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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

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by Nikhil Parekh

  I might have looked in different directions every day; trying my ultimate best to decipher the intricacies of this fascinating planet,

  I might have bathed in different waters every day; sometimes standing under the artificial bathroom shower; while sometimes splashing my arms in supremely poignant ocean salt,

  I might have driven different cars every day; sometimes the astoundingly sleek silver Mercedes; while sometimes the battered jalopy to play a few pranks on fellow beings,

  I might have adorned my wrists with different watches every day; zealously observing as the seconds ticked into oblivion with each unveiling night,

  I might have admired different sights every day; fantasizing almost every minute to unprecedented realms of bizarre imagination,

  I might have danced on different floors every day; sometimes on scintillating slabs of marvelous granite; while sometimes brazenly striking my bohemian foot on the muddy ground,

  I might have inadvertently broken different things every day; sometimes the glittering bowls extruding from the mantelpiece; while sometimes the tiny mountains of sand that suddenly came my way,

  I might have drunk different liquids every day; quenching my thirst with the most conducive flavor that my throat cried for,

  I might have sat on several different places every day; ranging from as obdurate as the stubborn stone; to the ambiguous oasis of satiny fur strewn on the hills,

  I might have shaken hands with different people every day; unabashedly interacting with each section of the vast society,

  I might have listened to different tunes every day; feasting my sensitive ears to a fathomless pedigree of mind boggling and profusely enthralling music,

  I might have frequented different continents every day; whizzed past over boundless territories of land and water; seated like a prince on the lavish upholstery of my personal plane,

  I might have bought different toys every day; in my endeavor to amuse myself profoundly; reminisce way back into memories of, memories of unadulterated and innocuous childhood,

  I might have worshipped different deities every day; advocating my firm belief in each form of God existing; through far and wide in this secularly woven orthodox world,

  I might have taken the blessings of different mothers every day; revering and insurmountably respecting their irrefutable tenacity to evolve new life,

  But let me tell you; that although everything in my life had been different every day, I still have no inhibitions in declaring that I have loved only one woman from the bottom of my heart; the very woman whom I would continue to adore for centuries immemorial; the very woman whose essence would keep lingering around my impoverished soul even under my grave, the woman who is none other than my beloved .



  The biggest happiness on this earth for me; was your velvety string of voluptuous eyelashes,

  The biggest anticipation on this earth for me; was your daintily tinkling and approaching footsteps,

  The biggest beauty on this earth for me; was the ensemble of ravishing hair cascading lusciously down your petite shoulders,

  The biggest security on this earth for me; was your immortal embrace making me invincible against any attack of the hostile world,

  The biggest festival on this earth for me; was your enchanting pair of lips enticing me to rise like an untamed arrow even from the midst of thunderous snore and sleep,

  The biggest literature on this earth for me; was the one embossed on your heart; the one hidden in your enigmatic eyes; which I took several lives to decipher,

  The biggest mysticism on this earth for me; was your stupendously alluring shadow; that made me fall with a shudder on the naked ground,

  The biggest imagination on this earth for me; was the countless strokes of your rubicund tongue as you spoke; uttering the English language with great command and unprecedented supremacy,

  The biggest fire on this earth for me; was the desire burning in your soul; the overwhelming passion circulating rampantly in your crimson blood,

  The biggest scent on this earth for me; was your golden perspiration that dribbled unrelentingly from your arms and toes,

  The biggest atmosphere on this earth for me; was the breath flowing from your nose; the compassionate air diffusing imprisoning me in inseparable bonds of love,

  The biggest fame on this earth for me; was to be known by your grace; to be called umpteenth number of times by you in the unveiling day,

  The biggest wealth on this earth for me; was your unfathomable reservoir of emotion; the sparkling tears of ecstasy that oozed from your eyes as you sighted me,

  The biggest venom on this earth for me; was the volley of expletives you hurled at me when profoundly agitated,

  The biggest bruise on this earth for me; was the short time phase when you left me and went to visit your relatives,

  The biggest religion on this earth for me; was the things you revered; the message you vehemently wanted to propagate and instill in all mankind,

  The biggest shock on this earth for me; was when you closed your eyes for fractions of a second; sank to the ground for just a moment in sheer exhaustion,

  The biggest pleasure on this earth for me; was lying every brilliant dawn and starry night in the impregnable folds of your lap; blending wholesomely with you as the winds drifted by,

  And the biggest victory on this earth for me; was your body; the way it delectably swished and moved; the way it slept and awoke; and over and above all the way it uninhibitedly admired me for all what I was; irrespective of my infinite faults and fallacies .



