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Burning Desire

Page 50

by Ami Snow

  When I sprinted down the hall and pushed open his door, without knocking, I dropped his sub on his desk—five minutes late. “Sorry,” I said. Without waiting for him to respond I left his office shutting the door and plopped down in my own chair trying to get my breathing back to normal. I’d expected him to come out and ream me, instead he used his little intercom thing.

  “Miss Tuner, please come back into my office—after you have composed yourself.”

  I glared at the phone. Compose myself, right. I reached into my bag and grabbed a bottle of water. Grateful I always carried one and chugged the cold goodness. My throat was parched and sore from breathing heavily. I took my bag and found the restroom. I was a big girl and I sweated a lot. In my bag I always carried spare clothing and deodorant. In the small stall I slipped off the silky shirt and changed into another one that was much less fancy. I did a quick clean up and then I went to the mirror touched up my makeup and fixed my hair the best I could. I glared at my reflection. I wasn’t usually so down on myself, but those comments really wear of a girl. “Good enough,” I muttered and left the room.

  When I got back to my desk I placed my bag under it and took a deep breath before I knocked on the closed door.

  “Come in,” he said loudly.

  Opening the door I went slid inside and shut the door before I made my way to the empty chair by his desk. He didn’t look away from his computer, not even to take a bite of his sub. One hand held his food and the other typed on the key board. He was really quite talented. I sat not knowing what to do and crossed my legs impatiently. Still he didn’t say anything. The silence stretched until I thought I’d lose my mind.

  “You were late with my lunch. That is unacceptable.”

  “Five minutes is all. I had no idea I would be fighting the whole town to get your lunch. It won’t happen again—sir.”

  He glared at me. “Five minutes is still late, and in my world it could mean so many things. I will give you a pass since you obviously didn’t know, but from now on please use your time management skills—if you have any.”

  That was it. I could take a lot, but I didn’t deserve to be abused. It was the last straw after all the rude comments to get said lunch I stood up and balled my hands into tight fists digging my nails into my palms to help keep me grounded. “Hey now, I might have been a few minutes late, but I didn’t mean to be. I’ve been taking your put downs all morning and it isn’t right. I’m not some stupid servant. I am a human being so please treat me as such. I’ve done nothing to earn the disrespect—”

  “You’ve done nothing to earn my respect either, Miss Tuner.”

  I threw my hands up and glared. “My god, can you let me speak for a minute without interrupting me?”

  He leaned back and braced his hands on the back of his head. “Go ahead.”

  His smirk did funny things to me and I glared harder. I was pissed at him, not swooning because he happened to be the hottest, cocky, most infuriating man I’d ever met.

  “You know what? Never mind. Treat me as you will. I’m used to being treated this way. I shouldn’t expect anything more from anyone in this area of town.” I lowered my eyes. “May I please go now, I must figure out how to use the email.” My voice dripped with sarcasm.

  He laughed and sat normal in his chair. “I know all about you Miss Turner.”

  My eyes shot back to him wondering if he really did in fact know all about me. The seriousness in his eyes said he did, but he couldn’t could he? That was supposed to be private.

  “There’s nothing to know about me, Mr. Carter.”

  He nodded and rubbed his chin. “Very well, you may go.”

  He didn’t apologize or anything, but there was something different in his tone, and I still wished I could wipe that ridiculous smirk off of his face.

  I stood and stormed out of his office and shut the door. I leaned against it trying to calm down. My heart raced like I’d just ran again, only this time I knew it had nothing to do with being out of shape. It had to do with the asshole on the other side of the door. It seemed my body disagreed with my head, and I had to remind myself I had a boyfriend.

  Chapter 3

  He had expected the lie. Not many people with her history would want to admit the things from their past, but from what he could see she had worked hard to overcome it. God she was sexy. He liked how her cheeks got flushed when he said something insulting. He really shouldn’t have been such an ass, but how he felt after that one touch pissed him off. She wasn’t his type, and she was so far beneath his league she shouldn’t have even shown up as a blip on his radar, but his hard and aching cock said otherwise. He’d been hard since she spoke.

  The scent of her perfume was light and teased his senses. She didn’t overpower anything. Her makeup was light. Her clothes were understated. Hell the woman didn’t even wear heels like most did in an office job. She wasn’t anything close to extraordinary, but his heart raced as she tried and failed to let him have it. She had some sass, but she had fear as well. She used her sarcasm to cover of her discomfort.

  If she realized he did in fact know about her past she would probably panic and run and that was the last thing he wanted. Aiden never slept with anyone in his building ever, but he wanted his new secretary like he’d never wanted anyone before, and he didn’t understand it. She wasn’t anything like the women he usually took to his bed. Maybe that was why. She was different, and his body certainly found her spectacular. And he could admit, if only to himself, he found her sexy as hell in the girl next door sort of way. Sitting in his office alone, he made the decision. He would have her, and he would do whatever it took to get her. One time, that’s all he needed to convince his body she wasn’t right for him. He licked his lips in anticipation. He’d be able to take her in a way he didn’t usually with the others.

