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The One Awakened

Page 30

by Yvette M Calleiro

  “Hello, old friend,” he said sadly.

  His eyes were still dark brown, but the orange specks were no longer everywhere; he had just one or two in each eye. His hair transformed to the medium-length, dark brown hair it had been as a child. There were no gauges and no brow ring. He had a few tattoos on his arms, but the rest were gone. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of peace.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Ar’ch felt the sun warming his face and stretched before bolting upright and looking around. He had only meant to lie down for a few hours. How was it already morning? He fell back onto the bed and groaned. His family had been right; he had needed the sleep. The toll of not having Sofia by his side had drained him. He would need to remember to thank Rafe for staying with her last night.

  He forced himself out of bed, even though he had very little energy. As quickly as he wanted to get back to her, he knew he would need to eat before doing so. He faced his closet to pull out yet another all-white outfit but stopped when he reached for the shirt.

  Today was Sofia’s last transition day. At least, that is what he kept telling himself. He couldn’t allow himself to think that, in just a few hours, her body could possibly disintegrate into a shimmering, crystalline dust. He refused to give any power to that thought. She had to come back to him, because he couldn’t imagine his life without her.

  And if she awoke, he wanted to be dressed like she had envisioned him in her dream. He dug into the back of his closet until he felt a formal bag. He unzipped the bag, pulled out the tuxedo, and laughed. Only she could get him to want to put on that ensemble. Luckily, she had only envisioned him with the shirt and slacks. He slicked back his hair to match the image she had had of him and then headed downstairs to grab some food.

  Realizing that Rafe would most likely be hungry, he prepared a plate for them both and then teleported to the willow tree only to find Rafe missing. Angel sat in his place. He looked questioningly at him and sat down beside him, offering him food.

  “Thanks, brother,” Angel replied and took the banana. “I came a couple of hours ago and told Rafe to go home and get some rest. He argued with me that he had promised you that he would watch over her, but I finally convinced him that I was more alert and more than capable of taking his place. Don’t give him a hard time, okay?”

  “Of course not,” he said while munching on a grape. “He did me a huge favor last night.”

  “And you trusted him,” Angel said.

  He rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all righteous on me, okay? You were right about him. I admit it.”

  Angel chuckled. “It’s not often that you are wrong,” he teased. “And speaking of seldom acts, I don’t think I have ever seen you dressed so formally.”

  “That’s because you haven’t. Mother tried to get me to wear this to the Diasodz training formal, but I refused.”

  “Sofia will love it,” Angel said, smiling. He realized that Angel refused to think of any possibility other than Sofia coming back to them, either.

  “She better,” he said and looked over to where she lay. Liana walked around her and placed items on her resting bed.

  Angel saw his gaze and said, “Mom’s been here for about an hour. She’s placing healing herbs and flowers around her to help her come back to us.”

  He nodded. “I was wrong about her, too.”

  Angel smiled. “Well, you can’t be perfect,” he said and winked.

  “But I’m damn close,” he said and popped another grape in his mouth.

  Angel laughed. “There’s the brother I know and love.”

  He smiled and shrugged. He had to stay positive. He had to believe that Sofia would return to him because the alternative was unfathomable. The rest of his family began to arrive. They were all donning smiles with their white outfits, so he wasn’t the only one keeping the positive energy on overdrive.

  Angel had rearranged the chairs into an oval so that they could all face one another. Ar’ch made sure that he had a seat that allowed him to see Sofia. He knew he would feel her essence return to her body before she moved, but he still wanted to see her. On the off chance that she did not awaken, he wanted to see her body if it began to disintegrate. He wanted to be able to hold her hand one last time.

  Once they were all seated, Nolan said, “I contacted Lucas last night and informed him that we would be moving to Earth in the coming days. I explained to him that the Goddess had saved us all because She felt we were worthy of saving. Therefore, it was our duty to return to fulfilling our obligations on Earth.”

  “How did he react to that?” he asked.

  “He understands and agrees with us, but he believes that most Diasodz will have a difficult time acclimating to an Earthly lifestyle after having lived so long on Caelagios.”

  “Generations before us adjusted just fine, did they not?” Rafe asked.

  “That is true, but it’s been many, many life years since then. Our kind were used to vacationing here, for lack of a better term. We would come back to Caelagios for five life years and then return to Earth to live in a different place, where we would not be recognized. The last time we lived on Earth was before the camera was invented,” Nolan laughed.

  “Our technology is more advanced than humans now, but the problem still remains that it would be harder to stay anonymous nowadays, especially with social media,” Angel added. “I still say it’s our duty to go back.”

  “And I agree with you, son. The High Council believes in the transition, but they want to slowly integrate the Diasodz across the world.”

  “So, basically, you are saying that we are their guinea pigs,” Mel said.

  He smiled. “You always have a way with words, but yes, we are the trial subjects. Our successful acclimation will encourage others to return to our calling and fulfill our destinies.”

  “How will this affect your position on the High Council?” Valerie asked.

