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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

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by Nikhil Parekh

  When I was playing an intense game of chess; articulately maneuvering my

  pieces through the checkered squares,

  The thing I hated the most was illegal moves by my opponent; which eventually

  led him to win the game. 

  When I was about to commence on an adventurous expedition; accompanied

  by hordes of my class mates,

  The thing I hated the most was intermittent bouts of cold and fever; which

  instigated my parents to incorrigibly hold me back. 

  When I was earnestly praying to the almighty; with my arms crossed; eyes

  focused in tumultuous concentration,

  The thing I hated the most was uncouth criminals bombarding the vicinity;

  permeating the sacrosanct ambience with ghastly sounds. 

  And when I was with my beloved; my face nestling passionately against her

  broad shoulder,

  The thing I hated the most was orthodox society hindering our romance; proving

  a deplorable barricade in the path of our immortal love. 






  What is the use of a mirror that does not reflect pellucid images, fails to portray the true identity of an individual,

  What is the use of a cow which does not give milk; keeps incessantly munching

  tones of green grass,

  What is the use of a concrete road, which is unable to hold traffic; buckles down under the impact of vehicular load,

  What is the use of a tree which does not bear succulent fruit; refrains to yield satiny shadows in order to cool dreary passengers,

  What is the use of an aircraft, which stumbles to take off; let apart transport hordes of passengers,

  What is the use of a pen that fails to write; inundate the spotless demeanor of bonded paper with umpteenth lines of literature,

  What is the use of robust feet, which are unable to walk; transferring their possessors to their required place of destination,

  What is the use of articulate fingers, which incorrigibly refuse to draw; hoist the slightest of load from ground,

  What is the use of a slimy spider web that fails to imprison innocuous insects; snaps into multiple fragments at the tiniest of caress,

  What is the use of car which refrains to start; stutters every unleashing second when traversing the lanes,

  What is the use of a black thundercloud, which refrains to rain; sprinkle upon

  the parched earth bountiful droplets of water,

  What is the use of a bell, which doesn't produce a shrill sound when rung; lies insipid and limp even when struck voraciously,

  What is the use of a bird, which doesn’t fly uninhibitedly in the sky; indolently sleeps in its nest on soil,

  What is the use of teeth, which fail to chew food; grinding it scrupulously to facilitate digestion,

  What is the use of a river, which does not flow; remains stagnant harboring a

  plethora of dead weed and dirt,

  What is the use of the sun in the cosmos which does not shine; holding back

  its radiance and scintillating light from fumigating the earth,

  What is the use of stars which do not twinkle resplendently at night; illuminate the gloomy ambience with rays of exuberant hope,

  What is the use of eyes, which cannot see; admire the mesmerizing beauty of the globe,

  What is the use of lips, which don’t smile; effusively express feelings of warmth and congeniality,

  What is the use of humans which don’t procreate their progeny; fail to imbibe the essence of sharing in their counterpart mates,

  What is the use of mud sprawled on the ground; unable to bear crop; blowing with the wind to settle in a bedraggled heap,

  What is the use of sword, which miserably fails in protecting its master; in the end becomes an inevitable cause of his assassination,

  What is the use of a lock, which opens with the most mundane of key; enabling

  burglars to pilfer and plunder at their free will,

  What is the use of a scorpion, which is unable to sting; inject its lethal venom when

  it matters the most,

  What is the use of life which is bereft of adventure; the philanthropic spirit to propagate peace,

  And what is the use of a palpable heart which fails to beat even after witnessing true love; remains confined to realms of stringent sophistication .



  I wanted to breathe your name each time I exhaled out air; impregnating the atmosphere with your mystical fragrance,

  Facilitating your entity to settle; occupying all quarters of my cloistered room.

  I wanted to sight your name each time I opened my eyes; granting it a status

  of being blissfully omnipresent,

  Making me thoroughly oblivious to the tyranny of the world; the ghastly incidences unleashing themselves on the crowded street.

  I wanted to hear your name each time sound drifted into my ears; transforming

  all other noise into your splendor,

  Making your voice my song for the brilliant morning as well as my rhyme for

  the freezing night.

  I wanted to recite your name each time I opened my lips; circumventing my face

  with an inevitable smile,

  Imparting rubicund color to the corners of my cheek; and an enchanting glow to

  the fortress of my teeth.

