Pearl Harbor: From Infamy To Greatness

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Pearl Harbor: From Infamy To Greatness Page 67

by Craig Nelson

  Kaleohano, Hawila, 314, 315, 316

  Kaleohano, Mabel, 314

  Kamaka, Fred, 213–14

  Kamehameha I, King, 8, 9

  kamikaze (divine wind), 378, 379

  kamikaze planes and gliders, 331, 422

  Kaminski, Harold, 200, 201

  Kanahali, Bene, 315–16

  Kanahali, Ella, 315

  Kaneko, Kentaro, 39

  Kaneko, Tadashi, 236, 239

  Kaneohe Naval Air Station, Hawaii, 81, 191, 199, 211 (map), 213, 233, 234–38, 305, 334, 335, 354, 455

  Kantai Kessen (decisive battle), 30, 31, 68, 138, 385, 386, 390

  Kaplan, Fred, 454

  Kase, Toshikazu, 407–8

  Kato, Kanji, 27

  Kato, Masuo, 319–20, 396

  Kauai, Hawaii, 8, 314, 315, 364

  Kaya, Okinori, 128–29, 130

  Kazuo, Horiba, 99

  Kearny (destroyer), 126

  Kempeitai, 120, 384, 392

  Kenkichi, Shinjo, 128

  Kennedy, Herbert, 266, 275–76

  Kennedy, John F., 402, 435, 453

  Kennedy, Joseph, 4–5

  Kenworthy, Jesse Jr., 268

  Keogh, William, 336–37

  Keopuolani, Queen, 9

  KGMB radio station, Honolulu, 320

  first American broadcast of World War II on, 292

  music broadcasts as secret signals from, 183, 189, 197–98, 205

  shutting down to prevent being used as directional beacons, 317

  war updates broadcast over, 292, 293

  Kidd, Isaac, 7, 281, 282, 304, 457–58

  Kido, Koichi, 49, 53, 85, 107, 109, 118, 119–20, 129, 154, 393

  Kido Butai (mobile force), 73, 169, 173–74, 204, 305

  Kimmel, Edward, 453

  Kimmel, Husband E.

  analysis of security of fleet in Pearl Harbor and, 61

  arrival at Pearl Harbor, 13

  complaint about army aerial patrols for fleet protection and, 14–15

  death of, 452

  destruction of petroleum tank farm and, 313

  failure of American response and, 307, 308

  fifth column work in Hawaii belief of, 308

  fleet task forces under, 13

  on his role in Pearl Harbor attack, 452

  Martin-Bellinger Report on possible Pearl Harbor attack and, 14–15

  memoirs of, 451

  Pearl Harbor attack and, 260–61, 305

  Pearl Harbor investigations of role of, 64, 354–55, 438–39, 440–41, 442–43, 444, 447, 448, 449–50, 450–51, 453

  personality of, 13

  petroleum embargo against Japan and, 56

  relieved of command, 357

  Roberts Commission on, 357

  social life in Hawaii and, 181–83, 246, 257–58

  torpedo nets recommendations and, 61

  warnings about war and, 64, 74, 75, 79–80, 83, 265, 448

  Kinkaid, Thomas, 399

  King, David, 255

  King, Ernest J. “Ernie,” 5, 42, 87, 370, 372, 403

  Kinzler, Bob, 182, 232

  Kirishima (battleship), 165

  Kita, Ikki, 39

  Kita, Nagai, 81, 82, 124, 147, 148, 183, 254, 318

  Knapp, Russell, 199

  Knobloch, Dick, 380–81

  Knox, Frank, 11

  defense of Philippines and, 123–24

  fifth column work and, 308

  in group meetings with Roosevelt, 42, 120

  hard-line against Japan urged by, 54

  King at US Fleet and, 370

  Pearl Harbor attack and, 151, 152, 155, 159, 175, 277

  Pearl Harbor deficiencies and, 87

  Pearl Harbor investigation of, 354–55, 437, 447, 451

  petroleum embargo against Japan and, 55–56

  plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war and, 62

  postattack treatment of Japanese Americans and, 358

  reaction to Pearl Harbor attack by, 327

  Roosevelt’s anger at lack of military response to Pearl Harbor and, 325

  warning about possible attack and, 69

  Kobashigawa, Hazel, 337

  Kobe, Japan, US bombing of, 374, 402

  Koga, Mineichi, 91

  kokutai (belief in Japanese uniqueness), 37

  Komei, Emperor, 21, 22

  Kondo, Nobutake, 165

  Kondo Hisaku (Nobuhiro), 39

  Konoye, Fumimaro

  cabinet of, 54

  background of, 53–54

  concerns about possible war with United States, 95, 96, 104, 105, 109, 114

  espionage using Soviet spies and, 118

  final push for peace with United States by, 116–17

  Hirohito’s meetings with, 85, 104

  Hull’s Four Principles and, 111, 112, 114

  Japan’s surrender and suicide of, 408

  petroleum embargo against Japan and, 56

  possible attack against Russia and, 91

  as prime minister, 53

  proposal for Japanese withdrawal from China and, 65, 66, 111, 112, 113–14, 119

  proposed Hull Note reply and, 159–60

  proposed meeting with Roosevelt, to avoid war, 96–98, 106, 109, 111, 118–19, 154, 429

