his shirt pulling it up as she went. He obliged her by yanking it off and dropping it to the floor. Her eyes lit up as she looked him over and he was glad she liked what she saw.

  “Nice,” she cooed as her fingers started exploring.

  He decided what was good for the goose was good for the gander, so he let his hands start roaming over the top of her T-shirt. She was petite, so it didn’t look like she had a lot of curves, but that’s not at all what it felt like to his seeking hands. She had a nice ass that filled his hands very well as he pulled her hips back to his.

  She pinched his nipples which made his cock twitch. He bit down on her neck gently and then moved his hands up her sides until they found her breasts, which were also a very pleasant size. A perfect handful. Her nipples happily furled as he tweaked them through the T-shirt.

  He growled out, “Mind if we lose the T-shirt?”

  She shook her head. “Not at all, lose away.”

  He pulled the T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Taking his first good look at her his mouth watered, he wanted those lovely dusky rose nipples in his mouth. But that would be a lot easier on the bed, so he started walking her backwards. When her legs bumped against the mattress he followed her down.

  Before moving down to her chest, he kissed her hard and long until she was gasping for breath. Then he started kissing and licking his way over to her ear which made her shudder. So, he lingered there another moment before continuing down her neck. He nipped at the shoulder and kissed away the sting, before moving to the soft center of her throat. Delving his tongue into the hollow, then kissing straight down her chest, until his face rested between her pert breasts. A very tempting place to stay, but those nipples were calling his name.

  He wrapped one hand around one breast and took his lips over to the other one, pulling the tight nipple into his mouth. Her hips bucked off the bed as he suckled her, flicking his tongue over the turgid peak. Biting down gently she bucked again and he smiled against her breast, she seemed to like that. He worried that nipple a bit more before moving to the other one and giving it the same attention.

  She was squirming under him. “Adam.”

  “Right here, lovely lady.” He left her beautiful breasts to continue kissing his way lower. When he got to her sleep shorts he started dragging them off, and she lifted her hips to help. He pulled them off and noticed they were exceedingly wet, which made his cock twitch. But he planned to taste her, before he let the beast out.

  He parted her legs and kissed up the inside of one, starting from her toes. When he got near her blazing hot center he stopped and went back down those magnificently long legs to start the process over on the second one. This time when he returned back to the apex he didn’t hesitate but kissed her at her most sensitive spot. Then he separated those folds and feasted, while she thrashed on the bed.

  Rachel was sure she was going to die any moment or explode or maybe both. The man was killing her with wave after wave of pleasure. Her skin was on fire, she couldn’t contain the sparks shooting through her whole body, from fingers and toes, to deep within her womb.

  Then she did explode, light shooting from every corner of her being, sending her atoms into a cloud of shimmering brilliance.

  She was certain her body could not recover and reconvene back into a solid form. She would have to live her life as a shimmering cloud. But as she lay there gasping for breath, her body did coalesce, and she became whole again.

  Just in time to see Adam drop his jeans and roll on a condom. The man was magnificent and her body pulsed with wanting.

  He looked at her and lifted an eyebrow in question.

  She managed a nod. “Yes, please.”

  He grinned and came down on top of her, filling her with one long stroke. Her channel expanded making room for him, welcoming him into her body. It was glorious. She gripped his ass and pulled him in tighter, tilting her pelvis so he went deeper. As deep as he could go. She felt full. Complete. He pulled out and began long steady thrusts that caused her to start climbing that hill of pleasure a second time.

  He loved her, over and over until her body was ready to explode again.

  He growled in her ear. “Come for me.”

  And she did, her sex contracting around him and dragging him to completion with her, she milked him of every last drop. He collapsed on top of her pressing her into the mattress as he fought for breath. It was di
vine. She could happily stay like this for a week. If she didn’t need to breathe that is, the man was heavy. Divine, but heavy.

  He stirred and rolled them both to their sides. Removing the condom in the process and dropping it into the trash can next to the bed.

  His sleepy eyes looked into hers and she smiled. He sighed and rested.

  As he slept she wondered where this left them. Had they turned a corner? Or scratched an itch? She wasn’t quite sure which she preferred.