  I wanted to imprison your name each time I clenched my fists; keeping it forever locked in my embrace,

  Shielding it wholesomely from nefarious looks of the world; the lechery of savage souls existing on this globe.

  I wanted to digest your name each time I consumed food; enabling me to keep you in proximity with my intestines,

  Eventually becoming an indispensable constituent part of my blood; circulating

  rambunctiously through my veins.

  I wanted to envisage your name each time I felt like dreaming; profoundly incorporating my mind with your mesmerizing images,

  Catapulting me to unprecedented territories of paradise; the very instant I wanted too.

  I wanted to incarcerate your name on my tongue each time I felt thirsty; to satiate the burning chords bouncing in my throat,

  Celestially pacifying my desires; leading me to holistic pathways of spiritual healing.

  I wanted to write your name in grandiloquent bold letters each time my fingers itched to move; accentuating it profoundly on bonded paper,

  Portraying the enlightening effect that it has; when sighted in embossed script.

  And I wanted to remember your name with the first beams of evanescent dawn; and the last minute before shutting my eyes,

  Blessing me with loads of courage to fight the acerbic day; sleep as unperturbed as god in the ominous night .



  17. ROPE OF LOVE  

  When they tied me in ropes of slender steel; mercilessly cupping my hands in an airtight embrace,

  I felt submerged by disparaging despair in the beginning; although after a while I used my ingenuity and managed to wriggle out completely free from my bondage.

  When they wound me in ropes of sparkling diamonds; the acerbic edges of stone

  pricked me severely in my veins,

  I was a blend of tribulation and supreme rhapsody at witnessing the jewels; although after a few hours I astutely succeeded to chisel the same and hastily absconded.

  When they strangulated me in ropes of threadbare rubber; securely tying my hands and feet,

  I felt the breath imprisoned in my chest stifling every unleashing minute; although I somehow achieved to find a rusty knife; eloped like the frisky giraffe after chafing my ropes.

  When they enmeshed me in ropes of acrimonious thorns; the stinging nettles made me profusely bleed,

  I felt an obfuscated blu
r encircle my eyes; although after a few determined gasps; I opened my barricades insurmountably flexing my muscles; and decamped surreptitiously via the boundless ocean.

  When they tethered me uncouthly in ropes of live snakes; with the hooded monster snaring its venomous fangs on my cheek,

  I felt an armory of Goosebumps creep up on my skin; sweat dribbling like torrential rain from my body; although in the end I was able to defeat my lethal adversary; and fled for my life as fast as those tiny legs of mine could carry me.

  When they enslaved me in ropes of thick tree roots; a plethora of worms and

  pugnacious ants crawled on my body from the same,

  I initially felt miserable with the insects abhorrently tickling my flesh; although a few minutes of intense contemplation; I was able to unwind the knots; and galloped as speedily as I could from the dense jungle.

  When they captivated me in ropes of blistering iron; stuffing my mouth with

  tons of fetid cotton,

  I thought this was going to be my last day of holistic survival; although within seconds I discovered a gas stove nearby; judiciously used the flames to snap open my chains and then transgressed through the heavy door to escape.

  When they incarcerated me in ropes of coarse cloth; hanging me upside down

  with my feet tautly kissing the tall ceiling,

  I started perceiving the world as being grotesquely distorted; although after a few breaths I used my teeth to acrobatically open my chords; and fled the disdainful scenario; leaping through partially open window.

  When they bound me in ropes of crude glass pieces; stripping every bit of cloth from my persona,

  I felt a stream of fresh blood oozing incessantly from my raw wounds; although I still managed to break free vehemently flinging the pointed shards from my arms.

  And eventually when they imprisoned me in the "rope of love "; with my beloved lying blissfully by my side,

  I endeavored as hard as possible to scamper away; but this time though the mesmerizing essence of her entity; the invincible power of her devotion for my

  being; held me incorrigibly on the ground; to bask for centuries unprecedented

  in the glory of her widespread arms .



  Can callous stones lying on the ground; ever dream of flying soaring high in the clouds abreast with the birds?

  Can inclement rain pelting from the sky; ever dream of heating the land instead of profusely soaking it?

