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The Cougar Book

Page 13

by Jolie Du Prè

  “Have you been with many women?”

  “Some . . . maybe four of five.”

  “Were any of them older than your mother?”

  He swallowed hard. “No.”

  “Did any of them suck your cock?”

  He seemed rattled by her unexpected question. “Well . . . uh, one did.”

  “Did you like it?” She continued slowly stroking his stiff cock.

  “Yeah, it was wonderful.” Now he was more nervous and excited than ever. She was enjoying her play with this inexperienced young man. Suddenly she stood up and pushed him back onto the other bed.

  “Well you’re gonna like this a lot better.” She knelt between his legs and pushed them apart. Her hand grasped the base of his cock while her mouth lowered to engulf him.

  He began to writhe and to moan. He panted frantically, and his head thrashed from side to side. She took him deeply into her mouth and held him while her tongue teased. Then she withdrew very slowly leaving him with his hands clawing the bed covers. When she reached the top, she plunged deeply again and very slowly slid up his length. Now he lay whimpering like a child. After the third time she stopped, sat back, and looked at him.

  “Now you will cum for me.”

  Her head dropped down again and her mouth covered the head of his cock. She began to quickly suck hard and release as she slowly moved up and down over just the head of his cock. It was only seconds before his hips arched, and he howled like an animal. Warm fluid began to shoot into her mouth. When he lay quiet, she slid her lips from his softening cock. She stretched out on the bed beside him and ran her fingers through his hair. His eyes were wet, as if he had been crying.

  “My God, Elizabeth, I didn’t know a woman could do something like that to me.”

  She chuckled, “My dear, there are so many things that you don’t know.”

  He turned and crawled up beside her, his face pleading. “Then teach me . . . please. I’ll do anything. I didn’t know it could be like that.”

  “There are things that you must discover on your own. With a pretty, young bride who loves you, and whom you love. You will have many years to discover how to please each other.”

  “I want to please you, as you did me.”

  “And you shall, my love. You are young, and I knew that you would cum quickly the first time. But you will also recover quickly, and we will have a wonderful union.”

  He grabbed at her towel, ripping it from her body and spinning her up the bed as it pulled loose. He lunged at her, turning her toward him and covering her body with his. His lips were frantic against hers. He rolled back, and his hand found her breast. His touch was clumsy, but his excitement alone began to recharge her body. His lips slid down to sweep up a swollen nipple. His warm lips and enthusiastic sucking sent electricity through her body. He moved downward leaving a wet trail behind. As her body reacted more and more, she thought less about his inexperience and more of his actions. He slid from the bed to the floor before grabbing her hips and unceremoniously pulling her to the edge of the bed. His face disappeared between her legs, and she felt his tongue mindlessly busy against her,

  “Kenny . . . Kenny, slow down. What you want to do isn’t that hard.”

  He sat back, looking embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before.”

  “Yes, Kenny, but slow down, just relax.”

  He smiled and moved forward as she lay back. “That’s it Kenny, lightly. Tease me baby, make me want you. Yes . . . oh, yes, like that, now go deeper. That’s it . . . long strokes.” She twisted her fingers into his hair and guided his head as her hips began to pump. “That’s it, Kenny, now up at the top. Find the bump. There . . . feel it? Oh! Yes . . . there. Oh! There! Right there! Oh, Kenny!”

  Kenny was learning fast, and her excitement was building rapidly. Soon he was a bird on the wing following only her chorus of, “YES!” when he hit his mark.

  As Kenny’s rapidly improving efforts continued, she felt the tightening within her body that had become unfamiliar of late. She lay gasping and crying, eyes clamped shut, as the sensations became more intense, a burst of white light sent her crashing on waves of pleasure. Repeatedly the pulses wrenched through her. When finally she lay panting and drained, she felt Kenny crawl up beside her. She rolled to him, and they kissed. When they separated, she stared at him through dreamy eyelids and smiled.

  “You learn quickly.” She rolled onto her back and spoke to the ceiling. “Kenny, I have to admit that it has been a while for me, and that was pretty damned good.”

