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The Alpha King

Page 2

by Victoria Sue

  Werewolves had become like this because they were afraid of humans ruling and destroying the world again. The legend of their race went that thousands of years ago humans ruled their world, and werewolves were merely beasts allowed to perform subservient tasks for their masters. The humans fought war after war with each other until eventually their world was nearly destroyed. The werewolves rose up at that point and took over. The coup was brief and bloody, and from that day forward humans were no longer able to destroy the world they lived in.

  For thousands of years their land was governed as one kingdom. Then the last great Alpha King died without an heir and for almost seven hundred years the territories had fought among themselves. Many people died and the land was ravaged. Just a little under three hundred years ago an uneasy truce had been proposed and the country was carved up into individual territories. Now each territory kept itself to itself. Luca’s grandfather had told him that the truce would exist until a new Alpha King was born. The problem was that most of the Alphas were now like the humans they had once despised. Most had given up waiting for that day to come because the only way an Alpha King could be crowned was if his powers were summoned by a pure omega, and everyone knew there hadn’t been one of those born in at least a thousand years. Pure omegas were even more rare than Alpha Kings. Tales were told to pups of how the pure omegas had incredible powers—healing, foresight, comfort—but when the last Alpha King had died, his pure omega had vanished and there hadn’t been a pure omega born since then.

  The grand-beta brought out a scroll and started reading the list of omegas as the procession continued past him. Anton was twenty-two and could summon rain. It was a handy gift to have during the summer drought when both of Askara’s suns—Sorin and Surya—reached their zenith. Sure enough, Luca saw two of the Alphas present sit up and take notice. Arwenn was twenty-three and a gifted apothecary. The Alpha who mated him would be able to heal their human guards and trade with other packs. Jasmine was only nineteen but she was the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Everyone was expecting her to develop far-sight when she reached the age of twenty-one.

  The next omega announced was Tara and Luca heard the murmurs as her breeder status was announced. Luca had had met Tara a few times, and she had indicated his advances would be welcome. If he had to pick a female, a breeder would be the best choice. Male to male matings were permissible in Askara, but it got complicated when it concerned an Alpha. All Alphas wanted heirs, and if they mated a male omega, then they needed a female breeder to produce one—since she-wolves only went into heat once every three years, while breeders were guaranteed nearly constant heats from the time of the first sexual encounter until the Alpha’s seed took and the breeder became pregnant. The process would be initiated again whenever the Alpha decided to lie with the breeder again. The whole process sounded crass and unfeeling, but breeders lived a life of luxury, as they were spoiled, pampered, and wanted for nothing. As soon as the required minimum of two pups were born, they were gifted their own house and servants. They were then free to take any lover they chose. Tara would have been a good choice for him, and while most werewolves were willing and capable to mate with either sex; Luca’s strong preference for males was unusual.

  “Hey,” Sam elbowed him and said sarcastically. “You’re not listening. What if you miss the chance to be crowned an Alpha King?”

  Luca snorted and sat up. Yeah, like that’s going to happen. Arwenn and Anton would be claimed immediately, and to be honest, neither omega, even male, did anything for him. He yawned and reached over to fill his goblet as the last gilded chair passed, then he paused in shock. The slave who had taken the whipping earlier was now being forced to be one of the servants carrying the chair the last omega sat on. Luca took in the shaking limbs as the boy struggled with the weight of the huge ornate chair. He was far too small for such a task and it had obviously been doled out as further punishment. The slave kept his face down as he staggered past Luca, then he stumbled. Luca saw the red and bleeding stripes on his back at the same time as Mickela raised the arm he carried the whip in.

  But the grand-beta never got a chance to bring it down because before Luca realized what he had done, he had leapt from his seat, and grasped Mickela’s arm, effortlessly keeping it still. The beta, all three hundred pounds of him, was helpless to break Luca’s hold.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Mickela spluttered, and in seconds Luca was surrounded by Alpha Hendrick’s human guards. He dropped the beta’s arm, vaguely surprised at his own strength. Two other gammas surrounded the chair as it was lowered. Mickela clutched the boy.

