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The Captain's Stand

Page 33

by Kat Mandu

  “It was a sword and bunch of smaller ones connected with the woman Madison mud wrestled. She was interrogating a crew member Boss, he escaped and was attacked by the weapons that fell from the sky.” Richard explained, they both looked at him.

  “How the fuck did you find that out?” David cursed,

  “Your net isn’t as good as you think, I can still get past you, and now you know why I am not too keen on this plan,” Richard ignored David’s hard glare.

  The Carriage stopped as Richard got out, “How are you getting information in and out?”

  “If you’re so smart you figure it out, until then I am adding my own security,” Richard glared back, as the other two walked in.

  “Talk to him, get him to cooperate,” David asked as He closed the door behind him.

  “He’s not wrong, The extra help could always be used,” Madison argued,

  “The more people who know a secret the harder it is to keep under wraps,” David reminded holding to his position.

  Richard scrapped the inside of his ear ignoring the two argue. He headed up to his room. The room was dimly light by the gas lights as he walked in signing. He was a mix of exhaustion, aggravation, and all weight down that he was more or less trapped in this building waiting for someone to at least kidnap. “This not what I signed up for.” He grumbled under his breath as he dropped into the bed and pulled the covers.

  “Move over bed hog,” came out a mumble as Richard opened his eyes,

  “Sorry,” he said despite seeing nobody in the bed next to him. With that Richard went to sleep forgetting he had not bothered to even remove his blade.

  Richard woke up, he blinked feeling something heavy on his chest, when he realized he still was sporting his coat and sword. He blinked as he shifted brushing up against a form. “What are you doing in my bed?” Richard asked noticing Spark was curled up on his chest.

  “Morning already?” she asked sleepily. Richard grabbed her by pinching her wings the sudden movement instantly waking up. “Ouch I had it first,” She said childishly. Richard simply set her down on the pillow as he got up. Stripping of last night’s clothes

  He frowned as he stood there, he headed over to the windows, clothing’s out the sunlight. He moved to the door but put stopped walking back. He felt his breath rush out of his noise, as he gravitated to the chair. It reminded him of his own back at the Golden Eagle. He frowned at the red chair, he stood at the empty fireplace, staring at the coals as if his own glare could reignite it.

  “Are you okay?” Spark asked she floated over to the chair sitting in as his feet dangled off the edge.

  “No,” he glanced back at the wincing before looking back at the fireplace. “It’s not you complaining to you or Madison about what angers me, would be unfair, you more so.” He chuckled for a second but it seemed so devoid of humor.

  “Hit me,” Spark encouraged.

  “I find myself in a new prison, and while I am no stranger to death, I am seemingly waiting for it, to come to me,” Richard admitted clasping his left list behind his back.

  “Ah,” Spark commented but waited,

  “But despite it all, be it under Brendan or the island, It was my actions that dictated by me. Now I have to sit and wait, damn my own ambition,” He muttered,

  “You can leave nothing’s keeping me from flying you out of here,” Spark reminded. Richard turned to look at her, giving the fairy his full attention.

  “That makes this easier, I think going to go back to sleep,” Richard said as he glanced at the bed.

  “That’s all you just needed a way out?” Spark asked floating back up and fallowing him.

  “Yes, while I am no happier, knowing the option exists means I am not cornered. Besides all but gave my word and leaving at this point would leave the job unfinished. I don’t leave the Job unfinished.” He said letting out a yawn.

  “You are so odd.” Spark commented shaking her head.

  “I know, when I wake up I will have some information I need to be relayed to the crew I plan to beef up my own security and inform them of our plans to leave, I need you to emphasize my plans to leave in three days.”

  “Anything else? She asked crossing her arms,

  “No, now that I think about it, and since you have been such help, feel free to,” Richard paused as he looked at Spark. “What do you do for fun?” Richard asked having realized he had no idea what the fairy did in her free time.

