Book Read Free

Taming Adam

Page 11

by Shirley Penick

  Once the invitations were in the mail the four ladies decided to take a trip to Denver to find a dress for Alyssa. Tony was not happy about being left behind on a shopping expedition, but they all knew the little guy would be bored to tears within minutes. Candy and drug store shopping was one thing, wedding dress buying was another.

  “Now Tony, uncle Cade and uncle Chase are going to take you out on the horses tomorrow, while us ladies go dress shopping.” Emma dropped down to her knees and took him by the shoulders. “And then you and your uncles are going to do some fishing. Your papa is going to fry up those fish you catch.”

  Tony nodded and looked over at Travis. “Papa cooks fish real good.”

  “Yes, he does, and then you can play with all your uncles until bed time.”

  “Okay, Mama. Will you be home to tuck me in and kiss me g’night?”

  “Probably not, but maybe you can have your uncles read you a book or two. And when I get home I’ll come in and kiss you then. Deal?”

  Tony nodded. “Deal.” Rachel didn’t think Tony was totally convinced but he was being brave.

  Emma’s smile was a little wobbly. “If you’re really good for your uncles, I’ll bring you back something special from Denver.”

  “I’ll be good, Mama.”

  “I know you will, Tony. Now let’s go on up and pick out your fishing clothes for tomorrow. Say goodnight to everyone.”

  Tony ran around the room giving everyone a goodnight hug. It was so darn cute Rachel had to smile. He even gave her a hug, which kind of surprised her, she wasn’t very good with little kids, so hadn’t expected one. But it melted her heart a little when he didn’t exclude her.

  Rachel stood. “I’m going to go get my cameras ready for the big day tomorrow, wedding dress shopping must be well documented.” When she got to the door she turned and caught Adam’s eye, then asked Alyssa what time they were leaving as she quietly knocked three times on the door frame, wondering if Adam was paying attention and would pick up on her action.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw him stiffen. When Alyssa reiterated the time, she glanced around the room and saw that Adam was looking at her intently. She gave a tiny nod and then bade the room goodnight.

  She grinned as she walked to her room, wondering how long it would take him to follow.

  Adam could not believe the woman had just propositioned him in front of his entire family. They didn’t realize what she was doing, of course. It had looked like a nervous action. His body had known and had leapt to attention. Which was going to make it damn difficult to gracefully leave the room any time soon.

  She was probably laughing her ass off at leaving him this way. He might have to give her a swat for that, not mean of course, but just enough to sting a bit. Thinking about that idea made his condition worse. He needed to think of something else, anything else. Why in the hell couldn’t he get his mind to focus? Because it already was focused on the woman currently sashaying her way to her room.

  He’d had an idea for something to do with Tony, while Emma had been trying to convince him he would have fun staying home with them. What was it? It was a good idea and he couldn’t remember it now to save him.

  Finally, his brain regained a little blood and he remembered. “I was thinking when we put Tony to bed tomorrow, we should build a tent over his bed so it’s like he’s camping.”

  His brothers turned toward him with stunned expressions and he wondered if he’d said something else, like what he wanted to do with Rachel.

  Chase broke the staring first. “That’s a damn good idea, Adam. I was a little worried about bed time. But if we rig him up a tent and have him climb into that while we read him stories, that might just work.”

  Adam let out the breath he was holding, glad his mouth had said what he wanted to say instead of what he was thinking about.

  Meg nodded. “I’ve got some old sheets you can use. You could use some thumb tacks in the ceiling or maybe get a couple of pieces of wood to tack the sheets on, to make tent posts.”

  Chad nodded. “And some twine to tie it all to the bed.”

  Adam groaned inwardly, he did not want to think about tying anything to a bed. Not with the state his body was in. But he’d diverted their attention and maybe he could make his getaway.

  His dad said, “We could make the whole day kind of a camping theme. We could build a little campfire and roast the fish over that. Providing you catch anything.” He grinned at the twins.

  Chase rolled his eyes. “Of course, we will.”

