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The Way We Were (Solitary Soldiers Book 2)

Page 7

by A. T Brennan

  His parents wanted to take him out to dinner, and they also wanted a tour of the base. More than half of the guys didn’t have family coming to see them, and there were a lot of single guys on the course. A lot of them were buddying up and taking the guys who were alone with them and their families to give them a break from the base and a taste of family time before the next phase.

  Ben hadn’t invited anyone to come with him. It wasn’t that he was selfish or a jerk. The only guys he was close to or felt any sort of friendship with either had family coming or had other invitations so he didn’t feel bad about not inviting anyone along.

  They stayed around the parade square for about half an hour as people came over to be introduced or to introduce themselves, and he introduced his family to his staff. When people started to drift away he took them on a tour around the base, at least the parts of it he was allowed to show them. Then they’d all piled in the car and gone to a local cookhouse.

  There weren’t too many restaurants around so about a third of his course had ended up there as well.

  Sitting around the table, laughing and listening to his family and holding Allie’s hand was exactly what he needed and it made him feel like he was back in reality.

  The last twelve weeks were a blur, but the longer he was around his family the more he started to feel like it really was over and he was back in the real world.

  The guys who had girls coming to see them had set up a sort of protocol. Most of the restaurants in the area had three bathrooms—one for men, one for women and then a family or handicapped bathroom.

  It wasn’t the sexiest or the most sanitary thing, but they were all going to take their girls into the handicapped bathroom at whichever restaurant they ended up at. The thought was a little gross, they were all going to be using the same bathroom for the same purpose, but Ben didn’t care. He’d had a raging erection ever since he’d seen her standing there in a skirt, just as she’d promised. He needed to have her, even if it was in a bathroom an hour before he had to leave her again.

  As soon as he’d gotten to the restaurant he’d excused himself and said he had to wash his hands before they ate. The truth was that he wanted to get himself off before the meal started. One of the older guys on the course had told him it was a good way to make himself last longer. If he rubbed one out and waited for a while he’d be numb when he did have sex.

  After so long away from her he was on quite the hair trigger, and it had taken him less than a minute of thinking about their first night together before he’d finished. Then he’d washed his hands and headed back to the table. He couldn’t wait for the meal to be over so he could be with her again, but that also meant he was getting closer to leaving her, again.

  * * * * *

  “I’m going to tell Mom and Dad I’ve got to go and see a couple of the guys,” Ben whispered in her ear when the meal was over. “When I leave count to ten and then go to the bathrooms. Go into the handicapped one, the single one. I’ll knock four times when I get there.”

  She shivered as his breath tickled her ear and nodded, trying to keep the blush off her face. She watched as he nodded to a few of the guys across the restaurant and then excused himself.

  After he’d left she counted to ten and excused herself to go to the bathroom.

  She tried to keep herself from running as she made her way to the back of the restaurant, and was grateful the single bathroom was free. She slipped inside and closed the door, locking it as she tried to calm her nerves and her adrenaline. She had so much pent-up anticipation in her she could barely stand to wait.

  A moment later there were four knocks on the door and she pulled it open.

  Ben grabbed her around the waist as he stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him as he did. He fumbled with the lock for a moment, and as soon as the door was secure he grabbed her with both arms and backed her into the wall, his lips on hers as he kissed her.

  Allie felt like she was spinning. His lips were hard and hot against hers, and his kiss was insistent. She could feel his hands running over her body and held onto him as he kissed and touched her. After a moment he slid his hand under her skirt and then up her leg.

  “God, Allie.” He groaned against the side of her neck as he pinned her against the wall and slid his hand between her legs. “I need you so bad.”

  “Oh!” she gasped as he slipped his fingers inside her.

  “I want you to come, Allie, but we have to be quiet,” he said against her lips, his voice strained. As he slid his fingers in and out of her he pressed his thumb over her clit. That contact immediately sent a wave of pleasure over her that was so strong her legs buckled the slightest bit. “God you feel good.”

  She bit her lip and buried her face in his shoulder. His hand felt incredible and she could feel herself hurtling toward her orgasm. Her skin flushed, her body tensed and pleasure washed over her, and it took everything she had to keep quiet.

  Her orgasm hit her hard, and her body shook and jerked as he covered her mouth with his so he could swallow her cries with his kiss.

  “Oh wow.” She shook her head when he pulled away from her. “Oh god.”

  “I want to fuck you. I need to fuck you, Allie. I don’t think I can be gentle right now. I need you too much.”

  “Don’t be gentle. Fuck me,” she almost begged, and he didn’t need any more encouragement.

  It took a moment for him to undo his jacket and pull himself free of his pants, but when he was out and ready for her he grabbed her and spun her around so she was pressed up against the wall with him behind her. It took some maneuvering and shifting as he found a way to enter her, but the moment he slid inside her she was lost.

