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Santa's Secret

Page 17

by Heidi McLaughlin

  Holly grunts and stomps her way down the hall. Her door slams, causing me to jump. I lean back against the couch and close my eyes. I know I’m dreaming when I think I can smell Delaney’s perfume on my sofa. There’s no way. She wasn’t here long enough to leave a lingering scent like this.

  Weeks ago, my life made sense, even if were messy and painful, and then Delaney comes to town and she’s everywhere, including my dreams. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about her because in a matter of special moments, she’s integrated herself into my life. I have no idea how to tell Holly that her newfound friend is going to leave and the only way to see her will be at the movies or on television.

  After an hour or so, I finally relent and start to get dressed. All police officers are required to go. Our chief always asks another town to provide coverage for a few hours so everyone can attend. According to him, it’s a good thing for the community to see all officers together.

  I knock on Holly’s door, but she tells me to go away. I get it, she’s upset with me, but I’m not the bad guy. I wish she could see things my way or see the bigger picture. If it were so easy to be with Delaney, I’d jump at the opportunity. Besides, I’m certain I’ve missed my chance with her.

  The kitchen door opens and my sister walks in. She comes down the hall, looking at me oddly. “She’s boycotting the party,” I tell her.

  “Why?” Meredith asks.

  “Because Delaney isn’t here to do her hair.”

  The hall may be dim, but I can easily see my sister roll her eyes. “What?”

  Meredith shakes her head. “Nothing.”

  “Clearly it’s something.”

  My sister motions for me to follow her into my room. I do, and she shuts the door behind me. “My something is, you should’ve never gotten involved with Delaney Du Luca to begin with.”

  “We’re not involved.”

  “You are. You let her into your home and into Holly’s life. Everyone knows you waited to be the last one to buy her meet and greet tickets at the start of the festival. The whole town has seen you together, acting like a family. Honestly, it’s a bit ridiculous when you know she’s not going to give up her career for you, let alone… “

  “Let alone, what? The fact that I’m a single dad or drowning in debt? Which one of these is going to turn Delaney off the most?”

  Meredith reaches for me, but I step away. “I didn’t mean for it to sound so horrible. All I’m saying is, you should’ve protected Holly better. Delaney is going to leave and it’ll likely be ten years before we ever see her again. Honestly, she’s done nothing but interrupt lives.”

  I shake my head, unwilling to continue this conversation with my sister. “If you’re going to do Holly’s hair, she’s in her room pouting. Delaney put her hair in some elaborate braid the other day, she really liked it.” I leave my sister standing in my room while I head out of the house. I know she means well, but I’m an adult and should be able to make my own decisions without people judging me.

  Every few seconds I’m checking my phone. I tell myself it’s to see the time, but truthfully I’m hoping to find a text message from Laney. It’s stupid, I know. When Holly finally emerges, she’s dressed in her red Christmas dress my mom bought her and her hair is in curls. One quick glance at my sister tells me all I need to know. She did whatever she wanted and didn’t take Holly’s needs into consideration.

  “You ready, punky?”


  I lift her into the truck without another word to my sister. “You look very pretty,” I tell Holly as I back out of the driveway. “I think Santa is going to think you’re the prettiest girl in the room.”

  “Will Delaney be there?”

  “I don’t know, Holly. I think maybe she will because her dad is the mayor, but Delaney is really busy sometimes.”

  “But she promised.” Holly’s head rests against the window, seemingly dejected. Maybe my sister’s right, and I should’ve put a stop to the interactions between Holly and Delaney, but to see them together… I don’t know, for one brief moment, Holly was happy. She was laughing and she hadn’t done that in a while. I have Delaney to thank for bringing some cheer to my daughter’s life, even if it’s short lived.

  The parking lot at the lodge is full, forcing me to park on the street. Holly and I walk hand in hand up the stairs and into the entryway, where the chief and his wife greet us. “Oh Holly, you’re absolutely beautiful. Are you ready to see Santa?” Mrs. Floyd crouches down and tugs the ruffle on Holly’s dress. She leans into me, acting bashful.