  His mother smiled. “You could use some old pie tins and pretend they are old fashioned tin plates. Maybe heat up a can of beans with your fish. Roast some marshmallows and make s’mores.”

  Adam stood, his body finally beginning to calm down. “Well I’m glad you like my idea. I’ve got a couple of things I need to do tonight. See you all in the morning.” They just barely acknowledged his leaving, they were so caught up in plans for entertaining Tony tomorrow. He rubbed his chin and decided he better shave before he went to visit Rachel, he didn’t want to chafe her skin. She might be trying on dresses tomorrow and he didn’t want to leave any evidence.

  After a quick shave and tooth brushing he grabbed some condoms and walked down the hall to Rachel’s door. He knocked three times thinking that would make her smile.

  When she opened her door he about swallowed his tongue. She was smiling all right, but it was a smile of seduction, and her attire about brought him to his knees. She had on the skimpiest pajamas he’d ever seen. A short little flirty top hat hit her at the waist with matching, barely there panties, leaving a strip of skin between the two pieces.

  “Took you long enough.” She said and then turned her back on him and walked across the floor. He managed to get into the room and shut the door but that was about all the movement he had in him. He was pretty much frozen watching the amazingly sexy woman prance around in almost nothing.

  She looked over her shoulder with a wicked grin. “Are you going to stand there all-night drooling?”

  Was he drooling? It was entirely possible. He felt shell shocked. He needed to get it together before she rescinded her invitation. “Maybe. You look so amazing, I’m frozen.”

  “Well stop being frozen and get your butt over here. This outfit is not exactly warm and if you aren’t going to help heat me up I’ll have to put on a robe. A big floor length robe, of heavy terrycloth.”

  He shuddered at the thought of her covering up all that lovely skin. That would be a shame of the highest order. He looked her up and down one more time and then strode across the room and took her in his arms. “No need to do anything drastic. I’m more than happy to warm you up.”

  He rubbed his hands on her arms that did feel a little chilly. “You weren’t joking, you’re cold.”

  “I was waiting forever.” She pouted.

  “It’s partially your fault it took so long. Knocking on that door frame got my whole body’s attention. I had to wait until it calmed down and I could distract my family, before I could get up and walk out of the room.” He kissed her neck and felt her shiver, he hoped it wasn’t from the cold.

  She giggled. “That is one advantage to being a female, our arousal is not so noticeable.”

  He leaned back and grinned at her. “Not until you get up close and personal. Then it’s more obvious.” Reaching down he squeezed her ass, pulling her in closer.

  “You have too many clothes on, mister. Some of that nice hot skin would warm me right up. In more ways than one.”

  “I can fix that,” he growled out. Then he whipped off his shirt and dropped it to the floor. Rachel purred and ran her hands over his chest. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped, to let his jeans fall down. It also freed his erection from the tight bind it had been subject to. Rachel brushed up against him and he groaned at the contact.

  She brushed him again. “We could take advantage of the nice soft bed over there, with blankets to hold in all the heat.”

Adam noticed she was still chilled, so he hoisted her up over his shoulder to carry her the two steps to the bed. “Your wish is my command.” He pulled the blankets and quilt back, then dropped her on the bed so she bounced.

  She laughed, and he slid in next to her, pulling the blankets back up over them. They might get too hot in a few minutes, but he needed to warm her up quickly. He didn’t want her catching a chill because she was trying to be sexy for him.

  He covered her mouth with his and held her close to share his body heat. She wasn’t quite shivering but a few more minutes and she would have been. He kissed her long and slow and rubbed his large hands over her arms slowly to bring some warmth back into her skin. She squirmed to get closer and he leaned over, so his body was half on top of hers.

  When she finally started to warm up and relax he ran a hand up under her short pajama top until he found her breast. He squeezed it gently and ran a thumb over her nipple. It tightened under his touch. She wrapped one leg around him and pushed her hot center on his leg.

  He used all his previously learned knowledge of her body to arouse. Bringing her higher and higher until she was quaking under his hands and mouth.

