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Dare To Love Series: Daring the Hard Man (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Burke,Aliyah

  “You do realize I’m your agent right, not your go to guy.”

  “Then hire one for me. Just get it done. We play Chicago in a month.”

  “This the woman I saw you with last night?”

  “Yes.” He ended the call and tossed his phone to the sofa he’d just been on with her. One month. Yes, he would count down the days but between now and then, he did have her phone number, he could call and speak with her.


  “And Luca “Hard Man” has done it again. Taken out another of their players. Although this time, it looked like he was actually going for the ball. What do you think, Roberto? Was he actually challenging or was he, as is typical for this player, hacking?” The announcer for the MLS game posed the question to his co-host.

  Kaitlyn didn’t hear his response, because she felt too shocked by what she’d seen. The Dallas player still hadn’t gotten up from the pitch. He lay there, clutching his leg and writhing in agony. She shook her head and stared at the screen once more. Around her, the cheers rose and fell.

  “What’s going on?” her brother Kevin asked, nudging her in the shoulder as he took another beer from the bartender.

  “I’m just trying to figure this out,” she said, hoping he wouldn’t catch on.

  “Hard to see your boyfriend, do that to someone else?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she retorted.

  “He better not be, but based on the way he had his arm around you in those pictures, I beg to differ. If only I was a detective or something like that. Maybe, just maybe I would be able to figure it out.”

  She tore her gaze from the television and glared at one of her numerous siblings. Kevin was the second oldest of the group. Large, brawny, and a damn good detective. She gazed into his dark brown eyes and snorted over the sparkling mischief she witnessed. “Something to aspire to then for you.”

  “You’re not too big for me to take me over my knee,” he replied, taking a swig from his longneck.

  “Don’t you have kids to do that to?”

  “You’re kind of like my kid. I had a hand in raising you too, you know.”

  “Fifteen years between us, I get it. You’re old and doddering and I’m cute. Let it go, Kevin.”

  He tugged her curls and claimed the barstool beside her. “You know all of us pulled up his information that we could and called in favors to get more. Even Dad did before you go there and Mitchell as well as Mom.”

  She didn’t even bother groaning, what would be the point, she had no doubt that would’ve happened the second she called her family and told them about this guy. “And?”

  “He’s a typical sports figure. But I don’t find any police reports, serious ones. A few drunken disorderly charges but those were years ago. No drug or gun charges, so that’s a plus unlike a lot of the NFL players have. There are a few reports of him having a child.”

  Her heart stalled and she almost coughed in her shock but somehow, she managed to pull it in and not release it. She shrugged like she’d known all of that. “Reporters don’t always tell the truth.”

  “I know that, sis. I just don’t want you to get hurt with any baby momma drama.”

  “Baby momma drama?” She slanted her gaze to her brother. Handsome she saw a lot of their father in him. Right now, his eyes were fixed on the television screen.

  “It happens.”

  “You make it sound like we’re getting married. We hung out at an event.”

  “That’s not all you did, according to Marlie,” the comment came from another brother, Thomas. He was just before her in age and was a SWAT officer. He leaned against the bar on the other side of her, fingers curved around a cold mug of beer. “I hear you left with him and stayed the night in his hotel room.”

  I really wish I hadn’t even come down to this bar right now. Can I just disappear and this conversation be as if it never happened? “Thomas,” she said.

  Kevin snapped his head toward her—eyes sharp and hard like a dagger’s tip. “I’m sorry what?” Kevin demanded. “You spent the night with a man you never met before that day?”

  She rubbed her temples and groaned. This was about to get messy. The rest of her brothers were somewhere in this bar and in about five minutes, she would be surrounded by them as they reprimanded her for going off with a strange man. I’m killing you, Marlie, when I see you next. “Since when do you talk to my friends, Thomas?” She ignored Kevin’s question.

  “Don’t ignore me, Kaitlyn. Is this true?” Kevin turned her toward him.

  “Oh, my God!” she snapped at him. “If I want to hook up with a guy just for sex, I’m allowed to do so. I’m not underage. I’m not incapable of making my own decisions here. Don’t pretend that you two didn’t do things like this before you got married. Because we all know it would a lie.”

  “What’s going on?” Devon the youngest of the family, approached, lowering his head to brush a kiss along her cheek.

  “Your sister hooked up with that soccer player while she was in Miami. As in had sex with him and she barely knew him. We’re telling her how foolish that is.”

  “You want to have sex with a man, Kaitlyn, give me a yell, I’ll gladly take you up on it,” a male voice crossed the bar and silenced her brothers.

  In fact, it silenced the bar aside from the television, however, she could swear it lowered the volume. She looked in the direction and found the comment had come from a cop who’d asked her out a number of times.

  However, he must have realized his mistake in announcing this where he did with all five of her brothers staring at him and demanding he repeat what he’d just said, he paled beneath his Hispanic tan.

  Her siblings moved toward her, so she knew they were going to be all over the fact she had sex with Luca. Damn good sex too.

  The remaining two brothers stopped to have a word with the man who’d foolishly mentioned sex and her while in a cop bar that her brothers frequented. She turned away, shaking her head and finished her drink.

