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The Alpha King

Page 11

by Victoria Sue

  “Tell me her colors,” Taheesha asked slowly, and Kit described what he had seen. Taheesha smiled. Kit could practically see her mind working.

  “What?” he asked, suspiciously.

  Taheesha sat up. “We need to go see Molly.”

  “Who’s Molly?” Kit asked, perplexed.

  “Tomas’ wife.”


  Taheesha stood and tugged Kit’s hand. “Trust me. Tara hasn’t won yet.”

  Kit blinked. Shame warmed his cheeks. “No, Taheesha. It isn’t a competition, and I’m not doing anything to embarrass Luca.”

  “Neither am I,” Taheesha insisted. “Molly is a clever seamstress. I think it would embarrass Luca more if his omega hasn’t made an effort like everyone else.”

  Kit let her pull him upright. She had a point, he supposed. He certainly didn’t want to appear like he didn’t care when the whole games and ceremony were so important to Luca.

  They walked companionably for around twenty minutes until they reached the cluster of small cottages where the licensed humans lived. Kit saw Tomas step out of one and Taheesha waved cheerfully at him as he hurried away then skipped right up to an older woman who was bent down weeding in the tiny garden in front of the cottage Tomas had left.

  “Molly,” she cried happily, the woman turning and breaking out into a huge smile while she stood and was hugged by the little girl.

  The woman suddenly noticed Kit and curtseyed immediately. “Omega,” she said respectfully. “Please forgive me, I didn’t see you.”

  Kit was horrified. He rushed forward, clasping the woman’s hands when Taheesha let go. “Please call me Kit, and you certainly have no need to curtsey. I am merely—”

  “Vital to our King, and essential to his kingdom,” Molly interrupted solemnly.

  Taheesha grinned. “Told you.” She arched a brow at Kit.

  “What can I do to help?” Molly stepped to the cottage, waving them both in. “Coffee?” she asked Kit and Kit felt himself practically turn green at the thought. Molly’s eyes narrowed. “I have some homemade lemonade.”

  Taheesha clapped her hands. “Yum, and cookies?”

  Molly laughed, hugging Taheesha. Kit was completely charmed.

  They were all seated at the small white table drinking lemonade and devouring cookies within a matter of minutes. Kit moaned in delight. He was starving. He was suddenly hungry for the first time in days and it was past lunch. Molly clucked and rose. Within a few minutes there was an assortment of fruit and thin-sliced chicken on a plate in front of him, but he hesitated. A lot of humans didn’t eat well...a lot were in fact starving. An idea swirled in his mind.

  “Tomas is well paid. You are not causing us any hardship, omega.” Molly pushed the plate a little nearer and smiled encouragingly. Kit needed no further bidding.

  “Now, what do you need?” Molly asked, and Taheesha immediately explained. Kit’s mouth was, after all, very full.

  “What colors did you say were used?” Molly asked, puzzlement on her features.

  “Blue and gold,” Kit repeated after swallowing.

  “They are technically correct, as Luca is now Alpha of Hendrick’s pack, but I have a much better idea,” Molly said carefully.

  Taheesha giggled and Molly smiled again. “Clever girl,” she praised.

  Kit looked at them both. “What?” he said in confusion.

  “Luca belongs to Hightower pack. His father’s colors are scarlet and black. Classier. Both Iris and Taheesha will appear in those colors.” Molly paused.

  “But I can’t wear a dress,” Kit said exasperated.

  Molly arched an eyebrow. “Certainly not. Now, stand, if you will. I need to take measurements.”

  Kit spent a wonderful hour with his new friends until an exasperated Asher had turned up asking Kit if he was trying to get him fired. Apparently, he had seen Iris—thankfully, before he had seen Luca—and Tomas had said they were both at his cottage.


