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Sweet Surrender

Page 2

by Angel Steel

  Shaking away all the thoughts of what she wanted to do to this fine specimen of a man, she moved out of his reach. Brushing her skirt down, she felt a little uncomfortable that she had been so close to showing what she had on underneath. Looking back at him, she blushed as he watched her straighten her skirt.

  Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked over at her car. “Are you having car troubles?” he asked.

  “Yeah, my tire blew out. I was trying to get service on my phone and call for a tow truck, but I don’t have any reception,” she replied.

  “Do you have a spare? I can change it for you so you can get on your way. If you waited for a tow truck you might be here for a while.”

  “I don’t want to inconvenience you, I’m sure they won’t take that long,” she whispered.

  His phone started ringing. She watched as he lifted it up, and then shaking his head, he placed it back in his pocket.

  “It’s no inconvenience at all, darling. My name is Dominic Grayson. I’m here to service you any way I can,” he said with a smile on his face.

  Why did he have to go and say just that? She could think of many ways that he could service her, but none of those had anything to do with the car. Lifting her hand out to him, she said, “I’m Chantal Winters.”

  He looked down to her feet, his gaze lingered on her body then proceeded up to look her in the eyes, and then he grinned. “Well, nice to meet you, Chantal. Such a pretty name for a gorgeous girl.”

  Blushing further, she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to hide her nipples that had hardened against her top, which were very noticeable. That voice of his sent a wave of pleasure through her, straight to her core.

  Moving closer to her, he asked, “Do you have a spare in the boot?”

  Unsure that she could reply with the right answer in a normal voice, she nodded instead. She watched as Dominic walked over and popped the boot, then lifted out her spare tire and jack. Walking over to the side of the car with the tire, he dumped the spare beside the flat one. After loosening the bolts, he knelt down and jacked the back end up, then worked at removing the bolts.

  He made it look so simple, but she had never changed a tire in her life, let alone anything else to do with her Ford. Leaning against the side, she watched the movement of the muscles in his arms work, which was sexy as hell. She could stand there all day and watch that view.

  “You will have to get a new spare when you get that one fixed,” he instructed, pointing to the one on the ground. “This one is bald, how far do you have to go?”

  Glancing towards the road, she whispered, “Umm, about 15 kilometers on the highway, then 4 kilometers in.”

  “You’re heading to Greens View?” he asked.

  “Yes, to my parents’ house. Then I need to go over to Glacier.”

  “I don’t think you will be able to make it to Glacier on that spare, especially with the cops around.”

  “I’ll get a new one before I head over there, but I need to be at my parents’ house soon,” she replied.

  “I’ll have it changed for you in no time,” he said with a smile.

  Chantal watched as he ripped the old one off and replaced it with the spare in under five minutes. If she had attempted that, it would have taken her all day. Placing the old tire and jack in her boot and closing it, he moved toward her while wiping his hands on his shirt, giving her a glimpse of what was underneath. She could just make out his six-pack, and he was as tanned there as he was on his face and arms. Damn, it really was getting hot out here. She fanned herself against the flush she got viewing his body. He was definitely a walking wet dream.

  Dominic lifted his hand to her face and lightly touched her cheek, making her suck in a breath at the contact. “You feeling alright?”

  “I’m fine.” Jesus. There was no way she was going to tell him that she got a hot flush just by looking at him. Moving aside, she said, “Thank you for changing it. You really didn’t have to, Dominic.”

  “Call me Dom. I do that for a living. I’m a mechanic at my friend’s workshop ten minutes from here.”

  “Wonder if he fixes all those cars shirtless. Maybe I should pull out a wire or something just to see if he does,” she thought and grinned to herself.

  Dom pulled out his business card. “If you ever need any work done on your car, give me a call and we can arrange it.” She reached for the card he was offering and then slowly pulled her hand away after accepting it. Dominic grabbed for her hand and brought it to his mouth, and then lightly kissed it.

  “Thank you,” she panted.

  “It was my pleasure, Chantal,” he answered seductively.

  What was with this guy? He was a walking, talking sex god.

  Dominic walked over, lifted his helmet over his head and started his bike. Flicking the stand-up, he saluted her, before he gunned it up the highway.

  Sex on legs and a bloody motorbike—what more could a girl want? If she ever dated someone like him her parents wouldn’t approve, but she didn’t care. She wanted to be with someone that made her happy, not them. She jumped back in her car and pulled out, driving towards her parents’ house.

  She had never believed in love at first sight—thought it was a load of crap—until she met Dominic. The butterflies in her stomach were one sign. The fact that her heartbeat accelerated when he was near was another, though even his voice did that to her, too. As she took the turn-off to Greens View, she knew that she had never been in love, but had a feeling this is what it would be like.

  That was the day that she fell in love with Dominic.

