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Lonely Moon (The Wolf's Bane Saga Book 2)

Page 19

by M. Katherine Clark

“I must speak with you, Alpha,” Faolán demanded as he walked into Marrock’s solar. Maelogan turned to him and blocked his sight line to the alpha.

  “The alpha is no’ to be disturbed,” Maelogan said.

  “Marrock… sire, I need to speak with you, now. ‘Tis urgent,” Faolán went on.

  Marrock waved Maelogan away but continued to stare down at the map on the table as he spoke.

  “What is on your mind, Faolán?” Marrock asked.

  “Heledd told me. She told me that you kissed her,” he answered.

  “It was a mutual exchange. I did nae force her,” he replied.

  “She was afraid of refusing you!” Faolán yelled.

  “Three times?” Marrock asked. “Seems like she had more than enough times to tell me to stop.”

  “You have nae right,” Faolán said menacingly.

  Marrock’s eyes jumped to his and flashed yellow as a deep growl began in his throat.

  “I am the Alpha. I have the only right,” he said.

  “She is my mate!” Faolán yelled.

  “No’ yet,” Marrock answered.

  “I have served you well,” Faolán replied. “Why do you desire to take her from me? You fill your bed enough with the widows and Tiana. Why do you need Heledd?”

  “Do you challenge me?” Marrock’s voice was low.

  “If you donnae leave my mate alone, I donnae believe any wolf could stop challenging you,” he answered.

  “Then you do challenge me, for I donnae intend to leave Heledd alone,” Marrock answered.

  “Why?” Faolán demanded.

  “I donnae need to explain myself to you, whelp. If you challenge me, say the words and we will fight this moment, if no’ leave my sight,” Marrock growled.

  Faolán had sparred with Marrock before, but in both cases, he had lost heavily and without him to champion her, who would protect Heledd from the alpha’s intentions? Bowing, Faolán said no more and left the keep with the sole intent of finding Heledd.


  Weylyn heard the door to his cell open. It had only been a few days or so – he had lost count – since his initial imprisonment. Kyna came almost every day telling him his father was doing well but Marrock had refused to see her. He did not expect to see the guard, Tallion opening the door for him.

  “You are free to go,” he said.

  Weylyn could still feel the wolf’s claws on his back when he heard his voice.

  “Why?” Weylyn questioned.

  Tallion shrugged. “Marrock decreed you were to be released,” he said.

  Weylyn stood from his seat on what had been his bed. His wounds had healed but his body still ached from the pain. He stood and walked to the open door, pausing and looked at the wolf beside him.

  “Thank you for holding back and no’ striking me fully,” Weylyn said.

  “I am sorry you lost your mate,” Tallion said. “I never found mine, as you ken, but perhaps it is worse to have found her and lost her than to never have found her.”

  “Aye, but perhaps this way is better,” Weylyn replied.

  “Take some comfort in the fact that you did nae mate with her,” Tallion answered. “If you did, it would be unbearable.”

  Weylyn said no more and stepped over the threshold to the dungeon. His eyes were immediately assaulted by the brilliance of the midday sun in a cloudless sky. When he was finally able to open his eyes, his mother stood a little way away waiting for him. He smiled slightly at her and headed in her direction. Halfway there, he froze when Kinnon walked up beside her and smiled at his son. Weylyn’s steps faltered and before he could think, his father had grabbed him up and held him tightly.

  “You are well, son,” Kinnon whispered.

  “I am so sorry,” Weylyn cried.

  “Shh, son, I am all right,” Kinnon replied.

  “How? How can you be healed so quickly?” Weylyn pulled back and looked at his father.

  “With rest and a lot of attention from your mother.”

  When he finally released his father, he looked around the village. The entire pack was gathering and heading to Marrock’s new platform built at the steps of the keep.

  “What is going on?” Weylyn asked.

  “I am no’ sure,” Kinnon said. “Marrock has called everyone together for an announcement.”


  “Stay close to me,” Faolán said holding Heledd’s hand. “He cannae take you if you are mine.”