  Can foliated trees swaying high and handsome with the blowing wind; ever dream

  of transforming into a diminutive ant?

  Can the formidably constructed fortress; ever dream of crumbling down like a pack of cards?

  Can the ground on which we traversed; ever dream of disdainfully buckling down

  under our inconspicuous weight?

  Can the magnanimous aircraft hovering at unprecedented heights in the air;

  ever dream of maneuvering through the crowded city streets?

  Can the dazzling sun god in the cosmos; ever dream of submerging the atmosphere with pitch dark blackness instead of scintillating light?

  Can the dog philandering unscrupulously through the streets; ever dream of not wagging his curved tail?

  Can the vivacious chameleon bouncing between the hedges; ever dream of not

  changing its enchanting color?

  Can the nectar oozing our bountifully from beehives; ever dream of being as

  salty as the wild sea?

  Can the summit of the colossal mountain; ever dream of being in close quarters

  with the dilapidated road?

  Can the inebriating elixir of opulent wine; ever dream of being like crystalline mineral water?

  Can the ominous scorpion merrily gallivanting through the jungles; ever dream

  of not injecting its venomous sting?

  Can the greasy lubricating oil; ever dream of not impregnating the surface

  with a slippery sheen?

  Can the penguins born and existing in the savage cold of Atlantic; ever dream

  of blistering heat of the uncouth desert?

  Can the angular soles of feet; ever dream of eloquently singing instead of inexorably trespassing infinite miles of cold territory?

  Can the fragrant and scarlet rose; ever dream of emanating a fetid odor; a pugnacious smell resembling the leaking gutters?

  Can the intangible photograph suspended from the wall; ever dream of emulating

  the animated actions of a live man?

  Can the mammoth elephant transgressing majestically through the forest; ever dream of floundering under the onslaught of sensitive breeze?

  Can the violently swirling waves of the ocean; ever dream of becoming the condensed river?

  Can the freezing cold bar of icecream; ever dream of scalding ones mouth?

  Can the hideously towering demon brutally massacring innocuous people; ever

  dream of replicating God,

  And "can true love ever dream of being destroyed "; even if there came the greatest force from society to dismantle it; the wisest man in space to rebuke it; the mightiest power on earth to decimate it ?



  You lived in my intricate eyes when I saw the world; taught me to discerningly distinguish between the good and evil,

  You lived in my ears when I listened to sound; made me stringently aware of

  the most minuscule of voice in proximity,

  You lived in my feet when I traversed the parched earth; making sure that my

  toes remained reinvigorated at all times,

  You lived in my fingers when I wrote literature; making me chisel sheer magic

  out of nondescript words,

  You lived in my stomach when I swallowed food; assisting me to

  scrupulously digest the same,

  You lived in my nails when I scratched the wall; imparting me with the tenacity to peel off the pallid paint,

  You lived in my tongue when I spoke; blessing me with the tact of producing a

  melodious noise,

  You lived in my nostrils when I breathed air; seeing to it that the purest part of it entered the jacket of my lungs,

  You lived in my veins when they pumped crimson blood; ensuring that it flowed

  rambunctiously all throughout the day,

  You lived in my throat when I gulped cool water; facilitating it to smoothly

  cascade down my neck,

  You lived in my luscious lips when I smiled; making it appear profoundly incarcerating in front of the audience,

  You lived in my slender bones as I grew; impregnating them with tons of calcium; making me audaciously confront the most bizarre of situation,

  You lived in my armory of teeth when I masticated my meals; making sure that I

  crushed each obdurate morsel into silken chowder,

  You lived in my mind when I tried to contemplate; providing me with the most

  adept solution to my baffling enigma,

  You lived in my scalp every time I felt like caressing it; incorporating the follicles of my hair with resplendent shine,

  You lived in the wildest of my fantasies; the most weirdest of my dreams; making it wholesomely sure that they didn’t cause me any harm,

  You lived in the lines embossed on the back of my palm; chalking my destiny to

  be as bright as possible,

  You lived in my sweat as it dribbled down my cheeks; inundating it with a perennial shine,

  You lived in my scent as the day unveiled itself into shivering night; embedding my persona with an everlasting essence,

  And most importantly you lived in my heart invincibly imprisoned; as it had

  absolutely no vacancy for any other entity to exist .



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