  Chapter 1

  Dominic had not planned to spend his New Year’s with Elisa. He wanted to spend the holiday with someone else, but knew it would never happen. After parking his truck out back, he walked inside his place. Leaning against the door, he knew she was down in the room, kneeling on the bed and waiting for him. His cock was hard, ready to fulfill what they both wanted, but it really wasn’t her that he desired. Slipping his jacket off and throwing it over the couch, he moved towards the room. Upon opening the door, his eyes automatically went to the bed, and he hissed in a breath. Elisa was on all fours; head down and hands out to the sides, ready to be tied. She was wearing fishnet stockings, a garter belt and a thong, and nothing else. At the end of the bed lay his equipment for the night. Closing the door behind him, he slowly moved over to the bed, and ran his hand from her foot, up her leg, then over her back. Grabbing a handful of her red hair, he pulled back.

  “Look at me,” he growled.

  Elisa’s eyes shot straight to him. “I have something special planned for you tonight. Are you ready to take it however I give it to you, Elisa?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted.

  Letting go of her hair, he placed the padded handcuffs on each wrist, before doing the same to her ankles. “How’s this?” he asked.

  “Just the way I like it, Sir.”

  He placed pillows under her hips since he knew there was no way that she would be able to hold the position for too long, and he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. She relaxed a little against the pillows and waited.

  Dom looked at all the items that he had placed on the bed, but he wanted something a little different tonight. Walking over to his closet, he untangled his whip from its hook. He loved this baby. It was the first one he had ever bought; the craftsmanship of the whip was exquisite. He very rarely pulled it out. He had been saving it for someone else but knew she wasn’t into the kind of stuff he was into. She was too nice to his naughty, and if there was ever a chance of them hooking up, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back his full-blown desires for her. It was already hard holding back now when they were around each other, considering what he really wanted to do to her, so he knew it wouldn’t last that long before it broke from him.

  He had been holding it back for five years now, and it was getting harder and harder to control. That was why he never spent that much alone time with her in one hit anymore. He wanted to just
tell her what he was into, and what he would expect from her. Only he knew that it would scare her off of him, so he kept it to himself because he loved being around her.


  Shaking all thoughts aside of the one he wanted most, he turned his attention back to Elisa. “Are you ready?”


  He brought the whip down hard across her bare legs.

  “Yes, what?” he growled.

  “Yes, Sir,” she moaned.

  He had to stop thinking about her and concentrate on Elisa, but it was so hard when all he could picture was her lying down on his bed, blonde hair spread out across his sheets, watching as the whip came down on her beautiful body, and wondering exactly what she would taste like. That last thought alone made him harder than he had ever been in his life.

  He did not want vanilla sex with her. He couldn’t handle that. He wanted the whole lot. Shaking his head, he lifted the whip again and cracked it against Elisa’s thighs, harder this time, knowing she was soaking wet from it. “Do you want more?”

  “Please, Sir,” she groaned.

  Undoing the button of his jeans and readying himself, Dom lifted the whip and cracked it against her ass. The marks left from the whip turned him on so bad that he was panting his self. As he was about to move closer to the bed, a noise from behind caught his attention, and he spun around.

  “Chantal?” What the hell is she doing here, in my Goddamn room?

  He could see the shock on her face at what she had seen, and knew that it was definitely never going to happen between them. He had not wanted her to find out this way about him.

  “Chantal,” he said.

  Shaking her head, she turned and ran out the door.

  “Chantal!” Dom yelled again.

  Dom chased her down the hallway and into the kitchen. He had to stop her before she got outside, and he had to find out why she was here. He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her against his chest. Breathing heavily, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “Let me go.”

  “Why are you here, Chantal?” he asked, again. Dom dropped his arm from around her waist, but held onto her arm. When she turned around, he got a good look at her clothing. “What the hell are you wearing?” he growled. That outfit was the sexiest thing he had ever seen her wear. The whole thing was see-through, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Damn it. For a minute, he was glad that she had made it there in that outfit, but quickly decided that, no; she shouldn’t have arrived in it. Someone could've stopped her, and God only knows what would have happened then.

  “I came to drop off your Christmas present. I didn’t get a chance to give it to you that day because you left before I got there,” she whispered.

  “What is that you’re wearing?” he growled. He could not understand why she was here in his house, wearing the red lingerie.

  “What was going on in there? Who is that girl?” she whispered.

  Fuck. He forgot all about Elisa tied to his bed, waiting for him. That is what she did to him; every time she was around he couldn’t think of anything but her. She had to go. She couldn’t be there at all. Dom started pulling her towards the door. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  She stopped. “What’s going on, Dom?” she asked him.

  He shook his head. He didn’t want to explain what was going on in his room. Pulling her to the door, he opened it, and started to push her out. “I came to give you your present, and other things,” she said.

  Dom pulled up short. “What other things?” he asked.

  He watched as she stood tall and flashed her hand over her body.

  “Me,” she whispered.

  Dom groaned. Why was she doing this now? Any other time he would have jumped at the opportunity, but he couldn’t. What he was into would make her run far, far away from him.

  “Dom,” Elisa called from the room.

  He shook his head. “I need to go, Chantal.” As he started to close the door, she placed her hand on it to stop him.

  “I came here to spend New Year’s Eve with you,” she said. “Are you with that girl?”

  He had to break it to her gently, knowing full well it would probably hurt her, but that it was the only way. “Chantal, I like you as a friend, but nothing is going to happen past that, okay? Do you understand? You can’t give me what I want,” he growled.