  “But I am nay yours Faolán,” she said. “We did nae mate.”

  “Only because you would nae allow it.”

  “If he takes me as his,” she replied. “You can do nothing and here I have condemned you to a life of solitude while I…”

  He took her in his arms as she began to shake. “Nothing? I would fight for you.”

  “And when you die and I hold your broken body in my arms? That would make me free for him to use just as the others he has taken. Nay, Faolán, I could nae allow you to die. If he chooses me, then you must promise me that you will nae pine for me; that you will love again. You have so much love to give.”

  “I will have nae other, Heledd,” he went on. “You can beg me all you wish but if I cannae have you then I will have no one.”

  “You cannae condemn yourself to a lonely life,” Heledd said.

  “I will nae, with you by my side,” he answered. “We will mate tonight, nae matter what Marrock decrees.”

  “We cannae,” she said. “I love you, but if…”

  “Donnae put energy into what if, Heledd,” he replied. “Just ken that I love you; always and forever.”

  He framed her face with his hands and kissed her gently.



  Faolán and Heledd stood together, near her parents and towards the back of the gathered pack. Faolán took her hand in his and she took comfort in the soft movements of his thumb back and forth across her knuckles.

  Once everyone had gathered, Marrock stayed quiet; his eyes scanning the crowd. Eventually he stood, and walked to the front of the platform.

  “I have decided,” he began. “That I nae longer wish to live alone. I will be taking another mate,” all eyes went to Mabh’s parents. They looked stunned, then stunned changed to pain. “You will support me in this,” he said to them. Conall looked away from him but heard his Alpha’s order. Marrock looked back at his pack. “The female I take will no’ be your queen. You will no’ address her as such, she will simply be my mate. She will come to live with me in the keep, her family is no’ permitted to join us. She will be mine and nae others.” His continued use of his alpha power made everyone quake with recognition. “Now,” he went on. “For my choice.” His eyes scanned and fell on the one he wanted. “Tiana,” he said. “Join me by my side as my mate.”

  Faolán let out a breath and raised Heledd’s hand to his lips. She fell into him and held him tightly. Tiana went up the steps and stood beside Marrock. Marrock offered her a cup of spiced wine. She took a drink then offered it to Marrock. He drank the remaining wine and the ceremony was complete. Marrock indicated Tiana to join him at his right.

  Looking out, he spoke again.

  “Tiana has agreed to join me at my side, but there is something else I must do,” he said. “As my… tastes run both to her talents and to more of an innocent bent, I ken she will nae give me the sweetness I desire. Also, my son is a great disappointment to me and Tiana would nae be able to give me pups. Therefore, there is another I desire.”

  No alpha had ever taken two mates at the same time. The pack grew silent and some, the elders, became angry.

  “You are thwarting our traditions, Alpha!” one of them yelled. “You cannae take two mates when we have so few females.”

  Marrock’s eyes flashed yellow and he turned to his guard. The guard grabbed the older wolf and forced him to his knees.

  “You challenge me?” Marrock asked.

  “Nay, you have my support, Alpha. I merely state that we have so few f
emales of mating age. We donnae want our pack to die.”

  “I am Alpha, am I no’? And as such, I may do as I please,” he stated. “Those who go against me will feel my wrath.”

  The elders looked down and said no more.

  “Now, for this second choice,” he said. “The female who will give me the innocence I crave and the pups to take the place of the one who has disappointed me…” his eyes scanned the crowd. “Heledd, join me at my side.”

  All eyes turned to her as she grabbed Faolán tighter.

  “Nay,” Faolán shouted. “I will nae let you have her. If that means I challenge you, Alpha, then so be it. Heledd is mine.”

  “Faolán,” she said softly. “You promised me.”

  “I love you! And he is nae going to take you away from me,” Faolán’s eyes flashed yellow.

  “You have nae claim on her, Faolán,” Marrock called out. “But if you desire to challenge me, I will enjoy taking your life.”

  “Nay,” Heledd cried out. “Please sire, he did nae mean to challenge you. I will join you but please give me a moment to say goodbye to him properly.”

