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Liberty Ranch

Page 19

by Temperance Johnson

  Mabel shrugged and took a bit of the bread. "Maryanne is the biggest gossip in town and is always nasty. But really the neighbors talk. They have nothing else to do. Nobody is saying the actual words. It will die down soon enough. I don't think there is much harm since both girls are so young."

  Katrina sighed. "I worry. In Alabama we were the brunt of the gossip and had no one to stand up for us." She took a bite of the bread, enjoying the yeasty lightness, but more enjoying fellowship. "This is what Ellen had missed for decades. It is what all the Starrys missed."

  "I am glad you came here, though I am sorry you felt like an outcast. I think this town needs Liberty Ranch. It needs healing for our families, our children." Mabel meant it.

  Katrina bit her lip. "I think you have too much hope. Hopefully, with Juan Jose and Cole coming, they can get it too, cause I don't see us doin’ it at the moment."

  Mabel looked at her. "You are putting yourself down. You are doing a splendid job with the girls. Remember, we will help as much as we can."

  Katrina nodded, "You don't know what that means to us." She didn't have that kind of confidence. Mabel had too much faith in them. She felt pressured. Maybe that was what was wrong with Andrew, too much pressure.

  Chapter 24

  The dark clouds forming overhead looked like they were about to downpour soon, probably making it much cooler. The rain had lightly started to come down on the roof, sounding like soft pings. Then suddenly, thunder went off, and it made the barn echo. The thunder made Andrew think of how Julia hated storms and how they made her cower in the corner of a room. While she had gotten better, it was still a strong fear. He could feel the rain was about to come down.

  Francesca ran in with a rush. “Where is Sara?”

  Andrew frowned. “I don’t know.”

  Francesca swore as she passed Whisper’s stall. “She ain’t in the house and Whisper is gone. I will go find her.” She sounded too old, like this wasn’t the first time rescuing her.

  Andrew grabbed his reins. "We will find her together.” After they tacked the horses, they mounted and headed to the north pasture. It didn’t take long, but Andrew found her tracks.

  Francesca chuckled. “Izzy said she is a hard woman to track. She can almost always cover them.”

  Andrew narrowed his eyes with humor. “It depends on how good the tracker is. And my brother, Maverick, can track the best of men.”

  Francesca’s eyebrow rose. “I bet she would put you to the test.”

  Now Andrew chuckled. “I reckon that is true.”

  Just as they reached the top of the hill, the trail stopped in the rocks. “Sara! Sara, are you up here?”

  As the brush got thicker, their horses were too big to get through. A pony like Whisper wouldn’t be. Dismounting, Andrew tied their horses. He loved the mountains. It was nothing like Alabama.

  Suddenly he heard a whimper. Moving towards the sound, he called Sara’s name again. This time Francesca called as well. He saw Whisper standing a few feet away.

  Then he heard Sara scream from beyond the edge of the rocky open cliff. Getting on his stomach, he felt the rocks dig into him as he leaned over the edge, careful not to drop the rocks on her. He saw Sara holding onto a tree root. From the look of it, the root wouldn’t hold up much longer. His hand could touch the top of her fingers. “Sara, honey, you are going to have to grab my hand. I can’t go any farther.”

  Francesca screamed above him. Terror filled her voice.

  “Please, love, take my hand. It’s the only way.” He tried to show he loved her through his eyes. He knew telling her he loved her right now would not help. Many men had said those words so expertly while not caring about her heart. “Please, Sara, take my hand.”

  Finally, her small, blood-stained hand went out to him and he grabbed it with both of his and gently lifted her up. Getting her to the top, Francesca screamed again and grabbed Sara so fast that it nearly knocked them over.

  “Don’t touch her!” She said with an authority that didn’t match her youth.

  Andrew didn’t know what she meant, but he nodded, knowing she was upset. Everything was fine. Then he noticed Sara’s arm looked twisted. He reached out to her, only to have both girls start screaming. He pulled his hand back and took a deep breath, thinking of what to do. “Girls, I think Sara broke her arm. See, her arm doesn’t look good.”

  Neither girl even looked at the arm. They just stared with wide scared eyes. Francesca swore and her lip shook.

