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The Alpha King

Page 1

by Victoria Sue


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  About Victoria Sue

  More by Victoria Sue

  The Alpha King

  Victoria Sue

  About The Book You Have Purchased

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to further the plot of this story. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any persons depicted on the cover are models.

  Editor: Story Perfect Editing Services

  Cover Design: Drawn 2 Design

  Formatting: Story Perfect Editing Services

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  The Alpha King

  Copyright © 2017 by Victoria Sue


  I’m dying. Luca barely had the strength to sit up and he wasn’t able to shift. The gaping wound in his side had even stopped hurting, leaving him simply exhausted. The poison had played tricks on his mind as well as his body. He was lost.

  Wolfsbane. Even the pups knew to avoid the deadly plant that grew in certain areas of the forest. They were taught the danger as soon as they could walk, taught to recognize the bitter taste, and the acrid smell; taught it was the one thing that robbed them of their ability to shift and heal. It was Luca’s own fault he had got too drunk at their birthday party to notice, or was it? Although no one expected to be poisoned by the one person they should trust above all others, his brother had laughed and filled his glass too many times to count.

  Kieran. His younger brother by merely seven minutes. How could he have been so blind? How did he not notice the bitter jealousy caused by being born the younger son and not the Alpha-heir? They had been inseparable as pups. Kieran even had his first shift before Luca, if only by a few days. Then their father had died, and childhood, at least for Luca, had come to an end. At fifteen, he had been thrust into a job he was unprepared for, even if he wouldn’t become Alpha officially for another ten years.

  It had been their eighteenth birthday today...or was that yesterday? He had no idea how long he had been laying on the cold ground. He didn’t remember leaving the party, but he had a distinct memory of the hate-fueled expression on Kieran’s face as he stood and watched the gammas hold him upright and plunge the dagger into his side—as he did nothing to intervene.

  Luca had no idea where he was. He was wet. The bush he’d woken up by gave him scant shelter from the rain, but at least he wasn’t cold anymore. Just tired...incredibly tired. His eyes drifted shut and his breaths slowed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Luca just managed to pry his heavy lids open again at the quiet voice. It was a child. A boy was staring at him. He had dark brown hair but the lightest blue eyes Luca had ever seen.

  He licked his dry lips. “I need help. Can—”

  But a hand suddenly clamped over his mouth. The boy crouched and shook as he leaned over Luca. Luca barely heard shouts as people ran past. He could have cried as what might be his only chance of rescue was getting further and further away. He didn’t even have the strength left to fight off a child. He swallowed as the hand moved away.

  “I’m sorry. They were looking for me, and they will beat me.” The blue eyes deepened as the boy seemed to take in the state Luca was in. “You’re hurt,” he said bluntly.

  Yes, Luca thought. “Beat you?” he whispered. Who would hurt a child?

  “Why can’t you shift?”

  Luca widened his gaze. That had surprised him. The werewolves ruled the humans but everyone knew werewolves healed when they shifted. Coming across an injured man would lead to the assumption he was human. “You know what I am?”

  “Of course,” came the solemn whisper, “but I don’t know why an Alpha can’t just shift.”

  Luca stared in confusion. He would guess the boy to be about twelve, maybe thirteen. Luca didn’t have the mark on his neck yet indicating his Alpha status; he wouldn’t develop that until he was twenty-one, and as a human the boy wouldn’t be able to smell he was a shifter.

  “Don’t die.” The soft command made him smile weakly.

  “I may have no choice,” he said. “I was poisoned. I am unable to shift now.” The boy put his head to one side as if considering Luca’s words. “Who are you?” Luca tried to sound less threatening. If the boy felt safe he may be persuaded to get help.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am, but you are Luca Hightower.”

  Luca’s eyes widened in shock. “You know me?” Luca blinked and took in the too thin frame, the bruises, the dark shadows framing the long dark lashes he knew plenty of she-wolves would kill for. The boy was human—Luca would have sensed his wolf if he wasn’t. “Have we met?” Luca tried again.

  “Not yet.” The blue eyes crinkled as the boy smiled.

  Luca was so tired. Too tired to appreciate humor. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe the poison in his blood stream had reached his mind. Without the antidote, it would soon stop his heart, anyway. “How do you know who I am?” Luca asked and tried to sit up. He collapsed back, panting and shivering.

  “Because I saw your future when I touched you. You are destined to be the Alpha King.” Luca gaped and tried to move. The boy’s words were preposterous. Luca struggled but he still couldn’t even sit up. He fell back, exhausted. “There are no such thing as Alpha Kings anymore,” he gasped.

  Luca had loved the old stories his grandfather had told him. The legends of the king who would bring all the packs together, mend their fractured planet, and help to build a future...but that’s just what they were—stories. No adult believed them possible anymore. The days of kings were long since gone.