  “It’s good to see you, Mrs. Floyd. Chief.” He nods as Holly and I pass by. Inside, the decorations are vast. The large tree in the center of the room sits in front of a giant red chair. Presents are stacked all around, each one with a child’s name on it. This has been a town tradition for as long as I can remember. My parents used to bring Meredith and I here when we were younger.

  Holly and I find our seats, which happen to be next to Shelby and Shawna. Shelby clutches my arm when she sees me and leans in. She goes to kiss me on the cheek and I hug her, creating an awkward situation.

  “The perfect couple,” my sister says as she greets us both. Internally, I groan and disengage as quickly as I can. I make sure to sit on the other side of Holly, putting at least two people between us. I’d like to sit my sister down and ask her why she’s pushing for a relationship between Shelby and me. It’s not like I’ve told her anything or shown I’m overly interested. I understand my sister wanting me to be happy, but she has to let me find my own path and do what’s right for Holly, and I’m not sure Shelby is.

  Volunteers from the high school gather all the kids and have them compete in games. Unfortunately, with Holly gone, it leaves me vulnerable to Shelby. She takes the seat next to me and in her not so subtle way, brushes her leg up against mine.

  “I was thinking that it might be nice for you and Holly to come over on Christmas Eve.”

  “I’m not sure, Shelby. I’ll need to check with my parents. We usually spend some time over there.”

  “Your sister says they don’t have anything going on.”

  I look at her, studying her deeply. She’s beaming and looks happy. Life would make sense with a partner, but I’m not there yet. Movement behind me catches my eye, I turn and find Delaney standing there. She watches me for a minute before smiling and walking away. I get up to chase her, to demand she speak to me, but my chief cuts me off.

  “Fisher, I need you.”

  “But, Chief.” Delaney disappears into the crowd. I strain to look for Calvin, but he too seems invisible.

  “No buts. Come on, our Santa called out sick and I need you to fill in.” The chief pushes me toward the back room, all while I’m still trying to find Laney.

  “What?” I stop dead in my tracks. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I wish I were, but the suit makes me break out in hives and we can’t let the children down.”

  “But… but…”

  “Take one for the team, Fisher.” He pushes me into the dressing room where Mrs. Claus is, dressed and ready to go. The door shuts behind me, leaving me trapped with no choice but to become the jolly fellow.



  Attending the policeman’s dinner was the last thing I wanted to do; yet, because my father’s the mayor, he asked that all his family be here. I couldn’t really deny my dad, especially since this is the first time I’ve been home in ages and he’s so proud of Dominic and me for doing what we love.

  What I didn’t count on, was seeing Aiden the second I walked in the door. Of course, he was with Shelby, sharing a table with her and her daughter. It took everything in me not to run up to Holly and pull her into my arms, to tell her how much I’m going to miss her. Instead, I stepped behind Calvin and hid so I wouldn’t have to face her. Tomorrow’s going to be hard enough as it is, knowing she’ll never fully be a part of my life.

  It’s b
een days since I texted Aiden with my thoughts. I fully expected him to say something, either via phone or in person, but he’s dodged me every chance possible. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my phone or it was the poor connection we have in the state, but everyone else could reach me. Then, the gossip started. Everywhere I went people gushed about the happy couple. Mindy told me not to listen, but it was hard to ignore.

  Still is. I’ve never been one to be quick on the uptake, as demonstrated by the fact I never figured out Trey was cheating on me, but Aiden’s message is loud and clear. He’s chosen Shelby, and honestly, he’s made the right choice for him and Holly, even if I’m hurt over it. Shelby’s better for the both of them, despite how I’m feeling.