  Andrew bit the inside of his cheek. Not knowing what to do, he went to Whisper. Bringing the pony to the girls, Francesca helped Sara up as she held her arms close to her body. He wished he could make a sling to make it better to ride in, but he knew that would be a mistake. Both girls were having a bad day.

  As they walked to the horses, he remained silent, and after riding back to the ranch, not a word was said.

  Katrina ran out to greet them. Andrew could see the worry in her eyes, and he saw her eyes go wide as she saw Sara’s arm.

  As Andrew dismounted, he signed, Don’t get her down. “Let’s just take her to Doc. Francesca and Sara have had a bad day.”

  Katrina just nodded like she knew what Andrew meant. “Girls, why don’t we go to town. I will ride with Andrew and...”

  Izzy rode up with Carlissa in her lap. “Carly is riding with me.” As always, she was one step ahead as she looked at Sara’s arm.

  When they got to the edge of the ranch, Izzy signed, You need to tell Sara we are going to doc’s.

  Katrina nodded from the back of Andrew’s horse. She signed, It’s late, let's go to the ranch and see if he is there first.

  Izzy looked uncertain but didn’t argue.

  The ranch was right outside of town. As they rode up, Francesca swore. “Why are we here?”

  Izzy dismounted, turning to her. She didn’t miss a beat. “So you can play with Alice.” Carlissa dismounted.

  “I don’t play!” Francesca dismounted and tied Poder next to Phoenix.

  After Andrew helped Katrina down, Katrina went over to Sara who still sat on Whisper, looking very pale. Her wet hair hung in ringlets. The pain must have been great, but she had yet to complain. “Now honey, I’m pretty sure you broke your arm. I need you to be strong and Charles is going to set your arm.”

  With a movement Katrina didn’t think she could make, she moved the reins to run, but Izzy grabbed the pony’s halter. “No. Sara, you need your arm fixed.” She was gentle but firm.

  Francesca screamed and then yelled. “Charles ain’t touchin’ her!”

  Andrew decided to just knock on the door and see who was home. Charles greeted them at the door. “Well, hi, Andrew, how are you doing? Why don’t you come in out of the rain?”

  Andrew nodded to the girls just as Sara dismounted, wincing with the pain. Katrina went right to her. She moved some wet hair from her face. “Now, honey, it will be fine. Let’s go inside out of this rain.”

  Sara went along almost like a shadow. While Francesca tried to stop her, Izzy took her hand and let them go in first.

  Andrew waited until they were all inside and then he heard Katrina softly tell Sara, “Honey, Charles is just going to look at your arm. It looks broken.”

  Sara shook her head. “No!” she yelled.

  Just then, Mabel walked in with Alice behind her. She took in the girl’s broken arm but waited for Katrina to respond.

  “Honey, your arm is broken. He needs to look at it.” Katrina tried again.

  Before Sara could respond, Francesca took Sara by her good arm and pulled her close. “And what will Charles get for fixin’ the arm?”

  Katrina blinked. “We can pay him money. I don’t know how much, but you don’t need to worry about it. We have it covered.”

  “I bet you do!” Francesca swore again.

  “What is the matter, Francesca?” Katrina asked, more confused than hurt at the moment.

  Mabel told Alice to take Carlissa in the back. They walked out without b
eing noticed. Then Mabel walked closer to them but still didn’t speak.

  “Fran, we need to get Sara’s arm looked at. She is in pain. You can see that.” Katrina touched Sara’s shoulder. “Now, please let her go so we can give her medicine and fix her arm.”

  Francesca held on tighter. “No. I knew it was just a matter of time until you and your people did what you wanted with us. Well, that ain’t happening.”

  Izzy stood in front of Francesca. “Fran, that is not happening here. That will never happen. I have the money for Doc right now. No one will use you. Ever.” When Francesca didn’t respond. Izzy looked at Mabel and then continued, “You know, I heard Mabel is pretty good at fixing arms. Why don’t we let Mrs. Alexander do it.”

  Francesca swore. “No! Her husband will use her and I can’t be there. I told you, Sara ain’t ever being a workin’ girl again. She ain’t made for it.”