  He propped up on his elbow. “Then we should make sure the magic doesn’t escape.” His hand slid over to toy with her nipples.

  Her hand crept across his body to find his cock stiffening again. It required only minimal encouragement to restore it. She surprised Kenny by rolling over, straddling his hips and placing her hands of either side of his head. Her hips slid down to rub her dripping pussy against his cock. She stared into his eyes and smiled.

  “Kenny, do you like to fuck?”

  He looked startled when she used the unexpected word. “Yes, ma’am. I love to . . . fuck.”

  “Then, Kenny, let’s fuck.” She raised her hips slightly and reached down to position him. She stared directly into his eyes as she slowly dropped down. Her mouth fell into an ‘O’ while Kenny’s eyes became wide and his mouth fell open. She smiled at him again as she settled completely onto him.

  “Oh, God, that feels so good!”

  She remained silent as she sat up and her hips began to rock. How long has it been? Three years . . . four years? I had forgotten how good it feels. She snapped out of her thoughts to look at Kenny below her, his hands now caressing her breasts. He was exciting to her, and now he was filling and pleasuring her.

  “See, Kenny, it doesn’t have to be fast. Just relax and enjoy it. You have such a nice cock. From the first time I touched it I wanted to feel it inside of me. And now you are inside of me, and I love it.”

  Kenny listened and smiled. “When I saw you, out on the road, you looked so classy. I never dreamed that I’d have this chance. God, you are so good!”

  She rode him slowly as they chatted, occasionally exchanging a laugh or a kiss. Eventually she began to feel that exciting tightness.

  “Kenny, it’s time to change gears.” He looked up, mystified by her remark. “Sometimes it does have to be fast and hard, and I want that now.” She lifted from him and moved on hands and knees to the edge of the bed. She stuffed a pillow under her head as she raised her hips into the air.

  She felt his warmth when he moved behind her, standing on the floor. His hand was on her hip and his fingers parted her. Suddenly, he was inside her again. He slammed into her, holding himself deeply within her. She moaned in response.

  “How about this?” Raising and lowering his hips caused her to moan loudly. He pulled back before slamming into her and pounding her frantically. Her cries were broken each time their bodies collided.

  “O-H-H-H Kenny! O-H-H-H Y-E-S-S-S!”

  He slowed briefly to catch his breath. “Say the word, Elizabeth. Say the dirty word!”

  “Please . . . fuck me . . . Kenny!”

  “Again, Elizabeth, say it again!”

  “Fuck me, Kenny! Oh, God, Kenny, fuck me hard!”

  He slammed into her with powerful thrusts that shook the bed. He lifted one foot onto the bed and resumed his assault. This seemed to re-energize her cries. “Y-E-E-E-E-S-S!”

  “Maybe just a little deeper.” He unceremoniously shoved her forward before he stepped up onto the bed and squatted over her, holding her shoulders with his hands. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room. Elizabeth’s hands clawed at the covers while she buried her face into the pillow. Her muffled cries served to drive him on as he crashed faster and faster into her hips. She was unprepared for the intense orgasm that swept through her. Her body convulsed beyond anything she had ever experienced, sending shock waves through her while her muscles clamped down onto
Kenny. She felt helpless as her body convulsed. The light and sound disappeared leaving her suspended as if floating.

  He buried his hands into her hair and pulled her head back from the pillow. His deep, animal growls drown out her cries as he spilled his seed deep within her. When finally he stopped, she collapsed, and he fell on top of her. They lay panting and perspiring until he withdrew and rolled beside her. He lay facing her, looking at the hair spread partially across her face. He gently reached over and brushed it aside.

  “Elizabeth, did I do all right?”

  She started to laugh, slowly at first, then harder when she rolled onto her back. Kenny looked confused when each time she turned to him, the laughter would start again. Finally she calmed enough to turn to him and touch his face.

  “Kenny, you have no idea how good that was.”

  Another shared shower washed the perspiration and body fluids away. She sat in her bra and panties, watching him put on the new clothes. He especially liked the silk boxer shorts and the unfamiliar slippery feel against his legs. The pants fit well but she worried that the shirt might be too tight until the last snap closed.

