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The Captain's Stand

Page 34

by Kat Mandu

  “We saw a fight breaking out,” one of the guards said as they broke up the circle.

  “Sir, your injured, we would like to take you to the hospital,”

  “I got it covered,” Laurella said,

  “And In for questioning.” The second one added, as Richard glanced over at them with a raised eyebrow.

  “He’s with me,” Madison said stepping in front of Richard making her armor and shield very clear, as Both Nathan and Eagle Eye flanked her.

  “I am not familiar with you two you wouldn’t mind giving me your names?” David asked casually adding a fourth member to the wall.

  “Bud and Lou, ma’am and if you got this covered, we shall leave you to your work. The two marched off. The announcements started up as Richard glanced between the stands.

  “Looks like it started up let’s get back to our seats,” Richard said with a smile,

  Richard winced with each needle thread as the knights proceeded to trash talk, while normally knights would be a bit more honorable, they played up for the camera a lot unless it was an international tournament.

  “I promise not to cheat.” Said a much older night dressed in red, and blue, “Much,” he mouthed winking to the crowd after being called out on being disqualified for the past ninety-nine matches. A good chunk of the crowd cheered as even Richard chimed in

  “Of course you would root for the villain,” Laurella mused,

  “Only cause he’s the most entertaining,” Richard chuckled flinching as she threaded his skin.

  “I have to admit, if I took on a student, that person would get a lot of practice with you.” She said as she finished her work.

  “Have someone in mind? Richard asked, “Personally I need to find someone to fix up my coat.”

  “Well if you want I know someone in town who could fix you up but if you want to keep the coat looking nice I think you’re better off getting a new one,”

  “Nah I like this coat leave it as a memory,” Richard chuckled in the mean time I think I can show a bit skin.” He laughed.

  “Ohh,” went the crowd as Sir Eric knocked a knight off, he mocked the man on the ground as he held his lance up in the air to the combination of jeering and support.

  “I am beginning to get an idea as to why you act so weird,” Eagle Eye said, glancing at Richard.

  “I am more of an odd man than you realize, Anishinaabe,” Richard smirked leaning back at Eagle Eye blinked at the term,

  “You can never stop talking or sit still can you?” Laurella mocked as she finished pulling her string away.

  “Captain Richard, I was wondering if transportation to Usona would be possible?” Eagle Eye asked as Richard turned back to look at him.

  “Well I got a few things to take care of but, I don’t see why not.” Richard said with a shrug.

  “That’s surprising, but thank you,” Eagle Eye admitted,

  “Just a fair warning things, are probably not the way you left them,” Richard warned looking him in the eye.

  “I expect as much,” he replied, as he glanced off to the side no longer wanting to talk.

  “Not the most chatty person,” Laurella commented,

  “being surrounded by people and things you are not familiar with does not create a chatty man at the best of time.” Richard returned with a knowing look. “Hopefully we won’t have to many issues, and a trip to Usona won’t be out of the question.”

  “So I heard you have a plan for after this, dinner or something?” Laurella inquired,

  “Dinner is interned but I know a place that plays amazing music and I figured Spark wouldn’t mind seeing something different, besides I have not heard anything outside a sea shanty for a while.”

  “Sounds great, I could use something to calm my nerves.” Laurella admitted, “Please this going to be relaxing I don’t want to regret this decision later on.

  Chapter 36 From Bad To Worse

  “You know putting this into perspective can really make a girl think. Like how paranoid people can be.” Spark thought floating in the air. Davina had tried to lose anyone tailing her. Almost painfully so since she had doubled back through five carriages, three pauses in a bridge, and about six coffee shops; mind you she was being tailed but when you are floating three stories up and are currently five inches tall, the situation gets a bit boring.

  Spark watched as her target suddenly went normal walking along with little issues, she headed into the small apartment that looked okay by the standards she had seen at least, it was no tree house no matter how big you built your castle.

  She walked out looking completely different. She was now sporting a maids outfit. Long black dress apron, headdress and the odd puffy sleeves around the shoulders, she was now a polite woman. “Well, it’s about time this goose chase came to an end.” Spark was very ticked she didn’t get see the joust.

  Finally getting going she was a bit surprised to see Davina make her way to the castle grounds. She made her way around the castle cleaning things on occasion before making it over to the northern tower. Spark flew in keeping high as she trailed Davinia up the round stairs. She made it to the highest door and knocked.

  “Maid serves, Lord Morgan,” Davinia said as the door opened up. Spark slipped low as she hovered in she spotted a dresser and moved.

  “Dear Sister it’s nice to see you, Davinia,”

  “Password Darcy,” she replied crossing her arms. “If you’re going to require me to wear this thing and play the part the least you can do is return the favor,” Davinia said cocking her hips with a sly smirk on her face.

  “Fine,” Darcy rolled her eyes, “All is clear oh awesome one,”

  “So Captain Richard managed to survive the second attempt, somehow someone has eyes in the back of their head, I think that damn fairy is hanging around.” She gripped,

  “Should we call that a confirmation?” Darcy asked casually,

  “I would think so interrupting my interrogation of that hairy beast, could have been chalked up to coincidence. Still, I didn’t see her,” She admitted, as spice heard what sounded like a chair being slid across the floor.

