9 Cameron, J. (1992). The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. New York, NY: Tarcher/Putnam. pp. 9–14.
10 Carr, N.G. (2010). The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. New York: W.W. Norton. p. 179.
11 Gender Differences in Voter Turnout (2011). Retrieved April 28, 2014, from the Center for American Women and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University: www.cawp.rutgers.edu/fast_facts/voters/documents/genderdiff.pdf.
20 What Women Can Do
1 Sommers, C.H. (2013). The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies Are Harming OurYoung Men. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. p. 3.
2 Argintar, L. (2013, November 15). “The 50 Truths about Love and Sex Every Gen-Y Girl Must Realize.” Retrieved April 14 2014, from Elite Daily: http://elitedaily.com/women/50-truths-love-sex-every-gen-y-girl-must-realize/.
3 Rudder, C. (2014, July 28). “We Experiment on Human Beings!” Retrieved July 29, 2014, from OkCupid: http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/we-experiment-on-human-beings/.
21 What the Media Can Do
1 Note: 13 percent for men versus 7 percent for women. See: “The Female/Male Digital Divide.” (2014, March 5). Retrieved April 28, 2014, from Nielsen: www.nielsen.com/us/en/newswire/2014/the-female-male-digital-divide.html.
2 Smith, A. and Duggan, M. (2013, October 21). “Online Dating & Relationships.” Retrieved April 14, 2014, from Pew Research Center: www.pewinternet.org/2013/10/21/online-dating-relationships/.
3 Parthasarathy, N., personal communication, August 4, 2014.
4 “Gates Foundation Awards Grants to Test Ideas Ranging from Using Big Data for Social Good to Inventing the Next Generation of Condoms.” (2013, November 20). Retrieved August 4, 2014, from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2013/11/Gates-Foundation-Awards-Grants-to-Test-Ideas.
5 Bavelier, D. (2012, June). “Your Brain on Video Games.” Retrieved June 20, 2014, from TED: www.ted.com/talks/daphne_bavelier_your_brain_on_video_games.
6 McGonigal, J. (2011). Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World. New York, NY: Penguin Press. Inside cover, pp. 219–232.
1 Sedgwick, W. (1888, July). “Studies from the Biological Laboratory.” Baltimore, Maryland: N. Murray, Johns Hopkins University. Retrieved April 21, 2014, from Internet Archive: https://arckive.org/details/studiesfrombiol00martgoog. pp. 396–9.
2 Turkle, S. (2012, February). “Connected, But Alone?” Retrieved April 21, 2014, from TED: www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together.
Carr, Nicholas, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, W.W. Norton & Co., 2010. www.TheShallowsBook.com
Dunckley, Victoria, Reset Your Child's Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time, New World Library, 2015. http://DrDunckley.com
Farrell, Warren, The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex, Berkley Trade, 2001. WarrenFarrell.org
McGonigal, Jane, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, Penguin Press, 2011. RealityIsBroken.org
Sax, Leonard, Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men, Basic Books, 2009. BoysAdrift.com
Sommers, Christina Hoff, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies Are Harming Our Young Men, Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Szalavitz, Maia and Perry, Bruce D., Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential—and Endangered, William Morrow Paperbacks, 2011.
Turkle, Sherry, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, Basic Books, 2011. AloneTogetherBook.com
Vaillant, George E., Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study, Belknap Press, 2012.
Wilson, Gary, Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, Commonwealth Publishing, 2014. YourBrainOnPorn.com
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier, directed by Rachel Dretzin. PBS Films (Frontline), 2010. pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/DigitalNation/
Journeyman, directed by Charlie Borden and Kevin Obsatz. MirrorMan Films, 2007. MirrorManFilms.org/film.html
The Medicated Child, directed by Marcela Gaviria. PBS Films (Frontline), 2008. pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/MedicatedChild/
Raising Cain: Boys in Focus, directed by Paul Stern. PBS Films, 2006. pbs.org/opb/RaisingCain/
Support Groups
Action on Addiction: actiononaddiction.org.uk
Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous: cgaa.info
“No Fap” forum on Reddit: reddit.com/r/nofap/
On-Line Gamers Anonymous: olganon.org
Sex Addicts Anonymous: saa-recovery.org
21 Jump Street, 115
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire, xix
and present–hedonism, 35–36
arousal addiction; see arousal addiction
