Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance
Page 33
As Jared thrust into his mate, sinking his fangs into his back, Meekel thrust rapidly into her and her pussy muscles began to convulse in the strongest orgasm of her lifetime. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her legs clenched Meekel’s hips as he threw his head back and groaned in utter satisfaction. Jared emptied his seed in her.
Their movements slowed as they huffed in breathless passion against each other. Her limbs, too weak to do anything other then stay where the strong arms of Meekel held her safely. He prevented her from falling to her death, she’d contemplated telling them to throw the police officer over.
“Now, you deserve the death the Sheriff had wanted to give to you,” Jared said smiling.
He slowly pulled out of Meekel and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Her hands cupped his cheek and she looked forward to when he would be the one slowly pulsing inside her. Meekel kissed her bare shoulders as he pulled out of her and she ran a finger through his hair damp with sweat.
“You know what,” she said looking at them both in turn,
“I couldn’t give a shit!”
They laughed at the defiance with which she spoke and she smiled at the men, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get enough.
Chapter 4
It was one week later before she saw the wolves again after that night. She had been wondering if she’d just been one of those fuck ‘em and leave ‘em type of girls for them. But as she walked into the church intending to attend the Faction meeting for the week, she was surprised.
“Well, if it isn’t the woman who slept with the alphas,” the Sheriff started,
“Tell me! Did they fuck you separately or did the faggots do it together?”
The poisonous venom of his words should’ve been an insult to her, but they brought nothing but the memory of a wonderful evening of sex back to her mind.
“If that happened Sheriff ………. Tell me ………… Are you jealous?” she shot back at him,
“You are a disgrace to what this Faction should stand for,” she hurled at him.
He would’ve continued had a sneer not replaced the surprise on his face. She turned to see the remaining members of the Faction entering the church. With three uniformed police officers who carried their guns, cocked and loaded.
“Is it true?” she looked at the disappointment on his face.
He was the first one to welcome her to town, with his wife who died of cancer four months prior. She assumed he would have taken a break from the town where she had died but instead he buried himself in his church and the Faction. She looked at him without answering and the Sheriff took her silence as an affirmative.
“I told you she would have! As per our rules you are to be silenced before word gets out that this is okay,” Pastor Jacob looked into her dead in the eye,
She smiled,
“We treat them like abominations when what caused it, was them trying to save my life after he,” she pointed at the Sheriff,
“Sent an officer to kill me for the mere fact that I called him greedy in the last meeting. They tried to save my life after a human tried to have me killed. Who is the abomination now?”
The church stood in a deafening silence as looks were passed from the Sheriff to the woman he had just sentenced to death,
“Law is law,” the pathologist said,
“If you knowingly consort with a wolf, the punishment is death.”
In that moment Skyler looked at them with pity, she surrendered herself to her fate. She had envisioned her death later on in her life. In the week that had passed she’d examined the merits of the laws of the Faction.
She found them nothing but self-serving and egoistic, a town that lived with the supernatural yet treated them like some kind of plague. That was the height of hypocrisy, she kept her thoughts to herself. She wasn’t spared the callousness of the man who snapped her cuffs around her wrists.
“She stays here!” a deep boom of a voice sounded behind her,
“We claim her as the Omega the Mayor took from us. If any harm comes to her, we will kill every last one of you.”
Skyler turned to see Meekel and Jared standing in the doorway, their eyes the glow she had come to love and she knew in that moment that whatever an Omega was she was going to willingly play the role.
The policemen who had come on the Sheriff’s order were pointing guns at the wolves and she bet that the bullets were made of silver. She had seen the damage they could do,
“You know the terms of engagement to live in this town,” the Sheriff said.
The men shifted their faces to half wolf and half human. Behind them six more men entered and Skyler thought they looked vaguely familiar. The door closed behind the men and they promptly shifted to wolf form and spread out around the church.
“This is a place of God!” the pastor called out.
Skyler almost felt sorry for him. He had been a fair man and if he was to be caught in the war that was about to ensue between the human half of the Faction and the wolves, she’d never forgive herself for being a part of it.
“Pastor Jacob,” he was holding his Bible,
“For the moment this is simply four walls and a roof, and it would be sad if you were to die here so, please go. This is not your fight.”
The pastor looked back at her as if he couldn’t believe his ears, but he said nothing. He started to say the Our Father prayer and Skyler knew unless they forcefully removed him from his own domain, he would likely die there that day.
Meekel’s eyes caught hers and he saw the pain buried there so he nodded to two wolves that shifted back to their human form and had to all but drag the pastor from the building. As they exited two other wolves took their place and what waited on the outside was clear.
“Un-cuff her!” Jared ordered.
The police officer seemed torn between obeying his order and putting down the gun that offered some semblance of protection,
“Don’t you dare!” the Sheriff said.
As the officer complied with the wolf’s orders, it was the last straw of patience Meekel had. He shifted to full wolf form. His green eyes complemented his gray fur as he leaped lightly over the chairs in the church and sank his jaw in the Sheriff’s neck.