  resignation of, 118, 119, 120

  suicide of, 408

  Tojo’s appointment as prime minister and, 119, 121, 131–32

  Tripartite Pact and, 59, 89, 110, 112

  Yamamoto’s desire to avoid war with United States and, 56–57


  competition between Japan and Russia for, 24

  Japanese concerns about loss of control over, 117

  Japan in, after World War I, 28

  Japan’s empire in, before World War II, 47, 351, 398

  Japan’s trade with, in Meiji period, 22

  as one of “four races” of Japan, 39

  Korean War, 409

  Korn, Donald, 247

  Kouretas, Nick, 328

  Kowloon, Hong Kong, Japanese attack on, 342, 348

  Kramer, Alvin, 169, 177, 194

  Kranzfelder, E., 275

  K-T Flying Service, 214, 215

  Kublai Khan, 378

  Kuehn, Bernard, 124, 146

  Kuehn, Susie Ruth, 124

  Kuhn, Adolph, 248, 270, 284

  Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 65

  Kuramoti, Iki, 144, 163, 193, 310–11

  Kuril Islands, 28, 133, 363

  Kuroshima, Kameto “Ganji,” 72, 96, 122

  Kurusu, Saburo, 39–40, 141–44

  Kusaka, Ryunosuke, 115, 120, 208, 311–12

  Kusumi, Tadashi, 283

  Kwantung Army, 33–34, 120

  Kyushu, Japan

  invasion of, 403

  Pearl Harbor attack practice on, 101, 103, 163

  Lachenmayer, Hank, 259

  Lackey, James T., 333

  Ladybird (ship), 44

  Lady Washington (ship), 8

  Lahaina (freighter), 364

  Lahaina, Maui, 9

  Lahaina Roads, Maui, 81, 138, 189, 204

  Landon, Truman H., 179, 205, 218–19

  Landreth, John, 266

  Lane, Frank, 219

  Lanphier, Thomas Jr., 395, 396

  Laos, 53. See also French Indochina

  Larkin, Claude A. “Sheriff,” 241, 243

  Laurence, Bill, 404–5

  Law, Warren, 285, 352

  Lawson (destroyer), 305, 307

  Lawson, Ellen, 419

  Lawson, James, 1–3, 16, 280–81, 290

  Lawson, Ted, 369, 377, 379–80, 419

  Layton, Edwin, 162–63, 167, 168, 173, 261, 386, 449, 450

  League of Nations, 30, 39, 433

  Japan’s departure from, 36

  Japan’s invasion of Manchuria (1931) and, 36

  Leahy, William, 12

  Leaming, Jack, 244, 245, 306–7, 330

  Lee, Robert, 394

  LeMay, Curtis, 400–401, 402, 404

  Lewis, Frank, 336
  Lewis, James, 223

  Lewis, Michael, 429

  Lewis, W. A. J., 295

  Lexington (carrier), 10, 153, 171, 308, 334, 393, 413

  Leyte Gulf, Battle of (1944), 391, 399

  Liaotung Peninsula, China, 28

  Life (magazine), 40, 398, 430

  Lightfoot, Worth Ross, 281, 291

  Lili’uokalani, Queen, 9

  Lincoln, Abraham, 29, 42, 324

  Lindbergh, Charles, 8, 346, 397–98

  Linnartz, Robert, 301

  Lippmann, Walter, 358

  Littmann, Peggy, 249

  Littmann, Robert, 248–49, 254–55

  Livermont, Helen Griffith, 226

  Lockard, Joseph, 202–3, 205

  Loesser, Frank, 257

  London, German bombing of, 106–7, 375

  Look (magazine), 40

  Los Angeles Times, 161, 321, 356

  Louden, Herbert, 331–32, 333

  Low, Francis “Frog,” 371–72, 378

  Luce, Henry, 40, 430

  Lugou Bridge Incident (China Incident, 1937), 38, 66, 82, 104, 117

  Luke Field, Ford Island, Oahu, 243, 420

  Lurline (passenger ship), 208, 249, 348

  Luten, John, 271

  Luzon, 78

  Battle of (1945), 51, 165, 350, 391, 408

  Maas, Melvin, 83

  MacArthur, Douglas, 280

  attendees at funeral of, 418

  bombing of Japan and, 400, 403

  Doolittle Raid and, 382

  Hirohito’s meetings with, 80–81, 187–88, 410

  Japanese attacks on Philippines and, 342–43, 349, 350–51, 357, 443

  Japan’s surrender and, 406–8

  on legacy of Pearl Harbor, 432–33

  Medal of Honor awarded to, 351

  occupation of Japan and, 187, 410–11, 417

  Pacific theater and, 370

  return to Philippines by, 398–99

  Macia, Herb, 371

  Mackay Radio and Telegraph, 171

  Mackinac (ship, 273

  MacLeish, Archibald, 346

  Maeda, Kosei, 69–70, 71

  Maeda, Takeshi, 262, 427

  MAGIC code-breaking operation, 78–80, 80n, 97, 108, 133, 136, 139, 166, 169, 171, 177, 178, 185, 193–94, 279, 446–47, 449, 451

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 29–30, 68, 81, 386

  Mahikoa, Ainsley, 214

  Mailer, Norman, 367

  Makalapa officers’ housing, Honolulu, 225

  Malaya (Malaysia), 58, 107, 133, 136, 147, 155, 161, 164, 165, 322, 345, 350, 351, 363