  Allie reached behind her to grab his hips as he slammed himself into her. She felt as though her legs were going to give out on her and she needed to anchor herself. He felt so good she could only squeeze her eyes shut and bite her lip as she felt pleasure building inside her.

  Suddenly he pulled out of her and spun her around. He looped his arm under her knee and lifted one of her legs over his hip as he crouched down. It took a moment to find a way that worked and then he slid inside her again, angling his body slightly away from hers so he could look at her as he moved inside her.

  His free hand found her cheek as he held her face, pressing his forehead against hers as he began rubbing against her clit as he moved inside her.

  Allie had never felt anything like it before and she clung to him, trying to keep her eyes open so she could look at him and memorize him. She felt as if she was sweeping, like she was floating and falling at the same time, and the pressure inside her was stronger than it had ever been.

  “Does that feel good?” he whispered as she gasped and struggled not to cry out.

  “Yes.” She nodded, moaning softly as she gripped his wrist even tighter.

  “Are you going to come?” He grinned as he brushed his lips over hers. “Are you going to come for me, baby?” he asked in a low voice as he left his lips so they were hovering over hers.

  “Oh god.” She felt like she was about to implode. It was so different than when he gave her an orgasm with his hand or mouth, and she could feel the pleasure from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair. “Yes, yes!”

  “Come on,” he urged softly. “Come for me.”

  “I—oh yes.” She fought to keep control of her voice as she gave herself over to the moment.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her mouth as he kissed her. “I love you, Allie.”

  At his words she felt the pressure suddenly peak and it was all she could do to keep herself from screaming. She felt like her entire body was giving out at the same moment and the pleasure was so intense it knocked all thought from her mind.

  She started to slip down the wall as her leg gave out and her body shook and writhed as she struggled to keep her cries quiet. He grabbed her tight and held her up as he gave into his own release.

  When it was over he held her fo
r a long moment, and she didn’t want him to let her go.

  When he did pull away from her he gave her one last kiss and then stepped back.

  It took her a moment to regain her composure. She’d never felt anything like it before, and while it might have been life changing she knew they had to get back. Her legs were still shaking, and she had to concentrate as she pulled her skirt down.

  It wasn’t until she felt something wet running down her leg that she realized what they’d forgotten.

  “Allie?” He was staring down at his now limp cock. It would seem he’d also noticed how he’d forgotten to wear a condom.

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  “But what about, you know?” he asked as he cleaned up and tucked himself back into his pants before he looked in the mirror and started to fix his uniform.

  “You’re the only guy I’ve ever been with,” she said as she wiped herself clean. “You told me you’ve always been careful.”

  “I have, this is the first time I haven’t used one,” he said as he looked at her in the mirror.

  “Then we’re fine.” She shrugged.

  “But what about birth control? Are you taking anything?” he asked as he watched her smooth out her clothes and hair.

  She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Her clothes and hair might look presentable, but there was no way anyone would miss what they’d just done. Her cheeks were flushed red and her eyes were shining and bright. She even had marks on her neck where he’d kissed her.

  “No, I’m not on anything.’’ She gave him a reassuring smile. “But I just had my period so we’re safe this time.”

  He let out a breath and gave her a quick kiss. “Good.”

  “Want me to leave first?”

  “Yeah, I’ll come back in a few minutes.”

  “Everyone will know.”

  “I know, but why advertise it?”

  She gave him one more kiss and then left the bathroom. As she walked back to the table a wave of fear washed over her.

  She’d lied to Ben. She hadn’t just finished her period, she was right smack in the middle of her cycle and they hadn’t used protection. She hadn’t wanted to worry him, to give him one more thing he had to think of while he went for training. She would keep this one quiet unless there was a reason for her to have to tell him.

  * * * * *

  It was obvious to everyone what had happened between Allie and Ben but no one mentioned it. They just sat at the table talking until it was time to go back to the base so he could catch his bus.

  They were all somber when they piled into the car and headed back. His bags were all stacked with the others at the meeting place and the other fifteen guys he was heading out with were already there.

  As they waited for the bus to arrive Ben said goodbye to his family, and they gave him and Allie some privacy so they could say goodbye.

  This leg of his training was only seven weeks, but when it was over he would be posted to his new unit and they would find out where he would be living. In two months he would be moving somewhere permanently and they could be separated by an entire country.

  “I love you, Allie Cat,” he whispered as he hugged her tight.

  “I love you too, Ben.”

  “This part will be easier,” he said against her neck. He didn’t want to let her go until he had to. “I’ll have a phone and access to a computer. We’ll be able to talk every day.”

