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Not his baby: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 22

by Rebecca Dupree

I rolled my eyes and sighed in exasperation: how did I not leave that woman sooner?

  “I’m really sorry you have to go through all of this,” I said, rubbing my head, knowing mere words weren’t enough, but at the moment they were all I had to offer.

  “It’s okay; I’ll be out of there in no time. I just have to put up with her behavior for a while longer…and try not to put rat poison in her coffee, which, by the way, shouldn’t be that accessible to the public: it’s very tempting.”

  I nodded; I had once considered it myself.

  “…Maybe just a drop?” she asked.

  “No!” I scolded, smiling when she rolled her eyes and growled in frustration.

  “You’re no fun,” she muttered going to the kitchen, no doubt smelling the dinner I had just put aside on our plates.

  “Oh, this looks good,” she said, picking a sautéed green bean from a plate with her fingers and munching it before I could stop her. Her groan of delight was enough for me and I smiled at her expression. “Amazing.”


  I set a plate for her and helped her to her seat, before sitting down myself. “I actually wanted to talk to you about Melanie.”

  “Oh my God, you want to get back with her, don’t you!” She yelled, her eyes growing wider every second.

  “Wait, what?” I tried to backpedal, tried to get her to stop, but she just spoke right over me.

  “I knew it, I just knew it. I knew it would happen.”

  “No that’s not,,.”

  “I thought to myself, okay, maybe he’ll think of us, but then I thought he has a daughter. He’ll most likely want her to be happy so of course he’s gonna get back with his ex. If only for his daughter’s sake.”

  “Regan, that’s not what’s happening.”

  “Oh don’t you dare lie to me. I know you get that far off look, like you’re thinking about her. Don’t deny it!”

  “Regan, you’re being paranoid.”

  “Oh am I?”

  “Yes,” I snapped, trying to get her to listen to me, but she just kept on going, not hearing a word of it.

  “Prove it. Call her and tell her you want nothing to do with her.”

  “I’m not going to call her,” I said slowly, and as patiently as I could.

  “Why not?”

  “Because she’s crazy! Which is what you’re being right now!”

  “I’m not being crazy!” she finally yelled, smacking her hand against the table.

  I looked at her skeptically then gestured to her hand, which she had just slammed against her plate of food. She lifted it and sheepishly started wiping it with a paper towel that I handed to her.

  “Okay, maybe I’m acting a little irrationally,” she said with a small smile of apology.

  “You think?”

  She glared at me for a bit before finally sighing. “I’m sorry, I just can’t help but think about how you guys used to be together and how you have a daughter and all that…It makes me feel like I’m just your rebound girl and that someday you might want to go back with her. And I’m really tired, like, really really tired, so my mind is just going a little crazy, you know?”

  “You’re not my rebound girl. I asked you out the first time because I liked you, and because I thought there could be something between us. Something real. And something that doesn’t have anything to do with Melanie.”

  I sighed after this. I knew I had to tell her this part.

  “It’s true, I did care about Melanie once, but that was over when I realized she wasn’t the person I loved. She cheated on me, she lied to me and used me. And that’s just not you. I like you because I know you’re a good person. I know we got off to a rough start, but we got past that and now here we are.” I reached my hand out to grasp her chin, making her look me in the eye.

  I smiled at her reassuringly. “I’m not getting back together with her, because I like you…And because she’s a psycho.”

  She laughed at that and seemed at a loss of what to say, but eventually she pulled away with a smile, looking at her plate awkwardly “So is there a chance I could have another plate?”

  I chuckled, glad that she understood, and went to serve her another plate. I loved seeing her like this. I remember things being a lot different with Melanie. Sure, Regan could be difficult sometimes, but she was also kind and loving. Plus, she thought I was an excellent cook and that the eagles in the Lord of the Rings series were assholes for not saving the day earlier. What more did I want?

  “So I was thinking that today we could...”

  I didn’t have time to finish because she took off running, her hand over her mouth. Shit, not again. I ran after her, just in time to hold her braids back while she threw up in the toilet. How did she always get those braids to be so neat and gorgeous? Right, wrong thing to worry about. Seriously, whatever was going on with her, I did not want to catch it.

  “Better?” I asked, to which she nodded, so I handed her a towel and more water. It seemed to be developing into a ritual. “I really think you should have someone check that.”

  “I will,” she said, giving me a weak smile. “Later though, not until I know it’s not just going to go away by itself. Now let’s eat.”

  “Are you sure you’re up for solids?” I asked warily, wondering how she could still have an appetite.

  “Evan, the food you make is delicious and if it’s not in my stomach, I will eat you.”

  “Don’t let me hold you back,” I said with a grin, distracted by the sudden heat in her eyes.

  She smacked my arm playfully at that.

  After that, the rest of dinner went smoothly. No more talk about Melanie or psycho bosses, just easy conversation between two people who honestly liked each other, and it was one of the best nights I could remember in a long while. I knew it was because of Regan.

