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Dare To Love Series: Daring the Hard Man (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Burke,Aliyah


  She spread her pussy open with one hand and he stared unabashedly at her fingers dancing along in her body. He loved watching a woman pleasure herself, especially in this situation. Having it be Kaitlyn was even better.

  The moment she plunged her fingers deep inside, he knew he was done. He wasn’t sure how much restraint he had any longer. But he knew one thing, he was sure glad they were having this call. He tightened his grip on his dick and pumped faster aware in a short time, ropes of his cum would be jetting from the head of his cock.


  “What are you doing, Kaitlyn?”

  She jumped at her friend and co-worker Jenny’s question. With a flick of her thumb, she closed the picture of the very naked Luca she couldn’t stop looking at. Christ, looking his hard body with that large cock sticking up, and his hand wrapped around it, has been something I can’t get out of my mind.

  “You know me, looking at pictures of a naked man on my camera.”

  Jenny punched her in the shoulder and sat across from her. “Really? No one is going to believe that. Brothers bothering you?” She tucked some red hair behind her ear and opened her brown bag pulling out her lunch.

  “You know my family.”

  “I do. Still waiting for Devon to ask me out.”

  “You may have to ask him out, that boy is all about his job right now.”

  “Something wrong with that, if I have to ask him out. Does he not want to date a white woman?”

  Kaitlyn held up her hands. “I couldn’t even begin to answer that. I don’t know his dating preference. If I ask. then they assume they have more right to dig into my life. So I leave them to their own devices.” She ate some chips. “Besides, there is nothing wrong with a woman asking a man out.”

  “I want him to ask me out. If he’s not interested, then he won’t.”

  “Ever think that maybe he’s thinking the same thing?”

  “No, why?”

  “Perhaps, he thinks you only date white men. I don’t know, Christ, you two know each other. Come to the family potluck next weekend and ask him out.”

  “I’ll come because I love your family but I’m not sure I’ll have the courage to ask him out.”

  “Being there is the first step.”

  She nodded and pointed at Kaitlyn. “Tell me what you got today.”


  “Someone delivered something to you. What was it? I saw you put it in your bag.”

  “Shit, I forgot about it. I haven’t opened it yet.” She wiped her hands on the brown napkin and reached for her bag. Unzipping the front pocket, she chewed her lower lip while she found the envelope that had been handed to her. Nothing fancy, and her name was in bland print.

  She stuck her finger below the seal and opened it. Kaitlyn pulled out two tickets and a note.

  “Well?” Jenny asked.

  “Two tickets and a note. Haven’t read it yet, damn, give me a moment.”

  “Christ, you’re taking too long!” She swiped the tickets from her hand, leaving Kaitlyn the note to read.

  “Please come. ~Luca”

  Three words. Nothing else.

  Across the table, Jenny was whistling.

  “Front row tickets for the Ospreys versus Tempests match. Fuck me sideways, this is awesome. Who is the second ticket for? Can I come with you? I’ve never seen a live MLS game. Love it, but haven’t been.”

  Kaitlyn reached back over and took the tickets. He’s insane. “I have no idea why he would have sent them to me.”

  “Duh, because he wants you at the game.”

  Kaitlyn reached for her phone and dialed him.

  Jenny chortled and exclaimed, “Of course, we get front row tickets from a soccer superstar, can’t figure out why he would have sent them but we have him on speed dial on the phone. Nothing going on there!”

  “Fuck you,” she snapped playfully.

  “I’m all for it,” Luca answered. “My place or yours.”

  She flushed. “I’m sorry, I was talking to someone else.”

  “I hope you’re not giving them that pussy of mine. I’m possessive.”

  That pussy he’d just mentioned and claimed throbbed and she shifted on the seat. “Not giving it to anyone. Just got some tickets you sent me and was wondering why.”

  “I want you at the game.”

  “You want me at the game,” she parroted.

  “Told you so,” Jenny piped up.

