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Escape to Earth-Living Legends

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by Saxon Andrew

  Escape to Earth

  Living Legends



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Books by Saxon Andrew


  “We must do something about those High Energy Beings.”

  “By all means, go right ahead!”

  “You know I can’t do it alone.”

  “You didn’t join us when we attacked them?”

  “That’s just it, you didn’t attack them; you fled so fast you nearly overloaded your reactors.”

  The two beings were in different galaxies and appeared to be two light blue colored mists that flashed as they sent their thoughts across the vast distances between, “Easy for you to sit in judgment. You weren’t there listening to millions of them taunting us to keep coming. There were only twenty of us.”

  “I understand why you fled but you could have left your newest ships with your tools to take them on?”

  “And what would we have to defend us at our planets if they were all destroyed? You know if they were, those monsters would be coming after us. The ships protecting the Adolescents were all eliminated and they had a million of the newest models.”

  “If those beings hadn’t killed them, I would have done it myself.”


  “Those idiots only screamed their fear. They told us nothing about the ships that attacked them or how many they were facing. They gave us nothing on what we might be facing. How are your tools coming along?”

  “As you might expect. Even after twenty years we’re hundreds of years from them reproducing enough to build up the numbers we lost. We’re fortunate those beings haven’t attacked us since. I’ve needed the twenty years to try and build up my forces. The number of tools I currently have is less than pitiful. I’m forced to send my personal ships out to handle the rebellions that have sprung up.”

  “The ones you took didn’t even fire on their attackers. They were wasted.”

  The Legend Elder sighed, “That was our fault. We fled without ordering them to attack. They felt our fear and ran. After the fact, we should have at least began the attack and waited to see what would come of it.”

  “I didn’t want to point that out; I’m glad you see it. I agree that all of us are glad they’ve not moved on us. We’re all building up our defenses.”

  “We won’t be much help if you choose to launch another attack against that giant galaxy.”

  “You could send your advanced ships to support it.”

  “There are thousands of us close by that still have all their ships and their tools. It’s my opinion that it is now their turn to take on that enemy. We’ve paid our dues in attacking first.”

  “Do we know where those High Energy Beings came from?”


  “Didn’t the Adolescents say one of them was in the Spiral Galaxy?”

  “Yes. They said there was only one of them there.”

  “Just one?”

  “They insisted they searched the entire galaxy and only found a single being there. They wrongly insisted they killed it. It was that being that killed them.”

  “Then the others came from somewhere else.”

  “You’re stating the obvious. Before I’d go anywhere near the large galaxy again, I’d find out where they came from.”

  “Unfortunately, that is where we’ll have to start the search. I listened to the Adolescents’ broadcasts during the attack of their planet and it appears that all of their ground based disruptors were taken out before that single being went down to their residence and killed them. That has to mean our disruptor beams can kill them.”

  “Does it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Perhaps that being sat out and watched its tools do the dirty work and lost its patience and went in. That is how we often do it.”

  “Ummmm. You could be right. But why did it wait so long?”

  “I suggest you go and ask it.”

  “Don’t get cute.”

  “I apologize Elder. It’s like you said earlier, the Adolescents didn’t tell us what we needed to know. The only way to find out is to go back and see if our disruptors will kill them and you must be aware the disruptors on our ships are not as powerful as the ground based ones.”

  “I have to believe taking out the disruptors first was significant. Why would it waste those ships if it could have gone in and done it? Those beings must be afraid of our disruptors. And you’re right about the disruptors, they weren’t as powerful in the past.”


  “I’ve had my scientists working on that issue and the newest model’s disruptors are as powerful as our planet based disruptors.”

  “I haven’t heard anything about that.”

  “The new ship is nearly as large as my personal vessel. I’m not going to start building them until my newest personal vessel is more powerful than that new model.”

  “You better make sure it’s a lot more powerful!”

  “I know. Rebellion is not something we can allow. I’ll send you the plans and perhaps you will have suggestions for improving my new design.”

  “Just make sure your Emotion Broadcaster is operating at full power. Any of your tools considering a revolt will be scared out of it.”

  “I’m not going to depend on that alone. My vessel will be beyond anything the new model could do.”

  “It sounds like you won’t be leading an attack anytime soon.”

  “It might not be as long as you think. I’ve got my new ship moving along. I’ll keep you informed on how it’s progressing.”

  “Send me the plans!”

  “You’ll have them later today.”


  • • •


  “Go ahead, Scout.”

  “I’m sending you a copy of a conversation I just intercepted. You need to pass it on to Fleet Operations.”

  Averel received the mental message and shook her head, “It appears the stalemate is ending.”

  “That Elder is the one that will push them.”

  “I’ll pass the message on. What’s the chance of your going to that Elder’s location and taking a look around?”