  Before I knew it, we were kissing, one thing leading to another, but I didn’t want to risk waking Stephanie up, which is how we ended up in the garage. Right now, I had my back smacked against the hood of my car with Regan madly kissing me. My hands curled at the back of her head and I deepened the kiss, before pulling away to run my lips along the juncture between her neck and shoulder, enticing me to move my hand up her skirt and under her panties. Her gasps and moans were adorable and made my entire body harden instantly.

  My other hand trailed down to her hips, holding her in place as she pulled back to remove her shirt and bra, exposing her breasts to me. I loved seeing her like this, especially when she was moving her hips against my fingers. I reached my fingers deep into her, grasping her clitoris and loving how she moaned louder. I reached up to grasp her back, then, in one swift move, turned her over until it was her back pressed to the car. She barely noticed and only kept on moaning as I continued to move my hand. And after seeing her moan and writhe against me for several long, torturous moments, I removed my fingers, almost laughing as she groaned in disappointment, and removed my shirt as well as quickly freeing my dick.

  I ran my hand over her, pulling her skirt and panties down and leaving her completely exposed. She looked so beautiful and radiant, her dark skin glowing with sweat and her breasts rising and falling from her panting. I smiled at her, leaning in to kiss her neck, before trailing down to kiss one of her breasts. I eagerly sucked on it, her moans urging me, while my other hand trailed down her hip, grasping a leg and rubbing it tightly.

  I pulled back with a pop and admired her face, her eyes closed and her mouth wide open, releasing soft gasps. I reached down again to kiss between her breasts, trailing kisses down until I was at her vagina. I always wanted to make sure my partners were well lubricated, and this always seemed to work. Plus I got a kick out of it when my mouth touched her and she squirmed into it while letting out a yelp of pleasure. I almost smiled but resumed my task, plunging my tongue deep into her as my teeth scraped her clitoris. Her moans were increasing as did my tempo, but I couldn’t have her coming like this.

  I pulled away from her, to her disa
ppointment, and wiped my mouth before I started. I took my already hard member and positioned it at her entrance. I lowered my mouth to hers and took her in a deep kiss. I sucked at her lip, and in one motion, I entered her while she moaned through my lips. I drank it in, swallowing her groans and cries of pleasure and loving every moment of it. I continued sucking on her mouth, enjoying her muffled sounds of pleasure before I parted away from her and licked her behind the ear. She gasped at the action, her walls contracting to adjust to my member which caused me to groan in pleasure.

  I reached a hand to her breast, stroking it in my palm while the other caressed her side down to her thigh, which I grasped and lifted it over my shoulder giving me deeper access. I then made sure she was properly adjusted and began thrusting. I grunted at the amazing feel of her vaginal walls clenching and stroking my penis.

  I clutched her leg tightly, delivering a kiss to her inner thigh which made her laugh briefly at the ticklish sensation before she resumed her pants and moans, our bodies rocking against the car, making it move along with us. Her hands clutched my shoulders, tighter with every thrust, and her nails dug into my skin, but I ignored it. Right now, I didn’t care about it. I was too busy driving my dick into her.

  I went back to kissing her, still moving inside her tight walls. The noises she was making just made me go faster, coaxing more out of me, so I continued to pound into her. I knew she was close, and so was I. I drove my penis inside her all the way as we both finally burst, my semen coating her insides as her walls contracted around it. It was the most amazing feeling, and I kept rocking against her, drawing out the very last ounce of our pleasure.

  I caught myself before collapsing on top of her, both of us panting in exhaustion.

  “Let’s do that again,” I laughed, still trying to breathe.

  “Not tonight, baby,” she panted, reaching up to pull some hair out of my face.

  I reached a hand to caress her cheek and looked straight into her eyes: she just looked so wonderful. She was wonderful, and everything I had ever wanted. I loved being with her. Sure, the sex was amazing, but I could do without it. I could just stay there and look at her forever. It was a very odd feeling, but every time she was with me, I felt my heart flutter and all my worries go away. I loved how she overreacted sometimes, I loved how kind and gentle she was, but more than anything, I loved her. The thought struck through me and I realized it was true. I wasn’t afraid to admit it.

  She was the one person that I wanted to be with, and deep down I think she too saw me in the same light. The way she smiled at me: I had never once imagined someone being able to look at me like that. I never once thought that I could make someone as happy as she was when she was around me.

  “I think I’m in love with you,” I whispered.

  To be honest, I expected fear or even rejection from her when I said those words, especially after everything that had happened with Melanie. However, all I got was love and happiness, a smile and eyes full of joy.

  “I really think you do.”

  I clicked my tongue and slapped her head gently, making her laugh which in turn, made me laugh.

  “Just kidding,” she said through her chuckles. “I think I love you too.”

  “Whoa there, moving too fast, don’t you think?” I joked, and this time it was her who smacked me and we continued laughing. Both of our chuckles slowly faded away until it was just the sound of our heavy breathing and racing heartbeats. It was pure joy. Slowly, I eased back, helping her back into her clothes as I righted myself as much as I could. In the end, we parted and went to take a shower.

  “So we’re officially a serious couple now,” I stated, while preparing the water, still not being able to believe it. I gave her a sidelong look to gage her reaction.

  “Yep, I guess so,” she said, and from her tone, it sounded like she couldn’t believe it either.