  “Of course. I’m in Chicago for a few days and want to spend them with you. Want to meet your family. Your friends. And I want to be able to look up in the stands and know that at least one person is rooting for me.”

  “Who’s that going to be?” she teased.

  “Better be you. What do you say, Kaitlyn, will you come to the game? Bring whomever you want along with you. I’m having a limo picking you up before the game, so you don’t have to worry about parking.”

  “You’re having a limo picking me up?”

  Jenny clasped her hands and begged silently. “Please, please, please?”

  “Yes. I want you to enjoy the day. Take it off and come see me. Please.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there. I’m bringing my friend Jenny.”

  Jenny’s whoop-whoop resounded behind her.

  “I can’t wait to see you, liefje.”

  “Still not sure what that word means.”

  “I know. It’s not the right time.” He laughed. “It will be soon.”

  Chapter Five

  The Windy City sure earned its name. Luca rolled his shoulders as he strode from the plane across the tarmac. The wind kicked up so much dirt and dust he wished he’d had a face mask to protect him from the stinging pellets. However, even the bite of the items flying around in this wind couldn’t detract from his good mood.

  “What’s up with you?” David Mueller, a forward on the team, asked as he fell into step with him. “You’ve been nothing but smiles since we got on the plane early this morning. Personally, I don’t see a damn good thing about coming out here. It’s going to be a brutal game in a city I can’t stand.”

  Staring at his German friend who at the moment played on his team but for the World Cup would be on the other side of the ball from him. Adjusting his grip on the large cup of coffee he had in his hand, Luca shrugged. “I love the travelling we get to do. Plus my woman’s in this city, so I get to see her.”

  “Fuck. That’s why you’re happy? You get pussy?”


  “And when did you get a woman? I’ve not seen you with anyone for a while. Who is she?”

  “I met her while I was in Miami for that charity event put on by the Miami Thunder.” He took a drink of the final dregs of his java and immediately wished for another cup of it. Luca hadn’t quite woken up yet and the doze on the plane hadn’t done much for him.

  “Description? Or do I get to envision this myself. A few inches shorter than you, blonde, big jugs, and a pussy so tight it nearly chokes your cock. She’s talented at blowjobs because she does them all the time.”

  Luca couldn’t even be mad, he’d been known to go out with escorts, just so there wasn’t any entanglements. He shook his head and climbed on the bus for the hotel. Nodding at a few of the others as he passed them, he claimed a seat and cracked his neck.

  David sat across the aisle from him. “What I want to know is how the hell you already have an escort waiting for you here? Did you keep the number and call ahead? Is she waiting for you at the hotel and does she have a friend?” Grabbing his cock, he leered. “I could use some relief after the flight and having a good blowjob or a tight ass to fuck would be a good step in that direction.

  Luca grunted. “She’s not an escort. I didn’t hire her and I’m not paying her. She’s a 911 dispatcher, comes from a family of cops and I like I said, I met her in Miami.”

  Tim, another player leaned over the back of the seat in front of Luca and glanced between the both of them. “Wait, who has a woma

  “Luca,” David announced.

  “This the woman I saw you in the picture with at the Thunder’s charity event?” Tim pointed at him.


  The bus finally began to move.

  “You’ve seen her?” David asked. “What’s she look like?”

  “Hot. Not his typical woman but they look right together. I especially like her natural curls, makes her look wild and sexy all at the same time.”

  “She’s black?”

  Luca stared at David with his question. “Is that an issue for you, David?” A warning slithered into his tone. He got there was racism in the world but damn it all, they had people of all nationality’s on their team now and he sure as hell wasn’t going to put up with it directed at his woman.

  “No, just shocked.”

  “Why?” he and Tim asked simultaneously.

  David swallowed. “I’m not meaning any disrespect here, just that in all the years we’ve played together, I’ve never seen you date anyone who didn’t look like a Nordic princess. This is just a bit of a shock.”

  “Also didn’t see me date anyone more than once did you? Maybe that’s because they weren’t the right person.”