  Katrina gasped.

  Andrew’s jaw hardened. But he knew if he said anything right now, it would just put her off. He could see by her eyes she was in shock, or near to it. She wasn’t hearing anything, but Sara needed to lie down. She looked ready to be sick. Her normally pale face was even more pale.

  Izzy nodded to Mabel, who then stepped behind Francesca. Francesca didn’t seem to notice, her eyes just locked with Izzy. “You should know men are bad. All men,” Francesca yelled.

  Izzy put her hands on Sara’s shoulders. “Honey, you need help. Mabel will help you and no one will hurt you. Mabel is a good Christian lady.”

  As Francesca screamed and looked like she would attack Izzy, Izzy wished she could take those last words back, but it gave Francesca a rough surprise that Izzy grabbed Sara and picked her up. Careful of her arm, she held her behind her as Francesca fought and screamed from Mabel’s hold.

  As Izzy took Sara into the other room with Katrina by her side, Andrew wished again he could help do something, but touching Francesca would freak her out even more. He had seen it with saloon girls he had helped. But this pain hit his chest deep. He ran a hand through his wet hair just as Izzy walked back in.

  Izzy took Francesca’s arm as she spoke softly to Mabel. “Sara threw up.”

  Mabel nodded and spoke to Francesca as she continued to scream. “Are you going to calm down so I can help your sister?”

  “No!” Francesca said in a rage.

  Izzy's eyes got light. “At least she is honest.” Then she nodded. “Go to the room.”

  Mabel let go as Izzy kept a hold of Francesca’s arm so she couldn’t get away, screaming, “I will let you go if you promise to not go after Sara.”

  Francesca just shook her head and continued to scream.

  “Fine,” Izzy responded. “I might be small, but I can be just as tough. I have taken down a twelve hundred pound steer.”

  Andrew almost smiled at the image of that. For a petite little lady, Francesca could fight with the best of them.

  Charles stood next to Andrew. “Why don’t we pray?”

  Andrew looked at him with weariness. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to pray openly with this man. He came for medical help, not spiritual. But Izzy said sometimes people need more spiritual help than medical help. When their spirit gets worked out, then the medical is fine. He nodded. He was too tired to think of what to say.

  “Lord, we all need Your presence here. Give your children comfort right now. We need you in this room to help us. Give us guidance and strength to know what to do right now. Be with us, Lord. As always You are the King of kings. Be with your children. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  It seemed forever until finally, Francisca stopped fighting and screaming. Andrew saw Izzy loosen her grip but not let go. He could tell Izzy was getting tired by the look in her eyes. It was more emotional than physical.

  Then Francesca moved from Izzy and ran back outside. Andrew went after her and she stopped by the horses. Her hand rested against Phoenix's butt as she looked off to the woods. Her face was hard as a rock. “I hate you,” she muttered.

  Andrew just stood there in the rain watching her.

  “You know Sara came from an asylum. The owners raised her in a brick room until they deemed to let her out.” Francesca’s voice was soft with a bitterness to it. “They kept Carlissa in a cage and never let her out. Sara taught her to talk and fed her what we could find. Then Carly was let out. She became the terror child running through the halls of the asylum. No one knew what to do with her. Then a man came to Sara’s new room. He said she was old enough now.” Francesca’s face went hard, her lip quivered in fear like remembering her own nightmares. “She wasn’t old enough for that! No girl is old enough to know the evils of a man. Then she stopped bleeding. That man made her bleed so badly she almost died. I found her then. She and Carly had run, and since she was near dead, they didn’t care. I took her to the brothel. There was nothing else I could do. I couldn’t stay on the streets with her. It was too cold, and she was so sick!”

  Francesca defended herself. “She wasn’t supposed to work. Ever. Really, I tried to stop her from working. But after getting better and knowing she would never bleed again, the matron put her to work. Sara cried so much the first week, the matron hit her until her ear started bleeding. The bouncer was worse; he took what he wanted whenever. He said since he took us in, we owed him.” She touched her face as she could still feel the sting of his fist. “We owed him.”

  Andrew couldn’t watch her face anymore. It hurt. He glanced at the porch to find Izzy standing there. She had tears silently pouring down her face. The pain in her eyes cut at his heart.