  Sitting in his office he felt the urge to be around her, but held back knowing nothing good could come out of chasing her. She would come to him. Preferably on her knees and begging would be nice. He closed his eyes and adjusted his slacks thinking of just that.

  * * * *

  The light knock on the door made him jump. He was so into working on his latest contract he didn’t realize it was so late. It was well after five. Normally everyone was gone, but it seemed one person was still around.

  “Come in,” he said and rubbed his eyes. The tedious work is what drove him mad.

  His new secretary peaked her head in. “Uh, do you need me to do anything else?”

  He smirked and held back the pleasure of making her squirm. “Actually yes, please come in.”

  He could almost hear her sigh, but she didn’t argue, and this time she left the door opened and sat down without the same nerves she had prior.

  “I’m working on this contract, and I need another set up eyes. Check for typos and inconsistencies and such, can you do that?”

  She nodded and this time he could tell her smile was real. “I can actually. English was always my best subject. I just need to make a call really fast if that’s all right?”

  He loved how polite she was even when she didn’t want to be. It seemed her life hadn’t taken all of her kindness.

  “Sure go ahead.”

  He’d sweeten her up. Aiden was good at charming women. She shouldn’t be hard either.

  She jumped up and went to her desk. He tried to mind his own business, but from what he could tell she had no one in her life to need to call.

  “Hey Ryan, I’m not going to make dinner.”

  Aiden couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation.

  “No it’s good.” Then, “A little nicer now.” She laughed.

  Again silence and Aiden wished he could be the one to make her laugh like that. It was beautiful. Shit he sat back and shook his head. He was acting like a damned fool over a woman he should never get involved with.

  Her tone lowered, but Aiden had spectacular hearing. “Yes, he is as bad as you warned, but I don’t care I need this job.�

  She listened and then said. “You know I don’t talk about why. No it’s not something I’m ready to share with you.” She sighed looking as her phone before shoving the phone in her pocket.

  Apparently she had a boyfriend. One that knew him. Now his curiosity was peaked even more. Who did she date that ran in his circle that apparently didn’t like him? He frowned, he didn’t like that she hated him, and he would be rethinking his attitude toward her. It’s just being a jerk worked well for him when someone threw him off guard, and that is something she did. Now he had to question her without making is seem like he was jealous. Aiden groaned. Him jealous? Impossible.

  When she walked in and was pale looking close to tears he wanted to roar and take care of her. Shit apparently it wasn’t as impossible as he believed.

  “Sorry about that.”

  He waved a hand remember to use his kindness. “It’s fine. I’ve printed a copy for you, do you need anything else?”

  She nibbled her lip. “Highlighters would be helpful.”

  He nodded and opened his desk pulling out a yellow one. “This is all I have.”

  She smiled, it was a small one but he thought it was real. “That’s fine, thanks. I’ll just go to my desk and work on this.”

  “No—stay,” he chuckled nervously hoping she didn’t hear his desperation. “If you stay you can fix it and explain why it’s wrong. I am really horrible at this.”

  No he wasn’t, but the lie slipped out so easily. He wanted her to think he needed her. It would hopefully make up for his lack of manners.

  Her eyes widened. “Uh, okay.” She placed the paper on his desk and went to work.

  He enjoyed watching her concentration. Her tongue stayed glued to her upper lip, and it was distracting him from his own work. It wasn’t until she cleared her throat that he realized she had noticed him staring.

  Chapter 4

  Why he suddenly started being nice shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. He was actually polite, and I could have sworn he sounded desperate. It made me think. He spent so much time working he was probably pretty lonely. Maybe having me around working was something he needed. It was sort of cute in a weird way.

  I was working on fixing his errors, but I felt his eyes on mine and it distracted me. I’d read the same line five times before I couldn’t take it anymore and cleared my throat. “I can’t concentrate with you watching me. I don’t need babysat to edit a document.”

  He recoiled. “I wasn’t watching you to babysit.”

  I raised a brow. “Do I have something on my face or something?”

  He chuckled and leaned forward. “Nope,” he replied and let the word pop. He licked his lips and his eyes were bright. If I didn’t know any better I would think he was trying to hit on me.

  “I have a boyfriend,” I blurted out and then blushed.

  “That’s nice. I don’t think I asked about your relationship status, Miss Turner,” he said, and I heard the same tone from before and sighed. It was too good to be true.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled then focused on the paper in front of me. Sliding the highlighter over the first mistake I focused on the words in front of me. He was definitely professional.”

  His hand wrapped around the highlighter and I glanced at him frowning. “Now what?”

  “Why do you apologize so much? I was an ass and yet you took it.”

  I shrugged. “You’re my boss.”

  “So? Does that give me a right to treat you poorly?”

  What the hell was his game? He was calling me out for not calling him out. I was so confused. His mood swings were worse than a ping pong match, and I was about to get whip lash. “Well, no but seeing’s how it is my first day I figured I ought to make a good impression especially because you don’t seem to like me much.

  “I like you fine.”

  I laughed I couldn’t help it. If he liked me then he was terrible at showing it.

