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The Alpha King

Page 10

by Victoria Sue

  Luca’s eyes glittered and he hummed in satisfaction. “You enjoyed that, did you?” He looked smug and Kit giggled.

  “It was incredible,” Kit answered honestly. “Just don’t expect me to walk anytime soon.”

  “Did you feel strange either time?”

  Kit nodded. “When Gareth touched me, before you rescued me. I’d forgotten someone said they thought I was sick, and I was so hot. One of the gammas touched my skin and it hurt so much.”

  “Like I said, it’s usual, but only with females. My mother, to my great embarrassment, told me what mating an omega was like. I knew about the knotting, but not the effect on an omega. They can go into an intense heat, and it can be really painful if anyone other than their Alpha touches them.” Kit remembered what the touch of the gamma on his face was like and grimaced. “I’m stunned, but I can’t help liking the idea,” Luca added.

  Kit groaned. It was so...Alpha of him.

  “It never happens in any other omegas except females It may be, I suppose, because you are a pure omega. Gabriel is the one to ask.”

  “Really?” Kit had no intention of humiliating himself like that.

  Luca chuckled. “Five minutes, then I’m going to help you bathe.”

  Kit lay and relaxed, then something occurred to him. “The horse,” he nudged Luca.

  “Never ever do that to me again,” Luca said fervently. “You came within inches of being seriously hurt.” His arms tightened. “What if I was unable to heal you?”

  “What were you doing?” Kit asked, avoiding what he assumed was a rhetorical question.

  “Riding,” Luca said, a trifle sarcastically. “The horse was a gift from Nial. He is one of the few wolves that has the temperament to breed horses, and we were going to patrol.”

  “I dreamed you had an accident,” Kit tried to explain.

  “I’m a good rider.” Luca sounded like he was trying to soothe.

  “No. No, I don’t mean that. I had a vision. You were in the woods and something happened to spook the horse. You fell. It was serious.” He’d been dead, but Kit didn’t want to sound weird. “I got the impression it was deliberate.”

  “I don’t think horses are that clever,” Luca said dryly.

  Kit thumped his arm. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Please be careful.”

  Luca dropped a kiss onto the top of Kit’s head and got out of bed. Kit sighed. He didn’t think Luca was going to take his warning seriously, but Kit was convinced someone had tried to kill their King.

  Chapter Ten

  If Kit was told to rest one more time he was going to scream. Not that he minded it whenever Luca was near, as rest time usually turned into something else, but he couldn’t spend the next hundred years or so lounging around waiting for his Alpha. In fact, Luca was so busy that the amount of time they had spent together in the last ten days after Luca had rescued him from Gareth had been confined to nights only, and Luca had been so exhausted the last two he had simply dropped into bed. Kit had been overjoyed to have him all to himself, but after bathing and massaging his Alpha, Luca had dropped asleep. Both mornings Kit had been woken early and they had enjoyed a very pleasurable, if brief hour before Sam had arrived and Luca had to go do Alpha things.

  The knotting hadn’t happened again, which was a shame.

  Kit sighed and looked at his breakfast tray disconsolately. He decided he wasn’t a breakfast person as the thought of eating was currently making him want to throw up. The coffee was really strong, and he’d just about managed three mouthfuls of orange juice. He felt physically fit though and he guessed his problem was more boredom than anything else. He’d spent the last ten years of his life working at least fourteen hours a day, and before that had spent his days begging or stealing to survive. He was a clever pickpocket but that wasn’t an ability he had any intention of sharing with Luca.

  Kit swung his legs out of bed determinedly. He needed a job. He would go and get washed and then go find Luca. There must be something he could do to help. He’d remained vigilant after the incident with the horse, but he had no more dreams so there wasn’t anything to warn Luca of.

  Kit stepped out of the bedroom to be immediately greeted by Asher. The day after the incident with the horse, Luca had summoned Asher to talk to them both.