  Take away my eyes instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her blind,

  Take away my voice instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her dumb,

  Take away my shadow instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her disappear,

  Take away my feet instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her crippled and maim,

  Take away all my happiness instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her depressed and maniacally gloomy,

  Take away all my wealth instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her beg on the streets,

  Take away all my dreams instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t break the blissful spell of her tantalizing fantasy,

  Take away all my energy instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her weak and on the point of inevitable collapse,

  Take away all my clothes instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her shiver uncontrollably,

  Take away every chunk of my mind instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t mentally exert her even the slightest,

  Take away my fluffy bed and mattress instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her sleep on the naked floor,

  Take away all my teeth instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t give her even the slightest difficulty while she chewed food,

  Take away all my blood instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t alleviate her zest and enthusiasm for life,

  Take away all the juice trapped sumptuously in my stomach instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t starve her to bizarre limits,

  Take away every trace of beauty from my body instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her ugly and hideously wicked,

  Take away each hair shimmering on my scalp instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don't make her embarrassingly bald,

  Take away all my fingers instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t make her relinquish her ability to fantastically sketch,

  Take away my breath instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t carry her to the heavens,

  Take away my heart beat instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t stop hers from throbbing passionately,

  And take away my life instead O! Almighty Lord; but please don’t order her to die .




  I loved the Himalayas for their snow clad peaks; the thin wisps of clouds marking the silver linings of the horizon,

  However I hated the freezing currents of air descending down its slopes; the gusty avalanches of ice killing millions while trying to conquer it.

  I loved the pen for inundating white paper with infinite lines of literature; granting a status to words which was greater than swords,

  However I hated it when it penned down the death sentence; assisted the judge in making his final decision.

  I loved the clouds for showering blissful droplets of rain; instilling new life in dead weeds and parched soil,

  However I hated them for deluging low lying regions near the coast; sweeping several innocent in the fury of its waves.

  I loved the handkerchief for its satiny caress; the delectable pillow it formed for me to sleep in the night,

  However I hated it when the insane murderer, used it as a tool to strangulate the last iota of breath.

  I loved the winding road to the palace; the festoon of lights shimmering, metamorphosing it into a marvel to stare at dusk,

  However I hated it when it was slippery; fomented the cars to swerve wildly and collide thunderously with each other.

  I loved the dainty wrist watch for displaying time all day; apprising me diligently of the sun setting behind the sea's,

  However I hated it when it candidly announced; the seconds left until my death.

  I loved the tree for its lanky stalks and sprawling branches; the clusters of ravishing fruit it bore on its leaves,

  However I hated it when it fell with a thud; squelching innocuous children that came under its mighty sway.

  I loved the fire for its crackling flames; the loads of compassionate warmth it generated well past after midnight,

  However I hated it when it capsized my beloved in its swirl; charred her body to inconspicuous ash within a matter of few minutes.

  I loved eating fish entangled in a conglomerate of seaweed; roasting it to perpetual golden brown; before dipping in piquant curry,

  However I hated it when one of its intricate bones stuck incorrigibly in my throat; making me greedily gasp for life.

  And I loved to desire; drown myself into the ocean of love; sizzle profoundly in the corridors of romance,

  However I hated it when my passion was one sided ; and the person whom I could die for couldn’t even recognize my body when I was alive .




