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Mastering Angela [Passion Peak, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Tara Rose

  Ian stopped, but Nash didn’t release his hold on her shoulders. She heard movement and stopped herself just short of turning her head to try and follow it. Nash nuzzled her neck, and she sighed. He kissed her skin, leaving a trail of fire as he moved over both sides of her neck and then back to her face.

  He captured her mouth in a hot kiss, and Angela groaned loudly as she parted her lips to let his tongue inside. He was just as fabulous a kisser as Ian. His tongue moved over hers in ways she’d never felt before, and images of what that tongue would feel like on her nipples and clit rose in her mind. She had a sensation that she was melting into him, and tried to push closer to his body.

  He released the kiss, and it was on the tip of her tongue to beg him not to stop when a flogger struck her ass cheeks, forcing a yell from her. She clenched her teeth as the heavy thudding continued. It didn’t sting like the one she’d told Nash last night had been her favorite. This one was stiff and it felt more like wood than leather, but she knew it was a flogger because she could actually feel the individual tails as they smacked her ass.

  A steady stream of loud moans escaped her throat. She was still pressed up against Nash’s body, and now his hands gently caressed her neck and upper back as Ian continued to deliver blows to her ass.

  “You’re doing great, Angela.” Nash’s voice sent fresh desire coursing through her. “Use your safewords if you need to.” She didn’t want to use one. She didn’t need to. The pain and pleasure were all mixed up with the heady joy that this time her acquiescence both pleased and aroused them. His words encouraged her to stop analyzing it and just allow the sensations to wash over her.

  She could do this, and she could enjoy it as well. It was exquisite, this rush of emotion and sense of floating above the scene and into Nash’s body at the same time. Her legs trembled, and just as the pain began to burn so much that it broke through the fog that had seemed to settle over her brain, the tickler was back, teasing the sensitive areas of her ass cheeks.

  “She’s pretty red,” said Ian. “I think it’s time to give her gorgeous ass a break and switch to something else.”

  Had he really just said she had a gorgeous ass? Angela couldn’t seem to process words right now. All she could do was feel as the feathers brushed over her skin. When one of the men picked her up, she simply fell back into his strong arms as he carried her. He laid her on what felt like a mattress, and she assumed they were in another room because she couldn’t remember seeing a bed in this one. Or had she simply missed it? She didn’t know. The only clear thing in her mind was that this was completely different than her experience last night, and she loved every second of it.

  * * * *

  Nash had carried Angela into his bedroom without asking if that was all right with Ian, but as Ian waltzed in with an assortment of bondage cuffs, toys, and a huge grin on his face, Nash knew he’d made the right move. “Let’s tie her spread-eagled. We can reach everything that way.”

  Angela turned her head a couple of times to the side as he and Ian secured leather cuffs to her wrists and attached them with chains to rings on the headboard, but he decided to overlook that breach of protocol because he knew she was probably just trying to process the sounds she heard.

  He had no idea how or why adding the blindfold again tonight had worked so well, but he didn’t want to take a chance on screwing it up. He’d been absolutely certain she was about to leave again, and that would have been the end of it, but not because he was ready to give up on her—quite the contrary.

  Angela Davidson was a challenge, and Nash loved challenges. He and Ian had messed up last night by assuming too much about her prior exposure to play, and then by letting her leave while still in the mindset where she thought she’d screwed up by using a safeword. Nash was grateful that Ian had gone right after her, and wished Trace Coleman hadn’t shown up because he’d wanted to do the same thing.

  But now, they’d wined and dined her, and all seemed well. Very well. Nash could have sworn she’d been in subspace for a few moments there. He liked Angela, and he wanted to give this a fair chance to work for her. And, if he were being honest, for himself as well. She intrigued him, and she was so damn pretty and sexy. He wanted to make love to her tonight as well as introduce her to various forms of play. When she’d said earlier how aroused she’d become, it had taken every ounce of willpower not to abandon the training and just fuck her silly.

  When he removed her thong, she startled a bit at first and then moaned. His dick was rock hard and painful because it was currently shoved into his damn pants, but he rarely undressed during play until he was absolutely certain that his sub was ready for and wanted sex. He also doubted that he needed to ask if Ian was in the same state. The poor man was already a quivering mass of lust. “I’m just taking this off, Angela. It’s pretty useless anyway, as soaking wet as it is.”

  “I can’t help it, Sir. You do that to me. You both do.” Her voice was soft and breathy, and once again it was all Nash could do not to say fuck it all to the play and just kiss her into oblivion.

  “Thank you, Angela.” He wanted so badly to tell her that she did the same thing to him, but right now it was important to make some attempt to teach her protocol, and that included denying her sexual pleasure for a while. He shouldn’t have kissed her, but he simply hadn’t been able to stop himself.

  Once they had her ankles secured as well, he and Ian sat back on their heels and admired her body. She was truly beautiful, as all women were, but Nash had always had a thing for blondes with alabaster skin. Her pussy was shaved, and he was glad of that. He would have asked her to do so if it hadn’t been. He liked to watch them swell, and grow darker and juicier as the woman’s arousal grew. It was one indicator he used to gauge whether the play was having the desired effect.

