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The Cougar Book

Page 12

by Jolie Du Prè

  “Kenny you are a lifesaver. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t stopped.” Her practiced smile of perfect teeth was something he had not often seen. Elizabeth retrieved a briefcase from her car and retreated to Kenny’s truck. The shade and cooling air were a relief from the heat. The hard vinyl seat felt strange to her, accustomed as she was to the more comfortable leather. The interior of the truck interested her with its gritty, basic, and completely masculine nature. She looked at a feathered and beaded amulet that hung from the rear view mirror. In her mind, she wondered how many young women had surrendered to Kenny’s charms in this truck. Finally shaking off such intrusive thoughts, she opened the brief case to review information for her evening meeting.

  Kenny smiled when he opened the clean and orderly trunk of her car. The spare tire and jack sat unused and in showroom condition. As he set about his work of jacking up the car, the image of Elizabeth dominated his thoughts. Rarely had he seen a woman of such beauty, style, and self-confidence. He pictured her face, with the pale skin, brown eyes, and hair that fell softly to her shoulders. He figured she was ‘50-something,’ twice his age and more, yet he felt an intense attraction to her. He struggled to control his ‘young man’s lust’ and continue with his work.

  She looked up from her work to see Kenny walking toward the truck with a wheel under each arm. The buttons of his shirt gapped as his muscles strained under their load. In a moment, he climbed into the driver’s seat and smiled at her. His worn jeans were covered with dust and his shirt marked by the dirt and rubber from the tires.

  “We’ll go into town and get these tires replaced, then you can be on your way.”

  Elizabeth nodded a mute reply.

  Suddenly she felt an inexplicable sadness at that thought. Something inside of her was contented to stay with this handsome, young man. She remembered enjoying the same strength and appeal in her former husband before life’s pressures and the years dissolved the bond between them. The truck pulled out onto the road and passed her crippled car.

  “So what brings you to these parts? We don’t get many strangers around here.”

  “I have a meeting tonight with the board of Pawhuska Hospital. I sell medical equipment, and they had inquired about an MRI machine.”

  “You must travel a lot.”

  “A lot,” she confirmed.

  “Are you married?”

  She was taken aback by the personal question until she saw Kenny’s innocent expression. “I was, for twenty-eight years, to a surgeon. I was selling medical equipment when I met him, and we married. After he decided that he’d rather have a thirty-year-old emergency room nurse than a fifty-year-old homemaker, I went back to work. Two years later, here I am.”

  Detecting the nerve he had struck, Kenny quickly apologized.

  “It’s all right. We had two children; both are educated, grown, and married. Three grandkids, all are doing well. I could have retired on the settlement, but I enjoy the travelling.”

  “There must be more interesting places to travel to than Pawhuska.”

  “Define ‘more interesting’.”

  Her remark caught Kenny unprepared and he struggled to answer. “More glamorous . . . more things to see.”

  “Certainly, but so what? I’ve seen glamorous, and I’ve seen plain. I’ll take plain. I go to hospitals and doctors’ offices where they buy my equipment just to have the absolutely newest of everything. They buy it, not because they need it, but so they can say that they have it. Half of the time, they don’t even have people trained to use it, or doctors who know what it does. I love them dearly and gladly take their money, but there’s no satisfaction in it for me. Tonight when I meet with the people in Pawhuska, I know that their doctors need the equipment that I sell, and they will put it to good use. They will have busted their asses to scratch together federal and state grants, local donations. I’ve known some communities to hold bake sales and other events to collect money to buy what they need. Those are the kind of people I want to work with, and the company I represent does everything possible to see to it that they get what they need. So I’ll take Pawhuska over some spoiled, private hospital any time. Now, what about you, Kenny Cheska . . .? Sorry, bad salesman, I forgot how to pronounce your name.”

  “Che-she-wal-la. The pure Osage words have been lost, but my parents say it meant something like ‘too many buffalo’ or ‘too many cattle’.”

