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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

Page 18

by M. Katherine Clark

  Immediately Marrock’s dark expression turned to a murderous one with his eyes flaming yellow.

  “Guards!” He shouted. Two men came up beside him and the rest of the pack stared. Weylyn caught his father’s gaze as he held Kyna in greeting. “Take him!”

  Weylyn felt hands on his arms but he was not quite sure what was happening.

  “Marrock, please,” Kinnon’s voice pleaded with his nephew.

  “Did you ken of this?” Marrock’s eyes burned with hatred.

  “He is my son,” Kinnon went on. “Let him have his mate, please. We will leave the pack. I promise you nae ill will befall you or the pack.”

  “You think I am worried by an attack of humans?” Marrock’s barking laughter vibrated throughout the village. “Let them come. Let them attempt to storm the keep. They will break their bones against these walls… Bring Weylyn to the steps of the keep.”

  As the men dragged him, Weylyn’s one thought was to get back to Brietta. He would endure anything for her. Marrock stood at the top of the steps of the keep. Maelogan leaned into Marrock and whispered something in his ear. Marrock’s eyes grew even harder. Weylyn was forced to his knees before him.

  “Weylyn MacKinnon,” Marrock proclaimed. “Do you admit that your mate is a human?”

  Weylyn locked eyes with his cousin.

  “Aye, she is human,” Weylyn announced, his voice was strong and clear. “And I love her.”

  “And did you willingly reveal what you are to her?” Marrock demanded.

  Weylyn’s eyes drifted to Maelogan who stood beside Marrock, a smirk toying on his lips as he looked at Weylyn. Taking a deep breath, Weylyn answered.

  “Aye, I half-phased in front of her,” he said.

  There was a gasp throughout the village and Marrock stiffened. After a moment, he nodded softly.

  “Well,” Marrock began and took a slow breath. Looking over at his uncle’s pleading eyes and seeing Kinnon mouth the word please, Marrock felt something akin to his former self, rear its head. Then, he hardened his feelings and shook his head. “Tallion,” he called his prize fighter. Tallion stepped forward. “One hundred lashes,” Marrock proclaimed.

  “Nay!” Kinnon cried out. “Marrock, please he is merely a lad!”

  No wolf could survive more than seventy-five lashes, Marrock had just dealt Weylyn a death sentence. Marrock silenced his uncle with an alpha order and continued,

  “He went against my orders. Proceed, Tallion.”

  Brietta. I must get back to Brietta. Weylyn’s shirt ripped open from behind. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself and prepared for the pain. Tallion half-phased and began delivering the punishment.

  When the first strike of Tallion’s claws swiped over his back, Weylyn held in his cry. But when the second and third seared through him he could not prevent it. After the tenth strike, Weylyn’s throat was hoarse from screaming in pain. Being a friend of Kinnon, Tallion held back as his claws ripped through Weylyn’s back.

  Falling forward unable to hold himself up, Weylyn was dragged to a post nearby and was tied to the wood.




  He started to lose consciousness but the slashes stopped after the twenty-third one and Marrock stood over him.

  “You will never see her again,” his alpha order broke Weylyn’s heart at the same time he shuttered.

  “I love her,” he said. “There is nothing you can do to stop that. You, above anyone kens how that feels.”

  Marrock’s eyes filled with pain for a moment, then he turned back to the Tallion.

  “I think you are holding back, Tallion,” Marrock said walking over. “Move,” Marrock said the word slowly with silent anger. Tallion bowed as Marrock half-phased and turned towards his cousin.




  The slashes stopped again as Marrock walked over him, his claws dripping with blood. His yellow eyes blazed as they fixed on a medallion that hung around Weylyn’s neck. He grabbed for it but with the little strength he had left, Weylyn moved.

  “Nay,” his voice was a whispered plea.

  “What is it?” Marrock demanded.

  “’Tis all I have of her, please,” Weylyn panted.