  Chapter 18

  Adam woke up with a warm sexy woman wrapped around him, which felt really nice, but his brain was screaming at him. What in the hell had he just done? Had sex with a woman, nine years younger than he was, that’s what. After all his self-righteous, judgmental pontificating toward Beau about being seven years older than Alyssa, he’d just done the same damn thing with an even wider gap in age.

  He’d loved every minute of it. Even though he’d had to silence his thoughts. But once the deed was accomplished his convictions had roared back with a vengeance. So how to move forward? That was the real question. Pretend it didn’t happen? Act like it was a one-time phenomenon? Enjoy her while she was here? A permanent relationship was not in the cards. He was still too old for her. He needed a mature woman by his side.

  Maybe he could take his cues from her. Or maybe he should run like hell.

  “Having second thoughts?” she asked.

  Damn she’d caught him. Had he tensed up? “Not exactly. Just trying to figure out the next step.”

  She nodded, and her hair tickled his chest. “I was wondering the same thing, but it was too comfortable here with you to move. So, I decided not to think about it.”

  He sighed. “That is certainly one of the options. Maybe not the best one in the long run, but certainly appealing at the moment.”

  “We’ve got options. We can look at it as an itch scratched, one time, no harm no foul.”

  The easiest idea by far but for some reason he didn’t really feel like the itch had been scratched. In fact, the idea kind of ticked him off.

  She continued, “We can enjoy the time I’m here, in bed at the end of the day.”

  That sounded a little better, he would enjoy her. But was it courting disaster? Continuing a sexual relationship. And could he get his conscience to shut the hell up for that?

  “We can play it by ear, on a day to day basis. Not crossing it off the list, but not making it a given either.” He felt her shrug.

  An interesting idea, but then how would they determine when they came together.

  “We could develop some kind of code for it.”

  Shit, was she reading his mind?

  “Like that old song, Knock Three Times.”

  A laugh burst forth. “That song from the seventies? How do you even know about that? You weren’t even born yet. Hell, I wasn’t born yet. For that matter my parents would have just been babies.”

  She giggled. “My grandmother loved Tony Orlando and Dawn. She played it often and we would dance to it. It’s one of my favorite memories of her.”

  “A fun memory. Is she gone now?”

  “About a year ago. I miss her a lot.” Her breath caught, and he wished he hadn’t asked.

  He rubbed her back trying to ease the pain he was certain she was feeling. “I’m sorry.”

  She sniffed. “Changing the subject.” Then she reached up and knocked three times on his headboard.

  He wasn’t about to disappoint a lady trying to reign in her sadness, so he let his hands roam her body, looking for ways to arouse her. He kissed the top of her head then her nose and settled on her mouth. He gave her long drugging kisses while his fingers lightly skimmed over her perfect body. Teasing, tickling, arousing every inch.

  When he had her squirming, she reached down and took hold of his cock and ran her fingers up and down it until his eyes crossed.

  He groaned. “Stop, or we won’t be able to continue.”

  She grinned at him and reached for another condom he’d brought in with him and put on the night stand. She used her teeth to tear the package open and then rolled it on him. He gritted his teeth against the pleasure. When it was fully on, he slid between her legs and filled her.

  She sighed in pleasure and he held still, loving the wet heat that surrounded him. After a few moments she wrapped her legs around his hips and he took that as the sign to start moving. They moved together in natural harmony that he’d never experienced before with a woman. For some strange reason their bodies seemed to be in sync with each other.

  The pleasure built as he rocked into her again and again. Until he felt her body start to gather, so he sped up the friction to urge her on. She came hard, scratching his back in the process. He didn’t mind, in fact, the slight pain carried him into an explosive orgasm that emptied him out.

  When he gathered enough strength to move he rolled off her drawing her with him, so she ended on top. He didn’t want to squish her. He was a big heavy guy and she needed to be able to breathe.

  They stayed like that for a long time. Replete and relaxed. Eventually she moved off of him and he took that as his cue to leave. He gave her a long kiss. “I’m going back to my room now, sweet dreams, lovely lady.”