  She panted and pushed at him. “Adam, now. I want you inside.”

  He was beyond ready, his body screaming for more. He pushed the blankets off along with his shorts. While he rolled on a condom she flung her pajamas across the room and kicked the blankets away. Apparently, she was finally warm. He crawled on the bed and in between her legs, she wrapped around him like cellophane and he pushed into her warm wet channel.

  “Perfect,” she said on a sigh.

  They spent most of the night wrapped in each other’s arms. Sleeping and then waking to start the passion up again. He knew he was going to be tired tomorrow, but he didn’t care. When it was getting close to dawn he quietly left her sleeping and went back to his room. She was an amazing lover, so giving and responsive. His previous experiences paled in comparison.

  Chapter 20

  The entire car was silent and sullen. They had just spent the entire day going from one bridal boutique to the next and they’d found nothing. Well nothing in the form of a dress anyway. They’d picked up random things in the boutiques, a veil, a ring bearer pillow, a flower girl basket—even though they didn’t have a flower girl—fancy Champagne flutes, and a cake cutting set. But not the one thing they’d come to Denver for—the wedding dress.

  They’d had no luck whatsoever. The dresses were either something Alyssa couldn’t bear to wear, or they hadn’t fit right and would need too many alterations to have it ready in time. She had wide shoulders and small breasts and she was too short for anything readymade. There were a couple she liked that could be made for her, but it was a six-month process.

  Rachel could tell Alyssa was close to tears as she drove her Equinox down I-70 west. Her shoulders were tense, and her mouth was clamped into a line of frustration, her hands tense on the steering wheel. She had to think of something to give Alyssa hope.

  Suddenly an idea formed. “Alyssa, what about having Barbara make you one?”

  Alyssa’s voice was rough with unshed tears. “I thought about that, but it takes Barbara forever to make dresses. Remember our prom formals, we tried them on a dozen times and it took her months. And those weren’t nearly as complicated as a wedding dress.”

  “But maybe you should ask. She might have some ideas.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “I don’t think—”

  The car phone cut Alyssa off mid-sentence. She pushed the talk button. “This is Alyssa.”

  “Alyssa, this is Barbara Clarkson.”

  “Hi Barbara, we were just talking about you.”

  Rachel spoke up. “Hi Barbara, this is Rachel, we’re in the car driving back from Denver.”

  Barbara said, “Hi Rachel, what were you girls doing in Denver?”

  “Looking for a wedding dress.”

  Barbara sniffed. “Did you find one?”

  Alyssa sighed. “No, we did not.”

  “Well good, because you are totally going to hurt my feelings if you don’t let me make you one.” Barbara said sharply.

  “But the wedding is in two months, it’s not enough time.”

  “Alyssa Jefferson, you and your big day are more important than any other client I have. Besides my staff can take care of the other clients while I focus on you. How many bridesmaids are you having?”

  “Just Rachel and Beau’s sister Emma, who’s also in the car.”

  “Perfect. I’ll do their dresses, too.”

  Alyssa looked at Rachel and she shrugged. “But what about fittings and stuff?”

  “I have an invitation in my hand for a bridal shower in a month. I assume you’re coming to it.”


  “That will work perfectly. I’ll send you some sketches, you pick the one you like best and I’ll have them ready for the first fitting before the shower and a second fitting after the bachelorette party. Then we’ll do the final fitting and adjustments the week before the wedding. Chris and I are coming out early.”

  Alyssa frowned. “You and Chris are driving out for the wedding?”

  “Well, of course we are.”

  “But what about your businesses?” Alyssa asked, and Rachel had to admit she wondered about it too. Barbara had a thriving online wedding dress design business and she also was a partner in a wedding and costume boutique in town. Chris was the spearhead of a large amusement park, based on a video game one of the residents had designed in high school and sold to a tech company in Seattle.

  “That’s the beauty of owning your own. Chris and I are the bosses and can leave when we like. I’ve already made reservations at the Singing River Ranch. The woman assured me we could have a cabin that has enough room for my sewing machine and plenty of room for Jill to play.”