  “He was about to whip a servant for failing at an impossible task. The boy is too small to be a chair-bearer and he has already been beaten once.” Every conversation seemed to have ceased.

  “Nonsense,” Alpha Hendrick snapped out, walking over to Luca. “The boy is human, and my slave. He has no rights here. Sit down, Luca,” Hendrick said jovially. “Today is a celebration, but to remind you of your responsibilities I will do one thing for you.” He gestured to Mickela and the boy. The beta’s fist tightened cruelly around the slave’s arm. “Instead of giving you twenty lashes for your impertinence at stopping the choosing, I will give your punishment to the boy.”

  Luca gasped. “Absolutely not,” he replied before he thought better of it.

  Hendrick barked an incredulous laugh out. “I think you would do better to wait until next year’s choosing. I doubt you have the maturity yet to take on the Alpha’s role.”

  Luca opened his mouth to take a deep, angry breath and then he simply forgot to breathe altogether because at the same time as he heard Mickela laughing while he unleashed his whip, the boy finally lifted his face. Piercing blue eyes stared back at him. Eyes he hadn’t seen in exactly seven years. He had convinced himself he had dreamed of the child that day when he had almost died and he had let himself be convinced the boy’s words were nothing more than a product of his fevered imagination.

  But as soon as he saw the boy’s eyes he recognized him. Luca took another breath, completely lost for words as the most incredible scent surrounded him. He took a step towards the boy. Luca’s wolf reared up and he had to grit his teeth to stop his change. His animal wanted out, and out right now. One of the gammas lunged for Luca as if he thought to stop him touching what was his. Luca merely shot out his left arm in an attempt to block him. He must have pushed him hard though because the gamma went sailing backwards and crashed into one of the tables where the guests sat.

  Angry snarls erupted as the other Alphas moved. “Grab him,” Hendrick shouted, gesturing to his guards, and they all rushed at Luca. Luca barely took his eyes from the boy, just dealing with the guards as if they were merely an inconvenience, but in a few seconds all the guards lay unconscious on the ground where Luca had thrown them. Everyone was silent, scared. No one werewolf was strong enough to fight like that, and Luca had barely moved. Sam quickly put his back protectively to Luca and eyed the other Alphas warily.

  “I know you,” Luca said quietly, and gently took the boy’s shaky hand, registering the sparks that traveled up his own at the contact. “What’s your name?”

  The boy swallowed, and immediately Luca realized he was older than he had thought. It was the fact he was nothing but skin and bone that made him seem small. Luca frowned. He looked exhausted and his face was unnaturally pale.

  “It’s Kit, your Highness,” he whispered, and before Luca could stop him he fell to his knees, and bowed his head.

  Luca ignored the gasps around him and bent down quickly, reaching for Kit’s arms. “I’m not...” He started in confusion, then Kit looked up.

  “I told you once,” he said softly. “You are the true Alpha King.”

  “Blasphemy,” shrieked the grand-beta. “Put the slave in shackles.” More guards rushed forward but Luca turned, snarling. His growl rumbled from his chest, getting louder and louder. The ground started shaking, tables wobbled, and goblets fell over and spil
led. The gammas all stood frozen until Hendrick in desperation shouted again. “Kill the usurper!” He pulled clumsily at the small knife all Alphas kept in their belt.

  Luca whipped around, his cloak swaying around his legs and at the same time he clasped the small knife he kept in his own and threw it...straight at Alpha Hendrick, where it lodged between his eyes. The man was dead before he hit the floor.

  The ground was still shaking and an ungodly growl was still coming from Luca’s throat. The servants dropped to their knees first, quickly followed by many of the guards. Luca stared at each wolf in the clearing until finally even the Alphas and the other heirs bowed down. Luca blinked and the shaking stopped. In the silence, Sam turned. He brought his arm across his chest, bent one knee, and bowed his head.

  “Sam?” Luca said shakily, staring at his best friend.