  Luca had stopped to gulp cold water with Sam. He had been helping arrange the seating areas for tomorrow and they were sitting quietly on their own as an older beta shuffled up asking for a quick audience. Luca immediately invited the beta—who he had never met before—to sit, and then he had his second surprise of the day. He had discovered at first an hour ago, much to his chagrin, from Gabriel who was unearthing documents stored in the cellars, that Hendrick was rich. Very rich. The money from all the businesses in the village was generating a huge income for him and Malachi. He had no idea what to do about it yet. He had seen the state of how many of the unlicensed slaves lived and was toying with the idea of using some of the money to start paying wages. He knew Kit certainly liked the idea and anything that made Kit happy made him happy. He knew from hearing Asher that a lot of humans would accept handouts but then start resenting him for being in the position that they had to. There should be a middle ground somewhere.

  The old beta had sat gratefully and introduced himself. Alleyn was apparently responsible for the Alpha’s jewels.

  Luca had at first thought the man was joking, but he had been carrying a small box and he had given it to Luca.

  “What’s this?”

  “I need to know which piece you will need for your mating gift, Sire.”

  Luca opened the box and stared in shock at the assortment of jewels inside. He picked up a silver necklace resplendent with pale blue stones. “What are these?”

  “Tanzanite, sire. They are only surpassed by their worth in Tallium. It is a beautiful piece.” Luca trickled the necklace through his fingers. The stones reminded him of Kit’s eyes.

  “I love the stones, but...”

  “I understand completely, Sire,” Alleyn said quickly. “This piece was made for a female, but I have some suggestions.”

  Luca blinked. “Yes?” He tried not to be too eager.

  “If I might suggest a simple choker? Elegant, understated.” Luca smiled. He liked that idea very much indeed. “And perhaps a matching ring? Wolves do not wear rings, as you know, but there are ancient human customs where at least one of the couple would wear a ring. It is, I believe, the human equivalent of a mating bite.”

  Luca’s smile broadened. It was perfect. He handed the box back to the old man. “Can it be finished in time?”

  “My mate is standing by to help. She has been ill and we haven’t been at any pack functions for the past week. I only found out this morning the choosing was changed to tomorrow.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” Luca stood.

  The beta shook his head. “No, Sire. I would just need it to be collected from my cottage in the morning if you can?” Luca assured him he would and turned to see Tara, standing nearby, patiently waiting to ask questions about seating arrangements. He was a trifle uncomfortable she had heard him discussing the mating jewels but she didn’t seem upset, and she was, after all, merely acting as a breeder.

  Luca spent the rest of the day planning the choosing. They would have the games and then there was going to be a meal. The nights were still warm enough all the pack could be outside, which was better. He fully intended on inviting everyone, and there was nowhere big enough inside. He’d missed Kit after a few minutes, but he was glad he was out of harm’s way and hoped he was resting.

  He crossed the clearing with Sam and Gabriel and paused as he felt them both stiffen, and he looked up. There was a crowd of humans waiting at the pack entrance. Well, women and children certainly. Iris was pleading with them to have patience as Luca was busy.

  “I am here now,” Luca raised his voice and the crowd of women fell silent. He noticed Josiah, the slave who had prompted him to instigate the rules about children under ten working. The boy looked even more miserable than last week though, if that was possible. Luca frowned. “What seems to be the problem?”

  One of the human women took a step forward and Sam immediately moved quickly in front of Luca. Luca firmly took hold of Sam’s arm and with a dry look moved h
im to one side.

  He looked at the woman. “Do you speak for the group?”

  She nodded, as did the others.

  Luca gestured to the pack house. “Then let us all go inside and speak.”

  The women gaped at the offer. To be invited inside like a guest was clearly not something they were used to. Luca silently went into the empty great room and asked a servant, who had just appeared, to serve refreshments. Juice for the children appeared in minutes.

  “Now, how can I help?”

  The woman with Josiah swallowed nervously, but spoke. “Your Highness, it’s about the child labor law you made.”

  Luca frowned. “Did you want me to raise the minimum age? I realize ten is still young, but—”

  “Sire, we need you to abolish it,” the woman interrupted, and rushed on before Luca could say a word. “Josiah here is my late sister’s child. I lost my husband as well last year and I have two children under five myself. I also have my mother who is too sick to work.”

