Hartmann, Heidi, 167
Harry Potter (book series), 20, 165
Harvard Grant Study, 46, 49, 200, 202, 204
health issues, and male mortality rates, 167
Heckman, James J., 190
hegemonic masculinity, xvii, 15, 165, 184
helicopter parents, 59–60
Hero–Asshole Complex, 151
hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 91, 209
Higher Unlearning blog, 50
Hill, Napoleon, 213
Hirschman, Celeste, 71
homelessness, 169
Hooked on Games;The Lure and Cost of Video Game and Internet Addiction; see Doan, Andrew
hormone system, 77
Horvath, Miranda, 193
Howell, Mike, 78
Hustler magazine, 105
Hvinstendahl, Mara, 138
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell; see Max, Tucker
impulsiveness, and gaming, 119
information revolution, consequences for unskilled men, 182
Intel, 115
intellectual capital, national importance of, 69
intelligence, effects of outsourcing knowledge, 3–4
Internet addiction disorder (IAD), xix
Internet Rule #34, 27
Investigate Your MP's Expenses, 235
Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men; see Baumeister, Roy
It Happened on the Way to War: A Marine's Path to Peace; see Barcott, Rye
James, William, 217
hikikomori (men who never leave their home), 183
soshoku danshi (“herbivorous men”), 17, 183
sexless marriages, 17
young women not interested in sex or marriage, 148–149
job growth, areas of, 7, 69–70
Jobs, Steve, 116
Jones, Rashida, 155
Jordan, Michael, 10
Journeyman (documentary), 53–54
Juraszek, Steve, 21
Kandel, Eric, 87
Kardashian, Kim, 15
Katch, Jane, 56
Kent, Steven L., 128
Khan Academy, 197
Khoo, Angeline, 119
Kinney, Colin, 21
Klein, Marty, 73
Klum, Heidi; see superwomen
knowledge, effects of outsourcing to technology, 3–4
Knox, Belle, 170
Koop, C. Everett, 127
Kühn, Simone, 104
Kutcher, Ashton, 10
Lanphear, Bruce, 80
Late Night With Conan O'Brien; see Louis C.K.
leadership gap, 146
Lean In movement; see Sandberg, Sheryl
Lebensborn program, 172
Lee, Jaewon, 122, 126
Levy, Ariel, 154, 156
Levy, Harold O., 63
life expectancy and personal power, 167
life skills being taught in schools, 196
Lombardi, Vince, xxiv
loneliness, 184
Louis C.K., 136
Lovense, 90
The Lucifer Effect; see power of situation and system on individual behavior
lust in culture, 100
Mabs, Harry, 128
MacGyver Test, 231–233; see also Bechdel Test
Madonna–Whore Complex, 113
male fertility, threats in the environment; see under environment
maleness, excessive, 11–18
man's math (cartoon), 183
Man's Search for Meaning; see Frankl, Viktor
ManKind Initiative, 220
manliness, meanings of, 55–56
increase in THC content, 34–35
synthetic marijuana, 35
marriage, 8, 22, 47–48, 50, 57–59
marshmallow experiment; see Mischel, Walter
Maslow, Abraham, hierarchy of needs, 91, 209
massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), 22, 93, 120, 122, 235–236
massively multiplayer online role–playing games (MMORPG), 124–125
Max, Tucker, 112
McClain, Craig, 52
McGonigal, Jane, 19, 120, 235
McRaven, William H., Admiral, 216
contribution to lack of trust in others, 42
flawed portrayal of masculinity, 55
gender bias against women, 146
messages about sex and violence, 56
objectification of women, 154
pornification of women, 154
portrayal of men as comically hopeless, xxiii
pressure to change portrayal of men, 231–233; see also MacGyver Test
screen time spent by young people, xx
sexist content in films, 146
sexuality in advertising, 170
unrealistic portrayal of marriage, 45
effects of technology use, 3, 84, 119
working memory versus long–term memory, 3, 84
arousal by “or” (single cue), xxiii
as success objects, 149–150, 171, 178
attitude of entitlement, xxiv, 8–9, 136–142
challenges for a better future, 237–239
chances of producing offspring, 139
competition to reproduce, 138
confusion about what women want, 150–152
consequences of uncertain roles in society, xvi, xxiv
decreasing sperm count; see environment
decreasing testosterone; see environment
double standards, 150, 161–178
emotional immaturity, xxiv
fatherlessness; see fatherlessness
glass cellar, 176
going their own way movement (MGTOW), xvii
lack of male teachers, 65, 188
male identity, 55–56, 135
mentoring, 220
pressure to fulfill financial expectations, 166
response to abundance of women, 61, 139–140
response to social pressures, 134–135
role models, 45, 51–56, 199, 231
social and academic failure of young men, xv–xxiv
social groups, intensity of all–male groups, 13–18
value of fathers; see fathers
women's unrealistic expectations of, 149