  “Well to me it means, ‘nice guy who rescues stranded woman’.” Tell me about Kenny.”

  “Oh, nothing interesting there. I’ve lived here all my life. Finished high school and had no interest in college, so I joined the army. I did my four years and came home. Now I work for the Tribal Authority maintaining a few creaky, old oil wells that spit out a couple hundred gallons of crude each month. Just enough to justify keeping them going.”

  “Wife . . . girlfriend?”

  “Nobody serious. I date a couple of girls but I’m really not ready to settle down.”

  “Are you happy here?”

  “I got to see some towns when I was in the army. I even went to Germany. Those people live squashed together in little villages. There’s not much land that’s not mountains or river valleys. Much too crowded for me. I like it here where there’s room to spread out.”

  “Yes, Kenny, I can’t picture you in an apartment building in some big city. You just wouldn’t fit.”

  They pulled into the tire store and Kenny unloaded the wheels. As she looked around, she noticed a men’s clothing store just up the street of the small town. Kenny returned, now empty-handed.

  “I’ve got good news and bad news.”


  “They have the tires to replace yours.”

  “Yes . . . but?”

  “They’re $210.00 each.”

  “That’s about right.”

  Kenny’s eyebrows rose. “Elizabeth, I run sixteen-inch, eight-ply tires on this truck and I pay about $70.00 each. I think they’re hosing you.”

  “You’ve never owned a Mercedes have you?”


  “Just relax, that’s normal.”

  “It’s your money.”

  Elizabeth smiled back at him.

  “I have to go pick up some well parts. It’ll take me maybe half an hour. Will you be all right?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.” He turned to leave when she called after him. “Kenny!” He stopped and turned. “What size pants do you wear?” He looked at her strangely.

  “Thirty-six waist, thirty-two long.”

  “Shirt . . . large?”


  “Thank you.”

  He still appeared baffled but turned and climbed into the truck.

  Kenny returned later to find the two wheels with shiny, new, black tires sitting outside of the service bay. Inside Elizabeth sat in a chair working as two older men across the room sat admiring her legs. As soon as Kenny walked in, she gathered her papers into the briefcase.

  “Is everything finished?”


  “Good. We’ll get these wheels back on your car and you’ll be on your way.”

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  She followed him out the door where he loaded the wheels into the back of the truck. When he climbed back into the driver’s seat, he noticed the plastic bag she now carried.

  “Looks like you did some shopping.”

  “Yes, there were a few things I picked up.”

  “Oh, OK.”

  Elizabeth was grateful to see her car still intact on the side of the road. Kenny pulled behind the car and set about changing the wheels. She watched him, kneeling in the dirt and sometimes laying flat to position the jack properly. Sweat soaked his hair, and she could see the wetness marks on the front and back of his shirt. Before replacing the rear wheel, he took off his shirt. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat. As he lifted and twisted to put the wheel onto the car, his muscles rippled in a symphony to her eyes. His corrug
ated abdomen ended at the large, shiny belt buckle of his jeans. She watched enthralled as he worked. Finally, he carefully put the jack and spare tire back into her trunk, making sure that the cover was smooth. After closing the trunk, he took his shirt from the ground, wiping his head and chest. She swallowed hard at the sight as he approached. Opening the door, he handed her keys to the car.

  “There you are, Elizabeth, good as new. You should be glad you wouldn’t be stuck in this truck with me. I probably smell like a buffalo.”

  “Or ‘too many buffalo’.” She gathered up her things and opened the passenger door of the truck. “Kenny, I can never thank you enough for what you have done, but I’d like to try. I have a reservation at the Black Gold Motel in town and I want you to follow me there.

  His face suddenly stiffened and a lump appeared in his throat. “Elizabeth, you don’t owe me anything.”

  “I understand that. Just follow me . . . please.”

  “Of course.”

