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The Captain's Stand

Page 49

by Kat Mandu

  Nathan grinned as he looked at Richard, “Always wanted to do this,” he chuckled as the driver glanced back at them.

  “Mind your head.” He warned as Richard nodded and the carriage bolted as fast as it could go with so many in it.

  Richard frowned as he noticed a good portion of the city heading in the Direction of the Dragon Mage and his fight. Madison was roaring at the people in front as it seemed everyone was hell bent on getting run over, “Richard I see another carriage racing in the direction of the castle!” Madison shouted, “I think the traffic may have slowed them down, I think it may be our man!” she shouted.

  “Can we catch it on foot?” Nathan asked as Richard glanced forward,

  “Worth a shot,” Richard said as he and Nathan booked off letting the horse go a little faster as the two cut across the crowds and street vendors, Everything was a mess as Richard jumped over fresh fruits and vegetables, even making a detour around some salted fish that had been knocked over.

  “This may not have been such a hot idea,” Nathan admitted as he spotted the carriage in question.

  “That’s why I didn’t drag everyone out, Move it!” Richard shouted as he shoulder checked a random man who was in his way. Not even bothering it Richard juked around and when he couldn’t made room. The two finally caught up to the carriage, They both grabbed on as The driver shouted at them. Richard grabbed far swung out of the way of a blade as a man in a top hat tried to steal a few fingers.

  Nathan leaped up onto the roof as the two crossed blades Richard’s eyes went wide, as he dropped down dodging a bolt of magical energy that almost singed his hair. He grimaced, he glanced back to see Madison sitting next to the driver as who now seemed to regret his decision to say yes.

  Richard grabbed the rails swinging out of the was as a magical bolt shattered a hole in the back of the carriage and creating a small crater in the stone road. The carriage tailing them veered off dogging another bolt as Richard almost jumped of when a sword embedded itself in the wood roof not far from his head.

  “Wait if you’re fighting the,” The thought stopped as the carriage rammed into something scrubbing the paint as Richard scrambled behind Nathan and hoped the man wasn’t going to trip on him.

  Richard suddenly felt a massive pain on his back as he realized Nathan had just dropped on top of him. “Ah,” he wheezed out as he grabbed his stomach. The light vanished for a second as they went under something before going light.

  Richard turned his head as a blast of lightning hit the roof missing both of them. “Luck be a lady tonight,” Nathan commented as he rolled off Richard, “Sorry,” he admitted as Richard all but fell off getting out of the way as another blast hit the roof. He glanced in the window as the old man noticed him.

  “Pesky, youth!” he shouted as Richard let go dropping under another blast, Nathan snapped down grabbing his arm and with a fifty yank both were on a very unstable roof. “I have had enough!” he shouted as Richard saw sparks fly, they both leaped as the roof exploded into splinters and bits, Richard rolled to a knee as he drew both Tooth and Claw and fired at the man. Richard cursed not sure if he hit as they spotted Madison and her carriage, The two stepped to the side and jumped on grabbing as the carriage raced down the road.

  “No luck?” Madison asked glancing at Richard,

  “We caught up but we couldn’t do much except being target practice,” Nathan informed as Madison nodded at him. Richard frown as they headed farther and farther into the shadow of the castle. He glanced behind them as what sounded like thunder seemed to erupt over and over again in the middle of a bright summer afternoon.

  “Just another reminder,” Richard muttered as they spotted two guardsmen dead on the ground as the man yanked on the reigns putting the chase to a stop. Madison was already moving as Richard lingered reloading his weapons, as Nathan and Boss backed her up.

  Richard could hear the bolts coming again as everyone scattered, Richard stuck his head out as he realized the sound was a bit more distant as blast arched around the castle before smashing into the wall.

  “Man this place just can’t catch a break,” Tray commented out loud. Madison took point again charging, Richard frowned as both he and everyone else rushed after her, Her shield took a stray blast as she was knocked to the ground and her shield went flying as Richard turned the corner. The Guard despite dealing with a magical user was actually putting up a damn good fight. A few were limping but they had the magic user surrounded and the man’s driver was already dead and bleeding out.