  Chapter 35 Tour Of Gaslight

  Getting A Tour Of The City

  Richard adjusted his bowler hat carefully. “Can you see now?” Richard asked in a hushed tone, she tapped her foot on his head as he looked up at a statue Kind Arthur Pendragon.

  “So this guy is the big Dog of Britania?” Boss asked glancing up at him. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”

  “Well most nations have that one founder they look up to, Despite unifying the island and being an amazing tactician, we are not sure if he is, in fact, the son of Uthor, all we know is he fought the Imperium and its crushing rule,” Nathan explained, Kareem nodded glancing over as Eagle eye seemed to be looking at everything but the Statue.

  The group was made up of a fair amount of the crew who had never been to gaslight. Kareem despite having one parent from Britania never stepped foot on the island; Eagle eye showed little interest but seemed to tag along as well. Boss despite openly mocking history wasn’t going to take off since Laurella was lounging on a bench in the park and despite the book in her hand didn’t seem all that interested.

  “How you talk me into this I will never know,” David complained, Madison, jabbed him in the ribs as he shrunk a bit under her gaze.

  “If you want we could go to my father’s private gardens, The Dragon mage actually has a spell that lets you see the garden in full bloom despite the season.” Madison offered up more than happy to show off the more colorful parts of the city.

  Spark about knocked the hat over as Richard shifted his head to cover up the sudden motion. “That would be amazing,” Richard said with a smile, Madison gave a knowing smirk back as she glanced up at his hat.

  “Bit of trouble with the head gear?” she asked,

  “There was a bit of a wind,” Richard offered up lamely.

  “I wouldn’t mind as well,” Eagle eye piped up as both looked at him in surprise. Richard shrugged looking at Madison who was surprisingly willing to show the group around even if Nathan had a habit of adding a lot of extra information.

  “So many shops I think thats the fifth shoe store on this street,” Boss pointed out.

  “Or the churches, I think that’s the third Lumon church,” Kareem pointed out glancing at a rather impressive building with multi-colored stain glass windows.

  “I think the music is rather nice,” Spark pointed out Richard grunted shifting a bit to remind her she was supposed to keep a low profile.

  “Art, Plants,” Boss grumbled as he stretched his arms up and behind his head. “Riveting,”

  “Hmm what about music?” Richard asked, “I know of a small place that plays some good tones.” Richard remembered, “Well if it’s still there,”

  “Well, there is the Joust that should be going on I Hear Sir Stone Cold Austin, shall be challenging a newcomer called the rock,” Madison reported as Richard glanced over to see she had a program.

  “Where did you get that?” Richard asked casually,

  “I am a Dame it’s my job to keep track of this. I hope to get back in the game after I start practicing. That and I really want to go and size up the competition.”

  “Jousting?” Boss repeated testing the word.

  “Two dummies trying to knock one another off with a bit of stick,” Nathan commentated.

  “Hey the sword Play is worth the wait mister Katana,” Madison shot back,

  “It’s all about the armor these days real swordplay is all about the first sixty seconds. After that your just playing.” Nathan waved off.

  “So it’s entertaining,” Mad
ison retorted defensively,

  “And I am convinced it’s rigged,” Nathan continued, as Madison frowned at him, but with the conversation all but at an end, Richard made sure to take his time looking at people and stores in equal measures.

  “Looks like dresses are getting a bit more tighter around the hips, and if he turned he could see an ankle. He glanced by as a few older woman in much more puffed up dressed shook their heads as they muttered over woman fashion and how shameful it was one of them pointed Richard out as they noticed a good amount of his chest was being shown. The scampered off as they kept on chattering away.

  “Something’s never change,” Richard chuckled as he noticed a pair of much younger woman chaiting animatedly over tea at a corner café.

  “It’s so different, I feel self conches my dress is so short,” Spark commented as Richard shrugged.

  “Could you imagine fighting in that on a rocking ship?” Richard asked, “You would trip over yourself, besides I should show you my kilt,” Richard said with a smirk.