  I was as hot as blistering fire; while she was stoical as placid ice,

  I was ready to plunge into the unfathomably deep gorge; while she preferred to lie down in contentment on the silken mattress,

  I was crimson red in anger when provoked; while she maintained a moon white complexion even when tormented to bizarre limits,

  I was thirsty every unfurling second; while she was abstemious; able to sustain a marathon period on bland chunks of bread and water,

  I was bubbling with tumultuous exhilaration to clamber Mount Everest; while she sat cross-legged on the floor; passive and unperturbed,

  I was incessantly fantasizing about enigmatic tunes prevailing under the deep sea; while she preferred to brood in perpetual solitude,

  I was floating high and handsome in the cotton wool of clouds; while she was more inclined towards browsing through books of commercial finance,

  I was inevitably fidgeting about dismantling intricate bells in vicinity; while she languished in the same position for days; without causing the slightest ruffle on the pillow she caressed,

  I was tearing food with exuberant gusto; pulverizing succulent grapes into fine juice with my teeth, while she inhaled the aroma of wine for infinite minutes; before eventually savoring it down her throat,

  I was passionately dying to bathe in the rain; while she was abhorrent to the most minuscule sound of thunder; relishing the safety of the shower instead; with a plastic cap engulfing her head,

  I was driven by waves of impetuousness every dawn; marching at electric speeds in my quest to conquer the planet, while she woke up after the world had arisen; suckling warm tea in the camouflage of her flocculent sheepskin,

  I was chucking at every mosquito trying to infiltrate into my blissful eardrum; while she let them feast on her tantalizing blood; shrugging them off phlegmatically every once in a while,

  I was busy contemplating about every individual I encountered; trying to decode through vagaries of his mind, while she sat like an impeccable sheep in front of strangers; more intent on appeasing him than unveiling the cadence of his voice,

  I was ardently waiting to capsize upon every opportunity; to consolidate it into a veritable reality; while she let the weeks slip into fortnights; relying overwhelmingly on destiny to deliver,

  I was stupendously confident in my abilities to tackle any barricade that confronted me in my way; while she was too meek to envisage as well as bear the slightest of difficulty,

  I was burning in the aisles of desire as every draught of wet wind blew past my silhouette, while she let seasons come and go; refrained from igniting the sparks of romance between our entities,

  I was philandering in the playground of fun; mischievously intermingling with the children playing on mushy grass; while she knelt stern and tight-lipped on the couch; scoffing disdainfully at the unruly noises made by our child,

  I was always found transgressing the roads with wild curls of my hair blowing in tandem with the wind; while she drained the shampoo to the last drop; vigorously sorting the most infinitesimal of knot in her hair,

  We were different in almost every thing we did; perhaps perceived all situations circumventing our bodies wholesomely antagonistic; but at the end of the day the common factor was; that we still loved each other; prayed unrelentingly to the creator to give us the power; of relinquishing our breaths together .



  When I was driving my car through the meandering hills; feasting on the

  panoramic view of the mystical valley,

  The thing I hated the most was a incessant flurry of dense traffic; halting

  the unprecedented flow of fantasy in my mind. 

  When I was swimming exuberantly in frothy waves of the ocean; taking the

  sizzling rays of the sun directly on my skin,

  The thing I hated the most was the onslaught of inclement weather; compounded

  with swirling waters; which made me return back to the shore. 

  When I was studying diligently under the gloomy night lamp; pouring rapidly

  through infinite lines of fine script,

  The thing I hated the most was pertinent voices of the neighbors; the discordant cacophony of the ticking clock. 

  When I was jogging across the sprawling race track; stupendously relishing the

  cool morning breeze striking my eyes,

  The thing I hated the most was obnoxious wisps of smoke in the atmosphere; and

  the lace of my shoe getting entangled every now and then. 

  When I was painting exquisite shapes of the hill on a white canvas; executing

  vivacious strokes with my rustic brush,

  The thing I hated the most was blotches of squalid dirt smudging with the

  color; pelting showers of rain prompting me to conceal my work. 

  When I was fervently viewing my favorite television program; with my feet well

  rested; and a festoon of fried chips lying by my side,

  The thing I hated the most was violent fluctuation in voltage; which caused

  the images to ludicrously flicker in the screen. 

  When I was consuming a barrel of red wine; slurping the elixir with animated

  sips of satisfaction,

  The thing I hated the most was the authorities catching me red handed; evacuating the alcohol out of me; by beating me black and blue. 


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