  “It won’t. I will still come to Caelagios for business matters and we will use our comm port to communicate when necessary. I hope that you and Liana will help me in educating our people as to what life is now like on Earth. Liana can provide her last two life years of experience, and you can share what your transition to life on Earth will be like now that Sofia has saved us from perishing.”

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Liana said.

  “Great! Then, it’s settled. We will leave in a few days,” he said and glanced back at Sofia.

  The conversation then focused on life on Earth. Mel, Liana, and Rafe shared what their town was like and what the rest of them could expect. Ar’ch and Angel expressed the adjustments they had had to make for the short time they were living there. The rest of them asked question after question. Ar’ch knew that they were simply trying to make the passing time a bit more bearable, and he loved them for their distraction.

  But when the sun began to set, no amount of conversation could distract him from the fact that Sofia had not awakened. The sun slowly made its way below the horizon, casting hues of oranges and pinks across the sky. He stood and walked over to her, taking her hand in his.

  “Why hasn’t she awakened?” he asked no one in particular, panic starting to creep into his heart.

  “She is still whole, son. You must keep faith,” his father replied.

  The last bit of sun disappeared, and the sky’s canvas changed to blues and purples. She should have opened her eyes by now, he thought. He rapidly scanned her entire body, checking to make sure that every centimeter of her was still there. He brought her solid hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss upon her palm.

  “Breathe, Sofia,” he pleaded. “Please, breathe.”

  The last light of day disappeared. Kai hit his staff softly against the ground, and the orb at the top illuminated the area. The sky became darker and darker, and so did Ar’ch’s hope.

  “Why isn’t she waking?” he screamed. “Goddess, please, bring her back to me!”


; Darkness surrounded her, so she used her other senses. Her shoulders and arms felt a soft, warm breeze caress them. Her legs felt wrapped in a satin material while her feet felt confined. Someone held her hand.

  “Why?” she heard someone yell before all fell silent.

  She knew that voice. She loved that voice. She turned her head toward it, wanting to hear it again. She felt a hand caress her cheek.

  “Sofia?” the voice said again. She heard the hesitation and the hope in the voice. “Sofia, open your eyes, baby. Come back to me.” She opened her eyes and gazed into the most spectacular, sky-blue eyes glittered with white specks. Ar’ch smiled, and it melted her heart. “Hello, beautiful.”

  She faintly heard clapping and cheering behind him, but it was all muted as she gazed into his eyes. She smiled and sighed. “Hi,” she whispered just before he leaned down and kissed her. When he pulled away to smile at her, she asked, “Where am I? What’s going on?” She looked at his grinning face and touched his cheek. “Have you been crying?”

  “Tears of joy, love, tears of joy,” he said and kissed her again. She shook her head, confused. “You’ve just awoken from your death day.”

  “My death day?” she asked and then her eyes shot open as memories of her last moments alive came back to her. She sat up abruptly and grabbed her chest, now adorned in the most beautiful and elegant, royal red dress. “What am I wearing?” she asked before a memory of her dream came back to her. She looked up at Ar’ch and squinted her eyes. “Did you spy on my dreams?”

  He backed up a bit as she swung her legs over her resting bed. She placed her hands on the edge of the makeshift bed and took a moment to admire the beauty of the wood and vines beneath her. Then, she looked back at him, still glaring.

  He put his hands up, but his smile gave him away. “I swear I didn’t invade your dreams without your knowledge.”

  “Then, how?”

  He looked innocently away and shrugged. “I may have read your diary.”

  “You what!” she said and lightly hit his chest.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, and he took her hand in his and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her. “I was missing you desperately and needed to feel a part of you with me. I promise I will never read it again.”

  She slowly released her glare and smiled. “You missed me?”

  “Terribly,” he said and smiled. Then, he kissed her again, causing her to sigh in his arms.

  “We all missed you,” Rafe said.

  It was only then that she realized that they were not alone. Blushing, she allowed Ar’ch to turn her toward the crowd. Her eyes filled with tears of happiness as she gazed upon her family, who were all alive and well. Liana began to walk toward her. Sofia took a step and stumbled. She picked up her dress to find her feet confined in beautiful, but completely uncomfortable, heels. She kicked them off and lunged into her mother’s arms.

  “Mom,” she cried.

  “Welcome back, baby,” she said, crying. “Thank the Goddess you came back!”

  A rustling began behind her, and she turned with everyone else to look at her willow tree. Her gorgeous willow tree’s branches began to shake rapidly. All the limbs flew upward just before the tree shed its silver leaves. After the silver leaves gently drifted toward them like confetti, the willow tree’s branches donned brilliant gold leaves. Sofia smiled as the moon’s light reflected off the golden leaves.

  She caught a few of the silver leaves in her hand, turned back to her family, and smiled. She had saved them all. She had survived her death day. The Goddess had blessed her and allowed her to return to those whom she loved. She was truly a Diasodz now. Accepting the hugs of her loved ones, she looked up to the moon and mentally whispered, Thank you, Goddess.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Khameel set down the dumbbells he had just been using and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his gloved hand. It had been two weeks since he had returned to the mansion that he now called his. No one had come back to claim it nor had anyone come to search it. He had spent his time in solitude by working out and soul searching.