  “Rest,” the boy soothed. “I will summon them back to help you.”

  “You said they mustn’t find you.” Luca shivered. He was so cold.

  “It is more important that they find you,” the boy answered gravely, and pushed to his feet.

  “But—” Luca started. “You said they would beat you. Stay with me,” Luca urged. “I can protect you.”

  The child smiled. “Not yet. You have not the power, but someday...”

  The boy stepped o
ut from the bush and called for help in a shrill voice. Luca heard the shouts of the men who had passed and knew the boy had been heard. Luca tried to force his eyes open, but he was fighting a losing battle. “Run,” he urged weakly as the ground trembled from the men running towards them.

  The boy just shook his head and shouted louder, ensuring the men found him straight away. Luca smelled them all as human, didn’t recognize any of them, but he promised coin and managed to stammer the name of one of his father’s old human guards who would keep him safe and treat him until he healed. He wasn’t going anywhere near any of the wolves as he didn’t know who was loyal to his brother.

  Luca turned his head just in time to see the boy’s face pale in fear as a large man gripped him cruelly and promised him a week’s worth of beatings for running away.

  Luca opened his mouth to defend the child, but just at that second one of the other men roughly hauled him to his feet and it was too much for his shattered body to cope with. The last thing Luca saw before he lost consciousness was the child cower as the big man raised his hand.

  Chapter One

  Seven years later.

  By Sorin’s light. This day—the most important of Luca’s life—was torture already. He sighed and lectured himself again to keep his hands to himself and his mouth shut. He watched helplessly as one of the servants stumbled and almost dropped the huge pitcher of wine he was trying to carry without spilling, while also avoiding the drunken Alphas who all seemed to think he was invisible.

  Luca bent his head, ashamed that he couldn’t help. This wasn’t even his pack. The ceremony was being hosted by Alpha Hendrick, the lead Alpha of this territory—Caedra—who had the most wolves and the best hunting. The vile man also happened to be his guardian as the senior Alpha, which meant he was unable to interfere in anything the man did.

  He watched as the kitchen slaves tried to hobble awkwardly in the chains around their ankles. He hated the way the Alphas treated the humans. Werewolves ruled their society. Well, no, not even that—male werewolves ruled their society. Females were simply for having pups. They weren’t physically abused like the humans, but they had no freedom either. The gammas were always werewolves, but each Alpha kept humans both as guards if they were physically big enough, and as servants if they weren’t—or at least in Caedra anyway. He wasn’t sure about the other territories as Luca had never traveled further south than the edge of their lands as he had no wish to be taken hostage. The Alpha-heir would fetch a good price, and even then he wasn’t a hundred percent convinced Hendrick would pay any money to get him back.

  Luca heard a cry and looked up. One of the slaves had just fallen, a thin boy stumbling under the weight of the trays he was trying to carry. Luca rose to his feet as the nearby gamma unhooked the small whip from his belt. He felt a hand on his arm dragging him back down.

  “Luca, no,” hissed Sam, his beta and best friend. “Don’t give Hendrick any excuse.”

  Luca glanced at Sam. He knew his friend was as disgusted by the boy’s treatment as he was, but as Sam had reminded him countless times, if stopping an injustice to one led to him not becoming Alpha, he wouldn’t then be able to alter the treatment of many. This greater good argument was all well and fine, but it still rankled.

  Luca sank back down, his hands fisting helplessly. The boy’s sharp cry sickened him as he was pushed in front of the gamma to be taken away for punishment. Luca closed his eyes tightly, unable to watch. Hendrick was the senior Alpha of all the packs in Caedra, which technically meant he was Luca’s guardian and had the power to stop the choosing. He had the power to prevent Luca mating an omega, and if that happened the Alpha abilities wouldn’t transfer and he would be stuck waiting another year, and there were too many people, including Iris, his sister, depending on him to become Alpha for that to be allowed to happen.

  Another hour and he would be officially Alpha. Ten long years he had waited for this since his father had died. Another seven since he had nearly died himself when his twin brother had attempted to poison him. Six since he had challenged his brother to mortal combat and his brother had run away, all because Luca, even though he knew better, had been unable to deliver the killing blow and simply let him disappear.

  Luca watched as another slave ducked to one side, just missing the empty carafe that was flung at her in temper by Alpha Hendrick because she had been a second too slow to fill his goblet. She sidestepped Alpha Harris, who seemed to think it was a good idea to brawl with two of his betas right where the girl needed to walk between the tables, and she managed to duck behind a tree as another empty jug came sailing for her head. Luca didn’t think that one was actually meant for her though, just Alpha Malachi annoyed his favorite whisky was all gone, and taking his frustration out on anyone nearby. He searched the crowd but the gamma and the human boy had vanished.

  Luca reached over for the goblet of wine.

  “Don’t drink too much.” Sam sniggered. Luca rolled his eyes at him. “You don’t want to be too drunk to perform later.”