  Once I get back to work, I’ll forget these past couple of weeks and everything in my life will be crazy and hectic. My heart won’t have time to long for a night without power where the three of us are cuddled on the couch together, or we’re walking hand in hand down the street, stopping to look at the store displays, and it’ll forget the snow angels. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to make one again without thinking about the Fishers.

  My father notices my sullen expression and frowns. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. I know he’s not going to ask me what’s wrong. He’s always been so observant when it comes to my brother and me, we were never able to get away with anything when it came to him. Our mom, on the other hand, she was clueless or at least pretended to be.

  “Delaney!” Holly yelling my name shakes me from my funk. I welcome her into my arms, hugging her as tightly as I can without breaking her or setting off her fight and flight response.

  “You look so beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I thought you were coming over to do my hair.”

  I rack my brain, going over any of the conversations we’ve had and can’t recall where I told her I’d come over and fix her hair. “You did? Why did you think that?”

  She shrugs. “Because I thought you liked me.”

  I’ve never felt my heart break this much. I have to take a deep breath before I speak out of fear my voice is going to crack. I touch my nose to hers and smile before pulling back to look at her. “I do like you, Holly, so so very much. If you knew you wanted me to do your hair, all you had to do was call me.”

  “I don’t have your number.” Her hands go up, as if it’s as simple as that.

  “I’ll give it to you, if you promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You call me, whenever you want to talk.”

  Holly’s expression changes from glee to sadness. “Are you leaving soon?”

  I nod, and fight back a wave of tears threatening to come forward. “I have to go back to work.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but does rest her head on my shoulder and stays there with me while we watch the children go sit on Santa’s lap. I’m surprised I haven’t seen Aiden. Maybe he knows Holly and I need these last few moments together and is granting me this Christmas wish.

  Soon it’s Holly’s turn to sit on Santa’s lap, and she returns with her present, ripping open the paper to unveil a new doll. “I’m going to name her Laney,” she says.

  My mom reaches across the table and sets her hand down over Holly’s. “What a beautiful name for a baby doll.”

  “Do you like it?” Holly turns to me.

  I nod. “I love it.” Watching Holly with her new toy makes me excited for when she opens all her gifts on Christmas morning. Thankfully, my brother doesn’t mind helping me out and has promised to have all Aiden and Holly’s Christmas gifts delivered and set under their tree tomorrow while we’re at the festival play. Dominic swore he has a key to Aiden’s and won’t do anything illegal. I’m not sure I trust him, but I want everything to be a surprise for them.

  When the last child has gone up, Dominic rushes up to Santa. “Oh dear, what is he doing?” my mom asks. She covers her face as her grown son sits on Santa’s lap.

  “What does Dominic want for Christmas this year?” Santa yells.

  “Well Santa, I’ve been really good this year and there’s only one thing I want.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “For Eileen Barnett to be my wife!”

  There’s a collective gasp among the entire room and all eyes are on Eileen, waiting for her reaction.

  “Eileen?” Dom’s voice has me turned to watch him. He’s down on one knee with a box in his hand, waiting for his bride to be to come to him. My mom had said something about him asking her, but I figured he’d wait until Christmas to do it.

  “Dominic, what are you doing?”

  He clears his throat and holds the ring up higher. “Eileen Barnett, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Eileen covers her mouth and nods vigorously. “Yes. Yes I will.” The entire lodge erupts in applause and my parents, along with Eileen’s go over to greet the happy couple. I do what feels natural and pull Holly close, knowing that the next time I come to visit, she’ll have a new mother and her father will be happy.

  “Delaney Du Luca?” Santa yells my name. Holly looks and smiles.

  “Santa wants you,” she says, crawling off my lap. Ever so slowly, I get up, wondering what my parents have done. Don’t they know I’m more than capable of sharing the spotlight with my brother?

  “Ho ho ho,” Santa says as I sit down on his lap. I can honestly say I haven’t done this in years, so many years. “And what would Delaney like for Christmas this year?”

  “Oh Santa, I have everything I want.”