  “We need to talk about this,” Kevin said as the other three brothers arrived to join the conversation.

  “No, we don’t,” she stated as calmly as she could.

  “I think we do.”

  She slid off the stool and backed into Wayne the oldest of them all. He was twenty years her senior. Turning to face him, she looked up at his scowling expression. “Good to see you too, brother. Excuse me, I have to go.”

  “No, we’re talking about you sleeping with strangers.” Wayne’s voice was deep and commanding.

  “Actually, Kevin and Thomas mentioned it. I wasn’t talking about it. I said if I wanted to go have sex with someone, I’m allowed to do so. I’m past the age where I can do that.”

  “We don’t know this man.”

  She crossed her arms. “Really? Kevin just got done telling me you all vetted him. So let it go. Leave me alone. Like I told him, we’re not getting married. It was a one night thing and I don’t want to hear your reprimands on that since I know each one of you have done them before.” She fisted her hands. “And don’t you dare say it’s different because you’re men.”

  “No, it’s different because you’re our sister.” Mitchell‒who was between Wayne and Thomas‒pointed that out.

  “I’m leaving,” she stated with a groan.

  “We’re not done with this discussion.” Mitchell crossed his arms standing there with his legs braced shoulder width apart.

  “And I’m sure you can carry it on while I’m gone. I have to go to work.”

  “You were just drinking,” Devon spoke this time.

  “I had a glass of water, that’s all. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She brushed by Wayne and made her way to the door, aware all her brothers were staring at her and that the rest of the bar most likely were as well. She shoved her hands in her pockets and struck off down the sidewalk, mind drifting back to the television and the match she’d seen part of.

  Luca had been going for the ball she couldn’t deny that. At le
ast to her, it looked that way. But when his cleated foot hit the other player, the man dropped like a hot rock and the commentary began.


  A siren went off behind her as she turned and groaned. Devon was there in his car behind her. She checked her watch then strode to the window he’d lowered. “What do you want Devon? I don’t have time for this, I’m on my way to work.”

  “I know. Get in, I’ll give you a ride.”

  “Am I allowed to ride in the front or do I have to be in the back, so you can question me on the way?”

  “Shut up and get in,” he groused.

  She listened and fastened her belt as he pulled away from the sidewalk. Kaitlyn waited, knowing it was coming.

  “We’re just looking out for you.”

  “Devon, I know that but I’m not in grade school anymore. I’m actually a grown woman who pays her own bills and everything.”

  He smiled and stroked a hand over his goatee. “I know but you’re still our baby sister.”

  “Excuse me,” she said. “I’m older than you.”

  “Still the girl, so you’re always going to be the baby.”

  She had a feeling that was the truth. “Are you telling Dad?”

  “Don’t have to, he knows. Probably knows what room you were in at the hotel as well.” He changed lanes. “And don’t forget, Mom, is just as tenacious as Dad when it comes to her baby girl.”

  “I should just join a convent.”

  “Probably be for the best.”

  She punched him in the arm.

  “Hey now, that’s assaulting a police officer.”

  Rolling her eyes, she leaned her head back as he drove her though Chicago. Her city. She loved it here.

  He dropped her off and thankfully, didn’t make any comments—anymore at least—about her excursion to Miami.

  She waved and strode to the building’s front door. The ride had gotten her here much earlier, so she took her time, enjoying the sun. She was about to go inside when her phone rang. Kaitlyn pulled it from her pocket and her heart slowed then kicked up a few notches. Across her screen read…Luca.

  With a deep breath, she licked her lips, and accepted the call, putting it to her ear. “Hello?”

  Chapter Four

  Luca rubbed the back of his neck as he paced the floor of the locker room. The towel around his waist, slipped and he readjusted it. Why isn’t she answering my call?


  God, just her voice alone was enough to send liquid iron to his cock. The towel tented and he sat to hide it, in case any of the other players walked around the corner. “Kaitlyn,” he said with a smile.

  “Hello, Luca.”

  “Did I interrupt you at a bad time?”

  “No, I’m on my way to work but I have a few moments. How are you?”

  “Missing you,” he admitted. He rubbed a hand over his straining cock and wished like hell it was her touch on him. Her soft hand stroking his length—up and down—alternating her grip so it was like her pussy flexing around him.

  She didn’t give a verbal response to his comment, just a nondescript grunt sound.

  “And you?”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Why are you going into work now, isn’t it late afternoon there?” He rubbed his hand along it again and shifted in the seat when it jumped beneath his touch.

  “911 dispatchers are on all the time. I have the night shift.”

  He could hear people talking around her and calling out to her. Luca wanted her with him, didn’t want to share her at all and wanted her naked beside him.

  “I saw part of your game,” she said.

  This brought his attention back to the here and now, not in his fantasy world. “You did? Today?” He smiled and sat up. “What did you think?”

  “Did you go for the ball or were you trying to take that man out?”

  He blew out a breath. “I was going for the ball. While I was sliding and just after I made contact with the ball, he dropped, holding his leg and crying out for a foul.”

  “So it’s because of your reputation you got the yellow card?”

