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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  One weekend she returned home early from the diner with the intent of returning to the Walker ranch. Ryan was due to spend time with his mother. She thought Lou was out with friends and Mr. Smith was at work. The moans she heard the moment she walked through the door made her aware she wasn’t alone.

  “One, Sir.”


  “Two, Sir.”

  Frowning, Cassidy moved toward the sound. His office door was slightly ajar. She gazed in and gasped. Her sister was bent over Mr. Smith’s desk, her panties round her ankles and her ass in the air. Her sister sounded in so much pain. From the red of her ass to the sounds she made, it didn’t sound like the way Michael treated her. It sounded like abuse.

  “You’ve been a very naughty sub. Haven’t you, Lou?” he said.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry.”

  He slapped her ass three times. Lou screamed, counting the smacks. Cassidy stared at the red of her sister’s ass and felt the rage building inside her. Mr. Smith was beating up her fucking sister. Without thought, she charged in the room, attacking Mr. Smith.

  “Get away from my fucking sister, you pervert.” Cassidy pushed him away, slapping him.

  He didn’t defend himself.

  “Cassidy, stop it!” Lou screamed at her, pulling her off her boss. “Get away from him.”

  “What are you doing, Lou? He was beating you.” Cassidy pulled out of her sister’s hands and went to slap Mr. Smith some more.

  “No. He wasn’t, Cassidy. Leave him alone.”

  “Like hell he wasn’t.”

  “Stop being a stubborn bitch, and leave him alone.” Lou pulled her off.

  Cassidy stared in shock as Lou walked over to Mr. Smith and stood in front of the older man. He put his hands on her sister’s shoulder, and Lou practically melted against him.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Mr. Smith leaned down and kissed her sister’s temple. “I’ll call them. You take her and explain. We’ll finish this later.”

  Lou nodded and took her sister by the hand, leading her through to the kitchen. The house was deserted, and Cassidy suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  * * * *

  Mr. Smith, or Brandon as he preferred to be called by his friends and family, sat behind his desk and calmed himself. He’d known the moment Lou’s sister stayed with them that their life would be turned upside down. Due to her sister’s stay, he’d slept alone for over two weeks. His time with Lou lessened as the time went on. When her sister left for work, leaving him alone with the woman he loved, Brandon had seized the opportunity before him. Closing his eyes, he reached out and dialed the Walkers’ ranch number.

  Gary answered on the third ring.

  “Walker ranch. How can I help?”

  “You can start by coming and taking a fiery redhead off my hands before she ruins any chance I have with her sister.” He’d been in love with Lou the moment he met her. She was blonde, submissive, kind, and everything his ex-wife hadn’t been. Lou needed him. He helped her to control her pain. The moment she lost her parents, she went off the rails. She’d asked him to never tell her sister how bad she got.

  Lou was a recovering from an eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. The past couple of years since she’d been working with him, Brandon had been able to cure her from her addiction to gorging on food and then throwing it up, along with the extended periods of fasting. He was so pleased he’d caught her before she had gone too far down the road. She ate her meals with him and spent a great deal of time with him.

  “What do you mean, Brandon?” Gary asked.

  “Let’s just say Cassidy Jocks just wore out her welcome when she interfered with my punishment of my submissive.” He knew Michael was part of the BDSM scene and would have talked with the brothers over his needs. Any well-trained dom could see the submissive side to Cassidy. Even if she did go off the rails in order to try and protect her sister.

  “I see.”

  “Yes. You’d better come and get her. I’m tired of seeing her mope around my house. She loves you guys, and I’m trying to make Lou fall in love with me. Her sister’s presence isn’t helping my cause.”

  “We’ll be there right away.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cassidy stared at her sister, unsure what to say.

  “You want him to hit you?”

  “It is not as easy as that. There is so much more to it than punishment.” Lou poured more coffee into a cup for Cassidy to drink. “Besides, didn’t you tell me that was what Michael was doing to you before the others ran in and ruined the moment for you? Or at least something similar.”

  She sat back in her seat and thought about that moment inside the Walkers’ home with Michael. He’d been commanding her in a similar way to Mr. Smith. She shook her head. There was no way her sweet, loving sister could want anything to do with that side of things. What shocked her more was her reaction. She’d done the exact same thing as Gary and Scott. Her mind opened up. She’d overreacted and ruined what she had with her men. She hadn’t waited for them to explain.

  “Do you want him to do that?”

  “Yes, Cassidy. I’m not ashamed of what I have with Mr. Smith. He’s been good to me. I think I love him.”

  “I made a big fucking mistake.” Cassidy groaned and flopped her head onto her hands resting on the counter.

  Lou stroked her back, soothing her. “It’s easy to make a mistake.”

  “Not with this. I didn’t give them a chance to explain. They did exactly what I did to you. Assumed he was hurting you and charged in trying to save you. I’m an idiot.”

  “I’m sure your men will forgive you. In fact, I know they will. Hi, guys.”

  Cassidy looked up at to see her men piling into the kitchen. Mr. Smith walked in behind them.

  “I hate to say this, Cassidy, but you’ve overstayed your welcome.”

  She nodded her head. “You’ll look after my sister?”

  “With my life.”

  “I’m going to go and pack. You still want me?” she asked her men.

  “You never have to ask.”