  “Kilt?” she repeated “Does end around mid thigh?” she asked,

  “No, about my knees, I am trying to make you feel better,” Richard commented,

  “Well, you tried,” Spark said with a sigh,

  “You think that’s bad you should see the girls were I was born, if it was hot enough they wouldn’t be wearing anything at all,” Richard informed, as Spark gasped, “Shh,” Richard hushed ,” Not so loud,”

  “Richard?” David replied as Richard glanced over at him,

  “Yeah?” Richard asked casually as he placed his hands in his coat pockets.

  “You do realize this is very risky, with the word out, your putting yourself in danger,” David reminded, Richard simply shrugged the man’s concerns off.

  “What’s the point in baiting a trap if there no way to get at it.” Boss pointed out,

  “I am well aware of that, but this feels a bit unnecessary, mind you I am happy your willing to stick your neck out for the sake of ending this murder spree,” David said patting Richard on the back.

  “Don’t be, all this is being paid by you,” Richard said with a pleasant smile.

  “That was mean,” Spark pointed out, Richard rolled his eyes, he spotted a local café, before walking in he walked up to one of the hostess.

  “I was wondering if the underground was open?”

  “Oh, yes it is, here is the map moved locations recently, I hope you enjoy the music,” She said cheerfully. Richard smiled as he took the map.

  “The underground?” Spark asked,

  “You talk too much lee,” said with a bit of mirth, “It’s, hard to explain you will have to see it, think of it as a surprise.”

  “No fair,” Spark retorted, Richard walked back out as he glanced over at David,

  “So do we know what’s next?” He glanced over at Madison,

  “We agreed, to see a joust,” she said with a smile, as Nathan glanced over at her rubbing his neck.

  “I agree with the scary one,” Boss commented, Richard glanced at all of them and not finding anyone complaining about the idea he put his pipe in his mouth and light it up, he gestured as Madison lead the way.

  Richard sat down at the bench with a large group of screaming fans, He bit into a piece of honeycomb, He shifted his food as close as possible to his coat as Spark leaned out and nabbed a chunk for herself.

  Richard clapped along as the knights took their place, each one ready to both entertain and fight. Madison was busy explaining the rules, “They always start out with the rings letting some of the newer knights show off. Then they do a bracket style two nights enter one goes on, until a winner is declared. This is interspersed with the melee, which is similar only with no horses, the fight until one falls, looses their weapons, or concedes. This is a season games, Between Gaslight Cities team and the team from …”

  Richard let out a yawn, as he drowned the conversation out, he already knew the rules, the groups that ran between the cities and the international games that the royal houses all gathered for, He shifted his coat to let Spark look at the sports from his coat.

  “Hey it looks Like your sister, is in the Nobel box,” Richard pointed out catching Madison’s sister Nora and her soon to be husband.

  “Morgan,” Laurella said with poorly hid distain,

  “Madison question, does Morgan’s guard look familiar?” Richard asked, Noticing the third part of the pair.

  “Yeah she does,” Madison admitted, but just as she opened her mouth, David cut in.

  “Hair is too long, and it’s not a wig at best she and Davina, are twins, or related at worst; nothing more than similar.”

  “They look to close, have twins,”

  “Davina did drug me, and I know enough of the law that should at least be inspected.”

  “Sadly a single eye witness, is not enough proof, to investigate the Lord Morgan or even his shadow.” David informed as the first word came out of David’s mouth Richard had already reached into his coat, with his hand primed,

  “Th-,” Spark started but Richard grabbed at her cutting her off.

  “Richard something to add?” David asked as he glared at him.

  “Nothing at All you are right it’s not enough proof,” Richard admitted, “However that does not mean he’s not worth keeping an eye on. If you wouldn’t mind asking Stephano to keep an eye on him should be enough to flesh out these concerns.”

  “Sensible if not risky, to be honest me and Lord Stronglance have both feared it was a noble behind these incidents.”