  “Your Highness,” Sam replied immediately. “I am your servant to command.”

  Luca stared in astonishment at all the people on their knees. It was impossible. He wasn’t...

  Luca heard a small sound behind him. Kit had stood back up, but his face was drained of color and he swayed. Luca lunged and caught him just as his eyes rolled up and his legs gave way. Luca took a breath and clutched Kit tightly, possessively, stunned at his own reaction and that of his wolf. Werewolves never mated humans, ever. He had no idea what was happening or whatever had just happened but whatever it was Luca was sure of one thing. He wasn’t letting Kit go. Not now. Not ever.

  Chapter One

  Luca stood cradling Kit protectively.

  “Your Highness?”

  Luca blinked and glanced to his left. The omega, Tara, had left the procession. “I have some salve for his skin, and it needs bathing first if you would like me to try, or I can send to the kitchens for the slave master.”

  There was no way. He’d seen Hendrick’s slave master—a cruel human who walked around in too little clothes to disguise his revolting frame, who had a small whip coiled in his belt that he was very free to use on as many slaves as he wished. The bully would be in the kitchen at present making life as miserable for as many slaves as he could.

  “We can go inside,” Gabriel stated determinedly, coming to stand behind her. At twenty-three, Gabriel was Alpha Jace’s younger son. His older brother Gareth, who was taking part in the choosing along with Luca, stood apart from them whispering hurriedly with his father’s gammas.

  Sam gestured to three betas who still knelt respectfully at Luca’s feet. “With your permission, I can get everyone ready for you to address when you have seen to the safety of your mate.”

  Luca blinked again and looked at Sam. His mate? Sam stood upright and nodded encouragingly. Luca smiled faintly. “I would appreciate your assistance.”

  “I would be honored, your Highness,” Sam answered immediately. He turned and started barking orders. Gabriel hurried to assist him.

  “Sire?” Tara prompted and Luca was reminded of the precious bundle in his arms. He was hurt, and the ground shook slightly as Luca growled at the thought. Luca followed Tara into the large pack house, glad that she knew the layout. He barely registered the gilded, ornate bannisters alongside the stairs he ran up, since he was being careful not to jostle the boy.

  They came to a room at the end of the corridor. Its opulence was nauseating, but he approved of the large bed he laid Kit on. “Please lay him on his side so I can see his back, and then we can manage.” Tara smiled kindly. Two servants rushed in and Luca swallowed. He really, really didn’t want to let go of Kit. “Alpha?” Tara prompted.

  What was he doing? The boy was human. Luca felt his wolf growl possessively as the thought of leaving entered his mind. The animal’s reactions outside had confused him. Wolves took humans as lovers, but not mates—it was forbidden, and one of their oldest laws. A sentence of death was always threatened to the unfortunate human concerned. He looked carefully at Tara and tried to sense any attraction. Was it possible she was his omega and giving him this power and he simply hadn’t realized it because the sexual attraction wasn’t there? Sam had referred to the boy as his mate, but surely there was another explanation?

  Luca very gently lowered him down and even more carefully rolled him close. He kept one hand anchored on his side and couldn’t help reaching out with the other and caressed Kit’s pale cheek with a feather-light touch. Tara gasped, making him look up. “What is it?”

  Tara shook her head even as she shuddered. “It’s his back, Sire. It carries the scars of many whippings. I’ll go get him some water.” She ran out of the room. Luca let out a long sigh.

  “Are you scaring your subjects?”

  Luca quickly glanced down at the sound of Kit’s whisper, then he knelt on the floor to become level with him. He brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. “You are hurt,” he said, somewhat inadequately.

  Kit smiled weakly. “I am used to it.”

  “Not anymore,” Luca said determinedly.

  “My King will keep me safe, will he?” He was teasing. Luca knew he was teasing.

  Kit was trembling. He looked up as Tara walked back into the room with a bowl and some cloths. Tara knelt down at the side of the bed and dipped a cloth in the water. “I’m sorry...”

  “Kit,” Luca supplied.