  “Hey, if you’re happy with her, it’s not my business. I was just curious.” David held up his hands and backed up a bit.

  Luca turned to Tim. “Anything to say?”

  “I already said it. She’s hot. And does she have any sisters?” Leave it to Tim, all about the pussy and not the color of skin attached to it. If their team had a whore, it was Tim Leigler one of their midfielders.

  “Five brothers.” He gave the man a pointed look. “All in law enforcement.”

  “Shit, we’re about to need a new striker then.” Tim turned around. “Good luck with that.”

  “You know I didn’t mean anything right, Luca?” David coughed uncomfortably.

  “I know you should be more careful with your questioning. This is the one for me, man. From the moment, I laid eyes on her. Even after that scare I had a while back with Ivanna, I took one look at this woman across a crowded field and I knew she was the one for me. Don’t even come close to stating anything of the sort again, whether you mean it or not.”

  “Understood.” A few moments of silence fell between them, then David spoke, “Although, just because she doesn’t have a sister doesn’t mean she doesn’t have friends. You could hook me up that way.”

  Luca shook his head. “And here I thought Tim was the whore.”

  “Hey, I resemble that remark,” the man in front of him called back.

  “It’s been a while,” David said.

  “She’s bringing a friend to the match, don’t know anything about her. And I don’t even know if she’s single.”

  “But if she is?”

  “I’ll introduce you.”

  David grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. “This is why you’re one of the faves, man. Always looking out. Now, show me a picture of your woman.”

  Luca dug through his phone and pulled up one from their night in Miami. This one still made him smile, one of him with her and Milar.

  “Very nice, Luca. Very nice.” David gave the phone back and reclined in his seat. “I should have gone to that thing.”

  “You do a lot of charity work.” Luca shoved his phone back in his pocket.

  “Yes, but that was with the Thunder. I love that team. Did you get autographs?”

  “Of course. Pictures too. But I don’t carry the pics of an NFL team on my phone.”

  “Guess not.” David looked around as they slowed. “Guess we’re here. Now, one last question…If she lives here and is coming to the game, is she cheering for us or for the Tempests? Have to know because that could color my opinion of her.”

  Luca muttered under his breath and stood. When David got up, he shoved him back down in his seat. “She’s cheering for me, asshole.” Then he walked to the front of the bus to climb off followed by Tim.

  They got settled and as he sat in his room alone, he pulled out his phone once more. This time, he got to a picture he wasn’t sharing with anyone else. A picture of Kaitlyn just stepping from the shower. Water droplets still hung on her skin, as if they loathed to leave her. Nipples were taut and pebbled while the steam circled around her upper thighs as if teasing him for what they could touch. That almost completely shaved pussy he enjoyed tasting so much.

  His cock jumped in his pants and he swore, tossing his bag to the bed. This wasn’t the time. They had a team meeting and some press crap to deal with. Sporting a huge hard on would surely be a way to have some questions asked he didn’t want to answer.

  Shoving his pants down, he slumped in the chair by the window and began stroking his cock. Wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted Kaitlyn’s touch. Her body by his, but he needed to get this edge off. He closed his eyes and remembered one of their video chats and how it was watching her fuck herself with a vibrator, coming around it, calling his name as she arched up off the bed.

  That did it and he came fast. Cleaning himself up, he set his clothing to rights, swiped his phone, keycard, and wallet before heading down to the bus, so they could head to the stadium and get some workouts in.

  As they rode there, his mind drifted to the game tomorrow and the woman who was coming to see him. God, he needed to touch her, then remind himself she was real and not a figment of his imagination.


  “Yes ma’am, you’re doing great. Just keep the pressure on the wound and the EMT’s will be there shortly. They’re turning up your street now, okay, Mrs. Taylor? Stay with me.” Kaitlyn continued typing as she offered calm support to the woman holding a makeshift compress over her husband’s gunshot wound to the upper thigh. She got the alert they’d reached the location. “Mrs. Taylor. The cops and rescue are there now, they’ll be coming in to take over, okay?”