  “What? I’m always a jackass.”

  “I highly doubt you treat everyone like you’ve treated me today.”

  He shook his head and actually looked ashamed. “No you’re right. It’s only because I like you. I wasn’t expecting to be so—attracted to you.”

  Well shit. I hadn’t seen that one coming. “Oh puh-lease!”

  “No really. It threw me off guard, and then boom, asshole aboard.” He laughed and ran his hands through his hair messing up his fauxhawk.

  Was he playing me? Probably. Did I swoon? A little. Did that totally piss me off? Hell yes.

  “Well even though you’re not asking, I do have a boyfriend.”

  He nodded and smirked. “Yes, I’m aware now. I’m also aware he knows me, and yes I did listen to your conversation. So I’m curious as to who he is.”

  I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I couldn’t hold back my own smirk when I said, “Ryan Wilson.”

  He blanched. His face seriously paled and he leaned back. The smile fell from his face, and he ran his hand through his hair again. “I see. That would explain your impression of me then. He certainly doesn’t like me, and for the good reason. I don’t like him much either.”

  I nodded and shrugged. “He warned me about you but I didn’t listen. I didn’t think you’d be so bad—”

  “But you learned otherwise right?” His tone was hateful and he glared at me like I had just committed the biggest sin.

  “Well you haven’t exactly been the most welcoming.”

  “Yeah I know.” He pulled the paper from me. “I think I can do this after all. You’re free to go home now.”

  I stared at him confused. “Wait? You’re mad at me for being honest? Let me finish the damn paper then I’ll go.”

  “No it’s fine. I got it.”

  He was being ridiculous. “Stop acting like a baby. Ryan told me his opinion; I didn’t listen until you treated me worse than the dirt under your shoes. You did that, not him.”

  His eyes widened in shock and I shrugged. I was done letting him push me around. If I was going to work for him I demanded a certain level of respect and general kindness wasn’t too much to ask for. He nodded and handed the paper back to me without taking his eyes off of me.

  I took it and went back to work ending the conversation. It felt good to take control over the situation.

  “I was hoping to take you to dinner tonight.”

  I laughed and highlighted the next error. “Funny.”

  “I’m serious, but the chances of that are pretty slim now huh?”

  I looked at him wondering if he was playing me. “Not on your life.”

  “What if you didn’t have a boyfriend?”

  “Not even then.”

  This seemed to upset him. His brows drew in and he frowned as if turning him down was a surprise. “I see.”

  I had nothing to say so I continued working. He stopped talking and left me to handle the document. My heart pounded the whole time. Every few seconds I felt his stare, but he didn’t say anything. It was like he was trying to figure me out. I couldn’t believe he actually thought I’d have dinner with him. I chuckled about it without meaning to. It was really quite amusing.

  I glanced at him and shook my head.


  “Nothing, just thinking.” I handed the file to him. “There wasn’t too much wrong, but you got a little wordy in a couple of places. I assume you want these contracts to be thoroughly read?”

  “Yes,” he replied as he looked over the paper.

  “So if you replace words shortening it up your better off. People get bored with too many words. It will make it easier.”

  He nodded and smiled. “Thanks it looks good.”

  I was stunned by his praise. “It’s something I’m good at.” There wasn’t much but it was nice. I stood to go, but he grabbed my hand.

  For a second I stared at his large hand wrapped around mine and licked my lips. Then I glanced at him. He rubbed his thumb over my flesh and I shuddered. Yanking my hand away I waited.
He walked around his desk; his height was intimidating as hell. I had to tip my head back to look at him. The man had no boundaries. He crowed my spaced, and then his fingers gripped my hip. I went to pull back but he held me tight.

  “Let go,” I whispered.

  He shook his head and leaned down running his nose along my neck. I swear I hated it. Hell I wanted to hate it.

  “I know your secrets Leila. All of them.”

  I froze and my body shook. No one was supposed to know about my past. I worked hard to put it behind me and though some of it still haunted me things were getting better. “No, you don’t know anything about me.” Denial. I was good at that.

  He pulled me back and shook his head. “I wish you wouldn’t lie. I do in fact know. I’m a rich man, and I dug into your past easily. I know about what you did.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “I never wanted anyone to know.”

  “If I could find out so could Ryan. I don’t like to admit this, but he is wealthier than even I am. If he hasn’t checked into your past yet he will. I know him, and he won’t stick around once he knows what you did. He won’t care you went to rehab. He won’t care how far you’ve come.”

  I shoved him back before the first tear fell. “Why would you say that? He trusts me.”

  Aiden chuckled. “Should he though? You are lying to him every day you don’t confess.”

  I paled. He was right and I hated him for it. Why would he call me out on my past? “Why did you even hire me then knowing what you know?”

  He shrugged. “I believe in second chances, Leila. I believe you aren’t your past. Ryan on the other hand—let me tell you from experience—won’t be so gracious.”

  I didn’t get it. Ryan talked so poorly of Aiden, and my new boss didn’t seem to think very highly of my boyfriend. He acted like Ryan was—a snob. “How would you know? He might be okay with it.”


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