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Embers of Anger (Embattled Hearts Book 1)

Page 14

by Anna St. Claire

  “That is a marvelous idea! I like it. And Aiden doesn’t keep up with what month this is. He won’t know we are celebrating early.”

  “It’s settled, then. I’ll be out there with a—”

  Before she finished her sentence, the doorbell jangled, and Jackson pushed his head through the swinging doors. “You have a customer, Sara.” Seeing no one, and hearing no reply, he stepped into the kitchen area. “Ella?”

  “Ella, please take this for Aiden.” Sara spoke loudly, nodding towards the footsteps. “I will bake his cake and bring it to you. I may stop by tomorrow while I deliver a couple of meals to some of the shut-ins.”

  “He will love that. Your cakes are the best. Thank you, Auntie Sara. Remember…six candles.” Ella smiled. Picking up a cake pan, she gave Sara a quick kiss. “Perfect!”

  “Ladies?” Jackson smiled at both. “Sorry to intrude, but you have a customer, Sara. I didn’t think you heard me, and I thought you might want to know.” He smiled and tipped his hat.

  “See you tomorrow, if it works out.” Sara winked at Ella. “And I may help you with that dress a little.” She turned and gave her biggest smile to the Colonel.

  “Oh yes…you know I am terrible with the needle…but I’m trying.” Ella felt her head, making sure she tied her bonnet. They were ready to go.

  “Colonel, perhaps I will see you again soon. Aiden’s birthday is in a few days, but I may bring his cake to him tomorrow.”

  “Oh…I almost forgot.” Jackson grinned. “Marshall asked me to bring back some of your delicious cinnamon rolls, Miss Sara. Would you have any baked today?”

  “Oh my! Yes! Please bring the lieutenant colonel these.” She picked up a small tin of cinnamon rolls, wrapped them in a towel, and handed them to Jackson.

  Miss Sara, I would prefer that you had an escort to Silver Moon. There are quite a few miles to cover, and the roads are isolated and lonely. Not to alarm you, but we believe we have men—we suspect former slaves from a nearby plantation—that have attacked people. They are still running loose, and that could pose a danger to you. We are trying to track them now.”

  Jackson watched her, familiar with Ella’s adverse reaction to anyone helping her.

  “Of course. Would there be someone who could leave about noon? We close tomorrow, and I have some shut-ins to visit in the morning.”

  “Yes. Let me head back to my headquarters and plan. I will return in ten minutes.”

  Ella and Sara looked at each other as the door shut behind him. Sara’s face showed alarm. “Now what? How will I see Nolan if I’m surrounded by his men?”

  “Ah! You now understand my dilemma,” Ella smirked. “Well, just leave that to me. I will take care of the colonel’s man.”

  The next few minutes passed quickly. The bell to the restaurant rang, announcing that their time for plotting was over.

  Jackson entered and approached the two conspirators at the counter.

  “All set. Sergeant Johnson will drive you. He will be here with a wagon at eleven-fifty tomorrow morning.”

  “Thank you, Colonel. You are most thoughtful, suh.”

  They are guarded, he thought. About what, he hadn’t a clue, but he was sure it wasn’t about their kiss. He knew Ella well enough to know that she kept things to herself until she was ready to share. He hoped when she shared anything about their kisses, it would be with him. Maybe there could be another…moment.

  Jackson smiled and tipped his head. “I think we should get back on the road, don’t you, Miss Whitford? It’s getting a little late, and I think it would be a good idea to travel the road in the daylight.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I hadn’t noticed the time.” She gave Sara a quick hug. “Everyone will be so happy to see you.”

  “You be careful around Jason,” Sara said, speaking low into her ear.

  Ella nodded and clutched her basket.

  Leaving the restaurant, Jackson looked up at the sky. “We should hurry. It’ll be dark soon. It’s one thing to drive back myself at dusk, but I don’t want to have you on the road.”

  Ella felt irritation at his remarks, but she noted it was much less than she usually felt. Perhaps he was getting to her. She looked up at him and couldn’t help the smile.

