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Sweet Surrender

Page 1

by Angel Steel





  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form, or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, except by reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and are coincidental. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  All products mentioned in this book belong to their rightful owners.

  I do not claim any of these products to be my own.

  Publisher’s Warning:

  Readers with a history of sexual abuse may find elements of this story disturbing.

  Sweet Surrender.

  Copyright © 2013 Angel Steel

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Sweet Surrender (Sweet Series, #2)



  I gladly give myself over

  PROLOGUE | 5 Years Ago

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58


  The end. | ABOUT AUTHOR | Angel Steel's longtime love for books motivated her to write her first story. Angel, her husband, and their four beautiful children have lived in Queensland for the last thirteen years, as a family. She is a lifelong book addict. And is surrounded by loving family and friends. When she's not writing, she can be found spending time with family or friends, or chilling out reading a book or two.

  Sweet Surrender is suspense filled and evocative. Sexy, with twists that will keep you turning the pages. A book that you won't want to put down until you've finished it. By Kristy Louise At-Book Addict Mumma.

  Angel Steel does not disappoint with all the sex scenes that happen between certain characters in this story. She has a way with describing with detail that makes you look up from your book to make sure no one can tell you’re flushed and possibly sweating from excitement while you read through the scene. Don’t fret there is a story in between the sex. A very good story! By Ikelia at-Confessions of an Obsessed Bookoholic Anomaly.

  Sweet Surrender will definitely have you surrendering. Angel did her thing with this folks; she knocked it right out of the ball park. The sex scenes were so hot I thought that my kindle would catch on fire. The story line was done with perfection; I loved the way how she did the story from all the characters point of view because there are a lot times when I’m reading a book and I would want to how a character would feel about a certain situation. This book has it all, and trust me when I say that you will not want to put the damn book down. By Rosemarie McKenzie at-Love Drug Book Blog.

  This book screws with your emotions so bad, I'm not sure which way is up, that's how bad I'm disoriented (and yes it's in a good way) The book takes over where book one left off and it still breaks my heart re-reading a scene, "It doesn't matter anymore, Dom. I'm sick and tired of wasting my time on you, trying to get your attention, or anything out of you. Don't worry, I won't bother you again. Goodbye Dominic." As we get to the end of the book I was truly nervous that Chantal and Dom's story would have a damn cliffhanger but, can’t tell you that secret, if it will or not, but there is a cliffhanger about someone/something else. By Heather Andrews at-'A Crazy Vermonter's Book Reviews'


  I would like to thank my husband, Gavin, who has stuck by me throughout this wonderful journey. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. For his constant encouragement, throwing ideas at me and listening to me bitch about why my characters won’t do as their told, and spending hours finding the right pictures for my teasers, to reading everything I give him, and giving me his honest opinion, even if it turns him on ;).

  His is the only man I need in my life, my One and Only, forever and always, baby. You are my world and beyond, nothing but just us in this world, besides our beautiful children you gave me. I will always love you till my last breathe and beyond.

  I thank you yet again for your patience, understanding, and trust. Thank you for being you!

  To Terry Galloway, thank you so much for what you have done, for Sweet Temptation. You have made my book better than it was, with your keen eye, your words and love put into it. I know you would have done the same for this book, and I’m sad that you have stopped doing your dream job, but other important things come before our dreams and I understand that, love you sweetie, heart and soul.

  Katie and Lea, I don’t know how I can possibly thank you both enough for what you have done on this book. But I’ll give it a go, Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into editing and making my work look as perfect as possible. I promise the next book won’t be as long, fingers crossed, don’t hate me if it is, but I will give you both enough time to have it done, in a better time frame, Although out of this business relationship, I have received 2 amazing editors, but also 2 great friends that I cherish, with my heart, thank you again, I look forward to a continued professional relationship with you both for many books to come, love you both.

  To my current beta readers:

  Dawn Martens; Thank you for being the person that you are, everyone needs a great Canadian friend just like you. Have no clue why people bitch when all the author needs is complete honesty and you do exactly that. You are straight to the point when feedback is given and love you for that, whether it pissed me off or not, love ya girl .

  Sam Stettner; I love when you read whatever I send you; you are straight to the point, very thorough with what you love to do, reading books. I’m very grateful for meeting you on Facebook, although you are an amazing beta reader, you are an amazing friend to have, love ya sweetie.