  Alyssa’s breath caught, and Rachel looked at her to see an expression of delight. “Barbara, do you think Jill would be able to be in the wedding, as a flower girl?”

  “Oh…” There was a shuffling sound and Rachel wondered what had happened.

  “Barbara?” Alyssa said

  “Alyssa? This is Chris. Barbara needs a moment.”

  Rachel said, “Hi Chris, this is Rachel. Does Barbara’s needing a moment mean what I think it does?”

  Rachel was certain she could hear the man’s chest puff out. “Yes, Rachel. Little Jill is going to have a baby brother before the end of the year.”

  Rachel and Alyssa grinned at each other when they heard Barbara say, “Chris you are such a blabber-mouth, now give me my phone. Alyssa, we would be honored to have Jill be your flower girl. I’ll make her a dress to match your bridesmaids’.”

  “Oh goody.” A thrilled smile covered Alyssa’s face.

  “I’ll need your colors and Emma’s measurements. You and Rachel are still relatively the same size you were in high school, aren’t you?”

  Rachel nodded, and Alyssa answered, “Yes, we haven’t changed much.”

  “Good. Then I have your measurements from your prom dresses. I’ll sketch up some ideas and email you,” Barbara said decisively.

  “Don’t you want to ask me what I like?” Alyssa asked.

  “Alyssa, I’ve known you since you were a toddler. I’m fairly certain I can send you some ideas to start with, you can fine tune whichever one you like best.” Rachel had to admit if anyone knew what Alyssa would like it would be Barbara, when it came to clothing the woman was hawk-eyed.

  Alyssa said, “Awesome, thanks, Barbara.”

  “You’re welcome, I’m just glad you didn’t find some nasty dress in Denver. Honestly, I don’t know why you even looked. Send me colors and measurements. Oh, and Emma will need to come with you to the bridal shower, so she can be fitted too.”

  Emma said, “Hi Barbara, this is Emma. I will be happy to come.”

  “Good, I need to go now. I’ll email you, Alyssa.”

  Before they could say goodbye, the car phone signaled
the call was over.

  Meg laughed. “That woman is a force to be reckoned with. How did you know she was pregnant, Rachel?”

  Rachel looked into the back seat and gave Meg a grin. “Barbara gets very emotional when she’s pregnant and bursts into tears at the slightest provocation. She runs off to the bathroom and then comes out a few minutes later and acts like nothing happened. When she’s not pregnant she is never emotional. The first time she got pregnant everyone thought she’d gone crazy, but as soon as little Jill was born Barbara settled right down to her normal self.”

  Meg laughed. “Pregnancy does affect each person differently.”

  “Well at least our wedding dress dilemma is taken care of,” Emma said cheerily.

  Alyssa sighed, and Rachel was thankful to see a wide smile on Alyssa’s face as she said, “Thank God for that. Barbara does such an excellent job on her dresses, it will be perfect.”

  Emma asked, “How old is Jill?”

  Alyssa shrugged and glanced at Rachel. “Four, about the same age as Tony actually. They will be adorable together.”

  The rest of the drive back was happy and they all chattered about the wedding and who all might be driving in from Washington. Alyssa didn’t think many would be joining them. Rachel on the other hand, would be surprised if there was anyone left in Chedwick, Washington the weekend of the wedding. She suspected some of them would fly into Denver if they didn’t have the four days to spend driving back and forth.

  Adam collapsed into an overstuffed chair in the living room as his father and brothers did the same. Tony had run all six of them ragged. He honestly did not know how Emma did it, day after day. There’d been six of them and they were exhausted. Emma took care of him all day every day, attended night classes online in the evenings and did bookkeeping on the weekends while his mom watched Tony.

  The six of them had been in charge of the boy for twelve hours and could barely move. He hoped like hell that the women had found dresses, so they would not have to go shopping and leave the boy with them for the whole day again. An hour or two here and there was fine, but twelve hours was killer. He had a whole new respect for his sister. The woman was clearly made of stronger stuff than he was.


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