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Manhattan Sugar (From Manhattan Book 1)

Page 23

by V. Theia

  “Can I just say thank you for manscaping this groin beautifully?” Straddled over his lower legs with my hand rolling lazily up the thick root of his cock, I hummed while my other trailed through the finely clipped pubic hair surrounding the pulsing beast and down to his straining sac.

  His mouth twitched, it’s clear his dirty humor shone in his eyes as he pressed his lips together.

  I grinned in return, pinching the tip to make him replace his grin with a torn-out groan.

  I loved the fun of sex we shared.

  It’s something else Gray had given to me

  My palm lazily roamed. “Go ahead and say it, I know you want to.”

  A starved noise came out of him. And then. “It makes my junk look bigger.”

  I huffed amusement. Nothing could make this tank look bigger than it already was. He’s so fucking cute, even as beads of perspiration gathered on his forehead and the force of his arousal nudging me.

  I leaned in and kissed him, his juicy mouth beckoning me and like every kiss we’ve shared, Gray took over, lashing the roof of my mouth with his tongue. Each sweep was directly connected to the apex of my thighs and fresh wetness he hadn’t licked already gathered.

  He was aroused, painfully so if the thick pipe dripping in my hand was an indication, but he never rushed me, he was content enough to watch me under hazy half-mast lids as I got him as rock hard as I could, before I engulfed him in that first, leisurely, teasing suck.

  Gray’s back left the bed and when he pitched both hands through my hair the scrape of his fingers on my scalp felt like he was bringing me to life with shocks of energy.

  To please him was ... extraordinary.

  His head bobbed back on the pillow like it was connected to a string. The cords of his sexy neck strained tight, the vein there pulsing erratically as I glanced up to see his reactions as I fed my mouth down part way, getting accustomed to his girth, because the man was big.

  Fuck big, he was almost splitting my lips at the seams.

  And with every sweet suck it was inevitable I fell a little more.

  His grunts became music I wanted to dance to.


  Rolling off Gray it was only quick thinking on my part to brace a hand to the soft padded headboard crawled half way up the wall to stop from completely falling off the bed. Every part of me sex-trembled and who could blame me when I’d just ridden one hell of an orgasm out of Gray.

  Looking at him, with his eyes closed and all his body open for me to gaze at, I got a weird sloshing of pride rushing through me.

  I’d done that.

  I’d utterly wrecked him with pleasure and now I couldn’t feel my hipbones.

  Eh, who needed bones anyway.

  Gray’s fingers lightly touched me and just like that he revived me.

  I pressed a kiss to his closed eyelids and slid off the bed to the bathroom.

  After seeing to my bladder, I took a cloth to clean him.

  He watched me from under sex-heavy lids like he had a school of secrets hidden in the dusky irises.

  “You drive me crazy in the best of ways, India.” He husked. “Your energy feels like I’m in a wind tunnel 24-7 and you have me addicted to the exhilaration, I swear.”

  I crawled back into the sprawling bed with the silver fan gently whirling above us and flopped onto my belly. Gray promptly scooted closer, kissed my shoulder blade and settled beside me with his fingertips running from my butt to my nape and back again. The motion lulled my eyes closed.

  “I’m your India dealer,” I joked and felt his kiss skim my ear.

  “I’m an India junkie.”

  As distractions went for forgetting I was meeting his parents tomorrow, a marathon sex session did the trick nicely. My brain had nothing else to work with other than restoring my vagina to her factory default state.

  “Mmm. I love it when you touch me.” His hands scorched around the underside of my boobs, down my back and up against my nape and I swear it was like being bathed in sun on a tropical beach. Poetic sickness, for sure, but nonetheless it’s how I felt tucked up warm with a perfect man at my back while he leisurely lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

  There was no better sleep medicine for an erratic mind than Gray Ellison.

  He sure was better than over the counter medicine at the pharmacy.

  “You say sweet things when you are half-unconscious.” He whispered, making me undulate my ass against his groin.