  He had spoken via the comm port with a few of his neutral friends who had not participated in the War of Light, as it was being called. They had filled him in on the survivors. He was pleased to hear that both Sofia and Rafe had survived. He was even happier to hear that the feisty bartender from Angel’s Anarchy was alive and well. In fact, he thought of her often, especially after he had learned that she had not followed her friends to Earth when they moved.

  He decided that he had worked out enough for the day, went upstairs to his suite, and showered. After toweling off, he stared at himself in the mirror. He had tried to fully embrace his youngling look, but it didn’t fully resonate with him. Closing his eyes, he decided to alter his appearance so that it reflected the best of both versions of him.

  He opened his eyes and inspected his work. He relaxed his shoulders and nodded at his new look. His hair was a blend of dark brown and black; it was short everywhere except the top, where it spiked up just a tad. His brow ring and gauges were back, but they were much smaller than before. This look felt more like the real him. It also felt like someone that might catch Z’s eye.

  He dressed in dark jeans and a dark gray, sleeveless shirt and teleported to right outside of Angel’s Anarchy. Daylight still decorated the sky, but he knew that Z usually worked those hours to set up the bars. He took a deep breath, relaxed his shoulders, shook his arms, and exhaled slowly. Here goes everything, he thought, and then walked into the bar.


  “Wish you were here,” Sofia said.

  Z smiled at the comm port’s image of Sofia and Ar’ch in bathing suits. “I miss you all, too. It’s going to take me a few more months to make sure this place can run without me. Some of the bartenders jumped ship to head to Earth. Apparently, your speech inspired the masses,” she said and laughed.

  “Well, we can’t wait for you to join us,” Ar’ch said.

  The club’s entrance door creaked open just as daylight from outside crept in. “Tell everyone hi for me. I’ve got someone here, so I have to run.”

  They said their goodbyes, and she closed the connection. She turned around when the door shut. Someone was walking toward her, but her eyes needed to readjust to the dimness again.

  “Hi,” she said. “Can I help you?”

  She watched a very sexy and confident guy walk up to her bar and look around the place. “I heard you’re looking for bartenders.”

  She grinned. “As a matter of fact, I am. Know any good ones?” she asked and raised her eyebrows.

  The guy smirked and raised the brow that had a ring in it. “I’m willing to give it a shot,” he winked.

  “Have you ever bartended before?”

  “Not officially, but I’m a quick learner and I’ve got mad skills,” he said with a gleam in his eyes.

  He was flirting with her. Usually that turned her off, but something about him intrigued her. She studied his features and felt her guard relax. He reminded her of a lost opportunity that she wished could have ended differently. She shook herself out of her reverie.

  “Alright, make me a drink,” she said and pointed at her bar.

  The guy grinned and graciously slid over the bar. She observed him with fascination while he mixed several liquors together. She did not recognize that drink, so he piqued her curiosity. He slid the drink her way, and she caught it.

  She lifted the drink to her lips and inhaled its aroma. It had a sweet smell, which left her deflated because she hated fruity drinks. Still, she downed the drink. It was smooth going down and left a thick warmth within her. When she opened her mouth to speak, she inhaled and felt a spicy kick hit her.

  “Wow!” she said, her eyes wide with surprise. “What do you call that?”

  “A Sizzling Savior,” he said. “It seems smooth and warm, but watch out for the fiery kick.”

  Z laughed. Not only was he hot, but he had a sen
se of humor. “When can you start?”

  The guy’s eyes lit up. “Tonight works for me.”

  She caught a glimpse of the orange specks in his eyes. She felt a warmth growing within her and made herself busy by taking her glass to the sink. “Great, you’re hired. Um, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Cam,” he said, smiling his sexy smile. “Call me Cam.”


  “I hope Z joins us soon,” Sofia said and settled next to Ar’ch by the sand pool. “College is going to start soon, and I want her to be there with us.”

  “Knowing Z, she will deliberately make sure that she misses it,” Ar’ch said and laughed.

  “I can’t believe that you were able to graduate us and get us into the local college,” Rafe said.

  “I can be very convincing,” Ar’ch said while tapping his temple.

  Sofia laughed. They had returned to Earth just a week and a half ago. She and Angel were living with Liana, while Rafe and Ar’ch were living with Nolan and Valerie in Rafe’s old house. Sarah would be joining them soon to live with Rafe’s family.

  Once they had settled into their new living arrangements, Sofia and Rafe worried about how to return to their old lives. They had left Earth before they could graduate and didn’t know how to explain their absence to the school. Luckily, Ar’ch used his skill to convince the school’s registrar to change their last semester’s grades. With their grades finalized, they were given their graduation certificates.

  Ar’ch also learned the government’s computer system to create identities for all the Diasodz who were returning to Earth. The digitization of government documents had made the task much easier for him. Mel, too, had been busy. She had used her skill to transform into people who worked at the local college so that she could sneak into the admissions office and register all of them for classes.


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