  “She is no’ yours,” Marrock said. “You will have nothing of that human whore!” he tried to rip the necklace off Weylyn’s neck but he fought him.

  “Nay!” he cried. “Please!”

  “Sire,” Kinnon’s voice stopped him. Marrock whirled around and faced his uncle. “Let him keep the medallion, please. And let him go.”

  Marrock laughed, his claws still dripped with Weylyn’s blood.

  “You ask me to stay my claws in favor of what? Because he is my cousin? I am sorry, Uncle but nay, he disobeyed me and he is to be punished,” Marrock said. “He has put the entire pack in danger.”

  “Nay,” Kinnon replied. “Someone is to be punished.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Marrock demanded.

  “Nay,” Kinnon said calmly. “I am saying that I kenned my son revealed what he was to this human girl and I did nothing. If someone is to be punished… let it be me. Let my lad go.”

  “Father,” Weylyn’s plea came out in a gasp. “Nay.”

  “You would endure your son’s punishment?” Marrock asked.

  “Aye, as any father would,” he said. Marrock’s eyes narrowed.

  They were quiet for a time then Marrock spoke, “Tallion, untie the pup.”

  Kinnon turned to his mate. “See to our son,” he whispered. “I love you.”

  “And I love you, Kinnon, always and forever,” Kyna said. She touched his chest over his heart. “I am honored to be your mate.”

  “Och, love,” he said. “The honor is mine,” he kissed her then stepped forward pulling his tunic over his head and walking to the wooden post prepared to take the rest of his son’s one hundred lashes.



  Weylyn woke in one of the barred caves they used as the dungeon. The moon was high but he could not move. The thought that Brietta would be waiting for him forced him to crawl. He had to get to her. Then, like a stone wall, Marrock’s order slammed back to him and he could do nothing. He could not breathe. He could not even cry out to release some of the pain. He was being ripped in two and he could do nothing to stop it. Clutching the medallion around his neck, he remembered when she had given it to him the last night he was there. The pattern was the same he had carved into the leather bracelet.

  “I am so sorry, my love,” Weylyn choked out. He crawled his way to the window and the moon’s rays that shown through the slit. Looking up to the cloudless sky, he continued. “I cannae be there for you. I want to, more than anything. Forgive me, please. There is nothing I can do. Ken that I love you more than anything and I would give everything to hold you once more. Be well, my dearest love. Be happy. Think of me with fondness.” Tears ran unchecked down his cheeks. “I will never forget you, my mate, my wife.” His eyes turned up to the moon. “Oh you lonely moon, you have long been a comfort to me. I beg you to watch over her and take my message to her so she kens that I am forever hers.”

  “Weylyn?” Faolán’s voice called from the darkness. Weylyn looked over slowly as he felt the tug of the stitches in his back.

  “Faolán?” Weylyn questioned as he tried to move to the door. Faolán stood outside the barred door with a plate of food in his hand. He pulled himself up on the bars to stand.

  “Marrock has ordered you at least have something to eat,” he said offering the meager fare.

  Suddenly, Weylyn remembered what had happened after the lashes stopped.

  “Where is my father?” he demanded. “Tell me, Faolán!”

  “Marrock showed nae mercy,” Faolán’s words were soft.

  Weylyn gripped the iron bars to steady himself. His father had taken the worst of his punishment and no one could surv
ive more than seventy-five lashes but if Marrock was the one delivering them they would be much harsher.

  “Where is he?” he demanded.

  “He lives… barely,” Faolán said. “Your mother has been tending him. She came to tend your wounds until Marrock ordered you here. Kinnon is back home. Your mother is with him.”

  “He lives?” Weylyn asked.

  “Aye, barely,” Faolán said. Weylyn let out a stuttered sigh. “What were you thinking?”

  “You would do naught for Heledd?” he asked harshly.

  “Nay, I would have done the same but… she is no’ human,” he said. After a pause, he looked into his friend’s eyes. “Did you mate with her?”