  Malay Peninsula, 28, 350

  Malaysia, 31, 58, 351

  Malcolm, Ensign, 255

  Manchester, William, 398

  Manchukuo, Japanese in, 34, 65, 117. See also Manchuria


  “Asia for Asians” policy of Japan and, 39

  Japanese attack (1904) on Russian fleet in, 24, 25

  Japanese invasion (1931) and rule of, 34–35, 36, 38, 39, 49, 65, 117, 144

  as one of “four races” of Japan, 39

  Russians in, 28

  Manila, 51, 165, 180, 277, 343, 349

  Mann family, 207


  Japanese carrier task force for Pearl Harbor attack, 357

  Oahu 1941, 210

  Pearl Harbor air attack, 211

  March of Dimes, 5, 40

  Marco Polo Bridge Incident (China Incident, 1937), 38, 66, 82, 104, 117

  Marianas, 28, 363, 398, 400

  Marine Air Group (MAG) 21, 240–41

  Marine Corps, 23, 83, 344

  Markham, Edward, 32

  Marshall, George C., 88

  bombing raid against Japan and, 371, 403

  in group meetings with Roosevelt, 42–43, 120

  on his role in Pearl Harbor attack, 453

  Japanese American soldiers and, 356

  Japanese attacks on Philippines and, 350

  Pearl Harbor defenses and, 15, 75, 83–84, 92, 108, 136

  Pearl Harbor investigations of role of, 439, 441, 447, 451, 452

  petroleum embargo against Japan and, 56

  plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war and, 62

  postwar economic recovery of Europe and, 433

  Roberts Commission on, 358

  on US Navy, 4, 15

  Marshall, “Squash,” 235

  Marshall Islands, 28, 114, 342, 351, 363, 364

  Marshall Plan, 433

  martial law, Hawaii, 317–18

  Martin, Frederick, 13–14, 307

  Martin, Harold “Beauty,” 234–35, 307–8, 354, 356, 357

  Martin-Bellinger Report, 13–14

  Maryland (battleship), 246, 247, 267, 270–71, 274, 275, 294, 363, 399

  Maskzawilz, W. C., 199

  Mason, Theodore, 283–84

  Masuda, Shogo, 192

  Matsumura, Heita, 203, 252, 261, 283, 427

  Matsuoka, Yosuke

  background of, 36

  Hull on, 43, 76

  insistence on war against Germany and United States by, 88–89

  Japan’s dominion in China and, 86

  Japan’s invasion of Manchuria (1931) and, 36

  Konoye’s cabinet with, 54

  Monroe Doctrine’s influence on, 39

  proposal for Japanese withdrawal from China and, 66

  proposed Konoye-Roosevelt summit and, 100

  relations between Germany and, 85, 88, 110

  Singapore attack and, 85

  Stalin’s meeting with, 59

  Tripartite Pact and, 58–59, 110

  US preparations for war and, 74, 76

  visit to Germany by, 58

  Matsuzaki, Mitsuo, 206

  Mayfield, Mrs., 225

  McBriarty, Raymond, 239

  McCarron, John, 281, 291

  McCarthy, John, 243, 244

  McClelland, Thomas, 270

  McCloy, John, 358

  McCloy, R. C., 195

  McClure, Mac, 374, 380

  McCluskey, Wade, 388

  McCollum, Arthur, 85, 168, 194–95, 448–49

  McCuiston, Carlos, 223–24, 225

  McDonald, Joseph, 204–5

  McDonald, Millard, 297–98

  McElroy, Mac, 380–81

  McGinnis, Knefler, 199

  McGoran, John, 296

  McGrath, Ensign, 295

  McIntyre, Ross, 320

  McKee, Robert, 454

  McLeod, Stanley, 218

  McMorris, Charles, 152, 261

  McNamara, Robert, 402

  Mead, Harry, 305

  Medal of Honor recipients, 238, 254, 296, 351, 383, 416, 419, 428, 455–61

  Meder, Robert J. “Bob,” 383, 396

  Medinger, Charles, 299, 302

  Medusa (ship), 276

  Meiji (Mutsuhito), Emperor of Japan, 21, 22–23, 24, 27, 33, 105–6

  Meiji Restoration, 22

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 38, 50

