Liberty Ranch

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Liberty Ranch Page 32

by Temperance Johnson

  Katrina looked behind her and saw women wiping their tears. Even some older men wiped their eyes with hankies. The men looked angry and ready to take on a fight for these children. Ben would call it righteous anger. Glancing at Andrew, her husband, who faced so much in his life and who continued to rescue others, she saw he also shed tears. His face was full of pain and anger.

  The judge sat back in his chair, looking like a king in his castle. "Will all rise?"

  Katrina stood up, holding Andrew to give her strength. 'God, please keep my babies safe.' She could do this.

  "After hearing both sides. Andrew and Katrina Starry have done a very good job of raising the two wards of the state for a short time. The facts are that the children, Sara and Carlissa, are wards of the state." He paused. "Given the facts, the children are wards of the state. Tomorrow the children will return to the asylum in Denver."

  The words he spoke were knives slashing and slicing at any hope Katrina had. By the time he had finished, she stood motionless and silent, unable to speak, unable to bear the crushing weight of guilt that she hadn't stopped this. Those girls were bound for hell and she had to stand by and allow that devil to take them.

  It was like her head was fuzzy. She walked out of the church. The air was still cold as it rained. Like Izzy said, God was weeping with them. She still couldn't breathe. She walked to the back of the church, leaning against the building. She leaned over and threw up, wiping her mouth on a handkerchief.. She hadn't eaten since that morning. She had felt nauseous for days. She had never known this kind of pain.

  Katrina walked away from what looked like chaos, but she couldn't seem to think straight. She just sank. She shut it all down. Just as she looked up she saw Julia walking to her. It was the last straw. If one person knew her pain, it was Julia. She was a mother. Tears fell as Julia's arms came around her. She held onto her sister, feeling utterly broken. They had crushed her spirit. Her arms would be empty soon.

  IZZY WALKED TO THE back of the church, knowing what the judge would say. Jesse had stayed in front. Walking out, her ears were still ringing from the judge’s verdict. She took off at a run to Annie's house. She nodded to Maverick, who looked ready to shoot someone.

  He went inside and a few minutes later he walked back out with the girls. As Izzy put Carlissa on a gentle, fast little mare, she hoped Carlissa could make the ride. As fast as they were going, they couldn't ride double. She told Carlissa to hold on to the horn and just let the horse follow them.

  Maverick put Sara on her horse as the people came out of the church. Since few people were in the street, they made a scene.

  Izzy mounted with a hand on her gun. If need be, she would shoot to protect these children. She felt cold. It scared her to feel this cold. She looked over at Sara. "Sara, ride like you stole it."

  Sara smirked. "I am good at stealin’."

  Izzy dug her heels into Phoenix's sides. The horse took off at a ground-eating run. The other two horses followed as she’d hoped. She didn't even hear the people screaming after them. She knew they couldn't follow. Timmy had let all the horses go. Only wagons lined the streets, and where Izzy was going no one would find her. She knew how to cover her tracks. She prayed it was enough to keep the children safe. Just until her friend could come and save the day.

  Chapter 42

  The air had cleared and the sun was out, much to Katrina's misery. She hated the sight of the beautiful day. It was anything but beautiful for her. Going to find Andrew, she had a plan. She couldn’t give up her girls. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. Finding Andrew behind the barn chopping wood, it looked like he had chopped enough for three full Colorado winters. “Andrew, we need to talk.” She crossed her arms.

  Andrew swung the ax again. “What?” he muttered.

  She looked around, feeling like maybe someone from the court was spying on them. No, they were probably still searching for the girls they wouldn’t find. Izzy knew these mountains and she knew how to protect them. Especially the ones she loved. “We need to find the girls, take Francesca, and run away. We can go as far as the Oregon territory, up into Washington or Dakotas.”

  He stood up but he didn’t face her. “We can’t.”

  Feeling rage go through her, she walked up in front of him and hit his chest. “Why? You have never denied me anything. These are my babies. The first ones I ever had and they are headed to hell, Andy!” She grabbed his vest with her fists, her eyes shooting bullets at him.