  “Well, there are other ways of finding out.” Her sister reminded as the sounds a brush running through hair started up.

  “Don’t bother with any more attacks. Word is that Captain Richard has been attacked on a few occasions and that Richard plan’s on leaving soon. I guess the good captain wasn’t what the Doctor needed.”

  “Well that’s good but I was hoping he would deal with the murders spree Doctor David has been less than effective.” Darcy complained, “It’s getting the point a girl can’t go out at night these days.”

  “Like you would anyway,” Davinia remarked,

  “Be that as it is Brendan’s killer is to be left alone failure can be a bad habit to get into,” Lord Morgan replied.

  “Hmph,” was all Davinia had to say on the matter.

  “Now then so long as we keep an eye on the castle and Nora remains safe, even if the Gaslight is plunged into darkness. We should have everything set up and ready, for your,” He paused, “Our leader.” He decided, “So get comfy in that maid outfit you are going to be spending some time in that outfit. Dealing with a wannabe pirate killer is not our purpose. Now get out of my room.” Lord Morgan ordered.

  Spark glanced around the corner of her dresser, noticing the glares of both women sent his way. Spark seeing her chance took it clipping the ornate door as the two woman walked down the stairs. “I hate that guy.” Davinia groaned, “Honestly I think this stupid plan is all about him boning royalty then actually being of use ol’ Ed.”

  “Be that as it may we have our orders, so try to keep your cool, I know you don’t much like it,” Her sister consoled.

  “I was really hoping to get a third shot out there at Richard, she sighed. I would love to have popped his bubble and shown him I am not as weak as I seem.” She said as Spark watched the woman lick her lips in anticipation.

  “Well, it’s
just too bad your first night trying to poison him went to wrong.”

  I am conceived that man in the sleeveless coat kept spilling’ Richard’s drinks on purpose.” She insisted to her sister,

  “Everyone of them I am sure Richard’s just a clumsy drunk.” Darcy blew off. Spark bolted back more than sure she got all she needed at this point.

  Spark bolted off, into the open space breathing in the air, and loving every second of it. “Now then back to the games, hmm should I ask for something for all this hard espionage?” she mused aloud tapping her chin as she considered it.

  She glanced the city doing her best to get a gauge as to where she was. Frowning a bit the city was rather convoluted the streets made no sense even from her current vantage, with only the factories making sense being set up a together and a fair distance from the residential district. , she zoomed in on some of the greener patches in the city before spotting the shining armor of the nights. The blades were out as two nights slammed into each other sword and shield connecting. Richard was standing up roaring at the crowd.

  “How you can be so,” Spark paused not knowing what kind of word to use as she flew up to his ear before sliding into his coat.

  “I learned that worrying about things you can’t control just stresses you out.” Richard mused as he adjusted his coat.

  “David, Madison I need to use the Loo.” He said as David about rushed out of the stands more than ready to get away from the noise.

  “Well he didn’t have to look so happy about it,” Laurella frowned glancing up at lee,

  Richard walked along as the crowd grew more and more distant. Richard found a restroom and closed the door behind him sitting down. “Okay hit me,” Richard said letting her out, she held her nose at the smell.

  “Fine,” she croaked out, she quickly summed everything up.

  “Thank you, you had me worried you were gone for a good time.” Richard thanks as he stood up.

  “Like I said I am going to dull you with the details but she seemed hell bent on wasting an hour or so just changing clothing and hopping in and out buildings. Tedious but it would have thrown anyone off.”

  “True, following people I am half tempted to just let myself be captured at this point cause this is just dull,” Richard admitted

  “I can see your issues, but come on the dinner was fun, the party on the ship and all kinds of cool machines running around here, and we get to the music.” She spun in the air. “Do you have any idea how long I only had my own voice for music.” She seemed to tremble with excitement.

  “Don’t get too excited we are just getting to see armatures.” Richard chuckled, He found her excitement rather infectious. “Anyway, I think some roasted almonds is in order rather tasty after all that running around I think it’s the least I can do.” He said standing up.

  “I don’t know that honeycomb was amazing.” Spark admitted as she slipped back into his coat. Richard got up from the bathroom and washed his hands off the best he could, before walking outside. “I am going to get something to eat.” He announced,

  “Anything to keep away from that noise,” David complained,

  “That’s the spirit,” Richard said with a bit too much enthusiasm, “Cause heaven forbid you actually enjoy yourself,” he muttered as he rolled his eyes. Madison glanced at him casually as he tapped his jacket.

  “So that’s what now in attempts on your person?” Madison asked,

  “Meh who knows I am not bothering to count, but at this point do you think I should just let them?” Richard asked glancing back at David the man did not respond.

  “So what are you going to be doing now that you’re home?” Richard asked,

  “Same as always go going to balls, getting back into full fighting shape, and hopefully participating in a tourney.” Madison shrugged,

  “Sounds boring,” Richard decided, Madison didn’t respond on the matter.