  Content to lie there while he stroked me, I buried my arm under the pillow, burrowed my face and murmured a hum. “It makes me think I should always fuck you into this state, baby-girl, so you give me your sweet. Because, I’m fucking addicted to those words.”

  Oh, god. Suddenly my heart stalled then thumped hard.

  How did he say those incredible things at the right time?

  Using the opportunity Gray palmed a boob when I inhaled dipping my back in a stretch. Leaving it there he settled over my back, kissing my ear, rubbing his lips against my throat.

  “Don’t go quiet on me now when I have you like this.”

  Drowsy and smiling I gave in. “I didn’t know living with a guy would be so fun. I like waking up to see your face, Grayson. And hearing you in the shower and watching you shave and choosing clothes for the day. I like cuddling watching tv with you and helping to make a messy dinner.”

  After each confession his arms grew tighter around me and I felt his smile pressed against my neck.

  “You make it easy to forget all the bad.”

  He kissed the side of my head. “You make everything more, baby-girl.”

  Still boneless, it took him no effort to lift me on to his front with my legs split over his trim waist. I thought he was getting us comfortable until I felt the probing of his cock at my entrance and inch by inch he slid inside me.

  I flinched around a moan. Sensitive from all the sex, my downstairs area was swollen and overused from his massive, pounding sex. “Needed to be inside you, are you okay?” He grunted, palming my butt to keep me right there.

  “You want me to sleep with you inside me?”

  Blink. My body heated, not from sexual longing, but the intense way he’d said it. As if it was a real issue him not being as close to me as he needed.

  “Do you think you can?”

  Only one way to find out.

  I nuzzled Gray’s neck, inhaled his unique fragrance as I relaxed into him. “Just don’t do rude things to me while I sleep.” He hummed. “Okay, just two things.” I relented.

  I wished I had more conviction in the strength of how I felt outside of our sex. This feeling now as I settled down on Gray’s body with his arms lovingly wrapped around me as he whispered inaudible things, sweet things, was as true to me as breathing and I wanted that to continue in the hours in between sex.

  Because I knew one thing for sure. Gray was the best thing of all best things.

  I couldn’t have wished for a better man to come into my life at the right time with the right tools to help my mind.

  He gave me reasons.

  And happiness.

  And he’d given me himself.

  I felt twelve years old when my mind whispered; It’s mine. I’m keeping it.

  “Grayson. If you’re taking me to a murder house I won’t be happy.”

  “You’re obsessed with me being a secret serial killer, baby.” Amused, he pressed his face into my hair, kissed my ear before edging me forward.

  Blindfolded, Oh, yeah, he’d done that.

  I didn’t have the first idea where the hell we were.

  Only that we were somewhere in New York on a clear, brisk day and Gray appeared to be unlocking a clanking metal door in front of me while I clung to his jacket pocket.

  Look, he was handsome as hell. But it screamed murder house to me.

  Lucky for Gray I had trust he wasn’t about to measure me for a skin suit.

  Get dressed. Wear something comfortable were my only instructions an hour ago when Gray said
he had somewhere in mind to take me. I hadn’t expected the kinky blindfold in the car.

  “Do I get to know where we are now?”


  Patience? Didn’t he know me yet. I was not a patient girl.

  “If I see a sex swing or it’s a public orgy I’m leaving you.” I told him.

  “No, you won’t,” the smile came through his voice and wrapped its sexy sounds around me as deep as a hug, “you like me too much.”

  I pft. “Don’t get cocky, mister. I like you a little, that’s it. I don’t think our sugar daddy contract included kinky blindfolds.”

  A palm came to my butt and he squeezed, mouth near my ear.

  “Say kinky again, and I’ll fuck you against this wall.” He warned, kissing the side of my neck and for a second … a crazy panting second, I was going to tell him yes please.

  Because it was Gray. He made me crazy horny.

  “But you’ll hate missing what I have for you…” and he whipped off my blindfold to showcase a giant warehouse with the sliding door pulled open.