  Weylyn did not answer immediately he watched Faolán and extended his hand for the food.

  “Nay… we did nae mate,” he finally said.

  “There is some comfort in that,” Faolán said. “Rest, your wounds need to be cleansed and it would be easiest while you are sleeping.”

  “I want to see my father,” he rattled the door. “Let me out of here, Faolán.”

  “I cannae,” he answered. “You are to remain here for the moon’s cycle. Marrock has ordered it.”

  “Does he no’ recall his order? Does he think I will ever be able to leave?” Weylyn shouted. “I could nae even if I tried, and trust me I am no’ above trying.”

  “I donnae ken what you are going through, nor do I ever want to. I could nae bear losing Heledd,” he said. “I am sorry for your pain, my friend.”

  Then, looking around him to make sure no one saw what he did next, Faolán pulled out a vial.

  “From your mother,” he whispered. “’Twill help with the pain.”

  “What is it?” Weylyn asked.

  “I donnae ken, she spoke with Meera. ‘Tis something that will help you. That old croon created some mixture.”

  Weylyn paused. “Are you sure it was my mother?” he asked.

  Faolán looked at him confused. “Of course,” he said. “Why would you ask such a question?”

  “Because my friend Faolán would never call his aunt an old croon,” Weylyn said. “I kenned you were a shape-shifter, Maelogan. I never trusted you!”

  “Weylyn, what are you talking about?” Faolán asked.

  “If you are my friend, you will ken the answer to this one question,” he said. “When we were pups which of us phased first?”

  “Why, you of course, you are older,” he said.

  Weylyn reached through the bars and grabbed his tunic pulling him flush against the bars.

  “You get out of my sight, Druid,” he said harshly. “I ken what you are. I can smell it on you. I could smell you when I was with Brietta. You followed me and you told Marrock everything. I am in here because of you and my father lies dying because of you. If you value your life you will leave before I get out of here because I swear to you, I will hunt you down and kill you. If you even think about touching Brietta I will no’ rest until you are dead. I donnae ken what sort of hold you have over Marrock but it ends now. I swear this by the moon’s rays and on my blood dripping on the ground.”

  Faolán’s look darkened and his body convulsed, changing form to Maelogan

  “Well done,” he said. “But you are too late. My plan has already unfolded and nothing can stop it. Your female will be mine,” he changed his form to Weylyn’s shape and Weylyn gripped his tunic tighter.

  “I will kill you if you even look at her,” he said.

  “How?” he asked. “You are in here.”

  “I have my ways,” he said. “Donnae underestimate the alpha blood dormant in my veins. Leave the pack. Leave my female in peace or you will ken the true strength of the wolf within me.”

  Maelogan forced a laugh, but as Weylyn held his tunic tightly in his hands, he felt how tense he was. His eyes showed fear and Weylyn could smell the stench of it billowing off him.

  “You have no’ seen the last of me, Wolf,” Maelogan said.

  “And I do look forward to our meeting again,” he replied. “That will be the last meeting we will have, for I will kill you.”

  “I will put an arrow in your heart and I will destroy everything you hold dear,” Maelogan answered.

  “You talk too much,” Weylyn said. “And you are too late. Everything I hold dear has already been stripped from me.”

  “I will be watching for you,” he replied.

  “Likewise,” Weylyn answered.



  Weylyn awoke to a cold rag soothing his face. He opened his eyes but his vision and mind were cloudy.

  “Brietta?” he whispered.

  “I wish for your sake I was, my love,” his mother’s voice soothed him down to his soul.

  “Mama?” he asked as if he was a child again.

  “Oh my dear, sweet love,” she cooed.

  “I am so sorry, mama,” he said softly.

  “Shh, shh, ‘tis all right, my dearest one. Try no’ to move,” she said. Her curly dark blonde hair framed her face gently, lending to her pronounced and beautiful features.

