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Manhattan Sugar (From Manhattan Book 1)

Page 22

by V. Theia

  It’s fucking exhilarating if we’re talking truths.

  To realize I was only half awake my whole life until this strong-willed, more than tenacious woman reached out and asked me for help.

  She plugged me into a current that it’s impossible to think of returning to my old life. A life I enjoyed but now I knew to be colorless without her.

  I love my music. I love my work. But India… hell, she gave me fireworks and fresh cocaine in my veins and she’s every piece of dreamed happiness I could ever want.

  Let her slip through my fingers? Not in this fucking lifetime.

  I met her half way, keeping my hands in my pockets.

  Nimble toes closed the distance as my gaze ate her up. Tracing over the circles under her eyes, the way her hair drizzled strands around her face. She looked less troubled than she had.

  It was India who reached out first by sliding her arms around my waist until her fingers joined at my back.

  The surprise being I hadn’t rammed my cock into her yet to teach her a fucking lesson that she is loved and wanted and cared for and she can freak out and I’m right here waiting for her to come back to me.

  Stupid of me? Not this time. Love was not always the bed of roses we envision, and I didn’t want it to be perfect.

  A perfect life didn’t exist.

  But me and India exist and what we shared had the potential of perfect love.

  I wanted flaws and cracks and a passion so bright I’m eviscerated by it.

  No surprises for guessing who made me feel like that.

  She’s five foot and change and giving me a moss-green expressive gaze.

  “I’m sorry I ruined another night.”

  “Nothing is ruined, India. You’re here. I’m here. Looks pretty-fucking-perfect to me.”

  “I talked to mom. She said you stopped by. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Unable to keep my hands to myself I swiped a hair from her eyes. “Honestly? I didn’t think you’d like me going to see her. You’re a prideful woman.”

  She was quiet, eyes on my chest. I tipped up her chin.

  Protect. Provide. It’s there, banging inside my chest.

  A musical note only I could hear.

  India was every symphony I could ever want.

  She’s the strum on a guitar string and the thump of a drum.

  My brave girl with the twitch of her smile was the whole thing I knew I wanted from life. If happiness came with distress, I still wanted it.

  If it came with her daily struggles I wanted it.

  Holy fuck, this woman was the whole shebang to me, and just seeing the flecks of surprise in her eyes she still had no clue, not really.

  Through agonizing times her heart became guarded over time.

  I leaned down and kissed her lips. Gave her some sweet first.

  She hummed going up on her toes.

  I knew she wanted more.

  My India loved my kiss.

  She loved my fuck and she loved that I’m a slave to her wiles.

  She’s beautiful even with hesitancy in her eyes and I became ... stirred.

  She’s also … “Mine.” I told her and watched her eyes open. “Yeah, baby-girl. You heard me. You’re mine. And it’s time I showed you just how fucking mine you are. I missed dinner, and I’m hungry.”

  The air turned thick around us. It pulsed and sang a song only we could hear. With a strategic move I took her down to the floor. Held her there with my body.

  She purred and moaned, reaching for me. I pinned her arms above her head.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  I’ve found my one. And she was sitting in a café with sadness secreted away in her heart.

  I’m ready to burst out of my fucking skin to piss a circle around her, to climb mountains to stake my claim on mine.

  Rearrange my whole damn molecular structure if I have to.

  Because my writhing girl chanting my name when I tore her robe open to feast my eyes was about the best damn thing to ever have happened to me.

  “Destroy me with your desire,” her sultry tone unleashed whatever I was holding back, and I bit her neck, her shoulder, I staked my kisses in a line between her breasts.

  “Mine,” I forced her to hear.

  Rough hands crawled all over her. Owning her. Giving and taking.

  I licked her.

  Tasted her.

  Taunted her with slow, meticulous swipes of my tongue.

  She was beautiful. And she was mine.

  “You taste dirty,” another lick. “My girl so sweet. Are you dirty for me?”

  “Yes. Yes! Gray, please.”

