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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She got in home and found him in the sitting room, staring at her as she entered.

  “Hi,” she said.


  “I got your favorite.” She lifted the box for him to see.

  “You’re my favorite, Cassidy.”

  “Where are the others?” she asked him.

  “Gone to town to play. I’ve got you all to myself.” Her body melted at the command in his voice. “You know what I am, Cassidy?”

  She licked her lips as she stared at him. The moment she met him, she’d felt this pull to be with him. The need for him to give her orders or instructions.

  “You’re a master?”

  “That’s right. When we’re alone like this, I want you to call me, Sir or Master.”

  Cassidy nodded her head. She’d known this was coming, that it would only be a matter of time. The excitement inside her built at what she thought might happen.

  “Good. Take off all your clothes but leave the heels on.” He sat down in the chair facing the plasma television. He flicked a button on the remote, and she knew he’d turned the television on.

  She placed the box of cream buns down onto the spare chair and removed all of her clothes and stood before him without anything on except her heels.

  “Walk to me,” he said.

  Cassidy took the steps until she stood before him. “Good, girl. Turn round and sit on my lap.” She did everything he instructed. Glancing at the television she gasped. He’d put on a porn film. One woman was being serviced by three well-endowed men. Heat pooled inside her. Her pussy clenched from the need to be the woman on the screen. Michael moved her over his cock. She felt the thick heat of him digging against her butt. He positioned her legs over his, opening her up.

  He leaned her back. His fingers ran up and down the inside of her thighs, igniting a path with his touch.

  “I want you to watch this with me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you see how open she is with the men?” She nodded her head. “She wants them to fuck her. To fill all of her holes with their large cocks.”

  The woman on the screen sucked every man in turn. One man was more forceful than the others. He gripped her hair in his fist, forcing her to take his cock deep in her throat. Michael turned up the volume. The sounds of her sucking cock, the men’s moans of approval, and the woman’s cries of bliss could be heard throughout the sitting room.

  “I love to watch this movie, thinking about you. Being with you and the Walkers is a dream come true. I love to watch my woman getting fucked. I can watch you lose yourself in the men you love.”

  He covered her pussy. He did nothing else but touch her. She was on fire everywhere from his touch. The man who was more dominant than the others held her still as he pumped his cock inside her mouth.

  The other two men lay back, watching as the woman was being face fucked. Cassidy cried out as Michael ran his finger through her wet slit.

  “You’re so wet. Is watching this turning you on?”

  She nodded her head, unable to find the right words.

  The dominant pulled her off his cock, lifted her up off the floor and carried her over to the other two men. He positioned her over the guy lying back on the bed. The one on the bed grabbed his cock and aligned it with her entrance. The dom slammed her down on the guy’s cock. She screamed out in pleasure. The wet sound of her cunt taking the cock could be heard. Michael penetrated her own cunt with two fingers.

  “You’re so tight. I can’t wait to fuck you. Watch. He’s not done with her yet.”

  Cassidy watched the guy on the screen as he made the woman lean over. The other man with his cock in her pussy, grabbed the cheeks of her ass, and opened her wide. She saw the woman’s asshole.

  The dom grabbed a tube of lubrication and poured some on his fingers. Fascinated by what she was seeing, Cassidy leaned forward to watch. He spread the lube all over that puckered entrance. She was shiny and slick. He poured more onto his own member. She continued watching as he pushed a finger inside that forbidden hole. The woman cried out for more. She needed more. The third man filled her mouth with his cock.

  The dom used a second finger and then a third, pushing into her ass. The woman tried to fight them, to get them to fuck her. She got three hard swats on her butt for her trouble. Cassidy felt a jolt inside her at the punishment dealt to the woman on the screen.

  “I want to do that to you,” Michael said. “I want to be the first man inside this ass.”

  “Yes.” She wanted it, too. It felt so right to give that part of herself to Michael. Her dominant. All of her men were her dominants, but Michael was different. Being a dominant was who he was.

  “Stand up.” The transformation in him took her breath away. She stood up and kept her back to him. Cassidy felt him at her back. “Get on your knees and remove my clothes.”

  She followed his instructions. The need to be good was strong inside her. Cassidy went on her knees in front of him. She unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his legs. He stepped out of his pants, pushing them away.

  Michael fisted his cock, staring at her while she knelt before him. “You want this?” he asked.

  Cassidy nodded her head.

  “Come and get it.”

  He fisted some of her hair and brought her to the tip of his cock. She licked the slit and sucked his pre-cum to the back of her throat.

  “That’s it. Take it all and swallow me down that throat. Come on, baby. I know you want to.”

  She did. She wanted to do everything he wanted. He controlled the pace and the depth of thrusts in her mouth. She was dripping wet and felt her cream sliding down the inside of her thighs. She was so turned-on.

  His cock was thick and pulsing inside her mouth, his cum leaking out of the tip. She knew he was close to losing control.

  “You’ve got such a beautiful mouth, but I don’t want you to swallow my cum. I want to be inside your ass when I come. Get on your knees.”