  “If you are here…” Weylyn began. “Then does that mean that Father…”

  A shadow of pain overcame his mother’s face as she leaned over him with the rag. “He is alive, but he is no’ well,” she admitted. “Marrock was particularly harsh in his lashing. But, your father was proud. He stayed strong until the very end.”

  Weylyn’s face contorted in pain as her words registered and he cried out. His father had taken the rest of his punishment in order to save him.

  “Why did he do it?” Weylyn asked not fighting the tears that welled in his eyes.

  “He did it because he loves you,” she said. “You will understand one day when you have your own pups.”

  He shook his head. “I will never love another.”

  She cupped his face gently and looked into his eyes.

  “Oh, my sweet love,” she sighed, tears in her own eyes seeing the truth that he tried to hide. “What you have lost.”

  He closed his eyes against the pain building in his chest. If he did not fight it, it would consume him. Kyna held him close allowing him to cry. He wept.

  “There now,” Kyna soothed when he calmed down. “You will do yourself an injury. Here, I have made a poultice that will help with the pain,” she said pulling it out.

  Weylyn looked at her; his conversation with Maelogan still in his ears.

  “Forgive me, mother,” he said. “But I have had a conversation with someone that has made me distrustful of others. Could I ask you a question that only you would ken the answer to?” She looked confused but nodded. “When I was a pup, you used to sing to me,” he started. She smiled and nodded. “What song did you sing?”

  “The Wolf and the Willow Tree,” she answered. He sighed with relief. “Shall I say how old you were when you first asked about mating? Or perhaps when you forgot to knock and walked in on your father and I?”

  He coughed in embarrassment. “Nay, I think that will do,” he said.

  “Who has made you distrust your own family?” she asked.

  “’Tis no’ important,” he answered. “They will no’ bother me again. Thank you for answering my question.”

  “Of course, my love,” she said. “Now will you allow me to see to your wounds?”

  He nodded and rolled to his side.

  “I have begged an audience with Marrock regarding your imprisonment,” she went on. He flinched when her gentle fingers worked over his wounds. “I am sorry,” she said. He shook his head and she continued. “I have nae been able to meet with him but I hope that soon he will allow you to leave.”

  “How does he expect me to stay here?” he asked. “I will go mad.”

  “You must think on Brietta,” she said. “She will keep you grounded. Hold on to your love for her. You may never be able to meet with her again, but at least you have had love.”

  “Aye, I have had love,” he whispered.


  Faolán found Heledd by the river, her faraway look giving him pause, but as he stood leaning against a tree for a while watching her he found he needed to hear her voice and see her smile. Her dark hair blew in the wind; he wanted to run his fingers through it. She had reached the age of maturity and consent two days ago. He cursed his misfortune of not being able to be there with her. When they returned, Weylyn’s punishment and Marrock’s subsequent interrogation of the scouting party, Faolán had not been able to get away and see his betrothed. Pushing off the tree trunk, he walked towards her.

  She jumped when he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Och, ‘tis you,” she stated.

  “You were expecting someone else?” he teased kissing her neck.

  She paled and turned away from him. His brows pulled together and he sat beside her taking her face in his hands.

  “What is it, my love?” he asked softly.

  She shook her head out of his hold and looked away.

  “Nothing,” she answered. “I am merely glad you are home.”

  “My love, if you are concerned about anything, you can tell me,” he replied. “There should be nae secrets between us. My love for you will never falter, I swear it.”

  She looked back at him intently.

  “Truly?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he answered stroking the back of his finger against the apple of her cheek. “Tell me what is preying on your mind.”

  She took a deep breath and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her until the moon rose. Whatever had her so worried he was certain he would be able to help.

  “I kissed Marrock,” she finally said.

  It took him a moment to process what she had said. At first, he was certain he had misheard her, but when she searched his eyes, he read the truth. She had kissed the alpha. She had been untrue to him. Did he force her? Anger shot through his body so strongly that he had to move away from her.

  “What?” he breathed. “What are you talking about?”




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