  She watched him dress and waved as he walked to the door. “Sweet dreams to you too, Adam.”

  He walked down the hall to his room and couldn’t bring himself to regret his actions. It had been too perfect. Tomorrow it might haunt him, but tonight it felt excellent.

  Rachel was sated and boneless. When Adam got up to go back to his room she didn’t feel the least bit disappointed. She just wanted to sleep, it had been a long day and she was tired. She waved goodbye to him and pulled the covers to her chin.

  Before she could close her eyes, Alyssa burst in her door. Damn, she should have gotten out of bed when Adam left, and locked it.

  Alyssa was standing just inside the door, still as a statue her mouth hanging open.

  “If you’re going to burst in my room the least you could do is shut the door.”

  Alyssa looked back at the door and then turned to Rachel, frowned and pushed the door closed and locked it.

  Darn it. No sleeping for her, now. She sat up keeping the sheet over her. “Hand me my robe. It’s on the closet door.”

  Alyssa looked at the closet door and back to Rachel still not saying a word.

  This was getting old. “Alyssa, knock it off and hand me my damn robe. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?”

  Alyssa got the robe off the closet door hanger and handed it to her. “I’m just surprised. I saw Adam leave your room and was afraid he’d been in here being an ass. It never occurred to me you two were tearing up the sheets.”

  “My sheets are just fine, he was not being an ass, and we had two rounds of very excellent sex. Any other questions?” She lifted an eyebrow while holding the robe in one hand.

  “You had sex with Adam? Twice?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes at her friend. “Do I need to draw you a picture?”

  Alyssa giggled. “Mr. High and Mighty had sex with a woman nine years younger, when he was giving Beau a hard time about me?” She laughed and clapped her hands. “That’s awesome, I can’t wait to tell Beau.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. You might discuss everything with Beau, but I don’t want my sex life broadcast about the house. Or Beau giving Adam a hard time.”

  “Well hell. I suppose you’re right. It’s not my place to say anything.”

  She put her arms through the robe and drew the front closed. “No, it’s not, and it’s not like we’re going to get married, or anything. We are two single consenting adults, enjoying some intimacy.”

  “So, are you going to keep going at it?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  Alyssa rubbed her hands gleefully. “Is that why he left? You kicked him out?”

  “No, but I wasn’t sad to see him leave, either. It’s been a long day and I’m tired. I assume he is also. You know I’m not
real fond of sharing a bed.”

  Alyssa laughed. “Yes, I am aware of that fact. You never did like to have me spend the night, unless I slept in the guest room.”

  Rachel shrugged. “I’m more comfortable alone.”

  “Okay. I see now that you didn’t need me to rescue you, and you’re right it’s been a busy day. So, I’ll get out of your hair and let you sleep. Alone. I wonder if you’ll change your mind when you meet the one.”

  “Doubtful, thanks for coming to rescue me or cheer me up or whatever. Not to be rude but don’t let the door hit you…”

  Alyssa laughed and walked to the door. “You might want to lock this to keep people out… of your bed.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes and then did lock it once Alyssa was gone. Since she was up, she put on a nightgown, dropped her previous sleep clothes in the laundry basket, pulled her hair back in a tie, and climbed into bed. As she drifted off to sleep, she imagined Adam in the bed with her and found she didn’t exactly hate the idea.

  Chapter 19

  Now that graduation was over, it was full steam ahead on the wedding plans. Rachel had no idea Alyssa could be such a drill sergeant. It was going to be a hurried planning period since the wedding was only two months away, so her friend’s militancy was probably warranted. But Alyssa did not give her one moment to herself, and after a week she wanted a few minutes down time, and maybe some time with Adam again. She was beginning to think that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Alyssa had a time table that kept everyone hopping.

  The engagement pictures and the wedding invitations arrived the same day, so Rachel, Emma, and Meg spent the next whole day stuffing envelopes. Alyssa insisted she address each invitation by hand because that showed the bride cared. Rachel thought it was a silly sentiment, but it was Alyssa getting the hand cramp not her, so she let her have her way.


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