  “I have new duties for you.” Asher had swallowed and tried not to look like he feared for his life. It was Asher who had pushed Kit away from the horse’s hooves, but technically since Kit had then hit his head, he was also responsible for his injury. Luca had asked him to wait outside, intending to speak to him, but they had gotten so wrapped up in each other it was only when Luca had left the room to see Asher still standing to attention that he realized the man had been there, immobile, for over eleven hours.

  Luca had regarded him silently for a few minutes, then asked, “Why is my omega’s safety so important to you?”

  Asher had hesitated, so Luca had spoken again. “I need people I can trust. Speak freely.”

  Asher had looked at Kit, a fierce expression on his face. “Because he is the hope for all humans. If Kit can stand by your side then it gives us all hope that one day there will be a chance of equality for everyone.”

  Kit had held his breath while Luca had regarded Asher steadily. “I could have you executed for that. Some wolves would take that as sedition.”

  “I trust you,” Asher had said simply. “You have done more for my race in a week than any other in a thousand years.”

  “I want to appoint you as personal guard to my omega. Every second that I am not by his side you will be. You are being given a room here to be close, and I am arranging for Sam to give you extra combat training.”

  Asher had looked stunned. “I will protect him with my life, Sire.”

  Luca had smiled. “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Go get some sleep and some rest. I expect you at 4 p.m. when I need to go meet Sam.”

  “Thank you,” Kit had hugged Luca.

  “I want you safe. I noticed the gamma guarding you didn’t judge any human as a threat to you because they weren’t a threat to him. That puts you at risk but I also need Caedra to come together quickly. Giving people hope works better than threats.”

  “So you were just buttering him up?”

  Luca had looked affronted at the teasing, but Kit hadn’t been serious. He knew Luca was a good man.

  “No,” Luca said. “I actually agree with him.” Kit had been astonished and had thought about Luca’s words for a long time after Luca had left. He knew Luca was going to be a good king. He had always sensed his compassion and fairness and knew getting Luca to Neira was vitally important for everyone. Enough had suffered. Enough had died.

  Kit smiled shyly as he was greeted warmly by a few of the gammas. Asher was—as he had been for the past week—sticking to him like glue. Kit found out quickly that Luca was near the competition arena. He wasn’t completely sure what a competition arena was, but he was told it was in the field next to the clearing used for the choosing ceremony that had been rescheduled for tomorrow. Luca had told him he didn’t want to get rid of all traditions of his people. There was a lot of upheaval and while Luca had immediately altered the things he couldn’t abide, like how the humans and she-wolves were treated, he thought it was important to foster the same sense of belonging.

  The choosing was no longer going to be about getting drunk and pairing people off, but there were now going to be games. Each Alpha-heir would take part in physical tests of speed and strength. The omegas would each sponsor a champion and that champion or Alpha would battle in the omega’s colors and present any winnings to their omega formally at the banquet afterwards. What was interesting was that the humans would also get to take part. Each pack could select two humans to represent them, and the humans would also fight in the pack’s colors. They, of course, would only compete against other humans.

  Then the formal choosing would happen, and the banquet. It sounded fun, but Kit still was
n’t sure how he fit in. All the packs there had house colors, but as Kit didn’t have a pack he wasn’t sure how it was going to work. He crossed the clearing, laughing as a half dozen cubs and children ran over to him. They were playing with a ball, and much to the humans’ delight, while the cubs could run faster, climb, and were stronger, none of those gifts lent themselves to kicking a ball more accurately than the human children. The human kids were obviously delighted, especially with them now, as a new rule, being allowed to interact with the cubs.

  Luca had decreed no one under the age of ten was to be a slave. He was trying to get rid of the term slave altogether, but it was an uphill battle. At least the so-called slaves were fed better, though. He had asked Gabriel to investigate the pack’s finances more thoroughly and especially the profits from Hunterberry, the village near where Gareth had held Kit. Luca had told Kit he had an idea to use the money to start paying the slaves a wage.

  Kit stopped near the field, heart in his mouth as he saw Luca pair off against Sam with a sword. Each blade was blunted, but could still do some serious damage in the wrong hands. Luca and Sam trusted each other though, he knew that. He sat on an overturned hay bale that doubled for seating and watched in awe.