  Andrew grimaced. “Kat, we would always be on the run. It would be wrong. We would never make it through the northern winters with no help. It wouldn’t happen.”

  She dug her face in his sweaty shirt, too exhausted to cry. “Then what are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know.” His arms came around her. “I am praying for a miracle.”

  She agreed a miracle is what they needed. Trust in God with all your might, actions, and power. He would lead her paths. closing her eyes she prayed, when Alice ran up. “Mrs. and Mr. Starry, my grandma wants you up at the chapel.” She nearly danced. “It's a miracle. You have to meet her. She is here. She came!”

  Alice was talking so fast it was hard for Katrina to keep up. It didn’t matter because Andrew took her hand and nearly ran to the chapel. Like it had been for a while, there were horses, wagons, and buggies all around Liberty Ranch from people helping and visiting.

  Nearly running into the chapel, Katrina's eyes had to get used to the dim light. Then she spotted Cole, Juan Jose, Mabel, Jesse, Mr. Heyman, and another woman she didn’t know sitting around a table. There were papers lying on the table.

  All eyes turned towards them as they walked down the aisle. Mabel greeted Katrina with a hug. “I would like to introduce you to Dorothea Dix. Miss Dix, this is Andrew and Katrina Starry.”

  Katrina’s mouth fell open. She couldn’t believe this woman, who couldn’t stand more than 5’6”, was the woman who changed the north and south for the asylum people. Mabel put a hand under Katrina’s chin and shut her mouth. She nearly gasped in embarrassment. “I am sorry. I am just so surprised to meet you.”

  Miss Dix smiled. Her brown hair was pulled back in a loose, becoming bun, her brown eyes showed compassion and discernment. “I am honored to meet you. Anyone that has the courage to have a ranch for touched people is very open minded. I have promoted this for many years now.” She shook Andrew's hand like a man would. She was serious and business-like. “Please have a seat.” She sat down. “Now I was just talking with Mr. Heyman here about giving the girls to you. And any other children who are too sick or need more than he can give.” She spoke softly but also firmly like she had done this many times.

  Katrina didn’t know why she was being so kind to the man. He was so evil. She just nodded.

  “Now I have wired Judge Boyer and he has agreed to this as long as everyone is in agreement. What do you say, Mr. Starry?”

  Andrew blinked. For a man that didn’t get surprised by much, he was in shock. “Yes, I will do my best to raise Sara and Carlissa.”

  “Very well.” Miss Dix nodded. “Mr. Heyman, you are in agreement.”

  He grunted. “If I have to...” He started to make excuses.

  Andrew's hand went into a fist. Katrina covered his hand when she spotted a dark look from Miss Dix.

  She spoke up. “You know you are overrun with people at the asylum already, and if you agree to let the children be raised by the Starrys, you can all work together, and never go to court again.” Miss Dix allowed an edge to her voice but said the words with such sweetness it was hard to miss. She pushed the papers to him.

  Mr. Heyman nodded and sighed as he signed his name to the paper. He shoved them at Andrew. “Here, now the brats are yours to keep, but stay out of my way.”

  Katrina took his arm with both of her hands.

  Miss Dix nodded to him. “Now you can sign it and no one will take your children from you again.”

  Andrew looked over the paperwork and signed. As he did, tears c
ame to his eyes. “I don’t know what to say, Miss Dix. I can’t thank you enough.”

  She smiled. “Thank me by continuing your work with the touched. Now I have to go and see how Mr. Heyman runs the asylum.” She gave Cole a big motherly hug. “Now give your sister a big hug for me. I will see her again one day.”

  Cole nodded. “She will be sorry to miss you. Thank you so much for coming.”

  Miss Dix just nodded like this was her life's work. As she started down the aisle, Andrew called out to her.

  She turned and raised an eyebrow.

  “Why were you nice to Mr. Heyman?”