  “Dig your nails into the floor.” I sucked her pleasure center with a madness streaking through me to turn her inside out. To have her feel even a percentage of the fucking crazy banging in my chest. “You’re about to witness real hunger…”

  Her pleasure fed me.

  But I needed more sugar than this.

  So much more. I’d get it too.

  Because I love.

  And I love hard. With every breath in my body.

  I loved her so fucking hard.

  I don’t know what I was doing that night by going out to Frost. It was one of Noah Fierro’s best nightclubs in New York. He happened to be married to my best friend and I was well known there so Miles, the bouncer, waved me through the red roped area.

  Gray was working late, and I was bored of filling out job applications. Also, I might be distracting myself from meeting the parent’s tomorrow night.

  It was evident even though the club was gorgeous with its strobe and laser lighting and jumping music I loved that I was over the whole nightclub scene for the sole purpose of hooking up with someone. It felt good. To sit at the bar and just enjoy myself in the moment with my drink. To know I had Gray to go home to was even better and had me smiling to myself.

  Two queers not long after broke into my solitude.

  I felt glamorous in my mid-thigh dress. Floaty at the bottom and fitted around my bust in summer pastels with a touch of sparkle over my boobs. I dressed to only impress myself. Other than Gray who was hard at work with shoes across town.

  “I thought it was you, beautiful,” a deep whiskey-soaked voice spoke over my shoulder. I recognized the tall black man with his vivid iridescent eyes the moment I turned on my stool.

  “Well, if it isn’t Tom the fucking super model, how’s it going up there on cloud celebrity?” I accepted his double cheek kiss and wandered my gaze over his lightest gray mélange cross hatch skinny jacket and matching pants with a white t-shirt underneath. Against his mocha skin and clipped hair, he looked as always effortlessly handsome enough to drive the twinks nearby wild.

  It was the most casual I’d ever seen the famous model in as long as I’d known him. He was always switched on for the paparazzi.

  The backstory on this guy and how I knew a runway model was a simple one. We had people in common as most friendships happened. He had a disliking for my best friend for years because Tom was getting banged by Sena’s now hubby at one point but was dropped when Noah fell for Sena—but Tom cheated before that. Resentment was a bitch when you didn’t get the love … or the good dick from the one you wanted.

  He’d never said a bad word against Sena to me, I would have ripped his innards out, so for that reason I’d been on semi-acquainted terms with him for years. It was semi-civil between him and my bestie now since Tom and Noah were in the restaurant business together.

  “I have no complaints. How are you, beautiful? Haven’t seen your effervescent self in months.”

  No one would mistake this guy for anything other than an alpha-animal as he surveyed his surroundings with an air of both boredom and glorifying judgment. I always got the impression Tom was persistently aloof and with one eye on anything else in whatever conversation he was in. Some people had those the grass is always greener over there type of personalities.

  “I haven’t been to the clubs much late
ly.” I shared, and only then did I notice Tom’s gaze pin somewhere behind me. His face had gone from indescribably blank to that of someone pulsing out heat and wants to fuck now pheromones.

  The fire was gone in an instant.

  “Here’s your overpriced gin, you snob. Shouldn’t we get a friend’s discount if your ex owns this joint? I could have bought half of a Fiat car for what I just fucking paid for that drink.” A much younger guy appeared and thrust a glass at Tom who took it, raking his gaze over the boy.

  Well, this I had to see more of. I swiveled on my stool to get a better look.

  And was surprised by what I saw.

  The first thing I noticed was how cute the boy was. Teen romance kind of cute.

  The second being, Tom the fucking super model extraordinaire was robbing the damn cradle.

  I didn’t hide my grin or my raised eyebrows at mister salty.

  His handsome face was on every fashion magazine in print. And I should know, before this money drought situation I bought them all monthly. He was headliner for fashion week all over the world.

  He was big shit in the fashion world.

  And he was hanging with a deliciously tall and much younger twink?

  Sena would lap this shit up.