  Luca and Sam had stripped to their waists. Both wolves were hugely powerful, but all Kit’s attention was on Luca...the broad, tanned back, the powerful shoulders that dipped to a flat belly and a slim waist. His thick, brown hair had been tied back and his gray eyes flashed mischievously as he feinted and swiped Sam’s legs from under him. Sam landed with a groan and Luca laughed. Luca bent down, offering his arm, but quick as a flash Sam twisted his legs around Luca’s ankle and Luca landed on top of him.

  All the gammas cheered and clapped. Sam and Luca were laughing and helped each other up. Some of the guards hid their smiles and Kit understood that they didn’t have the same confidence to be openly laughing at their King as the other wolves. Luca rolled off Sam and, still laughing, pulled Sam upright. He clapped him on the back and Kit glanced around.

  Interesting. Asher had his eyes riveted on Sam. He knew Asher was one of the humans who would be competing, but the look on his face held Kit’s attention. Longing, mixed with a healthy dose of anger and frustration. Kit glanced in confusion at Luca and Sam. Luca slung his arm around Sam. They had been friends all their lives, and there was nothing sexual about the contact, but as Sam glanced over at them both he noticed Asher and his smile faltered. For a second, Asher’s eyes met Sam’s, and then Asher fisted his hands and looked away. Luca said something to Sam and he laughed again. When Kit looked back, Asher’s face was blank. Maybe there was another human lusting after a werewolf apart from him.

  Kit looked back at Luca at the same time as Luca saw him. The smile was wide and gratifying and Kit was thrilled as Luca jogged over to him.

  “How are you feeling?” Worry chased Luca’s words, and Kit tried really hard not to sigh. He was getting a little fed up of his delicate flower reputation.

  “Wonderful,” Kit said, “but I could be better,” he added suggestively.

  Luca laughed throatily and bent down for a kiss.


  Their lips didn’t even get a chance to meet as Luca jerked his head back up. It was Nial, the gamma that was responsible for the horses. Apparently, there were going to be some skills demonstrated using them and he needed to know if the humans were going to be allowed to ride. Luca was distracted immediately.

  Kit swallowed his chagrin down. Luca was so involved by the time Sam joined them to give his opinion that Kit slipped away unnoticed. He couldn’t summon the enthusiasm to talk to Asher. Kit dismissed Asher as soon as they entered the pack house, and promised he wasn’t going anywhere except his room.

  He huffed a little because his repeated offers of help had been turned down. There was a large banquet and visiting Alphas to organize. He was used to working in a kitchen after all, but not now apparently.

  He entered the house and immediately heard the she-wolves laughing in the huge lounge area. It was the biggest room in the house, designed so that many of the pack members could come together. Kit knew it had been used as a war room previously, as Luca’s predecessor didn’t like socializing with any except his other Alphas and they didn’t need a large room for that. Kit slipped in silently and stood unnoticed.

  There were six she-wolves, including Tara and Danni. One was an older she-wolf he had never seen before. Her voice was strident and demanding, her gray hair tied tightly in a knot on the top of her head. They were surrounded by at least four female servants and they were all oohing and ahhing over bolts of cloth. Two of the servants were pinning a dress to Tara. Kit watched admiringly. The blue and gold colors complimented Tara’s pale blond hair and she looked really pretty. Kit opened his mouth to say so when the older woman spoke.

  “You will look so well in his Highness’ colors, Tara. You have made such a good choice.” Tara blushed at the praise and did a mock curtsey. Kit went cold all over. Luca and Kit hadn’t mentioned Tara since, but Luca had obviously spoken to Tara. He took a step backwards behind the door.

  “You don’t think I’m being presumptuous?” Tara asked her the other she-wolf. “I am, after all, merely a breeder.”

  “You are an omega,” she huffed, “and don’t you forget it. His Highness will take one look at you wearing his pack colors and forget all about his little toy.”

  How Kit didn’t make a sound was beyond him. Pain lanced his insides so sharply he half expected to see the sword that Luca had wielded so expertly sticking out of his chest.