  She walked to her car and opened the door, releasing a blast of stored heat. The bag and the briefcase went into the back seat, and she removed her jacket before sliding into the seat. The hot leather felt like it was melting her back as she started the car and put the air conditioning to maximum. She used her jacket to protect her hands from the hot steering wheel before closing the door and driving away. She watched in the rear view mirror as Kenny pulled out behind her.

  It took just a few minutes for her to register and get the room key. Kenny had parked beside her car. He seemed nervous and stiff as he carried her suitcase along the numbered doors, finally stopping at the correct one.

  The room was cool and fresh, and offered a dark shelter from the baking sun. He put her suitcase onto a dresser and watched as she put the bag and her briefcase on a table. When she turned toward him, he looked almost frightened. She methodically hung up her suit jacket before walking toward him. As she approached, she could see him stiffen.

  “Kenny you can relax. I haven’t killed or eaten a man for over a year. The medication seems to be working quite well.”

  He finally broke into a smile. “I’m sorry. I’ve never been alone like this with a beautiful woman before.”

  She turned to the table and picked up the plastic bag. “Kenny, you all but ruined your shirt and pants while helping me, so I got you some new clothes. I want you to try them on, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let you do that without taking a shower first.”

  He finally smiled. “I can understand that.”

  “So head for the bathroom. After you’ve showered, I’ll hand you in clean clothes and you can dress.

  “Am I going ‘commando’?”

  “You did say size thirty-six?”


  “No ‘commando,’ but I hope you like boxers.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve always been a ‘tight white’ guy.”

  “You’ll get over it.”

  She sat on the bed as he kicked off his boots and removed his socks. He turned and walked toward her as he slowly removed his shirt. As each button opened, she felt her body reaction to him increase. When finally he slid off the shirt in front of her, he seemed to be aware of the effect he was having upon her. Free of the shirt, he held it in one hand.

  “Oh, that is better. I hate when a shirt gets all sweaty and sticky.” His pectoral muscles flexed and a ripple passed down his washboard abdomen. He offered her the shirt.

  It was now she who was stammering. “Eh . . . no, Kenny. Just throw it over there onto the sink.”

  He tossed the shirt and stared back at her with a grin as he opened his belt buckle and unsnapped his jeans. “Do these go in the sink also?”

  “No . . . um . . . you better take those off in the bathroom.” She hadn’t been so wet since her water broke before childbirth.

  “OK.” He turned and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  “Oh my God!” she gasped to the empty room.

  Soon she heard the water running and the shower engage. She took his new clothes from the bag and laid them on the bed, admiring the black jeans with the decorative stitching on the back pockets and the new western shirt with more decorative stitching. That should work for an Oklahoma cowboy. Nice but with just a touch of color, attractive but completely masculine. It was the silk boxer shorts that tilted her balance. She held them in her hand, feeling the soft, slippery silk as it moved over her fingers. Who am I kidding?

  She kicked off her shoes and she peeled off the no-longer-crisp blouse. The panty hose slid away quickly and joined the growing pile on the bed. In her excited state, she fumbled with the bra, feeling like a fool when she couldn’t get it loose, finally resorting to the “spin-it-around” technique. The wet-to-touch panties slid to the floor, and she kicked them away. Leaving only one dim light in the room, she opened the bathroom door and turned off the light. In the darkness, he called out.

  “Elizabeth, the lights are out, are you all right?” When he heard no answer, he started to call again. “ELIZA . . . beth!” The shower curtain opening interrupted him and he moved forward as she stepped into the tub behind him.

  “You were so dirty I thought you needed someone to wash your back.” Her words were slow and sensual.

  “Yes, oh, God . . . yes.”

  The quiver in his voice confirmed his nervousness. She found his tone stimulating.

  “Give me the soap.”

  He turned and fumbled in the darkness to find her hand. Suddenly he reached for her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him. His lips made a clumsy attempt to find hers but instead glanced off her forehead. Calmly she pushed him away.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up my strong buffalo.”