  “What happens if it is?” Richard asked as everyone looked at him. “Outside of Madison any off us laying a hand on a Lord could cause, issues.”

  “Well we slit his throat and dump his body,” Boss said crossing his arms.

  “It’s not that easy, even if he is, anyone who kills justified or otherwise. Will end up dead, they don’t let people like us kill noblemen, it sets a bad president,” Laurella informed resting a hand on his left shoulder.

  “Who said we had to own up?” Boss asked, casually, “After all we are pirates.” He reminded.

  “He has a point,” Nathan laughed the noise lighting the tone up a bit as Richard turned away from his companions. Spark he could feel climbing up his arm and to his sleeve,

  “Watch your fingers next time,” she hissed,

  “I knew you would start up, so I tried to cut you off before you ousted yourself,” Richard whispered as he pretended to get out his tobacco for his pipe.

  “Well your finger slid right between my legs to maybe we should find an easier way to warn each other.”

  “Legs you say, I think I like warning you this way more than anything else.” Richard chuckled as he pulled out his tobacco, only for Spark to knock it out of his hand. “Okay I get your point how about “Geronimo?” Richard asked,

  “Geronimo?” Spark whispered back as his stash dropped between the stands to the dirt below. Richard cursed under his breath.

  “David, Madison I dropped my tobacco, keep an eye out for me.” He informed, knowing how anal David could be for any missed time, Richard learned that the hard way after he let slip he had means of getting messages out he had been spotting a lot more look outs around the house.

  “Isn’t Geronimo a name?” Spark asked as Richard picked up the tobacco tin. He opened it up,

  “Yeah but only me and you would know why we are shouting a name out if there is trouble or something.” Richard admitted,

  “Geronimo!” she shouted out as Richard spun around drawing his sword deflecting a knife aimed at the back of his head.

  “That was lucky,” Spark commented, as Madison and the others were stomping their way down, as Davina closed ground bringing her blade down at his neck. Richard deflected the death strike grabbing her wrist and twisting the wrist around drawing his blade up to her neck. Richard twisted her wrist forcing the tanto out of her hand.

  “You know I thought this would work out a lot better,” Sh
e admitted,

  “Yeah, have to admit, you did a great job you didn’t shout or scream at me,” Richard complemented.

  “Don’t patronize me,” she grumbled, “So you going to kill me?” she asked,

  “To be honest it would be the smart thing to do,” Richard admitted, Richard felt a needle point jab at his neck, he pulled the sword away and pushed her to the ground. “But it’s not up to me.” He sighed,

  She glanced up at him with a the question of why in her eye as Richard sheathed his sword.

  “Be careful working for the pirate lords if they are anything like their leader they’ll throw you to the dogs when they don’t need you anymore.” Richard warned her eyes seemed to grow wider, as Richard turned his back, she went for her blade ready to throw it,

  “Geronimo,” she hissed as Richard when for his pistol he spun around shooting her as flesh connected with his arm. Blood flew as Richard grabbed at his coat blood flowing between his fingers.

  Madison bolted to him as Boss chased after the woman before pausing a few steps passed Richard. “Spark,” Richard hissed, “Follow her,” Richard said she hesitated as Richard tossed of his jacket and, “Ah,” Richard let out a hard yell dropping back to his knees Everyone went to him as Richard glanced at his coat Spark nodded and took off as Laurella pushed Madison to the side pulling a needle and thread out of a pouch on her belt.

  “We can’t seem to take you anywhere without you getting cut up?” she asked giving a grin, “Oh don’t worry it’s bloody but nothing worrisome, you have a habit of being hard to kill.”

  “So should we head back home?” Nathan asked, his hand was on his blade keeping watch while.

  “Nah no sense in ruining our fun.” Richard smiled, “Besides a little blood in the water is kind of the point, Looks like we got some company anyway.” Richard pointed out as they turned to see a few guards in blue.


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