  Francesca continued, “Carlissa would do laundry when she wasn’t screaming. The matron didn’t feed her, so Sara and I gave her our food. Sara didn’t eat often anyhow. By the spring, Carlissa went to the streets during the day. A church lady would give her food to bring back to us, so for once we weren’t always hungry. She never made sweet tea or peach pie. We were so tired of working, but then the matron threatened to put Carlissa to work if we didn’t see more men. So we did. Then it got worse, until the matron told us Carlissa was working.” She closed her eyes in pain.

  Andrew prayed someone hadn’t hurt Carlissa. Somehow he didn’t think she had been. She was the healthiest with him. She didn’t cling to him, and she didn’t cower from him.

  “So we ran. I stole Sara a proper Christian dress. It was old and dirty, but it was proper. Sara and Carlissa went to that good Christian lady’s house. Her husband took one look at Sara and saw how Carlissa screamed, and he sent them packing.” She crossed her arms across her chest and looked at the ground, leaning against Phoenix. It was like she was trying to hide the dirtiness that man made her feel.

  What Andrew wouldn’t give to punch that man out for rejecting his girls once more. Another slice to their hardened young hearts.

  “We had to get away from the matron, so we traveled to Deer Trail. We found out they didn’t have street children like Denver did. We couldn’t beg. So we ended up stealing food and living at the ranch till you got there. Carlissa was in the woods that day Kat found us.” Her eyes went to Andrew. “Don’t let Charles take Sara because we owe him. You saved Sara’s life just like that bouncer did, and we owed him.”

  Andrew, who had years of training, flinched. His breath caught at the pain. He found his voice. “Francesca Starry, you or Sara owe me nothing. I saved Sara’s life because I love her. I would do it again and I would expect nothing in return. Do you understand me?”

  Francesca's eyes went to Izzy, who came closer. Izzy’s wet hair hung on the side of her face. Her face was still wet with tears. Then Fran glared at Andrew, swearing. “Men are all alike. It doesn’t matter, I guess men will always use us since that is what we are born to do.” She looked ready to be sick at her own words.

  Izzy touched her shoulder. “That is not true, Fran. Men are different. You were not born for that work. No one was. God created you for much more.”

  Francesca’s eyes got so dark, Andrew thought Izzy would back down, bu
t she didn’t. She was one tough woman. “If you believe that, why haven’t you told Jesse the truth? Because you know he is a man and one day all men want one thing.”

  Izzy took a step back like the words had slapped her. She said breathlessly, “You are wrong.” She didn’t meet Andrew's gaze, she just backed away and half ran away, but then she stopped and whistled. Phoenix untied his own rope and ran after her. She mounted and ran away.

  Andrew didn’t know if he should rebuke Francesca for doing that to Izzy or leave it, because Francesca had turned a big circle today by talking about her past. But he could still see the shame on Izzy’s face, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t because she and Jesse kissed. It was deeper. Like it was about her past. He had come to care for Izzy deeply. She had become a sister to him. “Francesca, one day you will see how wrong you are about life. Izzy loves you and wants the world for you.” He took her hand like he would a child. He wanted to hug her but knew that would be a mistake. “Francesca, no matter what happens and how much you push us away, I will always love you.”

  Her eyes showed so much disbelief. Then her eyes went empty. “We will see about that,” she muttered with hopelessness.

  WATCHING THE SUNRISE, Izzy walked until she hit the back of the barn. Thinking about how bright the sun was after yesterday's storm, she wished the outward storm was the only one going on, but she knew it wasn’t. The morning sky contained hues of vibrant pink, yellow, and orange. However, she didn’t feel the beauty of it. She heard something behind her and thought it was Phoenix coming for a snack or to comfort her. He always seemed to know when she needed him. Feeling a touch on her shoulder, it was a rough big hand. She reacted, pulled her gun, and held it against Andrew’s chest.

  Andrew held up his hands. “I am sorry. It’s just me, Izzy.”

  She put her gun away and wiped her eyes, making sure there were no tears. Feeling Francesca’s words between them, she knew she had to say something about it. “So how long have you known?”


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