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus; see Gray, John
men's positive options
avoiding “princesses,” 219
dealing with porn addiction, 210–212
dealing with shyness, 218–219
discover your inner power, 217–218
don't call women “sluts,” 219
forming good habits, 217
making female friends, 218
mentoring, 220
playing sports, 214
positive use of sexual energy, 211
practicing time management, 214
small accomplishments lead to bigger ones, 216
turning off the porn, 210
understand your motivators, 215
vote, 221
mental illness, in children, 5
mentoring, 50–55, 157, 187–188, 191, 199, 206, 220–221
intensity of all–male social groups, 15–18
obesity and lack of fitness in military–age youth, 24
uses for violent video games, 126, 129
Mind Positive Parenting, 50
Mind the Gap: The New Class Divide in Britain; see Mount, Sir Ferdinand
The Minds of Boys; see Gurian, Michael
minority background, effects on educational attainment, 6
Mischel, Walter, 74
Monet, Veronica, 210
Montaigne, Michel de, 237
Montessori schools, 65, 196
mood disorders, and fatherlessness, 52, 204
Moran, Caitlin, 156
Morgan, Robin, 153
Morley–Souter, Peter; see Internet Rule #34
motivation, 33, 118
Mount, Si
r Ferdinand, 181–182
Murray, Charles, 48
Murray, Christopher, 23
My Fair Lady (film), 13
Myers, John, 78
The Mystery Method, 111
The Myth of Male Power, 56; see also Farrell, Warren
narcissism, 127, 136, 146; see also entitlement attitude
The Narcissism Epidemic; see Twenge, Jean
Nass, Clifford, 67
National Association for Choice in Education (NACE); see single–sex schooling
National Fatherhood Initiative, 47
National Geographic magazine; see porn, history of
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 5
Ning, 197
Nintendo, 115, 121
“No Fap,” xix, 312
Nolan's Law, 128
non–monogamy movement, 61
novelty and arousal; see arousal addiction
nucleus accumbens
and motivation; see ADHD medication side effects
and reward, 34, 118–119
nursery–age children, excessive use of digital devices, 21–22
obesity, 23–25, 48, 80, 122–123, 188
effect on testosterone, 24
prevalence, 23
as a prerequisite for rape, 173
of men by women, 149–150, 171, 178
of women by men, 29, 50, 110
of women by women, 153
Oculus Rift, 90
Ogas, Ogi, xix, 71–74
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society; see Grossman, Dave, Lieutenant Colonel (ret.), 125
operant conditioning, 85
Oppressed Majority (film), 170
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 4–5, 7, 146, 190
Orzack, Maressa, 85
Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—A Scientific Detective Story; see Colborn, Theo
outdoors, loss of connection with, 60
outsourcing, of jobs, 7, 180
Pac–Man (1980), 115
Paglia, Camille, 49, 191
building resiliency in children, 200
divorce, 16, 42–45, 48–49, 52, 164–166, 202–203
effects of single parenthood, 40–50, 52, 54, 57–59, 203–205, 238
effects of overprotectiveness, 59
fathers being there for sons, 206
gay parents; see gay parents
giving children space to build confidence, 200
giving sons encouragement and responsibility, 201
helicopter parents, 59
importance of stable marriage, 203–205
men living with parents long–term, 8
parental leave policies, xvii, 144–146, 188
positive ways to help sons develop, 199–209
responses to children's excessive gaming, 21
teaching about the job market, 201
teaching about time management, 202
teaching daughters to succeed, 157–159
teaching sons about sex, 202
teaching values and work ethic, 203
see also fathers
Parkin, Simon, 125
Parthasarathy, Namisha, 234
partner status and employment status, 149, 271, 165–166
Pascual–Leone, Alvaro, 88
paternity leave, xvii
participation medals, 200
patriarchy myths, 161–178
Pavlina, Steve, 213
pay gap, 176
peer influence, 56, 67
Penthouse magazine, 105
Perera, Jeff, 50–51
performance anxiety, effect of watching porn, 99
Perry, Bruce D., 40
personal responsibility, 9–10, 134, 200–201, 238
physical activity, decrease among young people, 25
Piaget, Jean, 120
pick–up artists (PUAs), use of “negs,” 110
pinball machines, 114
Pinker, Susan, 163
PISA Assessment, 4, 68, 190
Playboy magazine, 105
political correctness, detrimental effects, 155
addiction, xviii–xxi, 28–31, 72, 83–94, 103–108, 112, 117–119
addiction recovery, twelve–step programs, 211
arousal addiction; see arousal addiction
average time spent using, 28, 30
brain plasticity, 87, 108
brain studies, 103–104
Coolidge Effect; see Coolidge Effect
dependency on extreme porn, xx, 104–108
dynamics of, 94–97
easy availability of, 95
educating children to deal with, 193