  He reluctantly released her and turned around. She began to wash his back and shoulders, allowing her hands to trail down his arms. Her touch sent shivers through him and his muscles involuntarily tensed. Feeling his muscles flex beneath his smooth skin was sending tingles through her as well. She squeezed her legs together to scratch the growing itch.

  He extended his arms and leaned forward against the front wall, entranced by the feel of her hands moving upon him. She worked in circles down his back, her hands taking pleasure from the feel of his flesh. When she reached his tightly muscled ass, she could not resist kneading with her fingers. She heard him snicker and felt him flex.

  She straightened up again and pressed her body against his. He shivered at the contact. She whispered into his ear, “You have such a nice ass . . . an ass that I’d love to sink my teeth into.”

  “Please . . . do it!”

  “No, my darling, not yet.” She pulled her body tightly against his back, reaching around to wash his chest. She soaped with one hand and rubbed with the other as she explored him. Her slippery fingers pinched his nipples until he squirmed. He gasped at her touch.

  Her hands continued downward, soaping and swirling his rippled abdomen while she pressed her diamond-hard nipples into his back. Her fingernails carved trails of pleasure into his flesh. The lower she reached, the more his body stiffened. His gasps became louder and deeper. She paused, generously soaping both of her hands before plunging between his legs to capture his balls. His head reared and he cried out.

  “Your balls are large, my gallant one. I like large balls that make your sexy, tight pants bulge.” She lifted and massaged him as he now gasped openly. She paused again to soap her hands before dropping the soap and grasping his stiffened cock.

  He cried out and shook while she slowly slid her hands up and down his length.

  “Oh . . . Oh, God . . . it’s never . . . I’ve never . . . Oh, God!”

  She remained silent but was equally excited. His cock steamed in her hands, its intense hardness an unfamiliar experience after so many years. She felt heady at controlling his wonderful device and relished the feeling of holding it tightly in her hands.

  “Your cock is so hard . . . and so long. I love the feel of it.”

  “Yes! Oh
, God . . . please . . . oh, yes . . . OH!”

  Fighting her own desires, she released him and backed away, leaving him stunned. She reached through the shower curtain and pulled a towel from the wall rack before stepping from the tub.

  “Where are you going? Wait . . . please, come back.” She could hear his desperate pleas as she quickly dried herself. In the darkness she felt her way back to the light switch. Her eyes revolted against the shattering fluorescent light that left her squinting back toward him.

  “Finish your shower, my love.” She closed the door and finished drying the water from her body. Through the closed door she could hear him calling to her.

  She wrapped up in the towel and turned off the remaining light, leaving the room shrouded in darkness except for the glow of sunlight escaping around the edges of the window curtain. She stretched out on the cool bed to savor the excitement she had experienced by bringing her handsome, young man to the edge. In her mind she heard his sounds, his cries and pleas, and relived the feel of his body. Her hand trailed between her legs to find abundant wetness and extraordinary sensitivity. Years of marriage had dulled sexual excitement for her, and she was surprised and pleased by this newfound intensity. It had been many years since she has desired a man this badly.

  When he opened the bathroom door, the burst of light briefly flooded the room. She lay silently as he approached wearing only a towel around his loins. Even in the near darkness she could see the lust in his eyes. When he stepped between the beds, she rose to meet him and fell into his arms. He crushed her to him, his towel falling to the floor. His lips found hers in a furious storm as his strong hand grasped her hair and pulled her head to his. His tongue forced its way into her mouth and explored it wildly. When finally he loosened his grip they parted slightly.

  “I’ve never had a woman do this to me! I’ve never wanted a woman so badly!” He began to pull her toward him again, but she surprised him by sitting on the bed, leaving him standing with his rigid cock jutting before him.

  She looked into his eyes with a teasing smile. She knew that her actions were making him crazy with desire, and she was enjoying that. She lifted her hands to his chest and slowly drew them along his body until she again held his cock in her hand. Her calm demeanor contrasted to his excited state.


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