Only You (Robson Brothers Book 3)

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Only You (Robson Brothers Book 3) Page 13

by A. T Brennan

  I heard him moan as I moved my lips back to his dick, and sighed as he pulled off me.

  We spent the next few minutes exploring and teasing each other’s cocks. I traced my tongue up and down each ridge and vein, as he tasted every inch of my swollen crown. When he took one of my balls in his mouth I groaned and pulled off him.

  “Keep teasing me. Move your top leg over me so you’re opened up.

  I had to let go of his cock as I reached for the bottle of lube, but was pleased to see he did exactly as I asked. His heavy leg draped over my hip and I quickly opened the lube and squirted a fair amount onto my fingers.

  It was a bit awkward in this position, but I gripped his dick in my left hand and moved my right hand so I could toy with his hole.

  “Fuck, babe!” Adam pulled off me and shuddered as I teased him.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me in.”

  He groaned as my finger slipped inside him, and after a few strokes I pushed a second one in. He was tight, but his body opened up and I was able to slide my fingers into him without much resistance.

  “Fuck, oh fuck.”

  I kept my fingers moving and made sure to stroke his cock at the same pace. I might be about to angry fuck him, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to watch and hear him getting off first.

  “Stroke my dick, babe. Keep me hard for you,” I urged when his hand stopped stroking me.

  He grunted and did as I said, and this time it was me who groaned.

  “Please, fuck me,” Adam begged after a few minutes of my ministrations.

  “On your front.” I pulled my fingers out of him and let go of his cock.

  It took a minute for us to get up, but he willingly and eagerly moved to his hands and knees in front of me, his hands gripping the comforter as he tilted his hips up. He wanted this. Bad.

  I ripped open the condom and squirted some more lube to make sure I was good and slick, then I lined myself up with his opening.

  “Oh god,” he groaned as I slid into him. There was almost no resistance so I knew I’d done a good job prepping him.

  “That’s it.” I gripped his hips and stared down the line of his body. I loved how his strong muscles almost rippled as he knelt for me. Adam looked like a typical top, but the fact that he was so willing to bottom for me was fucking awesome.

  When he glanced over his shoulder at me and I saw his hungry look I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “God I hope you’re ready for me,” I muttered as I used his hips to pull his ass toward me as I simultaneously pumped my hips forward.


  My pace was relentless as I drove my hips forward over and over again, fucking him as hard as I possibly could.

  He was crying out in pleasure begging for more, and hearing his screams only drove my arousal higher.

  Everything about the moment was incredible, except for the fact that I couldn’t see his face.

  It might have started out as an angry fuck, but now that I was inside him, had prepped and teased him, I didn’t want to just fuck Adam into oblivion and get off. I wanted to see his pleasure, not just hear it.

  I pulled out of him without warning, and he cried out in protest.

  “No, don’t stop—”

  “Flip over.” I pushed on his hip, telling him with my hand I wanted him on his back.

  He flopped over and looked up at me. I had a feeling his look of almost panicked lust matched my own.

  Without needing me to tell him, Adam spread his legs so I could settle between them. I used my hands to push them back so he was open to me, and then sank into his body again.

  “Oh shit. Babe,” he groaned, his eyes closing as I leaned over him so I was as deep inside him as I could go.

  “Yeah, fuck yeah.” I shifted my arms so I could hold myself above his body, then I began to move.

  My thrusts were fast and hard, but they weren’t angry anymore. I was drilling him because I wanted to see him come, not because I was working out my anger.

  Adam looked so hot beneath me with his flushed and slightly sweaty skin, his passion glazed eyes, and holy fucking hell, the sounds he was making were almost enough to make me finish right then.

  I leaned down to kiss him as his arms wrapped around me. My lips played over his as I pounded into him. I made sure to keep my kiss long and slow so I could show him how I felt, even though I couldn’t tell him. I might be fucking his body, but I was making love to his mouth.

  “Oh fuck.” I pulled away from our kiss as my balls tightened and my legs cramped slightly, I was close.

  I wedged my arm between us to grab Adam’s dick, but he pushed my hand away.

  “I’m close, babe,” I warned through gritted teeth. “I can’t hold off much longer.”

  “Just another second,” he panted. “I’m almost there. I want to come like this.”

  It was too late. I could feel my orgasm creeping up my body, but a moment before it overtook me Adam cried out, pulling me against his body as he bucked his hips so he could rub his erection between us.

  The moment I felt his body clamp down on mine and his hot seed spill between our bodies, I was done.

  I fell forward, making sure to catch some of my weight on my arms, as I collapsed on him, pumping into him until my dick was almost soft as I let my orgasm overtake me.

  The release was so strong I felt lightheaded for a moment, and had to take a few deep breaths to get my bearings back.

  “Holy fuck,” Adam panted beneath me, his arms wrapped around me in a death grip. “If that’s how you hate fuck, I just might piss you off more often.

  I laughed and moved off him. “Yeah. That was fucking awesome. Did I hurt you?” I rolled toward him and slipped my arm under his body so I could pull him against me.

  “No, not at all.” He put his head on my chest and sighed. “My entire body feels like Jell-O.”