  Okay. As surprises went this was a ...

  “I’m still circling back to this being a murder house.” I told him as he took my hand in his and led me inside.

  Rows and rows as far as the eye could see of ceiling high, immaculate metal shelving in neat little rows, overstuffed with white boxes.

  The place was enormous. At least a football field and then some.

  I was still none the wiser. I assumed he was taking me to brunch or maybe to a movie before we headed to his parents later.

  When Gray flipped on fluorescent lights I think my poor little heart stuttered.

  Because what was revealed was shoes.

  Thousands upon thousands of rows of shoes.

  I’m not proud of the girlish scream that came out of my mouth when Gray’s surprise was revealed, and I looked down into the fathomless long aisles.

  I hadn’t focused much on his wealth before now.

  When he talked about his work it was always about making a good deal or the product itself, he never once boasted about how much he made. Gray was passionate to succeed but I always had the impression he didn’t equate success to the buck.

  I knew he liked fancy things, and expensive fashion, but didn’t we all? But he was also a slob in jeans and happy to eat pizza from the box and to strum his guitar in front of fifty people, so his money and how much he’d earned really fell by the wayside the more I got to know him.

  But seeing the shelves full of his stock I was in awe.

  And my poor pitter-patter heart couldn’t cope being that close to so many designer shoes.

  I turned excited eyes on the smiling man at my side ushering me inside. He closed the door behind us as I stood there, mouth gaped, staring and lusting.

  “You brought me to your shoes, Grayson!”

  “I did. I thought you might like to visit the warehouse while it’s my employee’s day off.” His smile turned me on. “You are beyond beautiful for words right now.” A tap of his lips to my forehead and I steamed up inside.

  I wish I had some resistance to the feelings he evoked in me, but my willpower was at ground zero. And when he did sweet things for me like this? I was a puddle wanting to dive into his arms and cuddle him.

  “You can go wild, baby. We’re in no rush to be anywhere.” Pushing hands into his pants pockets he followed behind at a slower pace, obviously enjoying seeing me lose my shit over so much sparkle and glitz.

  “Are you kidding? I’m almost sure I never want to leave here, you’ll have to bring my contact case and toothbrush. Oh, god!” I exclaimed in a high-pitched squeak seeing an aisle dedicated to my favorite designer.

  My hand unconsciously reached out and gripped his shirt.

  “Grayson. Why did you do this?”

  He smiled and arched a brow. “My girl likes shoes. I have shoes. We’re replacing the ones you sold.”

  “No!” I gasped with disbelief. He was kidding, right? He was giving me shoes?

  I was having an out of body seizure.

  For a penniless girl from the island, having fought my way up the career ladder by myself, my one indulgence had been shoes. Selling most of my babies these past weeks, not gonna lie, it hurt worse than if I’d killed a litter of kittens.

  Shoes were my big passion.

  My vocation in life.

  My not-so secret lovers.

  And each leather pump owned my fluttering baby-bird heart.

  Helping Gray recently to choose next year’s stock with him gave me a huge kick of addictive satisfaction.

  And now this! I was dizzy.

  “I think I might come in my pants.”

  Gray chuckled. “Let me know, so I can slide my hand down into your panties and feel it happen.”

  My giddy locked and loaded, he trailed at a slower pace behind me while I touched and lifted shoes and smelled them and fawned over each one. “If I wasn’t so busy falling in love with these sling backs I might have climbed you like a tree and sat on your face, Grayson.” I gushed, and I heard him moan.

  “Now I regret bringing you if I’m missing out on your pussy.”

  I leaned into his shoulder, drunk on the smell of leather and glamor.

  “This is … it’s too much. I feel lightheaded.”

  But I was smiling so wide my cheeks hurt.

  “Come with me.” He took my hand, led me down one aisle, while my eyes cartoon wide tried to peek into all the boxes, gaping at the signs indicating which section held which shoes. Everything was spotlessly organized.