  Taking her hand, Jackson helped her into her buggy, and then hoisted himself up beside her. As he touched her hand, a familiar but nagging surge of heat coiled in her stomach. She studied Jackson, the warmth of their touch still on her mind. He was concentrating on the drive, but she was concentrating on him.

  Ella tried to hide her smile, but when she couldn’t, she looked down at her lap, still thinking. It’s hard to dislike him—he’s such a gentleman, and so kind and thoughtful. And his gorgeous eyes don’t hurt. She had to concede that he looked better than what she was used to around here. There had been little to look at since the war started.

  “So, did you have a good visit?” Jackson smiled in her direction.

  “Yes, I did. Thank you kindly for escorting me.”

  “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

  Guarded, she nodded. Ella noticed his face had turned serious.

  “I overheard Miss Sara’s comment about your overseer, Jason, and I can’t help but wonder why she was cautioning you.

  Ella was peaked. How dare he listen in on her private conversation? He goes too far! Her face heated with anger. Balling her fist into her skirt, she started to convey her anger, but stopped. What was wrong with her? He was in the room and Sara had not whispered. Of course, he could hear it. Maybe she should tell him.

  “He frightens me.” She responded and went silent, trying to decide how much she should say.

  He slowed the wagon down and faced her. “It’s important. I have reason for asking.”

  “He follows me with his eyes whenever we are close. And when we are on the wagon or go to town, he gets too close and…well, he slides real close on the seat. And there is this smirk he always wears lately. Our interactions are…disturbing.” She felt relieved sharing this fear of Jason with Jackson.

  “Has he ever touched you?”

  Ella thought about that. “Yes. I find it very inappropriate he tries to sit so close that his leg touches mine. He slowly slides towards me, thinking I won’t notice. May I ask why you ask?”

  “Well, I noticed him staring at you this week, so I approached him and pretended I needed information about some of your folks still working your land. Instead of answering me, he told me I was paying too much attention to you and said your brother asked him to protect you.”

  She shuddered. “I don’t know what to say, except that cannot be true. Nolan would have told me.” The concern etched on Jackson’s face was palpable. She trusted him. “I try to avoid him.”

  “Thank you for sharing this with me. The behavior I witnessed seemed odd—almost possessive, but I did not think it dangerous. However, it bears watching. Would you let me know if you notice anything else?”

  “Thank you, I will.” She smiled, feeling a sense of relief for having shared her fears with him. He didn’t dismiss her anxiety but listened and offered support. This just added to the feelings that Jackson stirred in her.

  Colonel Jackson Ross muddled her thoughts when he was around, yet she was most comfortable when he was near. That sudden realization alarmed her. His presence was making her life very interesting, but maybe not all in a bad way.

  Chapter 15

  Ella woke the next day amid a hubbub of activity. Jackson had started his project. She looked briefly at the bell pull that hung in the corner near her bed. It had been years since she had pulled it. No, she insisted on making her servants—her friends—feel they were part of her family. Before that, her mother had done the same. She was always working alongside her help.

  A cup of hot chocolate would suit her right now. She always associated hot chocolate with her mother. These thoughts brought melancholy, a feeling she was experiencing more of late. She needed to shake off the errant thoughts.
She didn’t want to feel sad. Resolute, she moved her feet over the side of her bed and pushed them into her slippers.

  The sun broke through the curtains. Daylight. The day promised plenty of stress. Maybe there will be some happiness, too. She smiled.

  Sara was coming today to see Nolan. She would also bring Aiden a cake.

  Ella realized she still needed to tell Aiden that it would be his birthday. Today or next month, Aiden wouldn’t know the difference, and she’d fill Lizzy and Carter in on the plan. Her little brother liked surprises and would most likely enjoy a little celebration, something she hadn’t thought she could do this year. Nolan could share in the party somehow. She couldn’t think too much about that; she needed to get things ready.

