Pearl Harbor: From Infamy To Greatness

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Pearl Harbor: From Infamy To Greatness Page 65

by Craig Nelson

  Daniels, Josephus, 4

  Dargue, Herbert, 354

  Darwin, Australia, Japanese attack on, 350

  Dauntless (ship), 372

  Davenport, Ernest, 208

  Davenport, Russell, 273, 274, 275

  Davidson, General, 229

  Davis, Allan, 292

  Davis, Bert, 328

  Deacon, Edward, 243

  Declaration of Principles of Inter-American Solidarity and Cooperation (1936), 43

  “Declaration of United Nations,” 434

  Defeat in Showa 16 (Japanese television drama), 421

  Delano, Victor, 263

  Delano, Warren, 4

  DeLong, George, 269

  Denmark, German invasion (1940) of, 52

  De Profundis (Wilde), 408

  Derrow, Dean and Alice, 333

  DeShazer, Jacob “Jake,” 368, 396–97, 403–4, 409, 412, 424, 425–26

  detention camps, 356. See also internment camps

  on Sand Island, 211 (map), 319, 341

  Detroit (cruiser), 246

  Dewa, Kichiji, 137, 183

  DeWitt, John, 356, 358

  de Yarmin, Ray, 342

  Dickinson, Clarence, 243–44

  Dieter, Bill, 383

  Dill, John, 370–71

  dive-bombers (divers), 7, 27, 60, 71, 101, 102, 103, 108, 134, 150, 188, 190–93, 197, 206–7, 211 (map), 213, 217, 218, 220, 221, 227, 229, 241–42, 243, 247, 282, 297, 301, 342, 375, 387, 388–89, 426

  divers, and ship salvage, 282, 361–63, 415

  Divine Thunderbolt Corps, at Okinawa, 400, 422

  Divine Wind Special Attack Squad, at Philippines, 400

  Dole, Sanford, 9

  Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 327

  Doolittle, James “Jimmy,” 435

  background of, 369–70, 375

  as first to depart from carrier for raid, 376–77

  Japan’s surrender and, 407

  later career and death of, 419

  on his raid, 383

  raid targets set by, 374–75

  special mission to bomb Japanese targets and, 372, 374–79, 382

  Doolittle Raiders, 384

  capture of members of, 392, 396

  “confessions” signed by, 392, 393–94

  crimes against Chinese who helped, 418

  Doolittle as leader of, 369, 383

  Doolittle on, 383

  effects of raids of, 382

  execution of, 394, 396

  ground support problems for, 378–79

  Japanese capture and imprisonment of, 383–84, 385, 392, 403–4

  Japan’s anger at China over, 382–83

  landing in China by, 379–81, 382, 383

  landing in Russia by one plane from, 379

  preparations by, 375–77

  raids conducted by, 377–79

  Roosevelt on, 382–83, 390, 396

  targets set for, 374–75

  Dooman, Eugene, 74, 133

  Dorsetshire (cruiser), 351

  Dower, John, 467

  Downes (destroyer), 258, 260, 330, 363

  draft, registration for, 59–60

  Dreadnought (ship), 6–7, 101

  Driscoll, Agnes “Miss Aggie” Meyer, 77, 80

  Drought, James M., 65

  dry dock, 44n, 303

  attack on ships in, 207, 258–59, 260, 300

  repair work in, 7, 390, 415

  Ducolon, Fred, 243

  Duncan, Donald “Wu,” 372, 378

  Duncan, James, 215

  Dusenbury, Carlisle Clyde, 179

  Dutch East Indies. See Netherlands East Indies

  Dyer, George, 13

  Earle, John B., 199–200, 260

  Earle, Mrs. John B., 225, 260

  Early, Steve, 279, 320, 321

  East India Squadron, 22

  East Indies. See Netherlands East Indies

  Economic Cooperation Act (1948), 433

  Edgers, Dorothy, 177

  Edgerton, Robert, 47–48

  Edwards, Webley, 292–93

  Eglin Air Corps Proving Ground, Florida, 368–69, 373

  Egusa, Takeshige, 103, 191

  Eight Pillars of Peace (Hull), 43

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 370, 410, 416, 418, 433

  Eisenhower, Milton, 359, 414

  Eldred, Phillip, 218

  Ellet (destroyer), 374

  Elliott, George, 202, 203, 204, 205

  Ellis, Albert, 265, 269

  Elmer, Elizabeth, 329–30

  emergency, state of, in Hawaii, 317

  Emerson, D. C., 255

  Emmerson, John K., 41

  Emmons, Delos, 356, 357

  emperor of Japan. See also specific emperors

  attack on Tokyo seen as attack on, 383

  Chrysanthemum Throne and, 27

  Hirohito’s address on defeat as first communication directly between emperor and his people, 406

  kokutai (Japanese uniqueness) belief and, 37

  soldier’s duty to, 120, 141, 185, 325, 382

  traditional separation between politics and leadership role of, 37–38, 49, 91, 154