  “Yeah, mine too.” I kissed the top of his head and started to pull away from him. “I’ve got to clean up.”

  “Oh, sure.” He nodded and rolled away from me.

  I padded through the apartment to get to the bathroom so I could get rid of the condom and wipe down.

  I was still hurt by what I’d seen, but I wasn’t angry anymore. If anything, that little romp in my bed had solidified just how much I wanted and needed Adam.

  Even now, all I could think about was crawling into bed and falling asleep with my arms wrapped around him. I didn’t want to face another night alone knowing he was on the other side of the wall.

  As I made my way back to my room I bumped into Adam in the hallway. He’d cleaned his cum off his chest and was carrying his clothes, looking like someone had just kicked his puppy.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Um, back to my room?” He looked up at me and then dropped his gaze.

  “Do you want to stay in my room tonight?”

  His eye lit up as he looked up at me, and I felt my heart tug at the sight.

  “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

  I took his hand and we made our way back into my room. I waited as he dumped his clothes on the floor, and then let go of his hand so I could pull the covers back.

  Climbing into bed, feeling the mattress dip as he climbed in with me, felt right. And when I lay down Adam immediately pressed up against me, letting me be the big spoon.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I loved him. I actually opened my mouth to say the words, but no sound came out. Instead I took his hand, twining our fingers together as I kissed his shoulder.

  Adam sighed and shuddered softly, his hand gripping mine a bit tighter as he slipped one of his legs between mine.

  “Goodnight, Logan.”

  “Goodnight, Adam.”

  As I settled against him I closed my eyes and sighed. The sex had been awesome, probably the best I’d ever had, but this moment was perfect. Lying here with Adam in my arms, his warm body pressed against mine, felt right.

  I could let go of what I’d se
en at the bar, Adam meant too much to me to lose over a misunderstanding.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up to the feeling of a warm mouth encasing my cock. I groaned as my eyes fluttered open and my hand found the back of Adam’s head as he bobbed over my dick.

  “Fuck, baby.” I shook my head and tried to force my hips to stay on the bed and not thrust up.

  Looking down at him, seeing his enthusiasm as he sucked me was incredible, and I found myself hurtling towards my release a hell of a lot faster than I wanted to.

  In only moments I was tugging at his shoulder, warning him that I was about to come, but he just sucked harder and rolled his eyes over to meet mine. As soon as he locked his gaze on mine I was finished, and I had to struggle to maintain eye contact with him as I came.

  “Fuck.” I panted and reached down for him, hauling him up against my body as I shook my head. “You’re fucking good at that.”

  “I hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t wait to taste you.”

  “You can wake me up like that any day, every day if you want.” I grinned and pulled him down for a kiss.

  I’d expected to exchange a few quick kisses and then have him roll over so I could do the same for him, but Adam had other plans. His kisses slowed until they were soft and teasing, almost like we were sipping at each other’s mouths. Our tongues met and gently touched, but it was almost languid.

  I loved kissing Adam. He used every part of his body when he kissed me, and I loved the feel of his strong chest against mine, his hands alternating between gripping my body so he could pull me closer and stroking my skin. He also didn’t hold back with letting me hear how much he enjoyed it, and his little moans and sighs were fucking amazing to listen to.

  After a long time I had to pull away to catch my breath. My head was spinning and my heart was swelling. I would have been happy to kiss him for hours, but I could feel his still hard cock pressing against my abdomen, and I wanted to give him pleasure too.

  “Now it’s my turn.”

  “Can you use your hand?” Adam asked as I started to push him onto his back. “I want to be able to keep kissing you.”

  How something so innocent sounding could be so hot was beyond me, and my dick twitched in appreciation.

  Instead of answering him I smiled and pushed him back on the bed so I could lay over him and settle between his legs. My dick was still a bit sensitive but I didn’t want to jack him off, I had another idea.

  “How does this feel?” I asked as I rocked my hips so our cocks were sliding against each other.

  “Fucking awesome,” he groaned and began rolling his hips to match my movements.

  From above it must look like I was fucking him, and that thought made me moan as I bent my head to kiss him again.

  He whimpered under my kiss, his lips slanting over mine as our tongues moved against each other. I slid my hands up his arms so our hands were linked and our fingers entwined as I pinned them to the mattress next to his head.

  I could tell he was getting close. His breathing was heavy and erratic and his hips were rocking furiously against mine. He was leaking pre-cum, creating just enough glide that the friction felt awesome, and incredibly, my dick went hard again and I felt the familiar feeling of sweeping upward toward a second orgasm.

  “Come with me.” He broke away from our kiss and looked up at me. “Are you close?”

  I nodded, picking up my pace as he leaned up to kiss me again.

  A few seconds later Adan cried out against my lips, his body jerking as I felt him spill between us, helping me slide over him even faster. Before long my own orgasm was exploding out of me, and I collapsed on Adam in a heap as we both basked in the afterglow.

  Adam shook off my hands and wrapped his arms around me, and I sighed as he nuzzled my neck.

  “Please tell me you don’t have any plans today.” He kissed the tender skin under my ear and I sighed again.