  Miss Dix had that same compassionate look. “You can get better results with honey than vinegar.” Before leaving she added, “God bless your work.”

  Katrina cried tears of joy.

  SOMEONE TOUCHED IZZY'S shoulder. It took her a second to wake from slumber and point her rifle at the abuser. "Izz, it's me," Andrew spoke softly.

  She nodded and stood. As she felt unsteady, he held her arms. Getting her balance, she smiled. "So she came?"

  Andrew gave her a fool grin. "Yes, she came to save the day. They signed the papers already. The girls can stay forever."

  She nodded, feeling so exhausted after this ordeal.

  Jesse rode up. Nearly jumping off, he stalked over to her and took her in a hug, holding her out so he could see her. "I was so worried, Angel.”

  She hugged him back, then glanced at Andrew.

  Andrew took Carlissa in his big arms. “A lady from the east made sure you stay with us forever."

  Carlissa's eyes got big. "Forever!" She smiled brightly.

  Andrew laughed. "Forever and always."

  Izzy was so overcome with joy that she hugged Sara. “You get to stay, sweetie.”

  "Let's head back to the ranch," Sara muttered and mounted Whisper.

  After packing up, Andrew took the lead down the mountain. “Don’t wait too long comin’.”

  Jesse took him in her arms.

  Izzy stepped closer. Feeling small and safe as his arms wrapped around her, she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch, his comfort. "The girls are safe, Jess."

  She felt him nod. "They are very safe because of you. You are so brave and reckless."

  She stepped back, knowing the shock she was about to tell him. "Jesse, I need to tell you somethin’." She knew it would be better to get it over with. They had hours to get home. She didn't want this between them. She turned her back to him.

  "Izzy, what is it?" Jesse asked, concern in his voice. "Nothin’ could be worse than these last few weeks, Angel."

  Her legs feeling weak, she sat on a rock. She was not facing him when she whispered, "I am with child." She heard Jesse gasp.

  She turned to face him, his face showing shock and then horror. "How?"

  Her eyes got wide. Crossing her arms, she gave him a look like he was a fool.

  "All right, I know." He ran a hand through his hair. "I can't believe this. I never even thought you could be in that way."

  She put her arms around her waist, feeling sick. Feeling cheap. So ashamed.

  Jesse was not seeing what she was going through. "What are we goin’ to do?"

  Standing, she glared. "What do you think?"

  He paced back and forth. "I don't know. This is a mess."

  She placed her hands on her hips. "This is a mess we caused, Jesse." If looks could kill, he would be dead. "My baby is not a mistake and if you don't want the child, then I can raise him on my own. I don't want to trap you in somethin’ you don't want."

  "No, that is not what I meant," he drawled. He looked at her stomach, as if he were finally realizing what this meant. He stepped closer. "I just didn't think of this happenin’. It makes me think of what my family would say or yours." He ran a hand threw his hair. "What would Ellen think?"

  Izzy wasn't ready to touch him, to comfort him. "She would say mistakes are mistakes. Now we move on and make do with what we have been given."

  Jesse’s eyes misted over. "She would have loved our baby."

  Izzy felt too cold. And it had nothing to do with the cold of the mountains.

  He walked closer, taking her hands. "All I know is I want you and I want this baby. We will be married in less than a week and be startin’ a whole new life together."

  Izzy couldn't take it anymore. Maybe it was the baby? Maybe it was being exhausted? Maybe it was wearing thin for weeks? All she knew was she let the tears fall. She put her hands on her face and sobbed.

  Jesse put his arms around her. "Oh, Angel, don't cry."

  It made Izzy cry all the harder. The cold she felt was softening, but she knew it had to leave. She just didn't know how. She cried till she felt sick and knew she wouldn't be able to make it down the mountain if they didn't get going. She wasn't staying up here alone with him. Even for one night. She pulled away, wiping her eyes.

  Jesse handed her a cloth, handing her a canteen. "Drink this," he told her, and then he started picking up the camp.