  For Nash, play wasn’t only about giving a sub different sensations and helping her to reach deep down inside and work through emotions. He liked them to be so sexually aroused that they were practically begging him to fuck them. It was a huge rush watching them not only work through emotional or physical issues during play, but also knowing he could bring them right to the brink as often as possible before allowing them release.

  When he was able to do that, it made him feel alive and strong, and it enhanced the sex to crazy heights. He loved to give that experience to his subs, and he hoped he’d have a chance to share that with Angela after she’d reached her limits of play tonight.

  He and Ian exchanged a glance, and Ian reached into the toy bag that he’d placed next to him on the bed and pulled out a mini riding crop, plus a small flogger with thick tails. They didn’t need to speak. They’d played together with a sub so often that they could usually anticipate each other’s moves. Impact play on breasts and pussies was a favorite for them, and Nash hoped Angela would enjoy it.

  He wanted to erase all her bad memories from last night, as well as whatever had been going on inside her head earlier before he’d put on the blindfold. He wanted this to be amazing for her, and it was for purely selfish reasons at this point. Nash wanted to get to know Angela much better, body and soul. It had been far too long since he’d been this interested in a woman, and he couldn’t wait to see where this led.

  Chapter Twelve

  Angela took several deep breaths, trying to clear her head. There was no fear. She was simply overcome with all the sensations competing for attention. They’d restrained her spread-eagled on the bed, and she’d heard the sound of chains. Actual chains.

  She could tell they were both on the bed, and she heard rustling as if they either were undressing or moving things around, but there were no other clues. She wasn’t about to ask. This time, she’d let nothing spoil this. She hadn’t realized it was possible to be both relaxed and aroused at the same time. It was as if she’d suddenly let go of silly day-to-day cares and given them over to Nash and Ian, along with her body. It was liberating. She didn’t have to make any decisions or assume control. All she had to do was lie here
and experience it.

  Hands caressed her breasts again, teasing the nipples. She had no idea whose they were and that excited her. She loved this. It was forbidden and dark being tied down and forced to submit without seeing who was doing what. She hoped Nash had meant it when he’d said they would blindfold her every single time they played from now on. She even hoped they left the blindfold on if both men made love to her later.

  As that thought took shape, Angela moaned out loud. When one of them began to tease her inner thighs with his fingertips, she tried to squirm, but it was pointless. They’d tied her tightly. The only thing she could move was her head. She could also make a fist and curl her toes, but beyond that, she was helpless.

  “Use your safewords if you need to, Angela.” That was Nash, and he was between her legs. She almost wished he hadn’t spoken because now she knew who was brushing his fingers along her pussy lips. Did he like what he saw? Surely he could tell how ready she was for his dick.

  A hand slapped her pussy sharply and she yelped. “Did you hear me?” Nash’s voice was hard-edged, and a shiver ran up and down her spine.

  “Yes, Sir. Safewords. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  How did he do that? In the space of two seconds, his tone had gone from scolding and almost angry to so soothing she felt as though she were melting into the mattress. The next strike on her pussy was not his hand. It stung like tiny sparks from a fire, and at first she thought he was dripping candle wax on her, but as he began to strike her almost lazily, she realized it was a flogger.

  Ian hit first her right nipple and then her left with what felt like a leather pad, and she drew in several sharp breaths. It really stung. She bit her lip and tried to just keep breathing. He must have been watching her face, because his next strikes weren’t as forceful, and after a few more times she got used to the stinging and really liked it. Each slap sent tiny zaps of electricity straight to her throbbing clit.

  Nash began to flog her pussy at the same time that Ian struck her nipples, and Angela tossed her head back and forth slowly as the now-familiar sensation of pain mixed with pleasure. She was poised right there, on the edge of a huge orgasm. Would they notice if she came? Should she tell them how close she was?

  A steady stream of incomprehensible words interspersed with moans filled the air, and it took her a few seconds to realize both were coming from her. What amazed her was that over her own voice she could hear the swish of the flogger between her legs, and the soft slap of the leather on her breasts. The sounds appeared magnified, just as the scents in the room and the touch of the feather tickler both had been earlier.

  The scent of their colognes was now mixed with the smell of burning candles. Had they been lit when she’d first come in? She couldn’t remember, and it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the exquisite punishment of her body at the hands of these two sexy, charismatic men. Again, they stopped just as the pain broke through her euphoria. How had they known? Had her face changed? Could they see the way her fists had suddenly clenched and her arms strained against the bonds?

  She was untied and the blindfold removed, and then Ian handed her a bottle of water. She sat up and drained it, not even realizing how thirsty she’d been until the first few drops touched her parched tongue.

  Then they sat on the bed and took turns holding her on their laps, stroking her hair and back. Their touch burned her skin and sent her arousal spiraling higher still. “Angela, we are so proud of you.” Ian’s soft, sexy voice washed over her like warm water.

  “You did so well tonight,” said Nash. She wasn’t sure what to say, so she simply basked in their praise and savored every caress, every soft touch. Nash released the embrace and looked into her eyes. “Do you need a bathroom break?”