  Empire (tanker), 126

  Empire at Peace Shrine, Tokyo, 421–22

  England. See United Kingdom

  Enterprise (carrier), 153, 171, 205, 238, 241, 242, 244, 245, 252, 306–7, 316, 334, 338, 342, 348, 374, 375–76, 386, 387, 388–89, 393

  Eslick, Garlen, 265, 268, 269, 275

  espionage. See spies

  Ethiopia, Italian invasion (1935) of, 51

  European Union, 435

  Ewa Mooring Mast Field, Oahu, 171, 191, 210 (map), 213, 240–41, 243, 244, 245, 309

  Ewa Plantation, Oahu, 316

  Executive Order 9066 (1942), 358

  Fahlgren, Warner, 280

  Fahrner, Arthur, 227

  families of servicemen

  declaration of war and, 347

  as “forgotten victims of Pearl Harbor” from explosions, 316–17

  Pattens, with nine members serving, 298–99

  Pearl Harbor attack on houses of, 225, 248–51, 255, 303

  survival in cave on Ford Island by, 249, 250, 303–4, 324, 347

  Fanning (destroyer), 374

  Farrow, William, 394

  Farthing, William, 98–99

  Ferris, Mark, 414–15

  Field, Ensign, 288

  Fielder, Kendall, 176, 183, 450

  Fields, Alonzo, 326

  fifth columnists, concerns about, 15, 80n, 82, 308, 316, 337, 355

  Fillmore, Millard, 22, 23

  Final Secret of Pearl Harbor, The (Theobald), 451

  Finkel, Arthur, 337

  Finley, William, 262

  Finn, John, 236–38, 419–20, 455

  Fishencord, Harold, 223

  Fiske, Bradley, 101–2

  Fiske, Richard, 17, 204, 247, 262, 264, 427–28

  Fitzgerald, W. F. Jr., 294

  Fitzmaurice, Don, 383

  Flaherty, Francis C., 456

  Flannigan, G. S., 288

  Fleming, Ian, 98

  Fletcher, Frank Jack, 386

  Flood, Charles, 247

  Flood, William, 226, 229

  Flying Tigers, 371

  Flynn, David, 339

  Fonderhide, Mrs. Claire, 225

  Ford, John, 376

  Ford Island, Oahu, 8, 210 (map), 336, 420

  Army’s Luke Field on, 243, 420

  families’ survival in cave on, 249, 250, 303–4, 324, 347

  Missouri docked as museum at, 407, 415

  Naval Air Station on, 1, 171, 191, 201, 206, 213, 225, 241, 242–43, 244, 246, 247–51, 256, 258, 259, 261, 269, 276, 281, 286–87, 288, 290, 293, 296, 298, 305, 306, 307, 338–39, 354, 420

  Pacific Aviation Museum at, 420

  survivors swimming to, 253–54, 271, 291, 303, 330

  Forgy, Howell M., 256, 257

  Formosa, 107, 163, 342, 343, 363

  Forrestal, James, 399, 450

  Fort, Cornelia, 215
  Fort Kamehameha, Oahu, 307

  Fort Shafter, Oahu, 211 (map)

  information center at, 201, 202, 204, 229, 232

  Tripler General Hospital at, 224–25, 231, 329–30, 331

  Foster, Jim, 281, 282, 291

  Four Principles (Hull), 111, 112, 114


  battleship development and, 6

  declaration of war against Germany by, 52

  Japan and Asian colonies of, 53

  Nazi invasion of, 52, 62, 80n, 443, 453

  sanctions against Japan and, 54

  US attempt to negotiate peace before outbreak of war, 52

  Frankfurt (light cruiser), 30

  French, Edward, 194

  French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia), 53, 58, 74, 75, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93–94, 97, 98, 107, 111, 153

  From Here to Eternity (Jones), 16, 229, 233, 233n

  Fromkin, David, 43

  Fuchida, Mitsuo, 70

  Arizona sinking and, 283

  attacks on American air forces and, 213

  background of, 100–101

  British attack on Italian fleet at Taranto (1940) and, 61

  Colombo, Ceylon, attack and, 351

  Combined Fleet in Pacific and, 398

  as commander of First Air Fleet, 101

  contempt for the US Navy felt by, 297

  damage reports made by, 293, 311

  Darwin, Australia, attack by, 350

  Japan’s surrender and, 407

  later life and conversion to Christianity by, 424–26

  Midway attack and, 387–88

  Pearl Harbor air attack and, 61, 70, 101, 151, 206–7, 208, 282, 398

  Pearl Harbor departure by, 144–45, 145 (map)