  “And if I refuse?” Marrock stood at the edge of the platform.

  “I donnae believe you would be so cruel,” she answered.

  “Donnae underestimate me,” he replied.

  “Then I call upon the love you shared with Mabh,” she said. “The tenderness you showed me and the gentleness I ken is within you. Faolán has nae claim on me, ‘tis true but he is my true mate and I love him. Please find it within you to allow me to say goodbye.”

  Marrock stared at her for a long time. But when Mabh’s face flashed before him, he looked away and nodded once.

  “Faolán,” Heledd’s voice was small and sounded strained as she turned to him. “’Tis all right. I will be all right.”

  “Nay, nay,” his voice was choked as he fought against the tears. “You are mine! He has others to fill his bed. Why you?”

  “Because I was foolish,” she answered. “It started when I encouraged him to live. I am sorry, my love. This pains me more than you ken. I will lose the one thing I cherish more than life, our future. Mama,” she turned to her mother who took her in her arms and held her close. “Forgive me for causing you pain. I will be all right. I promise you. You have taught me to be strong. If I am even a portion of the mother you have been to me, my pups will be well blessed.”

  “Och, my sweetheart,” her mother cried and pulled her to her chest. “You are strong. Your father and I love you. And we will be right here for you. I swear you will nae be alone.”

  Nodding, Heledd pulled back and hugged her father then turned to Faolán.

  “Forgive me, my love,” she said holding his face in her hand. “I release you from our bond. Think of me with love and ken that I will always want it to be you.”

  “I will nae let him touch you,” he replied.

  “You can do nothing, my love,” she said. “’Tis his order,” she turned to Marrock. Her voice came out strong. “Sire, you have granted me a few moments and I thank you, but will you give me the freedom to say goodbye to my mate properly?”

  Marrock watched them hearing everything she had said to him. But again as Mabh’s face flashed before him, he looked away and nodded once.

  Heledd gazed into Faolán’s dark brown eyes, memorizing just where the golden flecks were, how one side of his eye was just slightly higher than the other. How his close beard had a single bare spot just below his lip. And, how the side of his mouth dimpled when he smiled. Taking his face in her hands again, she held his eyes then pressed her lips to his for the last time.

  Memorizing the feel of his lips on hers, and reveling in the feelings he evoked within her, she kissed him. She could taste their tears mingling together as they mourned what could never be. He gripped her hips to him and held her tightly. She buried her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer.

  “Enough!” Marrock bellowed. Just as his alpha order broke over them, they pulled back.

  “I love you, Faolán,” she said softly. “Forgive me and ken that I will always want it to be you.”

  “I love you, Heledd,” he replied. She took a step away from him, but he reached for her. “Nay, Heledd, please!” his cry gripped her heart. She could not breathe. “Please! Donnae do this! Marrock, I beg of you!”

  “Forgive me,” she whispered then turned to Marrock’s platform.

  “Heledd, please nay!” Faolán cried. He tried to rush to her but a hand on his chest stopped him. Looking up to see Weylyn before him, his back to Heledd. “Let me go! Marrock, sire, I beg you donnae take her from me! I have served you well! Donnae take my love from me!”

  Heledd kept walking. When she reached the platform, she looked up at her future. It was dark, black, and unforgiving. It was odd how Marrock’s physical characteristics, had become his personality. His black hair fell below his shoulders; his intimidating stature loomed before her.

  “I am ready to take my place beside you, Alpha,” she said, her voice shaky but bold, nevertheless. Marrock offered his hand to her. “One request before I take your hand, sire,” she asked.

  Marrock drew back and looked at her. “Namely?” he asked.

  “Faolán is no’ to be harmed. I will take my place beside you and will be dutiful to you in all things, but Faolán is no’ to be harmed,” she said. When Marrock did not speak for a moment, she went on. “I will ken nae other, Alpha, and I will be a dutiful mate to you as long as he is no’ harmed by your hand or your command.”

  “You have my word, nae harm shall befall him as long as you keep yours to me,” Marrock said. “But if you go against me, if you question me in anyway… it will nae only be your life but his as well.”

