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Escape to Earth-Living Legends

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  The Goran Leader thought, “Can we stand up to it?”

  Luke changed the image and the assembly saw another ship that was nearly half the size of the monster. “I don’t know if we can and the ship on the monitor now has to be the new warship model that the Legend Elder mentioned. Once he completes building the monster, he intends to build thousands of the other model.”

  Michael shook his head, “They don’t build things in the thousands. He’ll be building millions.”

  Luke shrugged, “A million starts with a few thousands.”

  Michael smiled, “Touché.”

  The Green High Leader shook his head and ruffled his feathers, “We don’t have anything large enough to take that thing on. It would be like attacking a small planet.”

  Michael nodded, “That’s intentional.”

  Everyone looked at him and the Myot Ruler said, “Educate me. Why do you say that?”

  Michael looked at Luke to answer him but Luke sat down and turned to him. Michael’s head went back slightly and then he turned to the Myot Ruler. “We can build ships that big if we wanted. However, we determined early on that the barrier is not large enough for even our former battleships to enter. We would give up our speed advantage as well as our ability to hide in the barrier if we built larger ships. That’s why the new ships are so much longer than they are tall. The ability to enter the barrier to avoid an enemy’s firepower is more important than building something like that. Our current Battle Pod is as large as we can build and still use the barrier.”

  “Can our new ships withstand a salvo of those disruptors?”

  Michael looked at Audrey, “I don’t know. That’s something that will have to be determined before we face them in a major fleet action.”

  Luke said, “What would you do about this, Michael?”

  Michael looked at him and chuckled, “That’s pretty obvious.”

  “Illuminate me.”

  Michael looked at Luke shaking his head, “Come on, Luke! We’re going to have to go and blow that ship apart before it’s completed. The Legend won’t start building the other huge ships until that one is completed. He said as much.”

  Luke stood up and looked around the room, “Do you see why I made the suggestion?”

  Michael’s head went back and saw many in the room nodding. “What suggestion? You didn’t tell me anything about a suggestion.”

  “It had to do with you.” Michael’s eyes narrowed and Luke looked back at the gathering and said, “Is there any disagreement?”

  Kyel shook his head, “I think he’s right; and it’s obvious. All of us see it has to be destroyed before it’s completed.”

  Luke smiled, “How would you go about destroying that ship, Kyel?”

  Kyel looked around and said, “I’d send enough Battle Pods to get the job done.”

  Luke pulled the image of the giant black ship back up on the monitor, moved the view in closer, and pointed at the solid wall of black ships surrounding it. “So you would fight your way through those ships to hit it?”

  Kyel looked at the massive numbers surrounding the giant ship and took a deep breath, “I don’t see another way of doing it.”

  “And if the Legends can detect our ships in the barrier?”

  Kyel nodded, “They will be at battle stations before we arrive. However, we don’t know for certain they can detect us.”

  Michael shook his head, “Yes we do.” Kyel looked at him. Michael looked at Luke, “Do you have a recording of the ships moving toward our scout?” Luke pressed buttons on his panel and they saw thousands of Black Ships move away from the planet. They watched them accelerate directly toward the scanner recording the image and Michael said, “There was nothing else in that area of space they’re moving toward except our scout. They lost the signal when it moved further away and they probably ruled it out as a sensor error. But they did detect something.”

  Luke looked at Michael, “How would you do it?”

  “First, I want to know about that suggestion you mentioned.”

  “Answer the question Admiral Stone!”

  Michael’s face grew angry. Luke had never pulled rank on him before. “Yes sir.” Michael looked at the assembled leaders. “I would have a Sentinel go into normal space out from that planet and broadcast his presence. Matter of fact, I’d probably send ten of them. Once the Legend Elder sees them, he’ll order his fleets to place themselves between him and them. Once the ships move out, we move in and hit the monster.”

  Kyel looked at Michael and shook his head, “You are so much like your father.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Kyel sat back in his chair, “My objection is removed.”

  Michael looked at Luke, “What objection!”

  Luke looked at Michael, “The Leadership have chosen you to command our efforts against the Legends. You will turn your fleet over to your second-in-command and assume the position of First Commander.”

  “I’ll do no such thing! I’m not old enough.”

  “You’re older than most of us?”

  “Then I’m not as experienced as Kyel and the other Leaders that fought in the first war.”

  The Welken Royal stood up, “It’s not experience that makes the difference. It’s being able to see the things that everyone else misses.”

  Luke smiled, “Trust me on this, he doesn’t miss much.”

  Michael’s eyebrows came together in anger, “You should call Dad out of retirement and have him take the position.”

  Audrey stood up and said, “We asked; he didn’t say no; he said hell no! And then he suggested you for the position.”

  Michael looked at his sister, “Audrey, you know I’m not up to this!”