  “Surely there’s something you want?” his voice is a bit quieter this time and I figure, what do I have to lose?

  “I wish Aiden had chosen me, Santa.” Without waiting for his response, I leave his lap and return to my family. My mom shoots me a look and I shrug, not willing to share what I’ve told some man dressed up in a red suit. Chances are, I’ll never see whoever is under the fake white beard again, so I’m not worried about any rumors being spread.

  As the dinner winds down, my mom invites everyone back to our house to celebrate the engagement of Dominic and Eileen. Calvin and I leave early, to stop at the store and buy everything we can, just in case everyone takes my mom up on her offer.

  By the time we arrive at my parents’, cars line the street. “Does she do this often?” Calvin asks as he maneuvers the SUV into a tight spot in the driveway.

  “I think Mom looks for any excuse to have a party or to have people over. Announcing it at the dinner makes it seem like no one is left out.”

  “You know this would never happen in California,” Calvin states.

  “I know. Ramona Falls is different. Vermont is different. The mayors are normal every day citizens who still live in their own houses and drive their own cars.”

  Calvin carries most of the groceries in with my dad there to help. The house is bustling with people and I find myself looking for Aiden, even though I know he wouldn’t bring Holly over. The one time he was here, it’s because I suggested it to his daughter, which left him no choice.

  Once everything’s unloaded and set out, I excuse myself, leaving Dominic and Eileen to shine in the spotlight.

  “Ms. Du Luca, there are so many people out there; what if I forget my lines?”

  “You won’t, Betsy. You’ve been practicing every day for weeks and you haven’t forgotten a single line or cue. You’ve got this.” I set my arms around Betsy and pull her away from the curtain. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I don’t remember a time when I’ve been so nervous before, but I am. I want this play to go off without a hitch and I’m afraid something will go wrong.

  The younger kids file in and take their places on the risers. When I see Holly, I wave and she beckons me over.

  “My daddy wants to talk to you.” She points behind me. I turn to find Aiden at the bottom of the stairs, fidgeting. Quickly, I look at Holly.

  “Oh? About what?”
r />   She shrugs. “He asked me to come get you.”

  “Okay,” I tell her. “Go take your spot.”

  I stand tall and take each step confidently toward Aiden. I’m a trained actress and it’s not going to matter what he tells me, I’ll stay strong and stoic. Nothing emotional. I’ll save the tears for later.

  “Holly said you needed to speak with me.”

  Aiden nods and picks at his lower lip. I want to push his hand away, but instead clasp mine together.


  “Right. Um… the rumors you hear; nothing’s true. Shelby and I, we’re not dating or anything. Our girls play together and she invites us over for dinner.”

  “Okay.” Honestly, this is a relief, but why is he telling me now?

  “And I wanted you to know… I mean ask you if you think I, I mean we, Holly and I fit into your life?”

  I swallow hard and feel my eyes bug out. Aiden steps closer. “What I’m saying, Laney, is the Fishers would like a chance to be in your life.”

  My head begins to spin and my palms start to sweat. Behind me my name is called and Aiden is looking at me, waiting for an answer… an answer to whether he and Holly fit into my life. I smile, from ear to ear, and nod.

  “Delaney, we need to start now,” Mrs. Winters scolds.

  “Can we talk about this after the show?”

  Aiden nods. “My parents are taking Holly to their house. Do you want to come over?”

  I do. So much. “I’ll be there.” I’m tempted to kiss him, but not here. This makeshift backstage doesn’t provide for much privacy and I don’t know what he’s said to Holly about me… us.

  I rush back up the stairs with a whole new outlook on tonight. This show is going to be amazing. My lead actor and actress come forward, prepped and ready to go. “This is it; all the hard work comes down to this moment. If you mess up, keep going. This is a live production and we can’t stop. Okay?” They both nod, but look completely scared. “I’ll be right over there if you need me, but I’m confident you won’t.”


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