  Tara smiled and laid a cautious hand on Kit’s arm. “I have to clean it, but it’s going to hurt.”

  Luca took Kit’s hand. “Just look at me,” he said quietly.

  Kit blinked. “Yes, Sire.” Kit opened his eyes wide at the touch of the water on his skin, his face a mask of pain. Luca couldn’t stand it. He itched to pull Kit into his chest. He felt every hurt that shone in those gorgeous blue eyes. Kit opened his mouth silently at Tara’s touch.

  “Look at me,” Luca commanded, staring into Kit’s pain-filled eyes. “Keep looking at me.” He saw Kit shiver and watched as his eyes welled, but Kit never said a word. “Nearly finished,” he whispered as Kit blinked his eyes furiously, his lip wobbling.

  Kit was trembling. His teeth were chattering. “S-sire?”

  “Yes.” Luca leaned forward as Kit moved restlessly. “Try and lie still. Give your back a chance to heal,” Luca urged.

  Kit blinked at him. The dark circles under his eyes were a testament to his exhaustion. “So cold,” he whispered.

  “Let me,” Luca said, and without another thought he slipped one arm under Kit’s legs and another around his shoulders and lifted him carefully, blankets as well, sliding until he sat on the bed and Kit was curled up in his arms. Luca made sure Kit was tilted into his chest so his back was free. He wished desperately with everything in him he could take Kit’s pain. Kit looked at him in astonishment as if he had spoken and then his eyes closed on a deep sigh. He felt the soft bundle in his arms relax and go limp. “I think he passed out. Try and finish it quickly,” he urged Tara.

  Tara nodded and lifted the blanket that Kit was wrapped in. She gasped and her astonished eyes lifted to Luca. “Sire.”

  Luca swallowed. “What is it?” His stomach dipped. Something was wrong.

  “It’s his back. It’s healed.”

  “What?” Luca stared in astonishment as Tara lifted the blanket to one side. Kit was so slight Luca could peer over his back and see the flawless brown skin. No cuts and no scars.

  “You healed him,” Tara said in awe.

  Luca scoffed. “I don’t think I did. I don’t have any abilities like that.”

  “You do now, Sire.” Gabriel spoke quietly, coming into the room with Sam. “When the pure omega and Alpha King meet their powers are manifested. A pure omega, even though he has ten times—a hundred times—more ability than other omegas, he or she does not receive his gifts until he finds his King and both are of an age to mate. No one would have known Kit was even an omega until he met you.”

  It’s impossible. Or was it? Could he be an omega? Even if he accepted that, the rest was still unbelievable. “But he cannot be an omega,” Luca said. “He’s—”

  “Human?” Ga
briel finished, smiling. Luca nodded. “Actually, the ancient teachings have it that the first ever pure omega was human. It was supposed to be the gift that would bring our two species together. Omegas are exclusively wolf. Pure omegas however have only ever been human, and are untouched by many human frailties. Greed, selfishness, hate. They are supposed to be the embodiment of pure love. Much of our history has been buried. Some accidentally—wars and such confusion. Some—like this—very deliberately.”

  “How do you know?” Luca asked, completely stunned.

  “I am a scholar, Highness. It is my greatest wish to restock the great library.” Luca lifted his eyebrows. The great library housed in Neira City, the capital of territory one—Niandes—had been ransacked some four hundred years ago. Gabriel took a breath. “Sire, I have some other things you need to know and interesting details about pure omegas, including direct evidence that many powerful Alphas deliberately hid and altered facts out of fear it would give the human rebels any sort of encouragement.”

  Just at that moment they both heard the sound of raised voices. Gabriel bowed and left them both.

  “Your high—”

  “Luca,” Luca interrupted Sam.

  Sam grinned. “Sire, then,” he compromised. Luca sighed. The whole thing was incredible, unbelievable. “Sire, I came to ask you to speak to the Alphas. They will not disperse until they have seen you.” Luca glanced down at Kit and reluctantly laid him on the bed. He didn’t stir. Tara had tucked a soft blanket around him.


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