  Jackson was smothering her with his concerns, and this Yankee stuff going on was taking over her entire life. She didn’t want to give up her life to a man, especially to a man that could harm her brother.

  It was time to get up. She needed to let Nolan know Sara would be here soon.

  “Lizzy! Could you help me with a few things?” She leaned over the balustrade, hoping Lizzy was nearby.

  She finished her toilet and once again checked the hall for her friend.

  Lizzy came up the stairs, arms full of linens. “Miss Ella, I heard you call. I hope you didn’t mind the extra minute. I grabbed the clean linen.”

  “Goodness no! I would have helped with that.” She reached over and took the top of the stack. “Let's put these up together. I want to fill you in on my plans—but we must hurry.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Sara is coming today.”

  “But, Miss Ella…”

  “Shhh. We must be quiet, or he will hear us.” Smiling, and then placing her finger over her lips, she whispered, “Nolan plans to leave soon—maybe tomorrow. I wanted to give Sara a chance to see him. I need to work this out without the colonel or his sidekick seeing or suspecting.”

  “You are so right. They always be showing up exactly when you don’t want them.” Lizzy grinned. Fishing around in her pocket, she absently jingled her house keys and then smiled. “My! I thought I had misplaced these. I was hoping they’d turn up.” Lizzy started down the stairs but lowered her voice into a collaborative tone. “Come, I have clean linen for Master Nolan. I started to take them to him, but the colonel showed up. He’s in the library.” She shook her head, “I think this might have to be a two-person job. Do you want to distract the colonel, or would you rather I do it? And when do you want to share the birthday news?” She turned and grinned at Ella.

  “Lizzy, what would I do without you?” A smile lit up her face. She felt good about her plan. “Well, there’s not a moment to lose. We should do this.”

  Jackson waited in the library. He needed to speak with Ella about yesterday. His impetuousness could have injured her reputation, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret those moments. The thoughts of their intimacy—even though she had gotten angry—stirred him.

  She was on his mind constantly. The night before, he had looked over at his pillow and wanted to see her next to him. He wanted to caress her, taste her lips, and know her in his bed. The thought made his pants tighten.

  That was just what he needed.

  He heard light footfalls coming down the hallway. They were coming towards the library. Yes, timing was everything. He quickly sat down behind his desk. Marshall was observing some of the field training and would be away for a while.

  Three quick knocks on the open library door drew his attention. “Come in.” He looked up expecting to see her.

  It was Lizzy who entered. Almost instantly, his mood changed. “Is Ella not well this morning?” he ventured. He could feel his body cooling.

  “No, she is well.” Lizzy arched an eyebrow at him.

  Noticing her expression, Jackson realized he was still sitting, an unusual greeting from him. Lizzy had noted it.

  He slid out from behind the desk. He never sat when a guest entered the library unless he could not move. His mother had drummed manners into him from the time he was in leading strings.

  “Suh, we could use your help. We want to get a small party together for Massa Aiden. It's his sixth birthday this week. Could we bother you to help move furniture? Carter pulled out his back, and I was hoping not to let him hurt it again.”

  That was odd. He had just seen Carter carrying a large pack of woodchips to the barn. He hadn’t appeared to be injured.

  Well, he didn’t want to pry in their relationship, but it seemed Carter was putting something over on Lizzy.

  Or was someone putting something over on him?

  Nah. It would be obvious. With my military preparation, I would be hard to fool.

  Still, something didn’t feel just right. Jackson followed Lizzy to the ballroom to see what was needed.

  “Miss Ella thought a small party in this room would be fine. With Bo in the mix, we need to have plenty of room. The young Massa mentions often how much he admires you.” She looked up at Jackson. “We want to give him a pirate party. It would be just the thing for a six-year-old. If you feel like it, maybe we could borrow one of your tents, or make one? With the storm and now all of the men, Aiden isn't allowed to play outside unsupervised. Since he seen your tent, suh, it’s been all he talks about.”

  “Well, I’d be honored to help.” Flattered that they would think to include him in the planning, he decided a cleaner tent would be the thing. “Have you any spare linens?”