  “You’re one nice-looking cowboy.”

  “Thank you, ma’am, and you’re the most amazing woman I have ever met. Can I buy you dinner?”

  Her face suddenly changed. “No, Kenny, you can’t.”

  He looked stunned. “Why not?”

  “Because I’m hosting four members of the hospital board for dinner before my presentation.” She walked away and finished dressing.

  “How about afterward? You’re coming back here aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but I’m leaving at 5:30 in the morning for a meeting near Dallas.”

  He looked shocked. “But I must see you again! I must!”

  She took his hand. “Kenny, you’re a handsome, young man and a gentleman beyond your years, but there is no future for us. Baby, I have a son and a daughter who are both older than you. Kenny, you have to get on with your own life, and some day you’ll meet that pretty, young girl that you’ll marry. Sweetheart, what we had today was wonderful, but that’s as far as it goes. You need to go home now and move on with life.”

  “I’ll never meet another woman like you. You’re everything I could ever want.”

  Her eyes looked into his. “And in fifteen years? When I’m old and gray and my tits hang to my navel, what about then? You’ll be in your thirties and have no children. Your parents will be thrilled about that. Kenny, my sweet, young buffalo, we had a fling. An exciting, magical fling that we’ll both always remember, but it’s over, and there is no more. So kiss me, then gather up that bag of dirty clothes and go home. Somewhere in Oklahoma waits that pretty young girl whom you will love and marry, and you must go find her.”

  His look of disappointment was heart wrenching, but he kissed her. Then he turned and collected the bag of clothes before walking to the door. At the door he stopped and turned. Suddenly his face changed,

  “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Before she could say anything he dashed through the door. When he returned he carried the feathered and beaded amulet from his truck. He handed it to her.

  “This is called a dreamcatcher. The elders say that it will catch your dreams for you. This one brought me you, and that was more of a dream than I ever could have asked for. I figure that it’s done everything it can for me, now I want it to catch dreams for you.”

  Her eyes began to tear. “Thank you, Kenny. I’ll always treasure it, and it will remind me of you.”

  He kissed her one last time and closed the door as he left.

  In the years to come Elizabeth would spend many hours staring through the car windshield as the thousands of miles flew by. Each time she looked at the dreamcatcher hanging from her rear view mirror, she would smile as she remembered her handsome young buffalo.

  Get Up, Stand Up!

  Madeline Moore

  It should be the happiest night of my life, and it would be, if it weren’t for the boy on my fire escape, crouched like a gargoyle, with as miserable a countenance as any stone beast I’ve ever seen.

  It’s the night before my wedding and even though it’s not my first time down the aisle, it’ll be the first time I remember. Plus, this time I’m marrying a handsome, intelligent, wealthy man and my dress is amazing. It’s awesome, in the vernacular of the young.

  I’m not young, but he is—the boy, not the fiancé. The boy’s cock is as magnificent in its solidity and endurance as a rock. The thought of it makes my cunt ache. I’ve been spoiled over the last six weeks. I’ve indulged myself and now I must suffer.

  If I wanted to, I could claim perimenopause has played a part in my behavior of late. My girlfriends point to my sixty-year-old boyfriend and his freakin’ commitment issues. They didn’t even have to see Guy to declare him good for me. Of course, they’ve been cruising in a pack and feeding on the young for awhile now.

  I refused to join the cougar brigade. When they tried to make me go a-prowlin’ I said no, no, no. I had a much bigger fish to fry. Now look. An engagement ring on my finger, the pre-nup signed and sealed, and a boy on the balcony. My bad. I’m pushing frickin’ fifty and I feel ridiculous.

  Tea’s on! I tap at the glass doors, smile and hold up a tea cup.

  “Come in.” I mouth the words. “Talk to me.” Tilt my head. But I know he won’t respond. This is a silent, passive protest. All the talking is done, he said, and he was right. Try as I might, I’ll never convince him that our time is up.