  “I would be lying if didn’t agree, but I have responsibilities here. I am tempted, the Golden Eagle is the greatest ship I ever set foot on and I got a feeling since you can afford it you will want the best fighting men of the age to fill her.” Madison glanced at him, “I see what you’re up to but you will need to find a new knight for your ship.”

  Richard snapped his fingers in mock disappointment. “You caught me,” Richard chuckled, “What about you David you want to go fight pirates?” He asked,

  “Dealing with has been enough of a headache,” David replied, Richard, shrugged as he got his almonds. They walked back up to the stands, Richard moved next to chief and sat down next to him.

  “So feeling better?” he asked, Richard, shrugged,

  “A little butterfly tells me we are dealing with at least two groups of attackers. I would like you to put some people near my home and to keep the ship out in open waters at night.

  “So I get to steer, sounds like fun, I take it you want to keep a close eye on yourself with your timetable?” He asked,

  “Yeah at the same time try to be obvious about it I want them to know where I am. In the mean time feel free to run some drills or something on the ship get everyone who is staying on use to dealing with each other, so feel free to have free reign for the next couple of days.” Richard informed Boss tilted his head nodding a bit.

  “Sounds like fun.” He admitted,

  “You have fun I am going to rent out a pub room, and start looking over applications for the golden eagle.” Richard slumped in on himself.

  “Sounds like fun,” Boss laughed, Richard gave him a sideward glance.

  “I wonder why I keep you around,” Richard grumbled.

  “Bring the pain!” Boss shouted as Richard joined in.

  Richard couldn’t help but smile after the adrenaline of the small tournament. Madison was off chatting with a few, and one even gave her a hug happy to have her back safe and sound. Richard glanced around not really wanting to rush the Knight.

  He glanced down one of the streets and noticed a bookstore. He approached Madison a quick tap on the shoulder and a thumb at the shop. David frowned between them. “Can it wait?” he asked,

  “I guess, this kinda slipped my mind a few times. I need to see what Sam is capable of, his education and I hope there is something to help him communicate outside of having him go around with a notepad.” Richard admitted,

  “Anything he could learn would require other people to learn,” David reminded, but Richard frowned at him. “Just saying,” he admitted putting his hands up Richard rolled his eyes not wanting to carry on the conversation.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Laurella asked,

  “I don’t like the need to be up each other’s asses,” Richard admitted as David shot him a look but Richard ignored him.

  “It’s rather confining, anyway I was wondering if I could open up a makeshift clinic on the Golden Eagle.”

  “Sure, just don’t overcrowd the deck,” Richard said with a shrug, she blinked at him.

  “Thanks, I need to get back into practice not to mention I need to start buying the right equipment the golden Eagle has only the basics.” She admitted,

  “Fair enough,” Richard said as Boss, Nathan, Kareem, and Eagle Eye all waited patiently for Madison to talk. Richard caught bits and pieces of the conversation something about practice and getting back into the swing of things.

  Richard frowned at the amount of time as he glanced over at Laurella. “Hey why don’t you lead them out of here, this is getting boring,” Richard admitted, “You know it is close to lunch, here, it’s on me,” Richard said pulling out some of his coins and handing it, Laurella.

  “Where are you getting all this,”

  “I being compensated for my time on this, did you think I was doing this for free?” Richard asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Fair enough,” She admitted as they waved Richard off.

  “Sorry about that,” Madison apologized as Richard opened his eyes and glanced at her.

  “No problem, I need to take care
of a quick stop before we join the others for lunch, ” Richard headed down the street finding the green door that looked like it needed a new coat of paint. Richard headed in first as David seemed just as interested in entering as Richard did.

  “Hello?” Richard asked as he glanced around the shelves and shelves of dusty and new books. He glanced over looking at a few pamphlets, since the printing press came out they had been the most common way to spread new ideas, he scanned over a mostly on religious reform and community reconstruction. More often than not anything to do with the government was bit hand to hand.

  “Yes?” came a very soft voice, as Richard glanced around to see a very mousy looking woman.

  “I was wondering if you have anything on nonverbal languages?” he asked as Madison and David glanced at him.

  “Sign Language, yes,” she said moving past him, she was only about five foot at the tallest as Richard got a better view of her as she passed. She had Dark skin rare but not unheard of in Britannia. She had a pair of glasses that over her noise and was sporting a rather slimming, white dress with a brown corset. “Sign,” she repeated as she scanned over the books, as Richard waited. “Ah, uh here sir,” She said handing Richard the book. “Anything Else?” she asked,

  “Yes, I was wondering if anything from the Beowulf Series was released in the last five years,” Richard asked.

  “Oh you’re a fan of the series?” she asked as her interest spike started lee.

  “Yeah, I know it’s not too popular but I am hoping you have a few copies,” Richard admitted. She nodded with a bit more energy.

  “I am sorry to say that I only have a few copies and nothing, new if you want I can make an order for you,” she offered seemingly very sad that she didn’t have the new releases.

  “Yeah, no problem I plan on having some free time so it would be nice to catch up on my reading.” Richard said, “Thank you,” he said with a smile before paying for the book.

  “Just when I think you have some level of intelligence you go and ask for a pulp.” David criticized.

  “I like reading adventure stories, so what,” Richard defended


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