  Cassidy packed her suitcases and was out of their house in a heartbeat. She travelled with Michael and Jesse all the way home. They didn’t talk, and she was pleased. What she had to say, she wanted all of them present.

  Jesse helped her out of the truck the moment Michael stopped in the front yard. Gary and the others pulled up next. They took her cases from her, leading her into the house. The door closed, and she stood in the spot where Michael took her ass.

  “We’re so sorry,” Scott said.

  “You don’t need to say a thing. I know how you must have felt when you saw me and Michael together. I failed all of you because I ran instead of listening to you. I’m sorry.” She licked her lips as she thought about how much she’d missed them. They had been part of her life for so long. She didn’t want to even contemplate a future without them in.

  Cassidy moved them to stand in front of her. This was a commitment she wanted to make to them for the rest of her life.

  “I can’t say anything to make up for the missed weeks. I’ve loved you with all my heart and wanted to be with you every day. This is my fault, and tonight I was finally shown my own errors.” She went down on one knee in front of all five of her men. Cassidy stared up into all five of their eyes. They were all her men, and she would love them for the rest of her life. “Would you do the honor of becoming my husbands?”

  Marriage was the ultimate commitment.

  Jesse went to his knees before her first. “We should have been the ones to ask you. Not the other way around.”

  “I don’t care. Please, yes or no?”

  “Yes. I’d never want to be with anyone else.”

  She’d rendered the rest of her men speechless.

  They all collapsed on top of her. Their yes could be heard all round the house. They were yelling their answer. She laughed as they pulled her up, kissed and hugged her. The love they felt for her was s
urrounding her.

  Cassidy couldn’t believe how long she’d waited to give herself to them. She knew without Michael it wouldn’t be the same.

  It fit perfectly for her. She had five men who loved her, and she would never be alone again.


  Three months later…

  Cassidy watched the last of the guests leaving. Her white silk dress flowed around her. Michael stood by her side in a gorgeous black tux while the rest of her men prepared for the night ahead. The whole town of Long Mead had been invited to celebrate her wedding. Their warm wishes and love made her feel so happy to be marrying five of the most amazing men in the world.

  Jesse came back, loosening his tie. Scott and Gary came through from the kitchen with Roy walking down the stairs.

  “Alone at last,” Michael said.

  She shivered as she knew what was coming next. They’d talked about it for the past few weeks about their wedding night being the night where they took her together. All of them touched her body as one.

  “Are you ready for this, baby?” Scott asked.

  “I want you all together. I trust you, and this will be perfect.”

  They led her up the stairs to their master bedroom. They’d redecorated one of the rooms to fit all of them with a bed big enough. It would be a tight squeeze, but she was happy being surrounded by her men.

  Her dress was taken from her body and laid on a chair. Her bra and panties were removed followed by her shoes.

  Each of her men was in different states of undress with Gary already naked at the head of the bed.

  “Come here, baby,” he said. She smiled and climbed up the bed. The men behind her moaned, and she knew they’d be able to see her cunt glistening with her juice. She settled on top of Gary, kissing him on the lips. “You’re the perfect woman.”

  “And you’re one of my perfect men,” she said.

  He kissed her thoroughly, pulling her hair out of her face as he did. She moaned, wrapping her arms around him.

  Within minutes they were joined by the other men. They touched, caressed and made her feel loved with the way they cared for her. Each of them fingered her slit or her ass while she fisted their cocks. They were all long, hard, and thick. Jesse kissed her shoulder, and she knew each man’s touch from the other. Michael was always a little harder than all the others with his dominance. Gary always seemed to hold himself back for fear of hurting her. Roy teased her until she was screaming at him to fuck her. Scott was tender with her, while Jesse was loving.

  She never wanted to be anywhere else but in their arms. The next fifty-plus years were going to be exciting.

  “It’s time, sweetheart,” Jesse whispered against her ear. Gary lay back, giving her enough room for another guy to be involved. Together they seated her on Gary’s cock. His hard length filled her pussy, making her moan with pleasure. Michael teased her ass and slowly filled her with his hard cock. The fit was tight, but they’d practiced with dildos to help prepare her for her final taking. Scott came to her lips, and she sucked his cock into her mouth.

  Roy and Jesse teased her nipples and clit. The position she was in held her away from the men and provided plenty of room for all of them to touch. Over the last three months, her men had grown accustomed to being together like this. They touched her together. Their love for her was stronger than ever before. There was no sexual activity between the men at all.

  They rode her body, and Cassidy felt connected to all five men. There was no way for her to describe the intensity of emotion between them, but it was there. The love inside her burst out of her core as she accepted all of them. After Gary exploded inside her pussy, Roy filled her up. Together they eased her body as she was taken. Scott plunged inside her mouth, and she swallowed his seed. Michael growled out his release, bringing her over the edge with his plunging cock.

  Jesse took Michael’s place. His lubricated cock filled her ass as Roy fucked her pussy. There was no jealousy, only love as all of her men bought her over the edge again and again.

  She screamed out as the pleasure grew too much.

  Michael and Gary sucked her nipples as Scott teased her clit. Jesse growled against her back, and Roy cried out as their releases collided and slammed against each other.

  They all collapsed on the bed in a pulsing heat of pleasure.

  Their warmth surrounded her, and Cassidy knew that for the rest of her life she would be forever loved and cherished.




  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories, the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

  For all titles by Sam Crescent, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About the Author




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