Shots rang out and she dove under the nearest bench as the wolves attacked. Tears filled her eyes as she saw the red matting Meekel’s coat where silver bullets entered him and in the chaos that followed she found herself begging the Lord to keep him alive.
Moments later when silence rang out in the church she stayed cuffed and cowered beneath the bench where she had taken refuge as she stared into the dead eyes of the pathologist who had a hole where her throat used to be.
“Skyler?” she heard.
Jared’s worried call trying to find her voice but the morbidity of the sight before her was just too much.
“Sky?” the comfort from his voice was enough to snap her back to reality.
“If they hurt her I swear to their God that I will kill every human in this town!” Meekel’s angry voice filled the gap.
Her silence was loud and she knew he was not joking. If she didn’t answer he would soon bring the death he promised.
“I am okay!” she called out.
She could almost hear their sighs of relief as hurried footsteps made their way to where she was. Strong arms pulled her to her feet and Jared’s claws made easy work of the cuffs on her hands. Before her, she could see the dead bodies of the Sheriff and his men, and she knew that things were about to change in that town.
The door swung open as Jared gently massaged her wrist and she saw the horror that filled the Pastor’s eyes broke her heart.
“This is a place of God,” he muttered as she prayed over each body,
“We have to clean up in here,” she said.
Her wolves stood protectively by her side and though they clearly did not see a clean-up as a priority, they obliged her.
“Clean this church up,” Jared ordered the wo
They followed the order of their alpha as she was escorted out of the church. Meekel stopped at the door and looked back at the pastor who sat slumped in his chair in defeat.
“Rebuild you Faction pastor,” the man looked around his church in despair,
“But this time let us do it right. Humans and wolves can co-mingle as long as there is mutual consent. And anyone that takes advantage of the other will be put to death. Wolves by their alphas and humans by the chosen law for their kind.”
The pastor didn’t respond, but Skyler knew it would work just fine for him. His daughter had been dating the wolf who had offered him a glass of water.
Chapter 5
Jared looked at the bruises on Skyler’s wrist, made by the cuffs that had been closed way too tight and he couldn’t control the anger that came in his eyes. He lifted her wrist to his lips as Meekel placed a kiss on his bare back.
“So Omega?” she wanted to know about the positioned she was claimed for.
“That is only if you would have us,” Jared whispered against her lips.
He felt her hand trail past his navel his manhood, responding to the naked sight of her in his bed. They had taken her back to his place for a long soak in the tub. They had not used it together in over fifty years, since the death of Shera. But the occasion called for it. They took turns washing every inch of her body, worshipping her as they did. They could love her and fuck her, she wouldn’t be a sex toy for them.
“My job description entails?” Meekel chuckled over his shoulder as Jared brought her fingertips to his lips.
“Sex and mockery,” he joked and she laughed.
He found that he enjoyed the twinkle in her eyes when she was happy and the way she moved to cup his face with her palm as she pleaded with him silently to be serious.
“You will be our mate, loyal to us and only us. And the moment we take another lover without consent this union is null and void.”
He let his eyes trail over her and send the message that there was no reason why they would take another lover but her,
“As far as your job description goes, you are free to follow your dreams and we will support you every step of the way. We will love you and if you every have a child for us, we will love it just as much.”
“Why me?” they looked at each other and smiled,
“You have a fire,” Meekel responded and Jared kissed her lips with a smile.
“Will there be a wedding?” he laughed.
Their brows furrowed in amusement at the very human question she asked. They all took a moment to wonder how that would work. In the centuries that had passed he had had a hard time understanding the pointless rituals, the humans insisted on engaging in. Weddings were the top of that list. Many spent hundreds of thousands only to end up needing a lawyer down the road.
Even then he knew if Skyler wanted one then he would make it happen,
“If that is your wish,” Meekel echoed his thoughts.
Jared nudged Sky on her side and slowly pushed his cock into her warm sheath. The tightness of her benefitted him and as his eyes flashed with uncontrolled hunger, he tried his very best to hold on. He bent his lips to her nipples, she moaned and slowly fucked the head of his dick in circular motions.
Meekel’s cock was lodged between his ass cheeks and as he began to move his dick in and out of Skyler, Meekel fucked him in earnest without entering him. He gently shifted positions, laying Skyler flat on her back and bending both of her knees up to her chest.
Her vagina opened up to him and he thrust into her with slow, deliberate motions, enjoying her moans as she thrust her hips back to him. Behind him, Meekel entered his tight ass and the pain that came with the entry stilled his thrusts for the moment.
But as he adjusted to the feel and Skyler intentionally clenched and unclenched her pussy muscles that engulfed him, he lost control. He looked into her eyes as Meekel fucked him and he fucked her and knew that many more days like that one were ahead, a thought that brought him pleasure in and of itself.
Double Protection
Bisexual Ménage Paranormal Romance
Chapter 1
Vivian lounged back nestled in the deep cushions of the sofa sipping from an etched crystal goblet. She smiled as her thumb traced the pattern remembering when she first sipped from it.