  “Then ‘tis given, sire,” she replied offering her hand for him to take. Marrock helped her up the steps and took her to his side.


  Faolán watched as his future, the female he loved, and everything that made him whole was ripped so callously away from him. Heledd had negotiated his life as if he was nothing but a pup. He would have rather she had begged for his death so he did not have to live a half death. Faolán shrugged off Weylyn’s hand and the two locked eyes. Always close friends, Faolán saw the pain and despair he was feeling. They both had lost their mates and somehow that drew them closer.

  They said nothing, but Faolán shook, the pain coursing through him needing to be released. When he watched Marrock kiss Heledd claiming her as his own, he turned and phased, racing out of the village, Weylyn close on his heels.



  Nearly a year later…

  Weylyn carried a secret that no one could ever know. As he sat at his desk staring off at nothing, he twisted the medallion necklace he wore. Tristan was working on translating a manuscript from the human Celtic language into their Wolf language. Weylyn’s knowledge of the human tongue had aided him when he and Tristan journeyed into the new nearby human village of Aberlyall to trade or buy things at their market.

  Tristan would accompany Weylyn on many occasions and found humans fascinating. As heir to his father’s throne, even though Heledd had grown round with her first pup, it was Tristan’s duty to learn the language of the Celts.

  Nearing maturity, Tristan’s likeness to his mother was striking and Marrock began seeking ways to avoid his son. Though Weylyn never mated, he gazed upon Tristan as his own son. Then a knock at the door roused Weylyn from his contemplations. When he opened it, Kinnon stood before him.

  “Father,” Weylyn greeted him with a smile. Kinnon looked down and said nothing. “Is there something wrong?” Weylyn asked beckoning him inside. Kinnon stepped in to his son’s cottage.

  “I must speak with you, son,” he said.

  “Of course,” Weylyn replied. “Is Mother all right?”

  “Aye,” Kinnon said. “’Tis something entirely different, but of a personal nature.” He glanced at Tristan.

  “Tristan, lad,” We
ylyn turned to him. “Go and see if you can find Faolán. Tell him your lessons with me ended early and see if he can begin your training lessons.”

  “Of course,” Tristan said setting down his writing implement and standing. “I hope everything is all right. I have nae had a chance to finish translating.”

  “’Tis all right,” Weylyn said. “We will continue in the morning. Be back before dark and I will have dinner prepared.”

  Tristan nodded, said hello to Kinnon and left the cottage. Weylyn turned back to his father.

  “What is it?” he asked concerned.

  Kinnon took a deep breath and began. “I… I did nae want to tell you at first, but something has happened and I ken I have to tell you though it will cause you pain. Forgive me.”

  “Tell me what?” Weylyn asked. “What is it, Father?”

  “I have been watching over your mate for you,” Kinnon said. “I kenned you would want her safe from Marrock and after what you told me about Maelogan it seemed the right thing to do. I ken you were no’ able to do so.”

  “I thank you,” he said. “Is she well?”

  “You must ken that she married a short time ago,” Kinnon said.

  Weylyn nodded.

  “Aye,” he answered. “I went to the woods to see just how far I could get to her without breaking Marrock’s order. I saw her on that day go to the stones to marry another.”

  “Aye, I wondered if that was where you were,” he said. “When Faolán returned and you did no’ I kenned it was to see her.”

  “But that was many moon cycles ago, father, Heledd is now carrying her own. What has happened?”

  “Did you ken that Brietta was carrying her husband’s child?”

  Weylyn’s heart pounded and his vision grew cloudy. “Nay, I did nae realize that. Was her delivery free of complication?” he asked.

  Kinnon took a step closer to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder. The slight pressure causing Weylyn to sit in his chair.

  “The child was breech,” Kinnon explained. “And the healers did nae ken what to do. She labored for nearly a day. But when they finally… when the child was born, she had lost a great amount of blood and the pressure for the child was too great.” Weylyn’s vision blackened. “Weylyn, I am so very sorry, but neither she nor the child survived.”


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