  Charlene Martin: I know it wasn’t much on what you helped with in this story, but it meant so much more to me, and I can never thank you enough for the ideas that you gave me, love chatting to you, we will need to plan a visit half way between us somehow, so we can meet in person. You are a beautiful, loyal, trusting friend, you have made me laugh and cry from either helping with your books or just in general. I’m here night or
day for you babe. I am so glad to have you in my life and cherish our friendship dearly, love you sweetheart.

  Heather Andrews; What can I say, damn woman you can read quickly, I thought Dawn was bad, but you hit that straight on the nail, thank you for your honest feedback, and review. Can’t wait to see what you think of the next one.

  Lisa Watmough; Sweetie, your pm’s made me laugh when you were going back and forth from beta reading my book to sending me messages, I don’t think I have laughed so much with what you wrote. I’m sorry if you throw your kindle, that wasn’t my intention. Love ya sweetie, remember, I’ll let you know when 3 of my kids are heading your way on a plane, just need to figure out what airport you need to pick them up from ;). Would love to keep you on as a beta sweetie, just let me know.

  Kristy Louise; Babe, love you so much, sweetie. You are an amazing friend, mother, wife and Aussie blogger. You are one talented woman, never give up on your dream, keep doing what you are doing, no matter what, don’t listen to all those sad saps out there, just tell them where to shove it, or send them my way. I’m so happy that I met you, not in person yet, but that will be very soon, you are such a beautiful person, inside and out; don’t let anyone tell you differently. Babe, any time you want to have a chat about anything, you have my number, I’m here always for ya. Love you.

  Rosemarie McKenzie; Woman, love your accent, you are the sweetest, honest, trustworthy person I have met in a long time, had a blast having you as a roomie in Vegas, can’t wait for next year sweetie, you will get to finally met my hubby in person . Love ya babe.

  Not forgetting the rest of my betas; Chaude Weyers, Kristen Teaff, Tiffeny Moore, Tianna Croy, Jodie Squelch, Jodie Stripetich Amanda Johnston, Shelleyanne Fogarty, Abby Isabella Bearden. Ikelia Francis. Thank you all so much for reading for me and all the feedback you gave me; I have met some great friends through writing this book. I’m sorry if any of you threw your ipad/tablet/phone when you were reading this book, I had to laugh when most of you sent emails/pm’s cursing me about what was happening or did happen, you all should know me well by now, I can’t help it lol. Happy to have you all as friends. Can’t wait for you all to read the next one, love you all.

  A huge shout out to Christina Goblin, one of mine street team whore’s. Thank you so so much for pimping out my teaser pics, random posts, and just in genera pimping, love ya sweetie.

  Also a shout out to all my girls on my street team, Angel’s Book Whore’s. Thank you for all giving me your opinions on what I posted up for all to read, the honesty, and complete trust, love you all, whore’s.

  And Last but not least, Thank you to Addie, My American friend for doing an amazing job on my book trailer  love ya sweetie.

  Cover Art by-

  “Cover Design-Arijana Karcic, Cover it! Designs”

  Editing by-

  Katie Mac and Lea Burn- email-


  This book is dedicated to three people in my life.

  Gavin; for just being you, please never stop doing that. Your my world and would never ask for anyone else, you make it better to be here, with you beside me through it all.

  Velda; you are the closest person that I have to a mother, you are always there for me and my family through thick and thin, without your wisdom, support, and unconditional love, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Thank you for everything that you have done. I love you.

  To my Mum; it has been 21 years since I last since your beautiful face, or heard your soothing voice. God took you for a reason, knowing you were meant to be by his side, as the angel that you are. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, wishing that you were here with me going through this wonderful time in my life, that you could have seen your 4 beautiful grand children grow up, or met the man of my dreams, you would love him as your son-in-law. I miss you every single day, but I know that you would be proud of me for the person that I have become, I love you. I know you are happy up there, and looking down from there keeping us safe out of harm’s way.

  I gladly give myself over

  To the every whim of my master

  Bowed before him

  On my bended knee

  I am bound to do

  Whatever he pleases

  I want to do all of the things he says

  Playing games that he plays

  Doing the things others dare not mention

  Giving myself over to his

  Sweet Temptation

  So hard and then so tender

  I give myself willingly, wholly

  To the Sweet Surrender. By The Lost Poet.