  I wondered if I could snap off a picture of them together and not get caught?

  The slim boy was over six feet with a close-clipped dark mohawk swept off to one side, piercings in both lobes and eyebrows and tattoos down both of his arms. Dressed in simple jeans, sneakers and a wifebeater. And holy shit, he was cute.

  If this guy was out of his teens I’d eat my thong.

  I watched Tom staring a heated warning at the guy who only turned a smile on me instead. “Hey. I’m—”

  “He’s no one.” Interrupted Tom with a tone like burnt rocks. It was clear he wanted young, fresh and jailbait to shut his trap. The boy didn’t seem fazed as he grinned at Tom and rolled his pretty eyes.

  Secret lovers? This was getting better.

  “Hello, no one,” I laughed. “I’m India. I hope you know you need balls of steel to deal with this asshole.”

  Tom appeared remote with his brow arched arrogantly.

  And didn’t the younger guy laugh in a rusty baritone and flash a gorgeous grin at Tom like he didn’t give a fuck by his intimidation tactics.

  “He takes asshole to the next level. Believe me, I know it.”

  “Why don’t you go and dance?”

  Tom and no name spoke over each other.

  “When I tried it earlier you got pissy and said I was showing you up, you asshat.” Mocked no name and dared lean in to Tom’s space and snap his teeth. Tom sucked on his lower lip, his jaw ticked but there was definite desire in his dark eyes for the guy.

  The look reminded me of how Gray gazed at me.

  Like he wanted to eat me up and wouldn’t be needing a spoon.

  I felt my belly dip and my heart registered I was missing him. It was just a few hours, but I missed the rock star.

  While Tom and his very young paramour visibly fucked each other, talking in low, intimate tones I fished out my cell phone.

  India: Are you done gluing shoes? I’m bored at the club. I was thinking of cereal on the couch and then dirty sex.

  Sugar Daddy: Who are you at the club with?

  Sugar Daddy: NVM. All I saw was dirty sex. Do you want me to come and get you?

  India: Myself. I think I’m maturing. Don’t tell anyone.

  Sugar Daddy: All your secrets are safe with me, sweetheart.

  India: You don’t have to get me. I can grab an uber.

  Sugar Daddy: I can be wherever you are in ten minutes, India. Any time you need me.

  Heat pooled between my legs and I was suddenly eager to be at home. I told him where I was.

  Sugar Daddy: Wait inside until I text you, not on the street.

  India: Yes, Sugar Daddy ;)

  Sugar Daddy: For that, the dirty sex just got upgraded to include spanks. Your ass needs reddening from my hand.

  India: Dirty old man. *excited* Come and get me. I’m waiting.

  Sugar Daddy: On my way, baby. I missed the fuck out of you. I need my mean-girl.


  Gray was leaning in the archway leading into the living room when I was finished cleaning off my makeup.

  And he was in a mood.

  The energy crackled out of his pores like a thunderstorm ready to snap the night sky.

  His hooded lids masked a sea of slate looking at me as I advanced down the hall. Looking like a sexually aggressive praying mantis waiting to gobble me up, a stirring didn’t so much as start in my abdomen as it did crash land with feelings and desire burning me up.

  No sooner was I near the beautiful man with his low hanging black pants and shirt unbuttoned down to the belly button showing off the happy trail I loved to kiss, he grabbed me around the waist. Startling a giggle out of me, he slammed me up against his chest and locked his lips on mine in such a frenzied kiss my brain began leaking endorphins at an alarming rate.

  Unexpected waves of feeling poured out of my heart as it fell over in my chest and refused to get back up.

  With the taste of the sweetest man in my mouth I didn’t want to be anywhere else but right here pinned against a very hard body.

  Restraining me gloriously next to a book case, his hands slid under my dress and skimmed down my panties.

  “I missed you.” He groaned, pressing starved kisses to my throat.

  Excitable pixies wearing huge clogs danced in my belly. “I was only gone a few hours.”