  Oh, babies. Mama is here now.

  “I remember you said last year you wanted a pair of rose gold Casadei pumps, yeah?”

  My heartbeat picked up.

  He did not.

  Stopping in front of a sky-high mound of boxes, he grabbed one … my size I noticed on the side … and flipped the lid.

  I swear fanfare music played in my ear canals and a spot light shone down on the rose gold Casadei shoes before me.

  “What are you doing to me?” I croaked, and I could have sworn tears stung the back of my eyelids.

  Gray was so earnest as he smiled and went down on his haunches, plucked off my tennis shoe to replace it with the most beautiful rose gold creation I’d ever seen.

  “I’m making my girl happy.”

  I swooned right there.

  By the end of the two-hour tour Gray was carrying out seven boxes in his arms. My hand tucked into the back pocket of his jeans.

  My face beamed so much it ached.

  It wasn’t the fact he’d given me shoes why my feelings were on fire.

  It was the man himself.

  Because he’d done something purely for my happiness.

  Whatever I tried to do to shield myself from taking that last plunge he somehow managed to slip under my barricades without my noticing.


  “I don’t care if I pee my pants with nerves, look how sexy my shoes are!” I exclaimed as I slipped my hand into Gray’s larger one outside of his parents Carnegie Hill townhouse. It was as you’d imagine it to be. Huge. Stately. Beautifully rich and it only made bile slosh around in my stomach for a moment.

  I’d spoken in front of dozens of hard-assed and hard to please executives before pitching difficult ad campaigns and I rose to the challenge. But this, waiting on the step with just a door separating me and Gray’s family had a tremor unmoored within me.

  “Hey now. Nothing to be nervous about. You’ll like them.” Gray coached, kissing my lips and then my nose. I loved his nose kisses. Silly kisses.

  I unconsciously moved closer into his side.

  “It’s not me liking them that’s the problem. What if they don’t like me?”

  He gave me that are you nuts eyebrow He’d been reassuring me all day that it was a relaxed dinner, no big.

  But he should know by now I’m not always social and since I was trying to be the realest me possible I wasn’t always the gr
eatest approachable person either.

  The deep bass of my heart could be heard clear in Queens.

  With my beautiful leg-lengthening 4-inch heels I was still dwarfed by the man at my side looking at me with kindness and understanding as he ran a finger down my cheekbone. I felt every ounce of my femininity with him towering with his strong jaw set in that way making the muscle twitch.

  My body deflated with nerves scratching at my spine to turn around and climb back into his Bentley and return to the apartment.

  Why was it even important to meet the Ellison’s anyway? Gray and I probably wouldn’t last much longer. There’s always a time limit to any relationship and who knew before I ruined it.

  Letting go of the air trapped in my lungs I sighed and told myself not to be the biggest coward bitch in the city.

  It was a parent’s dinner, not a firing squad.

  I liked food. I liked wine and Gray and I were bringing several bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon.

  Silver linings, India.

  The second his arms folded around me the relief turned my bones to jelly and if not for Gray with his massive force holding onto me I sure as hell would have bolted back to the car.

  Truth talk. I was fucking scared his parents would hate me on sight. That they’d see where I came from and would be able to smell the so-called gold digger they’d assume me to be.

  Yeah, I was prejudging. I had fucking anxiety. I anticipated problems where there was none.

  “You don’t have to be strong all the time, baby-girl. I got you. Do you hear? I got you.”

  “I hear you, Grayson.” I burrowed in a little more to the hard chest. “Hold a minute longer, okay?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Long as you need.”

  Comfort was a strange manifestation. You’re literally giving your worry into someone else’s hands with hope they could burden it alongside you. There’s no reason for me to mistrust Gray. He’d constantly shown who he was and what he wanted. He murmured ‘mine’ in my ear while he fucked me often enough for me to play dumb where he’s at emotionally in this relationship of ours.

  I just didn’t know if I was the person he needed in the end.

  Was I capable of making this great man happy?


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