  “Thank you,” she said, voice trembling. “I see them. Oh, God. Thank you so much for helping me!”

  “You did great, Mrs. Taylor. Hang in there.” She disconnected the call and ran a hand along the back of her neck. Kaitlyn pushed away from her desk and went to her supervisor’s office. He’d called her there over sixty minutes ago, but she hadn’t finished with her calls until just now.

  She knocked on the doorframe. “You wanted to see me before I headed out, boss?”

  “Come on in and shut the door.”

  She listened and when he gestured to a chair, she perched on the edge.

  Adam Best was a great boss. Hard but fair, he went to bat for his people and fought to keep their equipment updated. He’d changed since she started working here for him. His protruding belly was proof of the hundred pounds he’d put on. His hair had thinned exposing a bald spot on the very top which most people saw as he walked by. He was a short man but lately appeared even more so.

  Maybe it’s the stress of the job, he’s just hunching more than he had been in the past.

  He removed his round spectacles and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m tired, Kaitlyn. Tired and unhealthy from this place. I live off fast food and cigarettes—yes I know I should quit but I haven’t yet.”

  She held up her hands. “Not my place to tell you to stop smoking, Mr. Best.”

  “After all these years, you still won’t call me Adam.”

  “Not how I was raised.” She wriggled one foot, turning her ankle trying to pop it.

  “Fine. Not here to debate that issue either. My point is that I’m taking an extended vacation.”

  She leaned forward. “An extended vacation? For how long?”

  “Right now, for a month. I’m not sure I’m going to be coming back. I have to see if I can salvage my marriage, see if my children really know who I am or if they’re more familiar with the cable repair guy than me.” He sighed. “This job has consumed me for the past twenty five years and I am burnt out.”

  She hadn’t even known he was having marital issues, so she just waited for him to continue.

  “You’re not even going to ask, are you?”

  “I figured you’d tell me what you require when you’re ready.” She laced her fingers, hands resting upon her upper thighs and the skirt she’d worn today.

  “I want you to take my place. I want you running this shift. While I’m using up vacation, it would just be temporary for those upstairs to see how you do but in my mind, it would be permanent.”

  “That’s a huge honor, Mr. Best. I know there are people here with seniority over me.”

  “True, there are. But they don’t have what I see in you which is the potential to run a successful 911 dispatch. You’re about the job, those on the other end of the line, you’re not afraid to go toe to toe with someone if it’s for the betterment of our services to those we’ve sworn to help. That’s someone I want sitting in my seat. I want to be able to call, feeling confident that the team I’m calling into will be the best trained.”

  She shook her head lightly, shocked. “I’m honored, first, let me say that. Thank you for considering me.”

  “Don’t get it skewed now, Henderson. I want you because you’re the best for the job, not because I actually like you.”

  His comment was accompanied by a smile and she didn’t take any offense. “Of course not,” she replied. “I wouldn’t dream that was the case.”

  Serious again, he locked his fingers on the desk and leaned forward. “Think about it. The offer is there, all we need is for you to say yes. If you need the rest of the week to mull it over then take it. But I’d like a decision by the end of the week at the latest. If you’re not taking it, we need to approach the second on the list.”

  “When would it start if I accepted?”

  “The following day. I’m ready to leave now, but I won’t leave without a suitable replacement sitting behind this desk. Hell, you practically run this shift on days I’m not here anyway. Or if I’m in meetings.” He straightened a photo. “No one will be surprised you were tapped for this.”

  “I was,” she admitted.

  “Let me tell you something, Kaitlyn Henderson. I’ve watched you in here for the past seven years since you moved to this shift. You don’t ever think you do enough. Stop comparing what you do to what your family does. They’re out there on the street, yes. But your job is just as important. Stop doubting that. You’re work isn’t any less impressive than what they do. We’re the ones who talk people down from killing themselves, we talk them through triage until help can arrive. We do it all. Be proud.”


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