effects of chronic overconsumption, 103–108
effects of chronic stimulation, 99–103
effects of giving up, xix
effects of high cognitive load, 82
effects on academic performance, 29
effects on real–life sex, 29–30
effects on the brain, 103–108
and erectile dysfunction, 103–108
extent of use among young men, 29–30
female users, xix–xx, 100
feminist views on, 152
growth of the online market, 28, 99–103
habituation effect, 110–111
high–risk sexual behaviors, 30, 101
history of, 95, 109–110
impact on shaping sexuality, 71–73, 75
interference with real–life relationships, 13, 29 111–112
lack of positive emotional content, 30, 169
lack of safer sex practices, 101
leading to diminished pleasure, 103–105, 109–110
long–term dissatisfaction, 99–105
and the Madonna–Whore Complex, 113
and male body image, 96–97
messages portrayed about sex, 57, 94–97, 98–99
and narcissism, 141–142
nature of modern porn videos, 94–97
negative effects of, xix–xxi, 29–31, 94–97, 103–109
novelty and arousal; see arousal addiction
objectification of women, 29–31
and performance anxiety in men, 95
procrastination because of (“procrasturbation”), 19
reasons for appeal to young men, 27–30, 95–96, 103–105, 150–152
reward sensitivity, 82–83
role of dopamine; see dopamine
and sex education, 71–73, 75, 192
and sexual liberation of women, 153
and social anxiety, 111
support groups, 203, 211, 312
unable to have sex with someone you care about; see Madonna–Whore Complex
and unrealistic expectations of real–life sex, 29–30, 96–99
value of the porn industry, 98
variety of porn sites, 27–28
women's use of, xix–xx, 100
porn industry, suggestions for improvements, 234–236
porn “widows,” 224–225
PornHub site, 15, 28, 100
post–ejaculatory refractory period, 110–111; see also Coolidge Effect
post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans, 129
power, nature of, 167–169
power of situation and system on individual behavior, xvi, 178
powerlessness, 161, 171–174, 184
present–hedonistic time orientation; see under time perspectives
gender responsive programs, 174–175
inmates who grew up without fathers, 175
men going to prison because of missed child support payments, 45
Project Lead the Way, 196
Protestant work ethic, xxiv
Proteus Effect, 93
Putnam, Robert, 42
Race to Nowhere (documentary), 196
Ragan, Mary, 182
Raising a
n Emotionally Intelligent Child: The Heart of Parenting; see Gottman, John
rape, male rape, 172–173, 177
raunch culture, 153–157
Reagan, Ronald, 42
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World; see McGonigal, Jane
reality, distinguishing from the virtual world, 90–92
recession see economic downturn
Reddit, 211
Reiss, Allan, 119
fear of, 11–13, 57
violent response to, 125
average household size, 39–40
changing traditional gender roles, 178
consequences of suppressing emotions, 169
devaluation of, 29, 140, 148–149, 152–153
effects of greater equality, 178, 227
influence of parental divorce, 43
and male sense of entitlement, 8–9
men as success objects, 149–150, 171, 178
negative population growth, 40, 149
women as sex objects, 29–30, 110, 153–154
who calls the shots, 45
who pays the bills, 150
Reset Your Child's Brain: A Four–Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen–Time; see Dunckley, Victoria
responsibility, and being male, 10, 149, 171, 200
risk–taking in men, 138–139
Ritalin, 35–36, 66
rites of passage for young men, 52–53
Robertson, Ian, xxi
robot romance; see Futurama
Rohn, Jim, 209
Rolling Stones, 137
romantic comedies, women's expectations, 149
Rosen, Ruth, 145
Royalle, Candida, 152
Rushkoff, Douglas, 94
Salen, Katie, 94
Sandberg, Sheryl, 157
Sax, Leonard, 34, 118, 141
school shootings, 125–127
availability of unhealthy foods, 23–24, 188
boys' attitudes toward, 5
current teacher quality, 63
effects of fear of failing on young men, 66
failing young men, 65–67
grade inflation, 134, 197
inadequacy of sex education, 71–75, 155, 191–193
interactive learning using new technology, 197
lack of physical activity, 64–65
learning environment not suited to young men, 65
making use of online resources, 197
need for anonymous testing, 65, 197
need for more male schoolteachers, 65, 189
preparing students for their life ahead, 189, 197
pressure to perform, 66
pressures for earlier formal education, 66, 68
quality of teaching, 63–64, 189
reform of the education system, 197
see also college degrees; college students; education
Scott, P. Shavaun, 84, 117
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