  “I will not be denied!” Amoranth screamed as Richard took out both pistols and fired, one missed but the second one splattered blood and bone as he dropped to one knee seeing as the other had been taken out at the kneecap.

  “Now, we got him,” Tray said moving but Boss held out and arm to stop him, as a blast of magical energy, soared past them as Richard moved around the castle wall quickly getting his weapons reloaded as fast as he could.

  “He’s still got fire power everyone spread out, and keep your distance, how long before you can take your next shot?” Boss asked,

  “Ready, I am going to open fire you get some distance around him I think he still as,” Richard was cut off by a massive scream as his heart sank he and his crew were the last lines of defense now.

  “This is risky,” James reminded as Richard gave him a sad look.

  “Well, I was hired to do a job,” Richard said as he cocked both pistols, “I plan to fight till the end,” Richard released a breath.

  “Brother,” Tray said as the two looked before the older brother nodded, “Got it you get him to flinch and we start to surround him.

  “Here,” He gave Tobi, Claw as he held onto Tooth, I can reload about three shots in one minute, that may take longer Richard popped out of the cover as his next shot missed and ducked back as the second bolt of lights shattered the corner he was using for cover. Richard quickly reloaded, “You get one shot, he’s bleeding and not moving much but shaper knows if that’s the end of this I wouldn’t trust it, so everyone stay safe stay back, and if you see an opening take it, but at your own risk got it?” Richard said looking at each and every one of them. Richard let off another shot as the man flinched giving everyone enough time to start spreading out around them Madison had rejoined them and thankfully picked up on the plan.

  “Death, death to all of you!” Amoranth cussed as he seemed to be hardening the blood around his leg which made it look like he had a red stone for a prostatic. He held out both hands aiming for Richard as Madison moved in taking the hit with her shield,

  “His spells are getting slower, He’s reaching his limit,” Boss informed as another blast was aimed at him, He dived avoiding it as he rolled back to his feet.

  “Boy does this feel familiar,” Nathan admitted with a wry smirk.

  “I am going to end you slowly,” He growled as Richard sighed, he was rather tired, as Richard set out other shot placing it in the shoulder as he started bleeding badly. Richard frowned, as everyone seemed to relax a bit as Richard quickly reloaded and fired shattering the skull,

  “That was anti-climatic,” Nathan admitted as he put his katana away.

  Richard frowned as he moved to the body, before tapping it with his foot. “We should burn it to ash just to be sure,” Richard admitted, “Tray, James could you get some firewood, Madison let Nariko know that she is safe.”

  Nathan frowned at the body, as he and Boss exchanged glances. “So Richard suspects something Is magic still a danger if the user is dead?”

  “No idea,” Nathan admitted, “But we got taken off guard before, he leaned down and rolled the body to its back, as he clenched his teeth in disgust as the corpse went limp. “What a man, to be so old and so full of hate.”

  While the remaining men watched over the body, Madison opened up the door, Nariko answered it. “Oh my, seems you made a bit of a mess, something, wait I hear thunder but it’s broad daylight out?” She question,

  “The Drag
on mage is dealing with a demon over dead,” Madison informed,

  “Demon?” She questioned as she pinched her chin thinking on the matter, “I-,” she paused as Madison gave her a confused look.

  “Nariko?” she asked as blood started to spill from her lips as her eyes went wide, she suddenly collapsed.

  “Well, I remembered his warning a little too late, he’s going to be so sad,” Nariko said in distant voice, as she dropped into Madison’s arms,

  “Experience and treachery always beat out youth and vigor any day,” Amoranth said as he adjusted his sleeves as he flung a dagger to the ground.

  Everyone just stared at the old man as the body they had shot shifted into some random man, no longer hold Amoranth’s face. The old man didn’t seem all that bothered as he motioned and a chair slid out as he sat in the doorway as Madison could just hold the body of the old woman as she tried to stop the bleeding but there wasn’t anything anyone could do.