changes in the brain, 103–105, 106–108, 109
gaming addiction, 123–129
porn addiction, xviii–xxi, 103–106, 107–109, 110, 210–213
reward systems in gaming, 84–85
ADHD (attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder), xviii, 21, 36, 52, 119, 199
increase in diagnoses, 5
medication side effects, 33–35, 36, 37
and motivation, 33
prevalence, 5, 34
and The Great Disappointment, 136
and identity formation, 135; see also Erikson, Erik
Aesop, “The Fox and the Grapes,” 133
affirmative consent, 171
Alaee, Mehran, 80
Allen, Woody, 95
alpha male, 15, 165, 184
America's War on Sex: The Attack on Law, Lust and Liberty; see Klein, Marty
androstenedione; see under environment
anal sex, 31, 102, 175
Anna Karenina; see Tolstoy, Leo
apathy, 8–9, 33–34
Apple, 116
arousal addiction, xx–xxi, 105–108; see also Coolidge Effect; dopamine; porn; video games excitation transfer model novelty and arousal
artificial wombs, 149
The Artist's Way; see Cameron, Julia
Ashliman, D.L., 133
Assholes Finish First; see Max, Tucker
Asteroids (1979), 115
attention disorders; see ADHD (attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder)
“bad apples”; see power of situation and system on individual behavior
Bailenson, Jeremy, 93–95
Barcott, Rye, 130
Baumeister, Roy, 138–139, 216
Bavelier, Daphne, 234–235
Bechdel Test, 147–148, 157–158, 231; see also MacGyver Test
Behind the Green Door; see porn history of beta male, 164
Beyoncé, 155, 156
biological differences between men and women, 119, 166, 178, 227
bisphenol A (BPA); see environment
Bly, Robert, 135
Bookvar, Peter, 179
Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential—and Endangered; see Szalavitz, Maia
Boulding, Elise, 167
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community; see Putnam, Robert
Boy Scouts, 220
Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men; see Sax, Leonard
Boys to Men Mentoring Network, 52–54
Brady, Tom, 14
changes in addiction, 103–106, 107–109, 110
dopamine and the reward circuitry, 104–106, 107–109, 110
effects of conditioning, 87–89
effects of video games, 117–120
neural plasticity, 87–88
brain imaging, studies of male and female gamers, 119–120
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, 108
Brand, Noah, 161
Breivik, Anders, 126
BroApp, 16
bromance, xxiii
Brooks, David, 3
Brownmiller, Susan, 153
Brunskill, Sarah, 13, 18
Budnikov, Mikhail, xvii–xviii
bullying effects on young men, 169–170
Bushnell's Theorem, 128
Byrne, Donn; see excitation transfer model
Call of Duty series, 20, 126
Cameron, Julia, 217–218
Campbell, W. Keith, 146
Card, Orson Scott, 130
Carducci, Bernardo, 12
career–counseling programs for students, 191
Carlezon, William, 33–34
Carlin, George, 134
Carr, Nicholas, 3, 87, 105
Castronova, Edward, 19
diaosi category of men, 183–184
sheng nu category of women, 144
“sitting mothers,” 59, 68
Chomsky, Noam, 179
Choon Guan Lim, 119
Cialis, 104
Cinderella (movie), 146
Clark, Neils, 85, 117–118, 207
cognitive load, effects on memory, 84
cohabitation, growth of, 48–49
Cohen, Geoffrey, 134
Cohen, Nick, 155
Colborn, Theo, 78
college degrees
decline in male academic proficiency, 70–71
employment prospects for different subjects, 69–70
women surpassing men, 5–6, 70
college students, consequences of digital distractions, 68–69
Columbine High School shooting, 125
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010; see Murray, Charles
Commodore International; see Tramiel, Jack
The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children; see Tsabary, Shefali
Coolidge Effect, 109–110; see also arousal addiction
Cosmopolitan magazine, 157
costs of living, 179–182
criminal justice system, evidence of gender bias, 174–177
crowdsourcing projects, 235
Cyrus, Miley, 155
dancing, as a useful skill for men, 12–13, 200
Daniels, Nikki, 171
and the objectification of women, 110–115
dating apps and sites, 29, 233
women initiating, 220, 233
porn is easier than, 141, 152
DDT; see under environment
Dede, Chris, 210
Deem, Gabe, 86, 210
Deep Throat, 106
Defense of the Ancients (DotA), 52, 93
Demise of Guys: Why Boys are Struggling and What We Can Do About It, xi, 17
Derks, Belle, 177
developmentally appropriate learning, 65
dexterity, loss of, 118
digital devices, amount of time spent in front of, 19
Digital Nation (documentary), 94–95
Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk About Sexuality; see Tolman, Deborah
Dillard, Larry F., Jr., Lieutenant Colonel, 130
divorce, 41–49
effects on social trust, 41–47
Harvard Grant Study findings, 46
increase in global rates of, 42–43
male suicide rates after, 45
possible effects on obesity, 48
who gets child custody, 45
DNA, inheritance of disrupted methylation patterns, 80
Doan, Andrew, 90
Doidge, Norman, 108
domestic violence, suffered by men, 170–173