  Audrey slowly shook her head, “Michael, you were in Dad’s mind long before any of us. You are the only one of his children to see his thoughts during the last fight with the Legends. You saw how his mind functioned and how he developed his strategies. We weren’t there then and by the time we came along, he didn’t think about it anymore. It brought back too many dark memories of what he did. You think like him. What you just suggested is exactly how he would plan to take on this new Legend Warship.” Laney listened to Audrey and looked at Stoney and Josh; both nodded. They agreed with Audrey.

  Michael looked at Luke shaking his head, “You outrank me. You should be the one to do it!”

  Luke closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. He turned his head slightly and looked Michael in the eyes, “Why didn’t my father accept command instead of your father?” Michael stared at Luke and saw his sadness. Michael couldn’t think of a reason and he shook his head. Luke took a deep breath and blew it out, “He didn’t do it because he knew he didn’t have it in him to make the really hard decisions. He knew he might hesitate at a critical moment and that could prove fatal. He was an excellent planner and tactician. I am my father’s child…just like you are. My father was a great leader but your father was a great warrior. What all of us need at this moment in time is a warrior to lead us. I’ve seen a warrior’s spirit in you for as long as I’ve known you. This is something you must do.”

  Michael lowered his head and forcefully blew out a breath, “Do you not remember what my father did to the Goran?”

  The Goran Leader said, “We forgave him and we are safer now for it having happened.”

  Michael looked at the High Leader and said in a soft voice, “But he never forgave himself.”

  The Goran Leader smiled, “That knowledge will serve you well in your new position. I think I have the right to say that we need someone that can do to our enemies what was done to us. I know that you will do what’s necessary and do it with compassion.”

  Michael lowered his head and Luke said, “When do we do this First Commander?”

  The room was silent and waited as Michael struggled with his emotions. He finally looked up, “We wait until they start installing the reactors. There’s no reason to do it now. We should allow them
to waste as much time as possible building it.”

  The room began cheering. Michael took a deep breath and wished to be a child again building a sand fort with his mother. He stood up, forced a smile, and then lifted his arms. The room exploded even louder.

  • • •

  The room broke up into small groups with all of them congratulating Michael. Hengel and Averel walked up to the Goran High Leader and waited for him to finish speaking with the First Leader of the Birds. He finally turned around and Averel nudged Hengel. “High Leader, will you approve…”

  “I bless your union and will officiate the ceremony before I leave.” Hengel looked at him in bewilderment. The High Leader smiled, “I’ve been watching the two of you for quite a while and you belong together. You should have seen this long before now.”

  Averel nodded, “I told him.”

  “It wasn’t his fault, Averel; he almost worships you. He couldn’t get up the nerve.”

  Averel glanced at Hengel as she spoke to the High Leader, “I want to eliminate the word ‘almost’.”

  Hengel said, “Hey, hey, I’m standing here!”

  Averel gave him a big hug and said, “We know.” Hengel shook his head.

  Michael walked up and said, “Am I interrupting something?”

  “Hengel and I are going to be united.”

  Michael smiled, “It’s about time.”

  Hengel shook his head, “Am I the only one that missed this!?” Averel looked at him and nodded.

  The High Leader said, “What do you need, First Commander?”

  “I would like to meet with all the designated Fleet leaders from each civilization. Who is leading your forces?”

  “We’ve chosen Talel.”

  Michael tilted his head, “Where have I heard that name before?”

  “He was the baby your father allowed to live along with the rest of our leaders.”

  Michael’s soft smile was instant, “I look forward to meeting him.”

  “I happen to know he is looking forward to it as well.”

  • • •

  Chris sat on a beach on Eden holding Allison’s hand. She looked up and said, “Audrey just contacted me and said Michael reluctantly accepted the position.”

  “Good boy!”

  “Chris, he doesn’t want it. He’s being forced to do it.”

  “I didn’t want it, either.”


  “Allison, he is the best one to do it. You have to know that.”

  Allison sighed, “I guess.” She looked at him and said, “You’re hiding something.”

  Chris jerked his head around, “Are you finally telepathic?”

  “No, I just know you. I’ve seen it since you were asked to be the First Commander again. Is there a reason you turned the position down that I don’t know?”

  Chris sighed, “I’ve never discussed it with you.”


  “Because we’re surrounded by telepaths. It was all I could do to keep it hidden from them.”

  “Not anymore; you do everything possible to avoid them.”

  “That’s the reason.”

  Allison saw his expression and finally said, “Are you going to tell me?”

  “I need to tell someone. I keep going around in circles wondering if I’m right.”

  “Tell me, Chris!”

  Chris looked out at the ocean for a few moments and then looked at her, “Do you remember when we went on a scouting mission to look at M-86 and M-87.” Allison nodded. “We saw the Progen’s new ships actually firing their weapons. Remember?”

  “I do.”

  “Then that Giant Legend Warship came into the galaxy and we learned about the existence of other galaxies that the Legends controlled.” Allison stared at him wondering where this was headed. “Then we learned that they could not detect us in the void.”

  “I remember.”

  “Do you remember saying that the scouting mission accomplished everything we needed in just one trip and that it was almost too good to be true.”