  Richard held out his hand as Tobi handed him his gun but closed in to whisper. “Shouldn’t we kill him?”

  “He’s not leaving, our job was to put an end to the murders it’s clear this guy isn’t planning to kill or run, he wants the Mage to know what he did,” Richard whispered back, “So why make our lives harder?”

  “Seems cowardly,” Tobi accused as Richard simply shrugged at the accusation.

  Richard took out his pipe as Tobi walked away he leaned against the wall as he crossed his arms watching the old man. Richard sat down on the grass puffing his pipe but did the same watching the old man.

  “I am going to kill you,” Madison said as she stood up,

  “And so am I!” Shouted Spark as Richard turned his head, and then the old man’s interest came back to life as he spotted her.

  “Now this is an interesting development,” Aamora admitted as his hands started to glow as he got up, Madison had her sword up as Spark grew to full size with her own blade drawn as his left hand started to glow brightly. “I had hoped to find one of your kind in my early years, to think one would come to me, I may just get out of this after all,” he said as his eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint.

  “Richard?” David shouted out as he rushed into the area as everyone redrew their weapons,

  “Looks like we are getting your fight after all,” Richard grunted.

  “Oh yes, cause while she may not have her wish if your ship is anything to go on, for those who can wait her wish is going to make her invaluable,” He said with a grin as He set out a blast of energy. Spark retaliated neutralizing the first blast with her own. Madison charged in as his second hand shot catching her shield she was sent flying from the impact rolling to the ground, Richard shot both pistols aiming for the head only for the bullets to suddenly vanish. Richard paused as he realized that long range weapons were not going to do any good.

  “You know this is suicide,” a little voice in Richard’s head told him, Richard holstered the pistols and drew Talon. He charged in screaming to draw attention as the Amoranth smirked lazily as he held up his hand Richard frown as a fast blast was sent at his center. “Told you,” the voice seemed to mock as time seemed to slow to a crawl.

  “Well I got a bit more out of life than I expected, and I get to die on my terms,” Richard brought up Talon as he decided his final action. The blade connected with the beam of magic and Richard was surprised his swing kept going. The magical attack was sent arching into the sky.

  “Riiiich!” Spark was in the middle of shouting when she stopped as everyone seemed surprised at this development. “What?” she questioned,

  “One fucking miracle after the next!” Amoranth screamed, “You get a fairy, a golden ship, escape me, and now a magical fucking sword!” he ranted as his magic seemed to be showing like an aura as he ranted and raved. “I am going to blast you into a million pieces!” He threatened as he completely forgot about Spark and blitzed Richard. A translucent blade seemed to appear as Richard defended blocking the blow as he saw a sword that was purple in color but he seemed to be able to see through it like stained glass only clearer.

  Richard felt his knees shake as the old man was slowly lowering his weapon closer to his neck. “How are you this strong?” Richard wheezed out as his muscles screamed at him.

  “Magic is a wonderful thing,” Amoranth taunted when suddenly he was blasted away, Richard smirked as Spark frowned at the man.

  “Such blatant missus of power,” she growled through her teeth as Richard watched Madison arch around and behind the old man as he got up. He managed to block the sneak attack as Richard rushed in as well.

  The old man grabbed Madison by the armor and tossed her over his shoulder, Richard’s eyes went wide in panic as the massive armored form grazed him, cutting his jacket and cutting into his left shoulder as the both crashed into the grass.

  “Now!” Tobi ordered a long chain suddenly was pulled as the old man found both of his hands pinned across his chest.

  “When how?” The old man roared as he twisted only for the links to pinch into his skin.

  “You kind of forgot about the rest of us,” Tray reminded as he and his brother James held on end of the chain, while Tobi and Nathan Held the other,

  “Fingers,” the old man smirked sending two magical blasts at the four as Boss slammed his shoulder into the old man’s back as everyone scrambled Madison charged in first with her now dented shield. Slamming it down with the full weight of her armored body she felt a slight level of satisfaction as bones cracked under the weight as the old wizard screamed out from under her.