  “I know. It’s just hard to say goodbye again. I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I know, baby.” He sighed. “I don’t want to let you go either.”

  Just then he heard the loud sound of air brakes behind them and knew the bus had arrived. He gave her one last squeeze and a quick kiss before pulling away from her. He wanted to say one more goodbye to his family before their last moment together.

  She waited as he hugged his sister and father, and then gave his mother a very long hug. The other guys, the ones without families there, were loading up everyone’s bags and it looked as though they were about to start boarding.

  After promising his mother he would call every week he turned back to Allie.

  “Be safe,” she whispered as he hugged her.

  “You too.” He kissed her hair as he squeezed her tight. “I love you more than anything, Allie. Remember that.”

  “I will. I love you too, Ben, forever.”

  He gave her one last kiss and stepped away from her.

  When he saw the tears on her cheeks he almost gave into his own, but he held them back. He had to be strong for her, and for his family. He gave them all one final wave and then turned and boarded the bus, not looking back because he was afraid that if he did he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure.

  He sat down in one of the seats in the back and stared out the window. They were tinted so no one could see him, but he could see them. He watched his father hugging his mother as she started to cry, and his sister hug Allie as they both started to cry.

  He felt the tears on his face and let them fall. He wasn’t the only one on the bus crying. No one would judge him.

  Driving away from them for basic training had been hard, but he’d only been five hours away and he knew the next time he would see her. Now he was flying across the country and he had no idea when he would see her again.

  As the bus pulled away he craned his neck so he could see them until the last possible second, and when the bus turned the corner and they were out of sight he wiped his cheeks and took a deep breath. Now it was time to start the rest of his life.

  Chapter Eight

  September 21st 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  Hey baby, I made it safe and sound. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you last night, but we had to check into the barracks, and by the time I was in and settled it was after midnight and I fell asleep. We have the weekend off before course starts on Monday. It will give me a chance to get to know the area and check out the base.

  I just wanted to send you this email to let you know I’m thinking of you and I’ll call you tonight. Love you.

  September 24th 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  Hey baby, sorry I didn’t call you after my first day but things were nuts. They gave us the outline for the next seven weeks and it’s going to be brutal. Lots of long days, and we’ll be in the field a lot so I won’t be able to call when we’re out, or email.

  I know your schedule is weird too. Can you email me your work schedule every week so I know when to call you? I’ll try to call tomorrow night. Love you.

  September 27th, 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  Hi babe, I missed your call, sorry. I got stuck doing that stupid group project I told you about after class and then I had to work. It’s the weekend, so hopefully you’ll have some time to talk. I’m working tomorrow from 4-10 and then Sunday from 12-6 but I’ll be home after that. Love you, talk soon

  October 2nd 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  Hi baby, we really need to work on getting you your own phone line. Your mom picked up when I called you last night and it got weird fast. Not going to give you details but she’d had a few. I can’t remember if you’re working on Friday. If you are, try calling me after you get home. I can’t guarantee I’ll be here because we’ll probably be hitting the bar, but you might catch me. Love you.

  October 4th 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  Guess I missed you. Called but no answer so I’ll just wait for you to call me this weekend. I’m working the same hours this week so try to catch me after. I barely make enough to pay for the Internet but I’ll see about getting my own line. I don’t want to know and I apologize for whatever Mom said to you. Love you.

  October 7th 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  It was great to talk to all of you at Sunday dinner las
t night. I’ll try to call every week that way I’ll be sure to actually get hold of you. We’re going into the field this week so I won’t be able to call or email. I’ll call you on Saturday, still work the same hours? Love you.

  October 7th 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  Yup, same hours. Have a good week, try not to get lost in the woods! I have a massive paper due so I’ll be busy, plus I picked up those extra hours I told you about. More money is good and staying away from my house is really good. They’re at it again and it’s bad. Anyway, don’t worry about me. Talk to you this weekend. Love you.

  October 12th 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  Well it’s nearly midnight and no call. I hope everything is okay. Are you even back from the field? Did you stay longer? Email me back, or call, just let me know you’re safe. I’ll be at Sunday dinner tomorrow night if you want to call then. Love you.

  October 13th 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  Sorry baby. Back yesterday. Little drunk. Call tomorrow. Love you.

  October 14th 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  I’m home now, call when you can. It’s been a long week.

  October 15th 2002

  To: Allie

  From: Ben

  I’m going to be in the field for most of the rest of course, so I won’t really get a chance to talk to you all that much. I’ll tell you more about it tonight. Call me when you’re done work. I’ll be up late.

  October 31st 2002

  To: Ben

  From: Allie

  Are you home yet? You said you’d be back this afternoon and it’s almost midnight. Call me or something so I know you’re safe.


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