  Danni made a small, distressed sound. “But Kit is a pure omega. His tattoo...”

  The she-wolf smiled coldly. “Yes, I am aware. The boy has his uses, but he really needs to know his place, and that, I understand, is scrubbing floors.” She tittered along with the other she-wolves.

  Kit put his fist up to his mouth to stop the sob that tried to work its way out of his chest. What was he doing, really? He did know his place. She was right. He had no talents, could barely read. He had no idea how to help Luca run a pack, never mind a whole kingdom. He had served his usefulness already and brought forward his King’s powers. He knew as omega he would now live as long as his Alpha. Could he really spend the next few hundred years or so watching Luca decide that Tara and the other wolves were right? She had looked every inch an Alpha queen in that dress. Luca had never even asked or offered to have Kit dressed in anything special. He didn’t have his own pack colors. He didn’t have anything.

  “Omega,” a servant excused herself as she walked into the room. Kit stiffened as every eye turned on him.

  “Kit,” Danni smiled warmly and took a step towards him, only to be interrupted by the she-wolf.

  “You are the omega?” she said, her voice tinged with apparent disbelief. Kit tried not to cringe as her eyes swept up and down his body. She turned to Tara. “Perhaps you would introduce us?”

  Tara nodded quickly and looked at Kit. “Omega, may I present her Highness, Adrienne Hightower?”

  Kit froze. Hightower? Then that must mean... Kit wanted to crawl into a hole. This she-wolf was Luca’s mother, and she had taken the title because of her son being King.

  “And what is the name of your pack?” she asked pointedly.

  Kit burned in shame. He had heard her comment about scrubbing floors. The woman knew he didn’t have a pack. He didn’t even have a last name.

  A sudden vision of his tattoo flashed into his head and Kit drew himself up. “Actually, your Highness, as I have just mated your son, my house is now the same as yours.”

  Danni bent her head quickly to try and hide her delighted smile.

  Adrienne Hightower’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think for one minute I approve of this arrangement,” she said slowly. “When my son realizes his error, I am confident you will be back to the duties you are so aptly suited to.”

  She meant scrubbing floors. Kit knew what she was saying. It seemed Luca’s mom was one of th
e wolves who saw no value in him at all. The trouble was Kit had no idea how close Luca was to his mother, or how much he may heed her advice.

  An hour later, Kit sat disconsolately on an upturned log in the middle of the woods and tried to decide what to do. He knew he would be in trouble with Asher for giving him the slip but he needed to be on his own. He felt dreadful, and he wasn’t sure whether it was because he had barely eaten anything, or it was Luca’s mother’s poisoned words affecting him.


  Kit jumped and put his hand on his heart. He shook his head at Taheesha. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” He looked around. “Does Iris know you are here?”

  Taheesha scoffed and bumped his hip to slide up the thick lump of wood so she could sit next to him. “Iris is having a meeting, and I was told to go and find something useful to do.” The derision that accompanied her words made it clear what Taheesha’s thoughts on the instruction were. “I smelled your scent so I decided to see where you were.”

  “Iris loves you very much,” Kit scolded gently as the girl snuggled close and laid her head in Kit’s lap. Warmth flowed through him, and Kit knew what she was doing. “Thank you, sweetie,” he said and hugged her close.

  “Tell me what’s the matter,” Taheesha ordered imperiously.

  Kit stifled a sigh. “You must be excited your mother is here. I am surprised you are not with them.”

  Taheesha looked up at him. “I have no love for my mother.”

  Kit blinked in surprise and Taheesha suddenly looked a lot older than her thirteen years. “Who do you think arranged our matings, Kit?” Kit didn’t know what to say. “What were they doing?”

  “They’re fitting Tara with a new dress for the choosing,” Kit said flatly.

  Taheesha snorted. “Let me guess, my mother is organizing it.”

  “I-I don’t think your mom approves of me,” Kit said hesitantly.

  “Does Luca know?”

  Kit shrugged. “Your brother is far too busy to be bothered about dresses, and the whole thing is ridiculous. I shouldn’t even be giving it any thought.” But he was, and it was pathetic.


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