It was Paris during the Bohemian Age. She spent too many years searching for a place where she could feed when necessary while still embracing something of a life. She found that place in the lights of the Left Bank. Paris was one of the few cities that didn’t close up when the sun went down. Night was when Paris came to life. Vivian enjoyed the clubs and cafés that lined the streets of Montparnasse. The array of people who populated the area excited her like no others. Philosophers and intellectuals lived side by side with starving artists and buskers. Paris offered Vivian the opportunity to live on the left bank and save her feedings for the well-to-do of the right bank. She never liked feeding where she lived.
Vivian loved the music, the dancing and the artists of the city. Such lovely and talented artists, who enjoyed capturing her on their canvas as much as in their beds. Bernard was one such artist. He was talented, but fame eluded him because of his love of the green fairy. The liquorish tasting green drink, made popular at the time, called to him more than art. He bought the goblet for her after selling a portrait of her to some gallery. The goblet served as his wedding gift to her.
Bernard introduced Vivian to the sensual side of art. Her body was his canvas. He understood her nature, her need to be loved by a strong man. He covered her in paint and she covered him with her. He introduced her to another world; one of art, books and physical freedom. Their time together was cut painfully short by a rogue werebear. When she found his broken body, she vowed revenge.
Over the years, she hunted his murderer around the globe. Many times she came close to being able to avenge Bernard, but something always got in the way. She tracked him once, claiming revenge, but realized that death was not enough. Taking away what he loved didn’t stop the pain. No, she had to destroy him.
After tracking him to his new den only a few months ago she vowed nothing and no one would get in the way. The rogue was now the head of a powerful clan. Vivian wanted to bring him down, to take everything from him before ripping his throat out. The first part was done. She brokered a deal she knew would go bad, and now he’d lost millions.
Pulled out of her thoughts by the opening door. “What is it, Devon?”
“I came to check on you.”
Sighing, one long leg melting off the sofa to stand, she moved over to him. “You worry too much.”
“You give me cause. It wasn’t my idea to double cross that clan.”
She felt his eyes devouring her. She knew she only had to give the slightest hint of wanting him and they would have a primal night of making love. Devon was deliciously handsome and strong. “You know why.”
“I know.” His voice seemed to soften. He knew her story and agreed to stand by her.
“It’s just like him. Send someone else to do his dirty work. I wanted him to come on his own, the coward.” Her words slithered out with a hiss.
“I don’t want to lose you.”
Vivian smiled as she caressed his cheek. “Pet, you won’t lose me. He and his bounty hunter will die.” She watched his nostrils flare, taking in her scent. Her hand moved down his cheek, nails grazing across his neck before caressing over his chest. Vivian knew he wanted her, always wanted her.
Devon moved to gather her in his thick arms, but although he was stronger, Vivian’s reflexes were unmatched. Her nails scratched over his chest as she moved out of his grasp.
She leaned against the cold stone of the fireplace, enjoying the rough texture. “Pet, you know that has to wait.” Vivian couldn’t deny her own arousal. Devon was an amazing lover, but she couldn’t allow it to interfere with her plans. Once this was all over, she could let herself enjoy life again. I wonder if I remember ho
Devon gave her a frustrated frown. “I’ll go check things over.”
Vivian nodded, moving to reclaim her goblet. Arousal always increased her thirst for blood. Having Devon so near all of the time had her drinking it like wine, but now the fire in her needed to be satisfied. She downed the last of the dark red liquid, the tip of her tongue gliding over her lip to savor the last drop.
Time to hunt.
Chapter 2
“I want that bitch dead! Put her in a cage and introduce her to the sun!” Jacob slammed his fist onto the table, leaving an imprint in the oak.
“We’re trying to find out where she’s holed up.” The younger man’s eyes glanced around the room nervously.
In a flash, Jacob moved, pressing the younger man against the wall, his forearm across his throat. “I know where she is,” Jacob growled. “I always know where she is.” He steps back, allowing the other to crumple to the ground, his eyes glazed over, his neck contorted strangely.
“Get rid of him.” Jacob snapped, stepping over the body and back to his seat. He downed the scotch on the table. “Send for The Hunter. He will bring her to me.”
The two left in the room nodded quickly, then disappeared, leaving Jacob alone with his thoughts.
He refilled his glass and downed it. He should have realized when he heard her name there was something wrong. She had been hunting him for years and all over one man; a human of all things.
After he’d pissed off the father of a young lady he got with child, Jacob had to find a new place. Paris was the center of excitement at the time, so he made his way there. He was still young, as quick to anger as he was to arousal. Often one was tied to the other. The city gave him everything he could ask for.
The left bank was full of people who no one would miss. If he happened to get angry, there were plenty to take it out on. The women were happy to flirt and easy to bed. When he spotted the dark, red-haired Vivian he had to possess her. Jacob knew she was different. He hunted her one night, intent on possessing her. Silent movements, he became one with the shadows of the buildings. Then he discovered why she was different. He watched her feeding on some unsuspecting man whose plans for their night were changed. Not that it mattered to him any longer. Watching her only made Jacob want to possess her even more.