  She did, but until he’d said that, she hadn’t realized it. Her brain was in permanent fog mode. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  As she crawled off the bed, Nash pointed toward the door through which he must have carried her. “The sitting room where we were earlier is through there. Do you remember where the bathroom is?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  He smacked her right ass cheek playfully as she started to walk away. “Don't take forever and make us come looking for you.”

  Angela sprinted toward the sitting room. She didn’t take any longer than was necessary, but did stop and stare at the sight of her naked ass in the mirror for a few seconds. It was red all over and purple in a couple of places, but instead of filling her with dread, she felt proud. Should she feel that way? Should she ask? She hoped at some point they’d allow her to ask questions. She needed to know that everything she was feeling was normal.

  She still had so many questions, but now instead of being focused on things like whether or not subs had to be half-naked all the time at the club, or wanting to know what every piece of equipment on the main floor was, she wanted to talk to someone about her feelings and experiences. Should she simply ask them if they could just talk?

  Once she returned to the bedroom, they were sitting on the bed talking and drinking water. She came into the room and stopped cold at the stern look that came over Nash’s face. Instinctively, she lowered her gaze.

  “Good girl,” he crooned. “From now on when you enter a room like this during play, or anytime we’re not out in public, you will also kneel.”

  Angela dropped to her knees.

  “Sit back on your heels and place your hands on your thighs. This is the posture you are to adopt until we give you permission to get up. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. Sir, may I ask a question?”

  “No,” said Ian. His tone was so sharp that Angela glanced up for a second, her pulse racing. Had she said or done something to upset them? His gaze softened a bit. “Eyes down. I’m not upset with you, okay? We’re only trying to teach you. You may ask a question at any time, but when you’re in this posture, you will not speak unless we ask you a question or we give you permission to do so. Is that clear?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl. I’m so proud of you, Angela. Now rise, and then you may ask your question.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She stood, but kept her gaze on the floor. “My question is…um…I have so many.” She sighed. “I’m not sure where to begin.”

  “Let’s start with the question that’s foremost in your mind.”

  “I felt pride—that’s the only word for it—when I saw how red and purple my ass was from the play. Is that normal?”

  She saw Ian’s bare feet in front of her a second before he placed a hand under her chin to tip her head up. Angela forced back a moan at the look of lust on his face. If this ended with no sex, she’d have to use her vibrator so much later that it would break for sure. “Angela, every sub is different, but we’re honored that you felt pride when you saw what we did to your skin.”

  Nash didn’t move from his place on the bed, but his gaze was no less full of desire than Ian’s as he addressed her. “And I hope you know how pleased we are that you enjoyed that so much. You did very well, and we’re both so proud of you.”

  She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. As she started to thank them, she had to first clear her throat. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you, both of you. I wanted to please you both tonight.”

  “You have,” said Ian. “And now, if you’ll allow us to, we would like to please you.”

  Her body began to tremble at his words.

  “Come over here, Angela.” She rose and walked toward Nash. Ian took a seat on the bed next to him. Once she was in front of Nash, he placed his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. She was keenly aware of her nudity in a way she hadn’t been before, but that might have been because both men were still dressed. They’d only removed their sport coats, socks, and shoes so far.

  “Angela, I want to make love to you. Ian and I both do, but you’ve had a lot of new experiences tonight, and if the idea of that is too overwhelming for yo
u, we’ll understand.”

  She wanted to shout her acquiescence from the rooftops. She struggled to maintain her composure as she held his gaze. “Nash…I mean Sir, I want that so badly.” Angela cut her gaze toward Ian, hoping that was allowed. “I want to make love to both of you. I’ve never done that. I mean, two men at once. But I want to.”

  Ian’s smile was nothing short of brilliant, and her heart soared. “We haven’t either,” he said. “Made love to a woman at the same time, that is. So this will be first for all of us.”

  “May I speak freely, Sir?”

  “Yes. Please do.”

  “This is incredible. This entire night. First dinner, and then the play, and now this. I know I sound like a babbling idiot, but I need you both to know how much it means to me that you gave me another chance.”

  Nash surprised the hell out of her by stroking her cheek with one finger. His touch sent little thrills over her face that spread down to her entire body. “Angela, you gave us a second chance. We shouldn’t have let you leave last night in that frame of mind. Thank you for this.”

  “Water under the bridge.” She didn’t know what else to say. His kindness and understanding contrasted so sharply with the role he took on during play, but perhaps that was normal. There was so much she still didn’t understand, and she desperately wanted to.

  Nash pulled her into his arms and kissed her, and Angela forgot all her questions. She didn’t even know her own name as his lips and tongue moved over hers. When she felt Ian’s hands on her hair and her back at the same time, she moaned deep in her throat and melted against Nash’s warm strong body. This was actually happening.

  Nash released the kiss and trailed his tongue over her neck and collarbones, while Ian began to plant soft kisses on her back, and then on her sore ass cheeks. Angela closed her eyes and tried to just keep breathing. These two had already worked her hormones into a frenzy. What more could they do to her? She was going to explode in a climax before either of them got their dicks inside her. There was no doubt about it.


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