  “Other than staying in bed as long as possible, nothing.”

  “Good.” He kissed me again and then chuckled. “We’ll hit the gym this afternoon.”

  “Uhhhh,” I groaned and hugged him tight. “You’re evil.”

  “I’m training.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather get your exercise in here?” I asked hopefully. “I can think of all sorts of athletic things we can do.”

  He laughed and playfully grabbed my ass. “How about we make a deal. You come to the gym and watch me work my ass off, and then you can do whatever you want to it when we get home?”

  “Hmmmm. Can we shower here? I seem to recall a little talk we had about what I wanted to do to you the next time we took a shower together.”

  “Hmmm. You’ve got it.”


  After spending a few more hours in bed together, just talking and cuddling, Logan and I went to the gym. I should have worked myself to exhaustion to make up for my night of beer and chili cheese fries, but I kept it light. I didn’t want to be too sore. I would leave that to Logan.

  When we got home he made good on his promise to bend me over in the shower, and when we were done we relocated to the couch and cued up an episode of Breaking Bad as we cuddled under a blanket.

  “Hungry?” I asked when my stomach growled.

  “Getting there.” Logan looked up at me from his position against my chest.

  “How does stir-fry sound?”

  “You going to cook for me?” He grinned playfully.

  “If you want me to.” I bent my head and kissed him softly.

  “You spoil me.”

  “You deserve it.”

  “I could get used to this.” He sat up and we both stretched.

  “Yeah, I could too.”

  As I made my way into the kitchen I couldn’t help thinking how perfect this felt, how domestic. It was exactly what I’d always wanted in my life. I just hadn’t realized I’d find it with a guy.

  * * * * *

  After eating we settled in to play a few rounds of Halo, and then Logan looked over one of my assignments for me. We had to pause the game more than once so we could fool around, and I was getting a sore jaw from all the blow jobs I’d given him. By the time eleven o’clock rolled around, we were both yawning.

  “I’m about to fall asleep.” Logan sat up and shook his head. “And the couch definitely isn’t a good idea.”

  “Probably not.” My mouth went dry as I thought about going to my room to sleep alone.

  “Yeah...” Logan looked at me and I could see he was stalling. Did he want to sleep together again?

  “Well, goodnight.”

  “Logan,” I said quickly, stopping him before he could stand.


  “Do you want to come to my room tonight?”

  A wide grin broke out on his face and he nodded. As soon as I saw his look I let out a breath and felt my entire body relax.

  “But I have to warn you, my dick is done for the night. I’m pretty sure I hit my orgasm max the last time.”

  “No worries. I don’t think I could get it up again if my life depended on it.” I laughed and took the hand he reached out for me and let him pull me to my feet. “How about we just sleep?”

  “Sounds awesome.”

  We made our way into my room and I saw my phone was blinking on my nightstand. I hadn’t bothered to bring it with me to the gym, and this was the first time I’d looked at it since before we’d left. I picked it up and scrolled through my missed texts.

  “Anything important?” Logan asked as he stripped off his clothes and crawled into my bed.

  “Text from Katie. She wanted to make sure we made up.” I grinned and quickly texted her back, letting her know we’d spent all day making up.

  A text came back almost immediately, and I bit my lip as I looked at it.


  “She’s offering to be my beard. To let everyone think we’re messing around to get them off my back.”

  Logan looked at me ca
refully. “Do you want to do that?”

  “No.” I shook my head and texted her back. “It was a sweet offer, but I don’t want to keep lying.”

  By his silence, I knew Logan was holding back what he really wanted to say.

  “And Kev and a few of the guys sent me texts congratulating me on getting back in the game.” I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone back on the table.

  “Your friends congratulate each other on getting laid? That’s a bit weird.”

  “It is. I never got that, definitely don’t do it.”

  I stripped off my clothes and crawled in with him. Logan put his arms out and I snuggled up to him.

  “I like this,” he said softly as he held me.

  “Me too.”

  “It feels right, you know?”

  “It does. It feels like we’ve always done this, if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” He kissed my temple as his hand stroked my arm.

  “I will come out and tell everyone, I promise. I’m just not ready yet.”

  “I don’t want to push you, Adam, but I need a timeline of some sort. I don’t think I can handle playing house with you here, and then pretending we’re only friends if we run into each other out there.”


  “That’s not a real answer.”

  “I know.” I sighed. I knew that the longer I pushed it off the more likely it would be that I’d lose Logan, and I wasn’t ready to even think about that.

  “Just a general idea. Please.”

  “How about we invite your friends over and tell them?” I suggested. “I’ll deal with mine later.”

  “You’d be willing to do that?”

  “Yeah.” I rolled over so I could look into his eyes. “I want them to know about us.”

  He beamed as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. “That means a lot to me.”

  “You mean a lot to me.” The real words I wanted to say were on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t get them out. I wanted to say I loved him, but for some reason I couldn’t do it, not yet.

  “You mean a lot to me too.”

  We settled back against the pillows and I closed my eyes. I was exhausted, but my mind continued to spin as I felt my body shutting down.


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