  5 Years Ago

  Chantal drove towards her parents’ house, contemplating how she was going to tell them about her career change. She was sick and tired of doing what they expected of her, just to keep them happy. She was finally going to do things for herself now, not just for them. She hated being the only child, although it had its ups as well as downs. She had received everything she wanted when she was younger. Now, though, what she wanted was to learn for herself. She had been living in her own place for the last six years. She saved the money she worked so hard for at her job as a secretary, even though she hated that job, and now she wanted something new. She only went into it in the first place because her father had found the job for her, first with his and then with his best friend’s, law firm. She could not tell her father that she was going to quit and start anew, especially doing something of which he would not approve.

  She was going to meet up with Ruth from the real estate office about a property she was looking at, down the main street. It was the perfect spot; a cute little building that was once a bank and would be perfect for what she had planned. How the hell was she going to explain to her father that she intended to open up her own shop? He would be angry, of course, but the worst part would be when she told them what kind. She hadn’t told anyone what she was doing, not even her best friend, Skylar, who she missed dearly. If she were with her now it would be so much easier for her to talk to the

  Watching as the cars around her sped by, and getting closer to the hell that would hit the roof, she considered telling them something different, but knowing her father, he would find out soon that she wasn’t working full time at his best friend’s firm any longer. She had never wanted to be there, and only did it to make him happy. Not anymore. Now, it was time for her to stand on her own two feet and do what she wanted to do for a living.

  Maybe she should just call them and say that she was busy doing something other than driving to their place. She knew that wouldn’t work, as her father or mother would drive to her place instead, or even worse, her workplace.

  As she was changing lanes to pass the car in front, a loud bang erupted from the side of the car. Unknowing if it was hers or the car beside her, she screamed and gripped the steering wheel harder as she felt it shake in her hands. Unsure as to why, she merged from the lane onto the shoulder and pulled to a stop. She did not need this now. Of all the days for this to happen, today was not the day.

  Sliding out of her Ford, she walked around to where she believed she heard the noise. She noticed straight away that her back tire was flat.

  “Damn it,” she groaned.

  Looking around at her surroundings, she realised she was nowhere near the closest gas station. She was not going to hail down someone to help her; she was brought up better than that. Walking to the passenger side, she reached for her purse and pulled out her mobile. Bringing up her father’s number, she hit dial but it immediately cut out due to no service. Great, she did not have time for this. She had to meet the agent later that afternoon to check out the shop. It was the only day left if she was really interested in buying it. Ruth had told her they had several people that wanted to purchase the shop, but she was holding it for her.

  Chantal held her phone in the air, trying to get any kind of signal. She paced, back and forth, near her car. She really didn’t want to be stuck here with no way t
o contact anyone, let alone try to convince someone to help her. Sliding down the side of her car, she crouched, leaning her head against her knees, although hard to do in the skirt she wore. She faced away from traffic, which was a good thing. She did not want to cause an accident, given the view that she was showing. She needed to think of what she could do, since she could not get any reception.

  After God knows how long she sat there, with still no service, she was ready to wave down one of the drivers that sped past her, since not one of them had stopped on their own to offer any help. She was on the verge of screaming out in frustration when the rumbling of a bike caught her attention. “Where the hell was the bike?” she wondered to herself. Looking under her car towards the highway, she saw two wheels parked on the opposite side. After lowering her body to the ground and looking further around, she couldn’t see anyone that was with it. A dark shadow fell over her body, and she stiffened.

  “Miss, are you alright?”

  Oh my God. That voice was sexy as sin. Breathing slowly, she thought to herself, “Please, be at least good-looking.” She attempted to sit up gracefully, but of course, that did not happen; her skirt pulled higher up her thighs and she felt the stare of the stranger following the rise of it. Blushing, she gripped onto the car door, ready to lift herself up.

  “Let me help you up,” the stranger offered.

  Raising her hand to him, he pulled her up ever so gently against his chest. Where did this guy come from? Moving back a little to see what he looked like, Chantal lost her breath at what she found: black hair, light blue eyes the color of the ocean, and skin tanned to perfection, from what she could see of his face and arms. He wore a pair of jeans that looked sinful on him, and a black t-shirt, which emphasized his chest and arms. His feet were clad in boots, huge motorcycle boots. He had the cutest dimple on his left cheek, and she could just make out a light dusting of freckles across his nose. Damn, this guy was fine, where in the world had he been hiding?


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