  “I suspect his fleets are as thick as flies on a corpse.”

  “Now, Hengel; you’re starting to use human metaphors.”

  “Some of them are just so appropriate, Averel. How much longer are you going to keep your job?”

  “I really like it here and I started when I was just a child. Earth feels more like home than Goran.”

  “You were not a child!”

  “I wasn’t an adult.”

  “Well, ok. But it’s time you went back and started a family.”

  “Are you available?”


  “See. You don’t want to leave the excitement either.”

  “I’m just shocked you suggested it. I’m nowhere near your lofty status.”

  “Operations have ranked you the
number one scout.”

  “Get out here!”

  “There you go again with a human phrase. I’ve been watching you for a while. I think we’d make a good couple. Think about it.”

  “I’m really flattered, Averel. But I’m not ready to retire. I guess you’re right about missing all the excitement working with the Humans. Besides, you’re way out of my league.”

  “Why would you retire? We can formalize our union and continue what we’re doing right here. It would be a win-win for both of us.”

  Hengel smiled, “Now who’s using a human term? Are you serious?”

  “Do you think I’d joke about something like this? I’m serious about your being the one I want to spend my life with.”

  Hengel smiled, “I’ll go take a look at the Legends’ planet and then contact the High Leader and see if he’ll approve it.”

  “Approve what?”

  “Our union?”

  “What union? You haven’t asked me?”

  Hengel closed his eyes and shook his head. He took a breath, blew it out, and looked up, “Averel, will you accept me in a formal union of our families?”

  “I thought you would never ask! Of course I will accept you.”

  Hengel paused, “How did you know I’ve been admiring you?”

  “Oh…a female knows these things. Don’t do anything stupid when you go there; it’s already taken long enough for you to say something.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Thank you so much for accepting my offer.”

  “I was losing my patience. I guess you needed a little nudge.”

  “Consider me nudged. I’ll contact you later.”

  “Make plans to report here. We’ll ask the High Leader together when he comes here for the meeting.”


  “I’ve just listened in to Fleet Operations discussing the conversation you sent with Luke Axel. He’s calling a major planning meeting and the High Leader should be present.”

  • • •

  Hengel smiled and focused on the Elder Legends’ location. He went into the barrier and skipped across eight hundred million light years. He thought about the amazing female who was attracted to him. Averel was originally sent to the Humans because of the power and strength of her mind. She was right about being little more than a child. And now, she was going to be his mate. He didn’t deserve her but his heart beat faster as he thought about her.

  On Earth, Averel heard his thoughts and felt her heart beat faster as well. It wouldn’t do to tell Hengel that his mind was stronger than hers. She smiled, their children would be magnificent.

  Chapter One


  Michael came down the face of the twenty-foot tall wave and flew through the tube of water faster than twenty miles an hour. He reached out and touched the wall of water behind him to keep track of how far out he was flying. The rainbows being created in the crashing mist were beautiful and he felt more alive than any other experience he did. He saw the giant wave cresting ahead of him as it turned back on itself and knew he would hit the crest if he didn’t get out of the tube quickly. He turned slightly away from the wall of water and picked up speed. He passed the tube and made a radical turn across the front of the onrushing wall of water moving toward him at high speed. He saw the rope hanging a foot in front of him and he reached up and grabbed the handle. He held on tight as he was lifted over the tumultuous crash of the wave breaking in on itself. He laughed and screamed his joy. This was incredible.


  Angelo carried him back over the waves moving ashore and he landed in the water and sat down on his surfboard. “Sorry, I was busy.”

  “Surfing again?”



  “What do you want, Averel?”

  “You’re back on the north shore of Hawaii.”

  “Averel, you’re not supposed to look in my mind.”

  “Not for personal reasons but when you don’t answer a call from Operations, I’ve been directed to find you whatever it takes. Didn’t the team tell you that surfing those waves is too dangerous and ordered you not to do it?”

  “They actually suggested it was too dangerous. I’ve not actually been issued orders not to do it. You won’t tell them, will, you?”

  “Oh Michael, you’re just like your father. I’ll keep it to myself if you get here fast enough so that I’m not asked where you are.”

  “Tell them I’m on my way. Tell them I’m putting my uniform on. Just tell them whatever will divert their attention.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Angelo came down to the ocean and Chris climbed in the cockpit. He pulled his surfboard in behind him and Angelo snapped the cockpit shut and took off at an incredible speed. Chris barely had time to wash the salt water off in a quick shower and pull his uniform on. He saw the giant Fleet Operations building a hundred feet away and he climbed out of Angelo, “Keep things warm.”

  “Mum’s the word. Luke is asking Averel where you are.”