  Pearl Harbor planning by, 132, 134, 145, 148, 150

  Pearl Harbor success and, 353

  personality of, 100

  plane damage sustained by, 293–94

  postattack threats to task force and, 312

  ritual dinner before attack and, 140–41

  second round of attacks by, 294

  strategy of sealing Pearl Harbor channel and, 300–301, 303

  on success of Pearl Harbor attack, 311–12

  torpedo use and, 61, 102–3

  war crime tribunal and, 411–12

  Fuchikami, Tadao, 201

  Fujio, Masayuki, 421

  Fujita, Iyozou, 185, 188, 189, 238, 240, 313

  Fukudome, Shigeru, 68, 102, 111–12, 122–23

  Fulton, Robert, 101

  Fuqua, Samuel, 281–82, 283, 286, 287–88, 289–90, 416, 418, 456–57

  Fusco, PFC, 225–26

  G-102 (destroyer), 30

  Gabik, George, 222–23, 224–25

  Gable, Clark, 188–89

  Gabreski, Francis, 229–30

  Gaines, Jesse, 218

  Gallaher, Wilmer, 285

  Garcia, Herb, 233n

  Garcia, Mal, 328

  Gardiner, Mrs. Arthur, 324

  Gay, George, 388, 390

  Gayno, Nicholas, 347

  Geiger, A. M., 420

  Genda, Minoru

  attack emphasis in naval aviation philosophy of, 27

  attacks on American air forces and, 213

  background of, 70

  damage reports made to, 280, 293

  death of, 418

  decision to withdraw after success of attack and, 313

  dress rehearsal for attack and, 134

  later career and death of, 418–19

  Pearl Harbor attack and, 189, 190–91, 206, 207, 280, 311

  on Pearl Harbor issues and success, 418–19

  personality of, 70

  pilots recruited by, 100, 102

  pilots’ rituals before departing and, 140

  planning for attack by, 27, 70–71, 100–101, 103, 115, 132, 138, 150, 308, 313

  route planning by, 114–15

  threat of US counterstrike and, 312

  torpedo use and, 102, 150

  war games used by, 107–8

  Washington Naval Conference (1922) and, 27

  Germany, 80, 430, 449

  air bombing techniques of, 400

  Anti-Comintern Pact between Japan and, 38, 143

  battleship development and, 6

  belief that Pearl Harbor attackers to be mercenaries from, 335, 343, 355

  declaration of war by France and Great Britain, 52

  fascism in, 32

  Hawaiian consulates of, 81

  Hirohito on Tripartite alliance with, 51

  imperial ambitions of, 35, 38

  Japanese Army officers sent for training in, 48

  Japanese perception of being encircled by colonies of, 28

  Japanese students sent to, 22

  Japanese view of European victories of, 55, 57

  Japan’s diplomatic relations with, before World War II, 63, 88, 91, 92, 95, 143, 325

  Japan’s need for oil from, 56

  Japan’s signing of Tripartite Pact with, 58–59, 143

  lack of involvement in Pearl Harbor attacks, 355

  London bombing by, 106–7, 375

  Poland invaded (1939) by, 52, 433

  as possible threat to Japan, 93, 162

  public war psychology in, 35, 156

  refusal to negotiate before outbreak of war, 52

  social chaos after Great Depression in, 32, 33

  U-boat attacks by, 56, 126, 364, 393

  US bombing of, 400

  US internment of enemy aliens from, 318, 319

  US plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war with, 62

  World War I and, 28, 35

  World War II and, 52, 57, 58, 59, 62, 88, 106–7, 126, 162, 170, 325, 326, 375, 382, 400, 420, 421, 430, 453