  Luca eyed his friend. Sam was as nearly as tall as Luca, powerfully built as all werewolves were. His blond hair was too long as usual and he had to keep pushing it away from his face. Luca didn’t bother pointing out he needed the wine to try and stomach what was about to happen. Sam knew.

  “Ladies and gentleman, Alpha-heirs. May the light of Sorin shine among you!” Everyone sat up and turned their attention to Mickela, the old grand-beta. The man was swathed in the old-fashioned white robes that indicated his position and draped in the gold that indicated the territory’s wealth. Or rather, thought Luca, the wealth of Alpha Hendrick, because he certainly didn’t share it with the rest of the packs. “Summon the omegas!”

  Luca turned fatalistically towards the huge oak doors of Hendrick’s pack house as they swung open. This was the choosing. The day all the Alpha-heirs that had reached their twenty-fifth year got to choose their life-mate. No Alphas ever came into their Alpha power until it was summoned by the omega they mated. Luca watched as four servants each carried out the gilded chairs the omegas lounged on. They reminded Luca of his mother’s house cats. Spoiled, pampered pets, each languishing on velvet cushions. One or two looked eager, but most looked as condescending as the elders who ruled the ceremony. Sam screwed his face up as he watched the procession come past. “On second thoughts, have another one,” Sam said dryly and put his hand up to summon a servant to fill their goblets. He looked distastefully as the omegas paraded past and turned to Luca. “That’s the best they can do?”

  Luca was going to get drunk and then hopefully someone else would chose his omega for him and he would wake up when it was all over, including the mating.

  There were only two males of the six omegas carried forward in the procession. Luca’s heart sank. It was bad enough he had to mate someone he had never met, but even worse if his omega was female. He had the fifth choice, in order of precedence. The first four went to the Alpha-heirs of larger packs than his, and he knew the ones from at least two of those packs would pick one of the three most powerful omegas available—and two of those were the only males. Luca was a strong wolf, but no different from other wolves until he gained whatever ability was gifted to him by his omega. He had no choice though, he couldn’t become Alpha without an omega, and he couldn’t wait even one more day without starting to right the wrongs that the elders allowed in his pack. They had been left to rule without fear of consequence for ten years, and as Alpha-heir only, Luca had no power or authority to change anything.

  Iris didn’t have another day. She was depending on him and he couldn’t let her down. He glanced over to where the female wolves were sitting, almost hidden from sight. His sisters, being unmated, weren’t allowed to leave their own pack house, and for once Luca was glad they weren’t here to witness his humiliation. Iris and Taheesha had been promised to two gammas. That, in itself, wasn’t unusual, except both gammas were drunken slobs, the youngest being forty-three. Iris was seventeen, and would
mate tomorrow. Taheesha was thirteen and would get to wait another four years. All he had managed to do was get the wedding postponed until tomorrow as he had been able to convince Hendrick and the elders he wanted Iris’s wedding to be his first official task after he became Alpha. They didn’t know the weddings wouldn’t happen at all. They also didn’t know his actual first official task as Alpha would be getting rid of his council of elders. He couldn’t wait, but unfortunately he had to go through this first.

  It helped him pass the time now, at least, to think about what he was going to do. For instance, the abominations. There were many that ran unchecked in their world that as a mere pack Alpha he likely could do nothing about, but there were also some changes he intended to make immediately. No more human slaves in his pack for starters. There were two types of humans in Askara—licensed and unlicensed. Humans bred much easier and more prolific than their wolf masters, and in an attempt to keep the population controlled no humans were allowed to breed without a license. Wolves were simply terrified that sheer human numbers would defeat their wolf masters. Farmers, for example, would be allowed to have up to three children depending on the size of the Alpha’s lands they worked. Despite the licenses, though, it happened, and the humans born without a license were never given papers. No papers meant they could get no paying job or apprenticeship. In an original effort to appear merciful, the Alphas took in the unlicensed humans to perform subservient tasks. These humans were slaves. They had no rights or expectation of any, and were treated worse than the animals they often tended. At least the human servants, even though their treatment was not much better, got a wage. His sister’s wedding was a small thing in comparison, but a good place to start.

  It was like this not just in Luca’s territory, but in the whole known world. Askara was a beautiful land and home to the five territories—Niandes, Tethra, Solonara, Perse, and his own Caedra. Each territory had between eight and twelve packs but Luca’s own pack was the only one in Caedra ruled by a group of elders instead of an Alpha. Each Alpha took a seat on the council that governed their territory, and because his pack didn’t have an Alpha to represent them, they always got the worst of everything. The worst hunting areas, the worst areas to farm, and as a result they had nothing to bargain with the other packs for. The ruling council ate and drank most of what was produced, and the rest of Luca’s people were left to scrabble for dregs.


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