  Michael lifted his wrist unit quickly and punched a button, “Luke, why did you call me in on my day off?”

  Luke lifted his wrist unit and saw Michael. He looked at Averel and shook his head, “Never mind.” He punched his unit and said, “There’s been a development. I’ll tell you about it when you get here.”

  “On my way to the elevator.”’

  Luke looked at Averel who had deliberately looked away and was pressing buttons on her panel. He hesitated and then walked away. Averel smiled and shook her head. Michael was running out of his nine lives. If the Team saw the wave he was riding…she shook her head at the feeling she felt in his mind when she called him. She understood his love of surfing. She would occasionally enter his mind and ride waves with him without him knowing. It was almost like being there. If she ever did retire, she was going to learn how to surf. The thrill was almost addictive.

  • • •

  Michael walked into the huge conference room and saw he wasn’t the last to arrive. Thank God for that! He went to his chair at the front of the table next to Luke. Luke looked at him, “Surfing again, huh?

  “Yeah, I caught a few waves. What’s going on?”

  “Michael, if you ever injure yourself, I’m going to…”

  “Don’t worry, Luke. You’re just jealous you’re not as good.”

  Luke looked down his nose and raised his eyebrows, “You can’t be serious!”

  “Just say where and when.”

  “I will if we ever resolve our issues with the Legends.”

  “Something’s happened?”

  “Hengel intercepted one of the transmissions from a Legend Elder.” Michael’s eyes narrowed and Luke saw Audrey walk in. He stood up and went to greet his half-sister. Michael smiled. He wondered why Allison had insisted her first child be named after his mother. Chris was against the idea but she told him he could name the boys but that the girls were hers. If he didn’t like it, he could just shove it.

  Michael shook his head and saw Audrey look at him. He nodded and she smiled. She was eight years younger but she looked fabulous. She had her mother’s eyes and Chris’s blonde hair. Stoney Jr. walked in with Josh right behind her. Josh was Allison’s second child and his half-brother but he was a full brother with Audrey. He had his mother’s red hair and Chris’ blue eyes. Both of them had the Welken-Human hybrid brain and were telepathic. All of the new team members were not allowed to manipulate their DNA to age faster than their normal rate. Chris and Eve were the last ones to do that.

  Speaking of that, where was Laney? Eve and Nudge’s daughter was never late. She was always the first to arrive. He saw the elevator door open and Laney walked out with the Welken Royal and his Fleet Leader. The Johan and Myot rulers were right behind them along with their Senior Commanders. Something big must be happening. When the door opened again and the First Leader of the Green Civilization and the High Leader of the Goran emerged, he knew it w
as big. Laney must have been asked to meet them at the spaceport and bring them to the meeting. The old Fleet Operations building had grown too big to be next to the spaceport’s landing area. The new building was built about a mile inland twelve years ago. He was glad the officer’s quarters remained next to the beach.

  • • •

  Luke stood up and smiled, “Thank all of you for coming on such short notice.”

  The Welken Royal nodded, “Have you decided what to do about this?”

  Luke looked around the room and said, “Some of those present haven’t seen what we’ve collected. Please allow me to bring them up to speed and we’ll discuss our plans after that.” Luke pressed a button in front of his chair and the attendees heard the conversation between the two Legends. It ended and Luke looked around, “Hengel has just sent in the images he collected. I want all of us to see them before we start discussing what they mean.”

  Luke pressed another button and the gigantic wall monitor came on. A small light appeared in the center of the monitor and then grew larger as the ship scanning it moved toward it. The small light quickly resolved itself into a planet and it continued to increase in size. The planet finally filled the monitor and everyone was stunned. Luke looked at Michael and saw him sit back in his chair and blow out a breath. Michael saw Luke staring at him and he shrugged and leaned over and whispered as the recording continued, “You know they were going to eventually do something like this?”


  “It’s exactly what we’ve done over the last twenty years.”

  “Nothing like that?”

  “My mom said that size is not always the determining factor of what makes a warship dangerous.”

  Luke saw the video had ended and looked at the assembly, who were all staring at him. He stood up and pointed at the frozen image of a gigantic warship, “The vessel that the Legend is having built is as large as a small moon or large asteroid. Hengel couldn’t move in any closer to record a better scan. I think the Legends are starting to detect energy in the barrier.” He heard the gasps from the Alliance Leaders.

  The Johan said, “How did he determine that?”

  “He skipped in closer initially and started recording but a fleet of Black Ships began moving toward him. He backed out and after ten minutes, they turned around. They evidently detected something but didn’t know what it was.” The Welken Royal shook his head. Luke continued, “The images he managed to take aren’t as good as we would like but we can see that the disruptor emplacements on that ship are actually larger than the ones we faced on the Legends’ Planet in M-87.”


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