  Gerow, Leonard T., 78, 108, 140, 342, 439

  Gesell, Gerhard, 444

  Gilbert Islands, 107, 351, 363, 428

  Gillette, Cy, 235

  Girocco, Dick, 338

  Glaubitz, Gerald, 424

  Gleaves, Capt., 4

  Gloire (ship), 6

  Gobeo, Frank, 227

  Godwin, D. C., 294

  Goebbels, Joseph, 124

  Goepner, Oscar, 195, 198

  Goldstein, Donald, 33, 42

  Gonzalez, Manuel, 242, 243

  Good, Roscoe, 183

  Good Earth, The (Buck), 40

  Goshen, William, 286–87

  Goto, Jinichi, 267

  Graham, D. A., 289

  Grannis, Lawrence, 198

  Gratz, Tucker, 415–16

  Grayson (carrier), 374

  Great Britain. See United Kingdom

  Great Depression, 1, 32–33, 431

  Great East Asia War archives, Etajima, Japan, 422–23

  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 39, 351

  Great Pacific War, The (Bywater), 28

  Greeley, Horace, 23

  Greene, W. F., 282

  Green Hornet (plane), 383, 392

  Greer (destroyer), 126

  Grew, Joseph, 279

  as ambassador to Japan, 35

  background of, 34–35

  on eventual war, 94–95

  letter to Roosevelt from, 62–63

  moderation urged by, 54, 119

  proposed Konoye-Roosevelt meeting and, 106, 109, 118–19

  proposed sanctions against Japan and, 55

  reports on Japan from, 35, 38, 41, 55, 57, 58, 73–74, 79, 95, 97, 106, 133, 141

  Roosevelt’s cables to Hirohito and, 177, 178, 186, 187

  Grotjan, Genevieve, 77–78

  Guadalcanal campaign (1942–43), 397–98

  Guam, 51, 69, 107, 149

  Japanese control over, 351

  Japanese invasion of, 164, 165, 326, 342, 345

  US base on, 28, 78, 115, 342

  Gwin (carrier), 374

  Hague Convention (1907), 278–79

  hakko ichiu philosophy, 39

  Halawa, Hawaii, burial of Pearl Harbor dead in cemeteries in, 332

  Haleiwa, Oahu, 207<
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  Haleiwa Auxiliary Field, Oahu, 210 (map), 220, 308, 309

  Halifax, Viscount, 159

  Hall, Edward, 222

  Hallmark, Dean, 383, 384

  Halsey, William F. Jr., 241, 367, 386, 395

  failure of US response and, 307

  fifth column work in Hawaii belief of, 308

  Roosevelt’s order to capture Yamamoto and, 395

  search for Japanese craft by, 305, 306, 308, 338

  task force organized under, 13

  Wake Island and, 152–53, 441

  Hamada, Dick, 408–9

  Hanabusa, Hiroshi, 184

  Handler, Frank, 247

  Hanson, Murray, 233

  Harada, Irene, 314, 316

  Harada, Yoshio, 314, 315–16

  Hardegen, Reinhard, 364

  Harding, Warren, 296

  Hardon, G. S., 276

  Harper, John, 265

  Harriman, Averell and Marie, 321

  Hart, Thomas C., 167, 357

  Hashimoto, Toshio, 203–4

  Hawaii, 30

  Americans of Japanese ancestry (AJAs) on, 15, 82, 316, 423–24

  civilian “forgotten victims of Pearl Harbor” from explosions in, 316–17

  description and background of, 8–10

  front lines of Pacific war and, 364

  Japanese immigrants in, 26

  Japanese perception of, as American colony, 28

  joking about Japanese threat to, 183

  martial law for, 317–18

  Pearl Harbor as tourism attraction in, 16, 417–18

  possibility of war seen as distant from life in, 16–17

  servicemen’s easy life in, 16–17

  soldiers’ social life in, 181–83

  state of emergency in, 317

  survey of military strength of, 32

  US military expenditures on, 32

  US treaty with, 9

  war games’ simulation of attack on, 32, 107–8

  Hawaiian Airlines, 216

  Haynes, H. E., 361

  Heaton, Leonard, 230–32

  Hebel, Fritz, 339

  Helena (ship), 246, 247, 254, 255, 301

  Hell Divers (movie), 189

  hell divers, Japanese pilots as, 189, 342

  Hendon, Chief Gunner’s Mate, 336

  Herman, Gayle, 339, 340

  Hermes (carrier), 351

  Herndon, Nolan, 379

  Herrman, Andy, 248

  Herron, Charles D., 10–11, 14, 15, 81, 439

  Hewitt, Kent, 450

  Hickam Field, Oahu, 85, 148, 171, 179, 191, 206, 210 (map), 213–14, 215, 234, 238, 243, 245, 247, 333, 338, 414, 420

  description of, 217

  Japanese bombing of, 217–20, 221–25

  Hiei (battleship), 165

  Higashikuni, Naruhiko, 96–97, 119, 417

  Hill, Edwin Joseph, 457

  Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, 265

  Hilton, Hart, 244, 245

  Hilton, James, 381

  Hinsperger, Wilber, 274

  Hinz, Earl, 240–41

  Hiranuma, Kiichiro, 106

  Hiraoka, Takashi, 421

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan

  action against China for help during US bombing campaign and, 382–83


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