  Melnyk, William, 221

  memorial, Arizona as, 333, 415–17, 418, 427

  Menges, Herbert, 339

  Meredith (carrier), 374

  Merrill, Gene, 264

  Meyhre, Ethelyn, 292–93

  Middlesworth, Mal, 413

  midget submarines, 422

  captured, and used to sell war bonds, 342

  casualties on, 333

  crews of, 73

  Pearl Harbor attack using, 73, 137, 138, 148, 183, 184, 197, 341, 400

  recovered, with missing crew, 341–42

  technology used in, 73, 340–41

  US attacks on, 233, 333

  Midway, 28, 51, 75, 80n, 147, 153, 171

  court of inquiry on defense of, 441

  Japanese attacks on, 340, 343, 345, 384–87, 390, 398, 399

  planes sent to defend, 151, 152

  US base on, 115

  US defense of, 285, 390–91

  Yamamoto’s reaction—to loss at, 394–95

  Miles, Sherman, 108, 175, 194, 444

  Miller, Colonel, 331

  Miller, Doris “Dorie,” 263, 428–29

  Miller, Henry “Hank,” 369, 374, 376

  Miller, Jim, 280

  Miller, S. R., 295–96

  Miller, William, 243–44

  Miller (frigate), 428

  Minneapolis (cruiser), 305

  missionaries, 8–9, 21, 36, 40, 65, 283, 412

  Mississippi (battleship), 86

  Missouri (dreadnought), 303, 391, 407, 415, 422

  Mitchell, William “Billy,” 30–31

  Mitscher, Marc “Pete,” 373, 374, 386, 398

  Miyagi, Yotoku, 118

  Mizuha, Jack, 315, 316

  Moley, Raymond, 50

  Mollison, James, 152

  Molokai, island of, 9, 356

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 59

  Molter, Albert, 269

  Molucca Islands, 351

  Momsen, Charles, 200

  Monaghan (destroyer), 175, 200, 276

  Monroe Doctrine, 38–39

  Monssen (carrier), 374

  Montana (merchant ship), 126

  Moorhead, John, 331

  Morgan, Edward, 443

  Morgan, Pat, 367

  Morgenthau, Henry Jr., 56, 94, 95, 168, 321, 356, 371

  Mori, Motokazu, 176

  Morimura, Tadashi. See Yoshikawa, Takeo

  Morison, Samuel Eliot, 398

  Morrison-Knudsen Corporation, 348

  Mortensen, Adolph “Morey,” 265–66, 266–67, 270, 272–73

  Mukden, China, invasion (1931) of, 33–34

  Mulcahy, Bernard, 221

  Mullen, Bob “Moon,” 361

  Murata, Shigeharu, 138, 150, 189, 191, 197, 206, 247

  Murphy, George, 272

  Murphy, Vincent, 200–201

  Murrow, Edward R., 327

  Musashi (dreadnought), 31


  Arizona Memorial as, 333, 415–17, 418, 427

  in Japan, 422, 423

  at Luke Field, Ford Island, 420

  Missouri as, 415

  Mussolini, Benito, 36, 51, 52, 58, 322, 370

  mustard gas, 47

  Mutsuhito. See Meiji (Mutsuhito), Emperor

  Myanmar. See Burma

  Nagai, Takashi, 254–55

  Nagano, Osami, 89, 91, 99–100, 104–5, 109, 110–11, 112, 113, 122, 124, 130–31, 133, 135, 136

  Nagasaki, Japan, atomic bombing (1945) of, 401, 404–5, 417, 419, 423

  Nagato (battleship), 13, 54, 67, 116, 137, 141, 185, 197, 384, 391

  Nagatomi, Hakudo¸ 46, 47

  Nagoya, Japan, US bombing of, 374, 402

  Nagumo, Chuichi

  damage reports after initial Pearl Harbor attack made to, 293

  decision to withdraw after attack made by, 313

  dive-bomber approach and, 103

  Midway attack and, 386–87, 388, 390

  Pearl Harbor attack and, 111–12, 122, 132

  Philippines loss and suicide of, 391

  postattack threats to task force and, 312

  success of attack and, 311

  torpedo use and, 138

  Yamamoto’s plan criticized by, 68, 72

  Naito, Takeshi, 61

  Nakajima, Yonnekichi, 164, 300


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