  “You need any help with that?” I asked, still looking at her, unable to tear my gaze away from her. She was currently undoing her braids.

  “No, I got it.”

  “How do you even get those done?” I asked curiously, watching her fingers manipulate the delicate braids.

  “Oh, please.”

  I shrugged. Women and how they do their hair would always escape me.

  I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help the words from coming out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Hey, are you sure about this? I mean, the last time I dated we got married, and it didn’t turn out so good.”

  She cast me an angry look through the bathroom mirror. “The last time you dated you dated a psycho bitch.”

  “Hey, she’s the mother of my child.”

  “Sorry, she’s a psycho.” Regan shrugged unapologetically and I couldn’t blame her. If I had to work on a daily basis with Melanie, I would probably feel the same way.

  “Better, and you still didn’t answer my question.”

  She finished undoing her hair, letting it fall down and turned to me with a far off look on her face. “Well, I haven’t been in a serious relationship like this before. To be honest, I’ve never felt this way about another guy.”

  “And you feel that we’re at a good spot?”

  “…Well, yeah. Don’t you?”

  “Well, now that I think about it, I’ve never felt like this with anyone else either. I certainly didn’t feel this way with Melanie. I thought I did, which is why I married her. But being with you right now, it just feels way different; it feels right. As if everything that has ever happened in my life has finally fallen into place.”

  “…Gosh you’re so corny.”

  I smacked a towel over her head, to which she laughed and ducked into the shower.

  “Corny or not, you love me,” I gloated, going into the shower with her.

  “Okay, yes, but you’re still corny.”

  I laughed again, and decided to just enjoy being next to her in the relaxing water.

  “Hey, you think we should have sex in here?” I asked, looking at her wet figure, my body already hardening again at the sight.

  “We’re so not having sex in here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Do you want Stephanie to be the daughter of the guy who died by slipping and falling in the shower while he was boning his babysitter?”

  “Oh, people don’t die in the showers like that. They die by getting stabbed with a butcher knife by a transvestite with mommy issues.”

  “Ok, creep analogy, but those tiles are dangerous.”

  “Please,” I begged, nibbling at the back of her neck as I pulled her curves against me.

  “No!” Regan said again, this time more seriously.

  “Ugh, you’re no fun,” I teased, worried when she pulled away from me suddenly.

  She stepped out of the shower with an awful face.

  “Oh come on, don’t take it to heart,” I said, thinking I had upset her, but in reality she had only stepped out to puke in the toilet. “I really hope that’s not contagious. Go to a doctor, woman.”

  “I’ll go when it stays too long,” she complained, wiping her face with a towel and gargling water from the sink. I just shook my head at her stubbornness.

  “Fine, but you better not contaminate me.”

  “Don’t be a wuss.”

  I laughed at her once she stepped back into the shower and began shampooing her hair, reaching down to kiss her shoulder, content with her presence.

  Chapter 10


  A few weeks had passed, as did my relationship with Evan. After we had admitted how we really felt, things progressed rather well. He texted me frequently whenever he was free so we could go out or we would hang out at his place, and he would always make me dinner. I loved being with him, as he was just everything I could dream of in a guy. He was smart, funny, sensitive, etc. I just wanted to be with him all the time, to have him hold me. I loved to listen to him talk about his nerdish likes, and it was hilarious watching him speak Elvish. Plus, it was amazing to find so
meone that had so much in common with me.

  Today, I just wanted to go meet him right away; unfortunately before I could do that, I still had this doctor’s appointment. The vomiting hadn’t stopped, and Evan had finally convinced me to make the appointment. So I would go, talk to the doc, and get something for it. But unfortunately it was contagious, and Evan caught it. The odd part was that he got over it rather quickly but I still had it. So here I was, and I just wanted the woman to hurry up so I could go see him, as he promised me we'd play board games today. I remembered our night of Mario Kart, with a twist and wondered if we could make it a strip board game night. The idea had a small smile curving over my lips. Damn, I wanted to get out of work.

  “So Miss O’Donnell,” the doctor said, finally walking back into the examination room. “There seems no indication that you have a bug. It might have started out that way in the beginning, but it’s not the case now.”

  “Then why would I still be throwing up?”

  “Well, I’m not sure,” she answered, frowning at her clipboard.

  Please don’t say I’m dying! Please don’t say I’m dying! I won’t let my life turn into a tear-jerker romantic movie where the main character has cancer then dies!

  “Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re dying,” she said, as if reading my over-wrought mind.

  I sighed in relief; I'd dodged a bullet.

  “But I do want to ask. Have you experienced any other unusual symptoms?”

  I furrowed my brows in thought, not sure what she meant. I figured it was something that I hadn’t experienced much of before. I racked my brains and thought back on how I started getting other feelings along with throwing up.

  “Well I do get headaches from time to time.”

  “Anything in particular with your body?” she asked, all the while making notes on her damn clipboard.

  “…I feel my breasts a little swollen sometimes. I’ve had more appetite lately and I’m late for my period but I figured it was just...”

  My eyes widened when I said that last one. Oh shit! I looked at the doctor in panic, and she only nodded; my guess was that I had just confirmed her theory.


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