  Luca nodded. He was sympathetic, but he still didn’t understand. Josiah didn’t earn wages. It wasn’t like he was depriving the woman of income.

  “I cannot afford another mouth to feed, Sire. At least when he was working he had food and a place to sleep. I share living with three other families. I have one room for us and no spare food.”

  Luca gaped. A place to sleep? A stone floor with barely enough food to keep him alive. And Josiah was skin and bone. Luca opened and then immediately closed his mouth as understanding dawned. He hadn’t helped this child and family at all. If anything, he had made the problem worse. He didn’t know what to say, and looked at Sam helplessly. Luca knew that living arrangements were bad for the unlicensed humans. But Josiah’s family had papers. He burned in shame to know this was going on under his nose and he was unaware. Where did he start?

  “My Alpha’s next task is to review all the living arrangements for his pack.” Luca turned his head sharply as Kit spoke up. He stood next to Taheesha, with Asher at his back; Luca hadn’t even realized he was in the room. “We are aware that there are a lot of families in difficulty and as of tomorrow, and every day, all underage children and those too sick to work are to appear at the pack house at twelve for a midday meal. If there are any like your mother who are too sick to leave their homes, then I need their names so food can be sent.”

  Everyone was silent, astonishment written all over their faces. “That is incredibly generous, omega,” the woman said slowly as if she could hardly believe her ears.

  Kit smiled. “I would love to take credit for it, but your King has been planning this for the last few days. He is glad you saved him the trouble of getting you all together to make an announcement.”

  Luca was more astonished that no one called Kit out on such a blatant lie. “And all packs in this territory are subject to the same rules that I instigate here,” Luca confirmed. “I am also changing the law about unlicensed humans being able to work. I expect any with a job to receive a wage as any other.”

  Complete silence fell over the room. Luca grinned. It was nice to silence people by saying something good for a change. The women were stunned, but they stared at each other with huge smiles, every one of them thanking Luca over and over. The refreshments were quickly finished and the crowd left as quickly as it had appeared.

  “I am sorry. I should have asked,” Kit said quietly, standing in front of Luca when the last woman had left. “It was—”

  “A master stroke,” Luca interrupted firmly, “but you shouldn’t have given me the credit for it.”

  “It was the least I could do after offering something that wasn’t mine.” Kit smiled shyly.

  Luca opened his mouth to disagree. Everything he had belonged to Kit also.


  They both turned. It was Luca’s mother. Luca sensed the subtle stiffening in his mate but his face never changed. “Mother,” Luca acknowledged.

  She ignored Kit even though Luca stood with his arm around him. Adrienne pouted and opened her arms. Luca had no choice but to let Kit go and step forward to greet her. Adrienne immediately pulled him around. “Now, we have much to plan. The choosing is tomorrow, and it’s unfair of you to make Tara wait when she has an Alpha-heir waiting for her.

  Luca shot an agonized glance at Kit. He stepped back. Kit immediately interrupted. “If you would both excuse me, I need to go speak to someone on the kitchen staff about the practicalities of feeding everyone.”

  “Sire, you wanted to discuss something with me?” It was Tara who spoke.

  Luca saw Kit’s head snap up. Luca sighed as Kit nearly ran in his hurry to leave the room. He would rather cut out his own heart than to hurt Kit’s, but it looked like he was going to do it again anyway.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Your Highness?” Tara curtseyed.

  Luca immediately frowned and took her hands. “Please, that isn’t necessary.” Tara allowed herself to be helped up and stood expectantly. Luca hesitated. He had no idea what to do or say. He looked at his mother. “Will you excuse us please?”

  Adrienne simpered. “Of course, you have plans to discuss.”

  Luca cringed but waited until she left the room. This was going to be embarrassing enough.

  “If I may, Sire?” Tara put her head to one side and calmly waited for him to answer. Luca nodded sharply and guided her to a seat. He sat down opposite her. Tara delicately placed her hands on her lap. “I am to take part in the choosing tomorrow. The Alpha-heir from the Lansei pack has expressed an interest now that they are permitted to do so.”