  Allison nodded and saw Chris staring at her in silence. Her eyes narrowed as she remembered and then they went wide open, “It was too good to be true!”

  Chris blew out a loud breath, “Just like all the coincidences that happened to Lukas when he escaped to Earth, the odds of them all happening randomly were astronomical.”

  “You believe there’s something else operating and exerting control over events.”

  “I’ve tried to find evidence to prove me wrong.”

  Allison waited for him to continue speaking but he remained silent, “But you only found more to show you were right?”

  Chris nodded, “Why did Lukas send the Sentinels to the Legends’ Planet in M-87? Their presence is what turned their massive attack fleet around.”

  Allison lowered her head and then looked at him, “I have no idea.”

  “I asked him.”


  “He didn’t really know, Allison. He just said the thought occurred to him and he did it.” Allison continued to stare at him and Chris sighed, “Do you remember Lukas saying he thought Pat stopped him from killing me before I was born?” Allison nodded. “Lukas told me later that Pat didn’t do it. He said Lukas did that on his own.” Chris sighed, “Lukas’s mind at that time was primarily that of a Welken Warrior. He should have done it. It was the strategically right thing to do.” Chris took a breath and looked out at the ocean, “Salud said I was saved because I had a destiny to save all of us. I thought she was out of her mind…but now I wonder.”

  “Could one of the Sentinels be doing it?”

  “Pat told Lukas he didn’t stop him and I know that Pat would have seen another Sentinel if it were operating near him. I hate to say this, but I think the Sentinels are probably being controlled as well. Pat could have been pushed to do all the things he chose to do.” Lukas paused and said, “There’s one other thing.” Allison held her breath. “You know about the Stalkers that were trying to find Lukas on Earth?”


  “They always changed their DNA to that of the intelligent species on every planet they went to find a prey. They had been doing it for thousands of years.”

  “What are you saying, Chris?”

  “Over thousands of years, none of them ever lost their Stalker intellect…ever.”

  Allison saw it, “But Lukas’s brain was fused with the Human Brain and he became a hybrid of both species.”

  Chris nodded, “And his children inherited that brain along with telepathy. His DNA after he was changed into a human was dominant…just like Eve’s…just like mine…and just like our children. Something changed his DNA as Willow changed him to human form.”

  “Then why didn’t you accept the position to lead us?”

  “Because now I know and if I’m right…”

  Allison sighed, “The ones doing it will know you know.”

  “They probably already do. I suspect they’re listening to us now. That’s why I had to decline the position. I can’t make decisions with the idea that there is something operating as a safety net. It might not be there and my decisions could lead to disaster.”

  Allison shook her head and they sat in silence for a long time. She finally said, “There are other things that support your belief.”

  “I know.”

  “We can’t let anyone know about this.”

  “I know; that’s why I’ve never told you.”

  “Why are you telling me now?”

  “Because all of our children are grown and have learned that listening to others thoughts without permission is beyond being impolite. I had to wait until they learned it and reflexively lived it. They will not invade your privacy.”

  “I remember your expression that day. I saw something bothered you but you changed the subject.”

  Chris smiled, “You’ve always been the one that sees things in me that others miss. I’m glad of that now.” Allison stared at him for a ve
ry long moment and then shook her head and looked back out at the ocean. “You can’t bring yourself to ask, can you?” Allison took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and then shook her head. “I’ve thought about that question every day since then.”


  “Audrey was not the one chosen for me.”

  Allison lowered her head and closed her eyes, “You can’t be sure about that?”

  “Oh I believe she and I were intended to have a son. But she had to die so I would attack the Goran so viciously. I also believe that you were nudged to stop it. Why did you do it?”

  “I just saw that it would destroy you if you continued.”

  Chris took her chin and stared into her eyes, “Where did that thought come from?”

  Allison stared at him and he saw her struggling with the question, “I could see it happening to you in my mind.” She continued to stare at him and finally said, “I was nudged.”

  “You were chosen to be with me. Audrey couldn’t have done the things you did after you were ordered aboard my ship. It was you that allowed us to survive and learn what we needed to know to defeat the Legends in M-87. Things just happened…”

  Allison interrupted him, “That would have never happened without something operating to cause it.” Chris nodded. Both of them turned, looked back out at the ocean, and without making an agreement, they didn’t mention it again. After two hours, Allison said, “We can’t go back to Earth.” Chris nodded. “Averel will see it.”

  Chris took her hand, “Not in me but you won’t be able to hide it. We’ll set up a residence here on Eden and convince our children to come see us here. We have to avoid the Goran.” Allison nodded and continued to stare at the waves.

  Chapter Two

  Michael walked through Fleet Operations carrying a box filled with items he took from his former office. This was the last box and he was glad to be done with moving. Luke asked him why he just didn’t order some junior officers to move his things. “Luke, there are some very valuable things that I’d never get over if they were damaged. Besides, I threw away more than I moved. I don’t mind doing it.” One thing that he didn’t know if he liked was the size of his new office. It was actually larger than Luke’s with a brace of huge wall monitors. Oh well.


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