  “Yes. I didn’t touch him.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because he had no mark on his leg. And there would at least have been a scrape from my cleats there, showing that I’d hit.”

  “Seems like you should change your reputation.”

  “It’s my nickname. It’s who I used to be. I’m not a dirty player, Kaitlyn but I am a hard player and I will defend my teammates. I’ll take risks and challenge for a ball many people wouldn’t because of the potential risk to the other player. We’re out there to win, not coddle our opponents.” His tone had gotten hard. He hated how she viewed him like this, but he wasn’t about to avoid addressing it.

  “Point taken,” she said. “So what are you doing now? Do you have the rest of the day off or interviews?”

  “I’m sitting here in the locker room in nothing but a towel.”

  She snorted. “Right.”

  “Want a picture?”

  “Yes. But without the towel.”

  His blood burned for her, so he undid the towel, exposing his hard cock. “One minute.” He took the picture, one hand grasping his dick then after securing the towel, he sent the image to her. “On its way.”

  “Let me look.” No sound then, “Oh fuck. I can’t believe you sent me that!”

  “You asked.”

  “You’re hard. Do you get that way after a game?”

  “I get that way talking to you.” His cock pulsed in the towel and he ground his jaw. Standing, he reached for his clothes and began dressing, phone pressed to his ear. “Want to come help me take care of it?”

  “Wish I could. God, I wish I could. But even if I had a jet of my own, I wouldn’t be there and back in time for work. Are you jacking off?”

  “You’re going to kill me woman. I’m trying to put this thing in my pants but it’s hard and wants your pussy around it. Or your mouth. Perhaps both.” He carefully raised the zipper on his jeans. The rain had started bringing down the temperature, so he didn’t want to be in shorts right now.

  “Luca, you coming for drinks man?” Paulo, their goalie stuck his head around the corner.

  “No, heading home. Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He was gone.

  “I’d like to have my pussy there. God, I don’t need to think about this before work or I’m going to be turned on all night.”

  “What do you think I am?” he asked, tugging on his shirt and juggling the phone, so he didn’t lose her.

  “You’re going home, or so you said, so you can lay around naked jacking off. I’m at a phone all night answering calls, it’s not like I have either the time or the privacy to stick my hands down my pants and frig my pussy.”

  “I want that pussy on my face. I want you sitting on my face while I eat you.”

  “Stop, please. I can’t go into work like this. I have to focus.”

  “Call me when you get home,” he ordered.

  “It’ll be the wee hours of the morning for you.”

  “Call me, Kaitlyn.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’ll call you.”

  “Good girl. I’ll talk to you soon, liefje.”

  “Yes. Wait, what does that mean?”

  “I’ll tell you later. Have a good night.” He ended the call, pressed the heel of his hand over his cock and promised, “Just a bit longer then we’ll find some relief.”

  Shouldering his bag, he strode from the room and out to his car. Rain fell in torrential sheets and he didn’t rush, but took his time, stopping off at one of his favorite fast food places to pick up his dinner.

  At his apartment, he ate and took a nap while waiting for her to call him back. Hell, he didn’t even know if Kaitlyn was working an eight or a ten hour shift. Maybe it was a twelve hour.

  He went grocery shopping later and she still hadn’t called by the time he climbed into b
ed. Luca got comfortable and fell asleep. His phone chimed and he came awake instantly, reaching for the device. “Hello?” he rasped.

  “I did wake you.”

  The sleep lingering around him vanished like a mist. “Kaitlyn. Are you home?”

  “Just walked through the door about fifteen minutes ago.”

  “That was a long shift for you.”

  “I work tens but we were really busy, so I stayed for twelve. I’m sorry, would you like me to call back?”

  “God, no. I’ve been waiting to talk to you all day.” As if on cue, his cock came awake, lifting the sheet over him into another tent. “All damn day.”

  “So, talk.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You wanted to talk, so talk.” He went silent and she laughed. “Unless you’d like to do a video chat?”

  The thought of seeing her had his balls drawing tight. “Yes. Let’s do that.”

  In less than five minutes, the screen on his computer went from boring to showing him the woman he wanted more than anything. She wore a large button-down shirt and a smile on her face. “Hi,” she said with a tiny wave.

  He rubbed his chest. “You’re wearing clothing.”

  “Only this shirt.” She stood and it slid down her body, showing him everything.

  He riveted his gaze to her pussy and moaned at the sight of her plump lips, the slight hint of moisture there, and the tiny strip of hair leading to her clit. He grasped his cock and pumped, using the precum leaking from the tip as lubricant.

  Kaitlyn sat back in view, allowing him to see her face as well as her pussy as she reclined against her headboard. She propped up the outside leg and drifted her finger over her core. “You started without me,” she chastised.

  “I couldn’t help it. You’re wet, I can see that from here. Put your fingers in that sweet pussy and then lick them clean.” His panting came harder as he worked his cock faster watching her do what she was doing.

  As she pulled her fingers from her mouth, she trailed them over her nipples, adding a shine to them as well. Then she went back to fingering herself. Her gaze however, remained locked on his dick and his hand as he fisted up and down the length. “I want this when we’re in the same room,” she said, her breathing fast and shallow.


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