Donkey Kong, 114
Doom, 114
dopamine, 103–105, 106–108, 109
Douglass, Frederick, 200
drone technology used in warfare, 131
drug use, 33–36, 41
Dumanoski, Dianne, 78
Dunckley, Victoria, 208
Dweck, Carol, 200
Dworkin, Andrea, 153
economic downturn, effects on men, 7–8, 179–185
economic prosperity, role of trust, 47–48
males' disenchantment with, 3–6
drop–out rate for young men, 5–6
effects on minority background on attainment, 6
effects of video gaming, 116–120
young womens' outperformance of young men, 4–6
increasing cost of, 179–182
increasing importance for employment, 179–182
social class and academic success, 182, 183
see also college degrees; college students; schools
electronic consumerism, growth of, 115–117
Electronic Games magazine, 115
emotional immaturity, causes and effects in men, xxi–xxii
emotions, consequences of bottling up, 169–170
employment prospects for young men, 7–10, 69–71, 183–189
employment status, and partner status, 149, 271, 165–166
Ender's Game; see Card, Orson Scott
endocrine disruptors; see under environment
entitlement attitude
in young men, xxii, 8–10, 138–144
in women, 149–150, 232
androgens in, 79
androstenedione, 79
anti–androgens in, 79
bioaccumulative effects of toxins, 81
bisphenol A (BPA), 188
changes, effects on male fertility, 79–84
DDT, 78
endocrine disruptors, 77–82, 188
hypospadias, 80
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), effects of, 78, 80
sperm count, 77, 79–80, 109
testicular cancer rates, 80, 168
testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS), 80
effects on sexual satisfaction, 165
issues, 146, 169–176
legislation, 161
erectile dysfunction, and porn, 103–105
Erikson, Erik, 135
excitation transfer model, 29; see also arousal addiction
externalization of memories, xxii
Facebook, 55, 147, 157
as an important life lesson, 60–61
helicopter parents miss the value of, 59–60
reaction to preserve self–image, 133–138
as the basis of self–regulation, 40
as the foundation of society, 46
benefits of two–parent household for children, 41–49, 52–55, 203–205
care of elderly relatives, 40
changing family dynamics, 39–40, 61–62
devaluation of father involvement, 47, 49–55
diminished ability to care for each other, xxiii, 40, 137
divorce; see divorce
economic costs of breakdown, 58–59
importance of eating together, 41
importance of having a warm childhood, 46–47, 49, 204
influence on young men, 39, 55
mothers under pressure and stress, 40–41
positive impact of fathers, 49, 54, 203–205
traditional structure and members, 39
women's commitment to, 145–146
family planning, government support for, 57–59, 193
family trauma, link with being overweight, 48
Far Away from the Tigers;A Year in the Classroom with Internationally Adopted Children; see Katch, Jane
Farrell, Warren, 54–55, 56, 162, 174, 177,
Father and Child Reunion: How to Bring the Dads We Need to the Children We Love; see Farrell, Warren
fatherhood, young mens' understanding o
f, 50
fatherlessness; see also men
effects on young men, 49
emotional fatherlessness, 50
physical fatherlessness, 48, 50
fathers; see also men; parents
balancing work and family, 145, 146–147
government support for the father's role, 57–59, 187–188
importance of closeness to sons, 49, 55, 206
value of fathers, 41–55, 203–205
Female Chauvinist Pigs;Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture; see Levy, Ariel
feminist movement, challenges and contradictions, 153
Ferreras, Anthony, 14
Fifty Shades of Grey, 84
Fight the New Drug, 203
first world problems, 137
Foldit, 121
food stamps (US), 57–58
Frankl, Viktor, 218
Free to Play (documentary), 51–52
friends, importance for young men, 55
friends with benefits, 140–141, 228
frog in hot water experiment, 237
Frozen (movie), 147, 232
Fukuyama, Francis, 47–48
Futurama, 90, 123
future–oriented time perspective; see under time perspectives
future prospects for young men, 237–238
Gabrieli, John, 33
Gaddam, Sai, xix–xx, 71
Gallop, Cindy, 29
Game Addiction: The Experience and the Effects; see Clark, Neils
The Game, 111
gamer “widows,” 22, 224
gamification (reward system), 84
gaming; see video games
gangs, 51
Gates, Bill, 187, 234
Gates, Robert M., 201
gay parents, 60–61
gender democracy, 144
Generation Vidiot, 125
Gentile, Douglas, 119
Gilbert, Dennis, 53
Gilroy, Curt, 24
Girls on the Edge: The Four Factors Driving the New Crisis for Girls; see Sax, Leonard
global recession see economic downturn
Gottlieb, Lori, 59, 174
Gottman, John, 42
Grand Theft Auto 5, 20
Gray, John, 205
Greer, Germaine, 154
Grossman, Dave, Lieutenant Colonel (ret.), 125, 129
guilt, passed from mother to children, 44
Gurian, Michael, 54
Guttentag, Marcia; see Guttentag–Secord theory
Guttentag–Secord theory, 61, 140
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