  “Yassuh. What would they be used for, if I can ask? Would tablecloths work?”

  “No, no, I think we should design Aiden a tent. Ours are all in use, but they are dirty anyway. I will work with Marshall to make him a fine tent. He will be able to use it anywhere in the house.” Jackson headed towards the door.

  “Suh, where are you going?” Lizzy’s voice stopped him.

  “Sorry, I got carried away. I’m going out back to get the wood cut for the frame. This will be fun.” Jackson’s smile ignited his face. He felt like family, being able to do something for young Aiden. He still wanted to talk to Ella, but that would have to wait. This was important, too.

  Ella heard Lizzy and Jackson talking in the back of the house. She felt bad about the deception, but things being what they were, she had no choice. She grabbed up the stack of clean linens and scooted into the entry closet, heading to her brother.

  Nolan was sitting in the chair, sipping a hot cup of, well she wasn’t sure what he was drinking. He had a terrible look on his face. It must have been one of Ol’ Indie’s potions. “Hello, brother dear!”

  Making a weird face, he gulped down the rest and put his cup on the table, almost with a slam. Good thing the noise down here was covered up with the ground and the walls between. No one heard anything that happened in this safe room.

  “Well, how are you feeling?” She placed her hand on his forehead. It felt cool, normal.

  “Ol’ Indie says I’m betta. I need to get back to my regiment. I hate to leave you, but I’ve already been gone too long.”

  She gulped, agonizing over the thought of him leaving again, and placing himself in harm’s way, but if he didn’t leave, he would be a deserter, and her brother would never allow that. She hadn’t told him, but Ella was proud of him. The least she could do was get him and Sara together for a visit. They needed to see each other.

  “Let’s not talk about you leaving. I know it’s coming.” She gazed around the room at the starkness. Her brother had stayed here, undetected, stealing out in the night for fresh air. He had a lot of determination. This war had dealt him circumstances she would have found objectionable.

  Maybe it was as Mamma had told her—men were built differently from women. They could do things women could not tolerate. Exactly all of what that meant, Ella wasn’t sure, but she thought this could be part, even while a small measure of her had questioned the veracity of this adage.

  “I’m so sorry that you have been stuck down here.” She noticed that he was staring off. “What are yo
u worried about?”

  “You.” He grimaced. “Had I known Father would abandon you and Aiden, I would have found a way to stay. I feel negligent. I’ve left you to fend in a desperate situation. We all thought the war would end quickly, but I fear that will not be the case.”

  “Don’t fret so, Nolan. You have not been negligent. Anyway, I have plenty of help right now.” She rolled her eyes and looked behind her up the steps. “I have too much, I think.”

  “Yes, him. I sense you want to tell me something about him, but I’m afraid to ask.”

  “No, there is nothing there.” Ella blushed and she could feel the warmth travel up her neck.

  “Ahh. Yes, I can see that.” His brows drew together. “I am familiar with the reputation of the colonel. Even though his men revered him, it was because of his fairness towards his men, not because of fear. He was a good leader. I admit, the man is being good to my family. I cannot hate him. He pays you, you say? That’s incredible.”

  She nodded. “I do declare I was surprised. He insisted on payment.”

  “They may pay, but it rarely happens. Tell me, sister, what else is keeping you busy. It pains me I cannot be more involved.”

  “Oh! I have a surprise. I need to get upstairs soon, so I must tell you.” She watched his face. “I visited Sara yesterday. I told her you are here.”

  “What? Why? Do you realize that you are placing both of you in danger, sharing information like that? It’s bad enough you have had to risk your life putting me up while I healed. But—”

  “Shush! Sara and I have this worked out. Now, please don’t be mad, just listen.” She took a deep, calming breath before continuing. “Sara is coming here to see you. We are calling this Aiden’s birthday. Before you object, it won’t make that much difference to Aiden. And, it’ll really be only a little early. Aiden won’t know the difference. She plans to bring a cake.”


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