  “I fucking missed you.” Another crushing kiss. This one sent my head spinning with his skilled use of his tongue. We kissed until there was no more air and he was lifting me up by my butt cheeks, so I could easily wrap my legs around him.

  His first thrust took him to the hilt in one soaked glide, my neck arched on a silent scream, pain and pleasure became one and I let go of wetness against the onslaught of his frantic movement.

  Oh, god. Nothing had ever felt this good.

  No one had ever been this wild to have me.

  Every stroke of his hands.

  Each bite of his mouth, I felt his desire rippling through his flexed, pumping body.

  I felt the dramatic pounding of his heart through my chest and with each slam I fell a little more for Gray.

  “Need you. Need you.” He groaned into my mouth. Lashing me with his tongue. Owning me with his body.

  “Have me then, you wild, fucking bull.” I turned my head to his heavily veined arm holding up the wall, streaked my lips across his inner wrist.

  As our eyes clashed he had to have felt it too.

  Couldn’t only be me feeling that pulse of electricity … that awareness of something deeper than just sex.

  No more thinking.

  Only Gray.


  Gray rumbled a teasing laugh against my inner thigh, vibrating my skin causing flickers of pleasure to travel through me. One little laugh and I’m ready to pound his face with my aching-wanting-greedy sex.

  “Oh, Christ.”

  “Go ahead and pray, baby-girl,” he instructed with a growl-nip combo. “I’m about to make you come all over my face.”

  His words—so dirty. So perfect for me. It’s like I met not only my match but my sensei.

  His first lick was wet. The way he teased open my sex with both thumbs and gazed at my vagina like he was memorizing for a test the next day had me more than ready to be wolfed down.

  But Gray was never predictable, instead his tongue flicked and built me up into a blissed ball of heat starting from the middle of my belly and it flooded outwards to every nerve ending.

  I had to see... I needed to watch his dark head between my legs because the way he grazed my clit in a fast tormenting format it’s like he’s auditioning to be the next porno king of the world.

  Jesus. He got the job. He’s fucking hired.

  My head fell back on its own accord. I c
ouldn’t keep my brain in check, not with how good he was making me feel.

  Lick. Stroke. His tongue and fingers worked in tandem, there wasn’t a part of me left untouched even for a split second.

  I gathered fast.

  Gray got me there in minutes and when he crawled up my body to watch me pant and shudder my way down from the ceiling he looked mighty fucking pleased with himself.

  Holyyyyy fuck.

  Maybe my over-thinking brain was still lagging the rest of me, but my heart had fallen in love. Every rapid beat was screaming out a concerto of Gray’s name.

  “That was over before I was ready.” He said licking his lips.

  My eyes stayed there on his mouth watching my own wetness disappear onto his tongue.

  Laying like a limp doll, my pelvis experiencing tiny shockwaves, affected by the hand he slid around my belly, up between the valley of my breasts and around my throat. I loved the way he savored touching me.

  “Give me a few minutes recovery then prepare to get the blowjob of a life time.”

  He laughed, nuzzling my ear.

  He was such an affectionate puppy.

  I didn’t know I loved ear nuzzles until right this very second. Now I wondered how I’d done without them.

  “I thought that was only guys?”

  I managed to flip up an eyelid to find him watching me.

  Smirking. Gorgeous. Man.

  “I’ve just had the life licked out of me, Grayson, after an epic bout of wall fucking before that.” There went his smirk, like he was so damn pleased with himself for destroying my body. “Give a girl a moment to come back into her skeleton. Then blowjob.”

  Eyes drifted shut again, I shimmied a little to encourage his hand to keep on going with his affectionate petting. It was both charming and addicting. And it was testament as to how far this living with a guy thing had come for me because I actively looked for his affection, craved it even.

  “Epic….” A thoughtful expression shifted across his face. “I can’t wait.” He husked and drew circles around my navel.

  Which I now knew was another erogenous zone.

  My second wind came not even seven minutes later.


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