  Cassidy did as he asked. The love she saw in his eyes took away any of her doubts and left her quivering, wanting more of what he was willing to give her.

  “I think I need to punish this ass. It looks too pale to leave alone.”

  She cried out as his hand slapped her ass. The heat exploded inside her from the rush of pain and the beat of pleasure from his punishments. She stuck her ass in the air and took everything he delivered.

  His swats were precise with the intent to pleasure as well as give pain. He was the expert. The dominant, and she was the submissive.

  “Your ass is lovely and pink. You’re soaking wet, Cassidy. Did you like your punishment?” He slid his fingers inside her pussy. His thumb grazed her clit.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “Good girl.”

  He pulled away, and she heard the rustling of a paper bag. She stayed in her position on her hands and knees. The excitement built as she waited for his next touch. Her ears became sensitive to every movement. She gasped as his fingers, slick with lubrication fingered her puckered ass.

  “I’m going to prepare you to take my cock, baby. You need lots of lube and a bit of time.” Michael stroked the base of her back, talking to her in soothing tones. She closed her eyes as his finger pushed against her virgin hole. The tight ring of muscles refused him entrance. She felt her muscles tighten further to keep him out. He shouldn’t be trying to get inside that hole. “Trust me and let me in.”

  “I’m trying. It hurts.”

  The moment she said the words, he pulled away and applied more lubrication before pressing on her ass again. This time, he pushed his finger inside her, and she cried out. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure shocked her.

  “That’s it. Trust me. How does it feel?”

  “Really good.”

  He flicked her clit, making her back arch and she thrust back on the fingers in her ass. The intensity of what she was feeling was taking her over the edge of reasoning. She wanted to be fucked and hard.
  “You’ve got two fingers and are stretching around them. I want your ass, baby.”

  “Then take it.” She voiced her demands, and she heard the edge of impatience in her own voice.

  Michael slapped her ass hard, three more times. “Don’t take that tone with me.”

  He slapped her again and again before soothing her red ass. She heard him moving around. The sound of a tube being squeezed became the most erotic sound in the world. He settled between her legs, and she knew he was going to fuck her ass.

  Anticipation filled her at the prospect of the forbidden.

  “Tell me if it hurts. I’ll stop right away.”

  She loved this about Michael. He would never do anything to hurt her.

  A gasp released from her lips as his cock began to push past her tight muscles. She closed her eyes as the pain became too much to bear. Cassidy was about to tell him to stop when he pushed past her barrier and sunk, slowly inside her ass.

  “I’m in,” he said a few minutes later. “How do you feel?”

  “Full but so good. Fuck me, Master. Please.”

  His hands roamed her back and hips as he gave her time to grow used to his cock inside her ass. He was driving her crazy. She wanted him to thrust inside her and make her forget her own name. His thrusts started out slow, bringing every ounce of sensation out of the experience. Cassidy felt herself losing control. Her ass was full, tight and she wanted him to pump his cock inside her hard and fast. She gripped the rung under her and screamed as he released one of her hips to finger her clit.

  “Can you imagine if the others were here, one could be inside your pussy as another fucked your mouth. The other two could be sucking your tits and playing with this clit. Five men, each of us wanting to do nothing but bring you pleasure.”

  The visual he created sent her climax rushing through her. She screamed and slammed back against his cock.

  Michael slapped her ass but shoved his way inside her. She moaned, cried out, and clawed at the carpet as her climax seemed to go on and on forever.

  Their control slipped, and he gave her everything, not holding anything back. His cock fucked her ass in hard, brutal thrusts. She couldn’t hear anything past the pounding inside of her head. The rush of pleasure was taking over.

  There wasn’t a part of her that could think coherently.

  She heard and felt as he released inside her ass. His cum filled her, making her burn for more.

  In the next moment, everything came apart.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I knew you couldn’t do this!” Cassidy yelled, slamming down her case and zipping it up.

  “We’re sorry, baby. We reacted and shouldn’t have,” Scott said. She was so angry. She wanted to lash out and hit all of them. Michael had been making her feel good. He’d fucked her ass and taken a part of hers for himself. She’d felt so close to him. The pleasure had been unlike anything she’d ever felt. Then they’d run in, throwing punches, spoiling their moment together. If Michael hadn’t moved her out of the way they could have hurt her. The aftercare was forgotten in their invasion of their privacy. Cassidy glanced over at Michael and saw the bruise forming around his eye.

  She should have known they wouldn’t be able to handle sharing her. Tears filled her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. They had their time with her, and the moment she was with Michael, they came in and spoilt everything. She loved all of them, and if she couldn’t have all of them then she would settle with none of them.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Cassidy turned away, pushing them out of her bedroom. She couldn’t deal with what they’d done. The moment she locked the door with them on the outside, she finished packing her suitcases. She pulled on some clothes, rubbing away the tears from her cheeks. She picked up the phone dialing her sister’s number. Lou answered on the fourth ring, sounding breathless.

  “Mr. Smith’s residence.”