  His blue eyes stare, two sapphires set in stone. They stream rain and, probably, tears. His black hair is matted to his head. His face is flushed. He’s likely sick by now. I have to do something, but what? They’re so stupid, the young. When I told him that he’d said, “I’d rather be stupid than cruel.”

  The first thing I said to him was, “You come down out of that tree!”

  The first thing he said to me was, “You’re not the boss of me!”

  In retrospect, everything was mapped out in those two sentences. I would play at taking care of him (while fucking him senseless) and he wouldn’t do what he was told (while fucking me senseless.)

  I sit down at the table, pour a lone cup of tea and contemplate the list of phone numbers I’ve been staring at for the past few days, ever since he moved from my bed to the balcony. There’s the police, known in these parts as La Sûreté du Québec, and a mental health crisis line. My girlfriends. Plus Ash, Mr. Potato Head, Willow, Big Balls—these are names and numbers I nicked from Guy’s cell phone the night I brought him home.

  All of my fiancé’s phone numbers are on speed dial, of course, though there’s no need to drag him into it at this late date, now is there? Brian is a developer. He owns undeveloped land all over Canada, and properties all over the world. I’m a physiotherapist. I own my condo.

  We met when I treated his bad back at the swish physio centre where I work. We’re both bilingual Anglo-Quebeckers so right there we had plenty to talk about. The relationship took off beautifully, stalled after about six months, and then continued crawling forward.

  Thus was the state of affairs one fine, summer evening six short weeks ago. I had the sunroof open on my Beetle, enjoying the breeze and basking in the last of a summer sunset. Brian and I were meeting at a posh restaurant for a night of fine dining followed by sex, which I was very much looking forward to. My cell phone rang. When I picked up, Brian said he had to stay late to meet with the Châteauguay contractors about “the kid up the tree.”

  I’d heard about the protest of course but hadn’t paid it much mind. There are plenty of acres of protected forest in Quebec; indeed we have the Châteauguay Conservation Area. It hadn’t seemed too terrible to mow down a few adjoining trees to put in a soccer stadium, and Brian stood to make a healthy profit which of course I was all for. But I hadn’t heard about this boy until now.

  “How long has he been up there?” My voice was modulated. When dealing with Brian my default state is “pati
ent,” this is not always an easy one for me to maintain. But it’s essential.

  “I don’t know, months,” said Brian.

  “That’s crazy! What about his legs?”

  Brian laughed his evil developer ‘nyah ah ah’ laugh. “We start clearing tomorrow, kid or no kid.”

  “But he could be hurt.” Tears actually sprung to my eyes. Partially because I was pissed at Brian and not giving him even a hint of it was making my blood boil, but also because here’s a young, idealistic man with no one to stand up for him, or to him, and make him stop. When I was young I did my time in the Marches, but I never risked my life, and if I had, someone would’ve stopped me.

  “So dinner’s out but if you want to come by around eleven I’d love to see you. Annie, I miss your lovely mouth.” Sounds nice, but what he really meant was, “I’ll be too tired to make love but you can always suck me off.”

  “We’ll see,” I purred. “I miss your . . . mouth . . . too.” I rang off before steam could start whistling out my ears. “Fuck you, pal,” I hissed.

  I drove to Châteauguay.

  The protest was a fair distance from the parking lot, which was hell in my heels, which I wouldn’t even have been wearing if I hadn’t been en route to a date. Pissed. I wasn’t talking out loud but inside I was spouting the worst string of expletives I knew: mother fucking cock sucking prick shit dick-for-brains, and such. Words I stopped saying out loud long ago but that lurk in my brain, ready to leap to my lips at the first sign of frustration. Fuck.

  Sunset’s gorgeous in Châteauguay and I knew the area well. Back in the day we used to build illegal campfires and sit around singing and swilling homemade wine and smoking dope. I was a “back to the lander.”

  It turned out just as well that I was dressed like a lovely lady. When I reached the stand of trees where the protest was taking place, the police were herding Mr. Potato Head and Fern Gully and the rest of that motley crew off the premises for the night and would’ve made me leave, too, but I said I was the kid’s mom and had come to take him home. They left me alone, under the butternut tree.


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