  Luca had encouraged the Alphas to talk to their potential omegas before the games. The whole point was a mutual partnership. He hated the idea of the omegas being paraded like cattle. The procession had been abolished at the same time as the grand-beta had been retired whether he liked it or not.

  “But I of course am aware that your mating with Kit will necessitate finding a breeder,” Tara continued and Luca frowned. He didn’t like that term either. “If I may be so bold, Sire... I wanted to say that while I have respect for the other Alpha-heirs, it would be my honor to be of assistance to you both.”

  Luca glanced up at her sharply. He was met with a shy smile. Luca sighed deeply. “I am aware of my responsibilities, Tara. It was just not something I wished to have to deal with when...”

  “When your mating is so new?” Tara interrupted intuitively. “I understand. I hoped that because Kit knows me it might make the arrangement easier. I am also a breeder, which means you would be guaranteed success.” Tara blushed delicately.

  Luca sighed. Did he take the chance that Kit would find it easier because he knew Tara rather than some strange she-wolf? He didn’t have to breed an omega, but Tara being one carried with it a lot of advantages. It was a guarantee of pregnancy. Surely Kit would think Luca lying with her once and getting her pregnant was better than repeated tries? He forced himself to contain a shudder. It would be like a black cloud constantly hovering over their relationship. He had no idea how many tries and over how many years it would take. He would only need to lie with Tara twice. It was a horrific clinical arrangement but possibly one that would be easier on all three of them. It was just not a decision he had intended to make until they were established in Neira.

  Luca stood and took Tara’s hand, bowing formally. “I would be grateful if you would consent.” Tara blushed again, but looked pleased. “And now, if you will forgive me, I have matters to see to.”

  Luca turned and nearly ran from the room. He eyed the staircase and assumed Kit was up there. Luca took a step towards it just as Gabriel entered the pack house.

  “Sire, if I may?”

  Luca looked at Gabriel. “Is it of vital importance?”

  Gabriel smiled. “No, Sire.” He looked behind Luca as if he were hoping Kit was with him. “It is something I wanted to share with both you and Kit. Good news, I think.” He smiled.

  Luca could do with some good news. “Then as soon a
s we are together we will come and find you.”

  But Luca soon got caught up in more pack problems and by the time it was late in the evening he had completely forgot all about Gabriel.


  The next morning Luca cracked his eyes open and whined pitifully at his throbbing head. This wasn’t one of his headaches, though. This was completely self-inflicted torture. He had been trying so hard to put off talking to Kit about Tara he had stayed downstairs with the Alpha-heirs and gammas drinking until the early hours. When he had finally staggered upstairs, Kit had been a curled up mound in the bed covers and Luca had every intention of them talking in the morning.

  Luca groaned pitifully a second time and paused. He knew he only had to shift to get rid of his headache, but he had hoped Kit might see fit to use his talented fingers again. He reached over to touch Kit. Nothing. Luca squinted against the sunlight streaming into the room and put out a cautious arm. The bed was empty. Luca opened his eyes fully in disbelief. He knew it was still very early because of where the sun was, but there were sounds from downstairs indicating that the pack was up and about. Where was Kit?

  Worry filtered through his mind as Luca got out of bed. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he pulled on his pants and walked downstairs. Asher was missing, so he was slightly relieved. Kit wasn’t on his own at least.


  Luca tried not to groan at his mother’s voice.

  “Tara and I were just going to share breakfast. We would love you to join us.”

  Luca paused. The attempts to insert Tara into his life were beginning to get on his nerves. “I’m sorry. I am eating with my mate this morning. You would be welcome to join us both.”

  Adrienne frowned. “Oh, but he left already. I must say, Luca, I realize the mating is an unfortunate necessity, but really, I would expect him to be a bit more discreet.”

  Luca frowned. “Kit is being accompanied by his human bodyguard.”

  Adrienne laughed condescendingly. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m afraid I assumed too much with them being so close. I will see you later then, son.” Luca barely stopped himself fisting his hands in frustration. He should be used to his mother’s brand of criticism by now.


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