  Izzy was feeling better by the time Jesse had everything ready, though her headache stayed on. She said nothing as Jesse helped her up. Knowing she didn't need help, she was thankful for his kindness. She took the lead.

  After a while, her head started bobbing, feeling her body relax, her eyes closing.

  At a meadow, Jesse stopped Phoenix. He took her hand. "Izzy, come here." Before she could say anything he picked her up and put her on his lap, her legs to one side. "I will not have you fall off this mountain, Angel." He tied Phoenix's reins around his horn.

  Izzy tried to argue, but it felt wonderful, relaxing and taking the weight off. She felt fat and ugly. She would never be a little maiden on her wedding night. Looking up at him she put a hand on his chest as she whispered, "Jesse, can you kiss me?"

  His eyes melted. He took her cheek in his hand. His calloused hand was ever so gentle. Right above her lips he teasingly whispered, "Angel."

  Izzy felt a tingle in her. When his lips met hers, she felt her heart fly, feeling safe. He tasted of salt from the tears she had shed. His lips were as light as a feather. He was giving to her as he deepened the kiss. He pulled back with a content sigh. "My lovely angel. You are my treasure," he whispered breathlessly.

  Izzy leaned against his chest. "You are my man."

  Jesse put his hand on her flat stomach. "Ellen always said, ‘The parents might make a mistake, but babies are never a mistake’."

  Izzy looked up at him. “She would have loved this little one.” She touched his face when his eyes grew sad. "I thought if the baby was a girl, we could name her Ellie May."

  His eyes misted as he smiled. "I think she would have liked that." He let tears run down his face this time. "Do you know you are perfect for me?"

  Izzy nodded contently. "I know, love." She settled back down in his arms, feeling content like she belonged there. Heading down the mountain, they could face their choices, their actions, and the future together.

  Chapter 43

  Mabel took Katrina in her arms as she met her on the walkway the next day. Andrew and Chaeles stood back watching. Katrina had needed to get out of the house so they went to town for lunch. They were still rejoicing over the good news.

  Andrew greeted Charles. “We have hope we never had before. I think this might pan out.”

  “You got that right,” Charles said. “Dorothea Dix is a remarkable lady.”

  Katrina was rejoicing all that had happened. “She is a very gracious lady.”

  Mabel was recalling what Miss Dorothea Dix had done until she glanced over and saw Peter walking up to them. She quickly took Andrew’s hand as fear overcame her.

  Andrew’s stance was full of control. His look was not inviting.

  When Peter reached them, he smiled lightly. “Hello.”

  When no one knew what to say, Peter cleared his throat. “Well, I made you all speechless. I deserve what you have to say or think.”

  Katrina agreed with that. She could see he had thought the
way of most of the world on touched people.

  He looked at Andrew and Katrina. “I want to ask you to forgive me. What I have done to you was wrong. I didn’t support you and I believed lies about your children.” He took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “When the hearing started, I still believed the lies, but something changed. You have such faith like your God can do anything. It might be funny coming from a pastor, but I haven’t believed in God like you do. You know what your children can do and you believe in them. You believe God will help you through this trial, even when it didn’t look good. I have been so wrong on so many things. Will you forgive me?”

  Katrina stared at him. Hearing him say these things was like she was in a daze. Was he honest or just using them?

  Andrew spoke first. “Yes, I do forgive you. Thank you.”

  Katrina nodded. He seemed to be honest. “I forgive you.”

  “Thank you so much.” He turned to Mabel and Charles. “I am glad you both are here. I would also like to apologize to you both as well. I know none of my words can take what I have done to your good name.” He looked at Mabel. “I have hurt you and blamed you for many things, Mabel. I took it out on you and not Charles. I knew I would have to work with Charles occasionally. He was quieter, even though I knew he thought the same way as you did. You were so outspoken and I knew you were right. Deep down I knew you were right, even past the lies and judgment. It made me feel guilty. So, I acted out in anger. I hurt you in ways I can’t go back on. I went after you by using your children and that was so wrong. Can I ask your forgiveness, Mabel?”


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