  “Oh of me you foul blue-blooded bitch,” he cried out as a wave of energy hit everyone knocking them back.

  “What your mouth!” Spark shouted as she summoned up a massive orb of magic and sent if flying at the man.

  The blast hit home, Spark hung her arms panting it had been a long time since she had used so much magical energy. A low cracking noise started to grow as the explosion of sound from the impact faded away. Spark looked like she was going to gag as the sound of bones and flesh snapping back into place sounded very disturbing.

  “Not bad, fairy girl, but one problem, magical creatures have a set limit, were we human’s can keep growing far into old age.” Amoranth cackled, “I have to admit, if it were not for my victory here, you have actually been able to take down the less powerful Pirate Lords in this world. Pity, your all going die here,” He threatened, with a cruel soulless look in his eye as he sent a massive beam of magical energy that knocked Spark out of the air. Richard reached out and grabbed the falling woman as rolled holding her close.

  “Spark?” Richard panicked after getting no response as he slipped her into his coat. He eyed the man before him as he brandished his weapon. Everyone slowly got back to their feet as Richard waited wasn’t sure how to handle this, Spark was down, possibly, he glanced over at Madison. The Dame was scratched up her shield looked like a hammer had been taken to it and her eyes seemed filled with rage.

  Boss looked calmer but just as tenderized, for only a few hits this man was capable of a lot of damage, despite being out manned and out gunned. “To think this guy is a low their magic user, still,” He wondered how strong the Dragon Mage was that not even this man was willing to cross the Legend, Richard felt a shiver down his spine.

  “Give me the girl, Captain Richard.” Amoranth said holding out his hand, “I can teach you magic, add to the power of the ship. Revenge, money, or anything you desire, just hand me the fairy.” He offered as he stared Richard in the eye.

  Madison looked horrified and turned to look at Richard only for Richard to burst out laughing. “You think that’s going to work?” Richard mocked as his chest rumbled in mirth. “What do you take me for?” Richard inquired.

  “It doesn’t matter,” He replied as he sent a blast of energy as Richard deflected it into the air. The man tighter his fist as fury set in.

  “You seem to think I am here to win,” Richard implied as he glanced over at Boss, then back to the
old man. “You are wrong I am simply trying not to lose,” Richard corrected.

  “Well let’s see how well that works out for you!” the man cried out as a dozen beams of energy suddenly arched at Richard.

  Richard planted his feet and readied his sword to deflect a dozen blows at once, but suddenly just as quickly as they appeared they the magical energy suddenly faded before vanishing, entirely. Richard breathed a sigh of relief as Madison removed her blade from the man’s skull letting him drop to the ground.

  Richard reached into his coat bringing Spark back out as he turned his concerns to more pressing matters. Richard set her down on the grass gently already worried he had done more harm than good as nearly everyone was now crowding Spark.

  “You think she will be okay?” Nathan asked as Richard shrugged unsure himself,

  “I don’t know do they have the same physical traits as human, I don’t think Laurella brought up magical beings,”

  “We should wrap this up, all the same,” Richard urged, “I’ll take her back to the Eagle, we should pack our gear up and Madison, I am sorry but could you and David talk to Lord Stronglance and inform him that I am taking care of one of my crew and my regrets at not being available to inform him of the end of his fears.” Richard Stood up holding Spark as he tried to see if she had a pulse.

  “No problem at all,” Madison agreed, “Come on David I am sure my father will like to hear all of this,”

  “Well, I like the record we are setting,” Boss laughed, as everyone else joined in even if it felt a little hollow to anyone really listening.

  Chapter 52 The Dragon Mage

  “So that’s everything,” Madison explained, as she nervously glanced behind her, she had been asked to give the Dragon Mage his distance, but she could see the large figure’s back bent next to the body of Naruko.

  “Well done,” Her father said patting her on the back.

  “Um I was hoping to speak with the Dragon mage, if possible,” Madison requested, glancing over at the figure,


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