  “Lou. I need a place to stay.”

  “Cassidy? Why? What has happened?” Her sister sounded instantly concerned.

  “It didn’t work out. I need to leave and have some space. Can I stay with you?”

  Some commotion went on in the background. “Yes. You can stay here.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be there soon.” She ended the call and then called a cab to pick her up.

  “Cassidy? Come out, baby. We’re sorry,” Roy said.

  Closing her eyes, she collapsed on the bed. She wanted to run out and embrace all of them. However, she couldn’t rid her mind of the look of rage on Gary’s and Scott’s faces as they pulled Michael from her. Their attack had been unprovoked. How could she live with five men who couldn’t cope with their different desires?

  If they couldn’t accept that part of her, then she couldn’t be with them. She picked up her two suitcases and opened the door.

  All five of them were crowding the area outside her door. They looked at her suitcases before staring back at her. The sadness in their eyes almost made her step back and put her belongings away.

  Instead, she squared her shoulders and walked past them, down the flight of stairs to the sitting room. She stared at the spot on the rug where her world had been opened and fallen apart.

  “Don’t go, Cassidy,” Gary said.

  They filed into the room.

  “I can’t stay here.”

  “We overreacted. We thought he was taking advantage of you,” Roy said.

  “How could he have been taking advantage of me, Roy? I wanted what he was doing to me. He fucked my ass, and I loved it. If you can’t deal with Michael having that part of me, then this is never going to work.”

  They stared at her in silence. Their gazes filled with sadness and loss. She knew what they were feeling because she was feeling it, too.

  Biting her lip, she turned away from their stares and stood at the door.

  “We love you, Cassidy,” Jesse said.

  Hearing him say the words broke her heart. Jesse was her best friend, her lover, and everything in between. She would have run to him, but he was part of this. She had no choice but to run to her sister.

  “I love you all, too. I wish it could have been different.” The cab pulled up, and she walked out the door, never looking back. The moment she looked back, she would crumble.

  * * * *

  Jesse slammed the door closed, resting his head against the hard wood. They’d been fools, his brothers, and he hadn’t been able to stop them.

  He turned to look at the men in the room. Michael had some peas over the side of his face.

  “Look what you fucking did,” Jesse shouted at Scott and Gary.

  They stared at the floor.

  “She wanted everything I gave her,” Michael said. “I love her with my whole heart. I would never hurt her. She’s my entire world.”

  “I’m sorry. I heard her cry out and saw what you were doing, and I lost control,” Gary said.

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s gone, and we fucked up. I’m going to pack my bags.” Michael stood, ready to leave.

  “Don’t. We can fix this. We’ve got to prove to her that we can handle us being with her. I love her, and I don’t want to lose her,” Roy said, sounding serious for the first time ever.

  “If we can’t handle Michael being with her, then how can we fix it?” Scott asked.

  “She fixed your problems with Gary. Why can’t we fix our problems with Michael? We were happy to watch her sucking his cock. What was different about this?” Roy asked.

  Scott and Gary stared at each other. “I thought she was crying out in pain. I thought Michael was hurting her, and I couldn’t stand it.”

  “I wasn’t hurting her,” Michael said, ending his sentence on a yell.

  “I know that now,” Gary said.

  “Then we can’t let her go. We’ve got to show her that we’re here for the rest of her life. Not just as her men but as a family,” Jesse said.

  “How are we going to do that?” Michael asked.

Jesse smiled. They’d do absolutely nothing but show her their friendship with each other.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Living with Lou inside Mr. Smith’s house felt wrong. She didn’t see much of her sister as she was always busy with the work her boss wanted her to do. Most of her days were spent missing Michael and the Walker brothers, but she couldn’t give herself to them again. They’d lied to her, and worse, she’d seen the judgment in their eyes over what she liked.

  She couldn’t go on living off of Lou, and she applied for the position as a waitress at the diner. The work was long and hard but she could forget about her troubles. At least she could forget until said troubles walked through the door.

  Michael, Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse became regulars at the diner overnight. Gifts came every day at Mr. Smith’s house. Flowers, jewels, chocolates, which she gave to Ryan to eat.

  They sat in her section every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of her men found an excuse to touch her. She heard them making plans to spend the nights together. What shocked her was learning that Michael was still living at their ranch house. He’d sold up his rented accommodation and was now living at the ranch full-time. They always found a reason to touch her. A brush of their hands on top of hers, or they caressed her ass. She felt her heart pound with every touch. The desire to give in and go home with them grew stronger every day.

  Her dreams were filled with the memory of their loving of her body. The days passed and turned into weeks, and she began to wonder why she left them in the first place. She was lovesick and missing her men. They were her everything. Never in her life had she been a coward. She fought for what she wanted with everything she had.

  The tension between Lou and Mr. Smith could be felt in every part of the house. When he got home, he watched her sister like a hawk. Cassidy found it unnerving, but Lou never mentioned anything about it to her. It was like the tension didn’t exist accept for in Cassidy’s head.


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