  “What does that mean?” she asked him.

  “This between us,” he said, moving his hand between them. “Stays this way. Nothing more. You’re not my type,” he told her.

  He watched as the words sunk in, and then and there, he knew he made the wrong choice with what he said. Chantal pushed past him and back into the house.

  Dom grabbed her arm. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m grabbing my coat, Dom. Then I’ll be out of here and your life,” she sobbed. Pulling it on, Chantal stomped away from him and back towards the front door.

  “I don’t want you out of my life, Chan,” he said.

  “Too bad. You made it pretty clear you don’t want me, and that’s fine with me. I’m sorry I wasted your time, and mine.” He watched as she stormed out of his house towards her car, and he couldn’t get there quick enough before she was inside.

  Dom tapped on the window. “That’s not what I meant,” he growled.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, Dom. I’m sick and tired of wasting my time on you, trying to get your attention, or anything out of you. Don’t worry. I won’t bother you again. Goodbye, Dominic.” She started the car, reversed out, and screeched off.

  He couldn’t do anything but stand there, dumbfounded at what she had said. He had pushed her too far. He knew she had tried to get his attention on more than one occasion, but thought it was just a fascination with him, not something more.

  Why couldn’t he have just told her at the beginning what he wanted from her, and for himself? Instead, he had kept his thoughts to himself, and now he had royally fucked it up with her. There was also the matter of his second job that only a bunch of his close friends knew of, and exactly what he did there. That was always the killer in his relationships. It did not matter if he revealed it in the beginning as to what he did in that job; it always seemed to ruin the relationship. No trust was involved on their part, no matter what he said. That was why he had not had a relationship with anyone in a long time. The only kind of relationship he had now was with his clients. He had no problem in the sex department; there were plenty of ladies willing to give themselves up to him, but they weren’t the one he truthfully wanted.

  Shaking his thoughts away, he knew didn’t want to lose her friendship over something stupid that he had said. “Fuck.” He jogged inside to grab his keys and a shirt, and started towards the front door, ready to go after her and explain.


  He groaned, realizing he had forgotten all about Elisa, again. “Shit.”

  There was no way he could go after Chantal. He should let her cool down, and then they would talk about what she saw and what he said to her. He threw his keys and shirt back onto the couch, and moved towards the room again. He would do what he had to with Elisa and get all the frustration out of his system, then come tomorrow morning he would track Chantal down and explain everything to her. He hoped he actually had the guts to tell her the truth behind everything, and she was going to listen to all he had to say, whether she liked it or not.


  Chantal couldn’t believe what she had seen at Dominic’s house, or more so, what he had told her. She thought they had chemistry between them, but obviously, she was wrong. How could she have been so mistaken? With how he acted around her, it appeared that he wanted her as much as she wanted him, but it was possible that was just how he acted around every female. He never acted like that around Skylar that she knew of, but maybe that was just because Sky had been with Nate. What was wrong with her that he couldn’t even sleep with her? Although she wasn’t model material, she knew she could turn heads whe
n she walked into a room. She took care of her appearance the best she could. She had platinum blonde hair, curled down to the middle of her back, violet eyes that always captivated everyone, and an hourglass figure that even she loved. She never wanted to be one of those skinny girls that only ended up full figured at middle age, anyway. She had the body she wanted, and wouldn’t change a thing about it.

  She had never really used her appearance to get what she wanted. The majority of the time it was her brains that did the job. She hated when girls would sell themselves short, using their body to get everything they wanted. It wasn’t the way to go, small things occasionally she could understand, but not every day. Although, you would never hear her complain about getting attention from guys. If they offered to buy her a drink or dinner, she would not say no, but she would never flaunt her body in an attempt to get something more than that. It was just for a bit of fun, and she would never mislead a guy. If she did not want to be with them in a sexual way, she would say so up front.

  Driving down the highway, she had no clue as to where she was going, so long as it wasn’t anywhere near Dominic. How could he have been said such cruel words to her? He had told her to give him time, and she had done that, but she couldn’t hold back how she felt for him anymore, and now she knew exactly how he felt. There was nothing there between them. He had led her on this whole time, thinking that something more would come out of this friendship, and the only thing she received was a broken heart. She was so stupid for being in love with him for the last five years. She had wasted so much time on that, trying to get his attention, and it only resulted in her being turned down by him, every time. How long could one person wait for the one they loved, when it was always one sided? She couldn’t do it anymore, have her heart broken when he rejected her at every opportunity. She needed to find someone that wanted to be with her, and have the relationship not be one sided.

  Shoving that thought aside, she decided she should go over and see Skylar. She had only spent a short amount of time with her at the party, and before that, not much at all. Ever since Cody had been in town for business, Chantal had spent a fair bit of time with him, catching up on the good old days. Thinking that maybe Skylar was the way to go, she turned down Fern Grove Drive and made a U-turn. She should stop off and grab some of her favorite Ben n’ Jerry’s ice cream. Since she got pregnant, Skylar always had a bad craving for it. Before she turned into the store’s parking lot, her phone rang. She leaned over and pulled it out of her bag.


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